Monday, November 27, 2017

Freewrite on Finance

Summarize two articles related to teens and finance.


  1. Amiel Dawson

    Low housing supply has pushed up home prices and created multiple offer situations and bidding wars throughout the country.

  2. Many young teen don't know enough about finance,which has some bad consequences in the future.Most teens can do budget calculations and compare benefits of borrowing money at different rates and terms. In recent studies 5 in 6 teens know the difference between want and need.

  3. Not being a high interest of my knowledge right now, but finance is common around the living of the world we live in today. Society has become one with the cites of finance. Housing, plumbing, food, gas, etc. We need god quality of finance among our lives.

  4. Most teens get or try to get jobs, because they want to have money for them selves. They would like to make their own money to spend on anything they want or need. They don't understand finances situation their parents may go through. I think finances should be taught in high school, because we will really need that throughout our adulthood in life.

  5. Teens really don't understand finances right now but they want jobs so they can buy things without relying on their parents.

  6. Most teens get or try to get jobs, because they want to have money for them selves. They would like to make their own money to spend on anything they want or need. They don't understand finances situation their parents may go through. I think finances should be taught in high school, because we will really need that throughout our adulthood in life.

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  8. Many young teen don't know enough about finance,which has some bad consequences in the future.Most teens can do budget calculations and compare benefits of borrowing money at different rates and terms. In recent studies 5 in 6 teens know the difference between want and need.
