Friday, November 3, 2017

Freewrite on politics

Summarize any two current events in politics


  1. A cap on mortgage interest deductions proposed in the tax reform bill unveiled Thursday seemed like the one thing Republicans and Democrats could agree on.

    secretary Sarah Sanders was pretending President Trump said something else when she tried to clarify his remarks calling the US justice system a "laughingstock."

  2. President-elect Donald Trump announced he will tap Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for the role of national security advisor, the transition announced Friday. that had been offered and accepted.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. president trump has been offered and accepted

  5. resident-elect Donald Trump announced he will tap Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for the role of national security advisor, the transition announced Friday. that had been offered and accepted.

    A cap on mortgage interest deductions proposed in the tax reform bill unveiled Thursday seemed like the one thing Republicans and Democrats could agree on.

  6. Donal trump will make Army Lt. Gen. Micheal Flynn for the role national secruity advisor.

    A cap on mortage interest deductions in the tax reform bill unveild thursday.

  7. President Trump has claimed that the US military is going to hit ISIS much harder after what happened in New York.ISIS has recently claimed responsibility for the attack even though there has been no evidence that they planned the attack.

    Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said today that the United States has provided no evidence for its claims that US diplomats in Havana have come under deliberate sonic attack. The minister says that the health problems are being used as a pretext of a political character, to harm bilateral relations. He also said that the United States hasn't provided his government with any proof to substantiate President Donald Trump's statement that Cuba is to blame for medical problems suffered by more than 22 US diplomats and family members, some of whom have reportedly suffered brain injuries.

  8. Up until this week, Donald Trump could say, with some veracity, that the special counsel investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election and potential collusion with his campaign hadn't produced a single tangible result. After this week, Trump can't make that claim. Or anything close to it. When we look back at the long arc of Russia's interference in last year's election, the past four days will stand out as the week that the special counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller got very real for President Trump and his political inner circle. This will be the week that this all went from a theoretical discussion of who did what wrong when and who knew what when to a deadly serious endeavor with potentially long-running impacts not just on Trump's administration but the nation more broadly.

  9. HAARP....
    Controls the weather. A weapon under possession of the military to use against their opponent during a severe situation.. If you are wondering, yes this is technology used in the world we live in today! It is apart of a conspiracy but I assure you it is 100% a real thing! Government are in control of this huge device as well! Don't be denial or naive...

    Human cloning. A myth or is it real! The government like to trade this in with conspiracy theories and untrue things, but I believe that is an experiment. Has cloning been a thing in the world? OF course it has! Has it been successfully carried out? No. Is it used? Yes!!

  10. In South Korea, Trump singled out China in a speech, urging the country to "implement UN sanctions, downgrade diplomacy and sever trade" with Pyongyang.

  11. President-elect Donald Trump announced he will tap Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for the role of national security adviser, the transition announced Friday. that had been offered and accepted.

  12. The enrollment period to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act begins Wednesday, but far fewer Americans may be aware of it because the advertising budget was cut by the Trump administration by 90% compared to last year.

  13. A cap on mortgage interest deductions proposed in the tax reform bill unveiled Thursday seemed like the one thing Republicans and Democrats could agree on.

  14. the house of intelligence committee plants to interviwe next week the russian american lobbyist who was at the trump tower meeting

  15. NYT: NSA struggling following major leaks:The National Security Agency's cyberweapons are being used against them following a series of leaks by an unknown group, according to a published report. The New York Times, citing current and former agency officials, is reporting that a group called the Shadow Brokers has been targeting the NSA with the tools the agency developed to spy on other countries. North Korean and Russian hackers "picked up" and "shot back at the United States and its allies," the Times reports.

    JFK docs: CIA received JFK assassination warning in 1962: Claims of a Soviet plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy as early as 1962 -- which the CIA ultimately dismissed -- were included in a 1963 memo to a top US investigation official, this week's dump of declassified JFK assassination files reveals. The memo to James Lee Rankin -- then-general counsel for the Warren Commission -- details a tip that the CIA had received in the immediate aftermath of the killing from "an individual who described himself as a Polish chauffeur for the Soviet Embassy (in Canberra, Australia)." The memo says that the individual "touched on the possibility that the Soviet government had financed the assassination of President Kennedy."

  16. President Trump has claimed that the US military is going to hit ISIS much harder after what happened in New York.ISIS has recently claimed responsibility for the attack even though there has been no evidence that they planned the attack.

    Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla said today that the United States has provided no evidence for its claims that US diplomats in Havana have come under deliberate sonic attack. The minister says that the health problems are being used as a pretext of a political character, to harm bilateral relations. He also said that the United States hasn't provided his government with any proof to substantiate President Donald Trump's statement that Cuba is to blame for medical problems suffered by more than 22 US diplomats and family members, some of whom have reportedly suffered brain injuries.
