Tuesday, April 23, 2019

CNN 10 4/23


Summarize two current events on CNN 10


  1. Sri Lanka searches for answers after coordinated terrorist attacks, U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.

  2. Sri Lanka searches for answers after coordinated terrorist attacks, U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.

  3. Sri Lanka faces multiple terrorist attacks on their churches. A new tomb was found in Egypt .

  4. There were terrorist attacks on churches in Sri Lanka. Lawmakers are going over the Mueller report.

  5. Sir Lanka police researching the people behind the attacks. A newly-unveiled tomb in Egypt dates back to the fifth dynasty, which ruled the country roughly 4,400 years ago.

  6. In the ten minute video they mentioned the terrorist attacks that happened in Sri Lanka on Easter morning which targeted churches and hotels they also explain how an ancient tomb was found in Egypt and the lawmakers are reviewing the Mueller report.

  7. There were explosions and fires at Sri Lankan churches. The government is looking for terrorists who could have done it. There was a new ancient tomb found in Egypt, and people think it dates back to the 5th dynasty. This means it could be about 4,000 years old. Lawmakers are still going over the Mueller Report, which could possibly get Donald Trump impeached.

  8. Today's CNN 10 focused on the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks and the Mueller report. On Easter Sunday, the nation of Sri Lanka experienced a series of terrorist attacks. At least 290 people were killed and 500 more were injured. Officials don`t know yet why Christians were targeted. The full Mueller report was released to Congress on Thursday with some redactions, yesterday a less edited version was given to congress. Democrats have said they need to see the full Mueller report without redactions and that Congress now needs to investigate whether the president
    committed obstruction of justice.

  9. Sir Lanka searches for answers in connection to the terrorist attack. There were warnings days before the attack that something was going to happen.U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.

  10. the nation of sir lanka are on edge after chains of terrorist attacks that targeted churches and hotels on Easter Sunday, 290 at least killed, and 500 or more were injured. over in San franciso the Lombard street is thinking about changing their cost to drive down the curved road will be 5$, along with the huge increase in drugs being all over the place.

  11. The nation of Sri Lanka is reeling from a series of terriost attacks that targeted churches and hotels on Easter Sunday. At least 290 people were killed and 500 or more were injured when the coordinated attacks took place. Suicide bomber detonated their explosives at three churches across the country. There is a newly unveiled tomb in Egypt and it dates back to the fifth dynasty which ruled the country roughly 4,400 years ago. The tomb contains painting that remains brightly colored despite the passing time.

  12. Sri Lanka is trying to recover from the Easter attacks. An interesting tomb has been discovered in Egypt.

  13. People are concerned about what the animals are eating because they want to know what they could possibly be consuming themselves.

    Another story is about how Donald trump gets his facts wrong as always and people are constantly fact checking him.

  14. Sir Lanka searches for answers in connection to the terrorist attack. There were warnings days before the attack that something was going to happen.U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.

  15. searches for answers in connection to the terrorist attack. There were warnings days before the attack that something was going to happen.U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.

  16. There were explosions and fires at Sri Lankan churches. The government is looking for terrorists who could have done it. There was a new ancient tomb found in Egypt, and people think it dates back to the 5th dynasty. This means it could be about 4,000 years old. Lawmakers are still going over the Mueller Report, which could possibly get Donald Trump impeached.

  17. There were warnings days before the attack that something was going to happen.U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.


  18. Sir Lanka police researching the people behind the attacks. A newly-unveiled tomb in Egypt dates back to the fifth dynasty

  19. There were explosions and fires at Sri Lankan churches. The government is looking for terrorists who could have done it. There was a new ancient tomb found in Egypt, and people think it dates back to the 5th dynasty. This means it could be about 4,000 years old. Lawmakers are still going over the Mueller Report, which could possibly get Donald Trump impeached

  20. The full Mueller report was released to Congress on Thursday with some redactions, yesterday a less edited version was given to congress. Democrats have said they need to see the full Mueller report without redactions and that Congress now needs to investigate whether the president
    committed obstruction of justice.

  21. A U.S. carrier strike group is deployed to the Strait of Hormuz to send a message to Iran. A new conversation is taking place about the Holocaust after a father and daughter use Instagram to tell the story of a genocide victim.

  22. Oh boy. This may not exactly end well. Everyone, we should probably start setting up Bunkers. Want to know why? Well, a U.S. carrier strike group is deployed to the Strait of Hormuz to send a message to Iran. See what I'm getting at? Also, yeah, the Holocaust is a thing again. On social media that is. The unforgettable event that took millions of lives over a good 60 years ago, has been a revived topic by a daughter and father as they tell the story of a genocide victim.

  23. There were explosions and fires at Sri Lankan churches. Sir Lanka searches for answers in connection to the terrorist attack. There were warnings days before the attack that something was going to happen. U.S. lawmakers review the Mueller Report, and Egypt uncovers another ancient tomb.- Amber
