Monday, March 5, 2018


Freewrite on two current events.


  1. There were no envelope screw-ups this time. There were historic wins and political jokes and memorable speeches and a jet ski prize, but these 90th Academy Awards will be best remembered for how the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements took center stage.The worst is over, but we've still got a ways to go. Flu season has peaked in the US, the CDC says. But that doesn't mean we're all in the clear, as there are many more weeks of flu season to go.

  2. the annual oscar had their award show last night. there were a lot of winners and unlike last year there wer lots of black people that won an oscar. President Donald Trump on Monday dangled the possibility of lifting the new steel and aluminum tariffs he's imposed if NAFTA is renegotiated to terms more favorable to the US.

  3. The U.S is still reeling from the effects of the attack on Parkland school shooting. And survivors of the attack have sparked activists everywhere to rise up and take a stand against the violence that we are all too familiar with. But history is repeating itself — and it's far past time for a change, says one former school shooter.

    Students are leading the fight for tighter gun control legislation in the aftermath of the horrific Parkland school shooting, which killed 17 people. So far, they've organized a number of marches, including #NeverAgain and March For Our Lives, have inspired some of the nation's top companies to sever ties with the NRA, and have met with lawmakers to discuss meaningful gun control measures.

  4. the arming of teachers is about begin, considering the mass shooting and the raise in death rates of teenagers across the globe it seems like the only option that can be took place amongst other things. president trumps rumors have been surfasing about his recent assistant resigning seeming that he may have some reason in it.

  5. the annual oscar had their award show last night. there were a lot of winners and unlike last year there wer lots of black people that won an Oscar.Donald Trump is remaking the law in his own image

  6. There were Iranian protests and ten people died as a result of the protests. There were an additional two deaths by the fifth day so there were 12.

  7. The U.S is still reeling from the effects of the attack on Parkland school shooting. And survivors of the attack have sparked activists everywhere to rise up and take a stand against the violence that we are all too familiar with. But history is repeating itself — and it's far past time for a change, says one former school shooter.

    Students are leading the fight for tighter gun control legislation in the aftermath of the horrific Parkland school shooting, which killed 17 people. So far, they've organized a number of marches, including #NeverAgain and March For Our Lives, have inspired some of the nation's top companies to sever ties with the NRA, and have met with lawmakers to discuss meaningful gun control measures.

  8. West Virginia legislators scrambled Monday to see whether there is enough money to meet teacher pay demands and end a strike that has dragged into its eighth day.
    A legislative conference committee appointed to resolve differences between the state Senate and House is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m.
    "We recognize the urgency of this situation," said Delegate Paul Espinosa, chair of the House Education Committee and co-chair of the conference committee on House Bill 4145, the pay raise legislation.
    Gov. Jim Justice and the union leaders last week agreed that teachers and service personnel would receive a 5% pay raise. The House approved the proposal, but the Senate passed a 4% raise. Union leaders say the teachers won't return to work until they get a 5% raise.

  9. President Donald Trump on Monday accused the Obama administration of using the investigation into potential ties between his campaign and Russia's meddling in the 2016 election to discredit his bid and boost the chances of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

    It's been six months since President Donald Trump moved to end a program that protected young undocumented immigrants from deportation, and Washington seems to be no closer to a resolution on the day everything was supposed to be solved by.

  10. There were Iranian protests and ten people died as a result of the protests. There were an additional two deaths by the fifth day so there were 12.

  11. The Oscars were last night. The filmmaker for Get Out won an award and made history for being the first black person to receiving the most original screenplay. Trump is planning to incorporate steel and aluminum tariffs.

  12. President Donald Trump on Monday accused the Obama administration of using the investigation into potential ties between his campaign and Russia's meddling in the 2016 election to discredit his bid and boost the chances of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.
    West Virginia legislators scrambled Monday to see whether there is enough money to meet teacher pay demands and end a strike that has dragged into its eighth day.

  13. Students are leading the fight for tighter gun control legislation in the aftermath of the horrific Parkland school shooting, which killed 17 people. So far, they've organized a number of marches, including #NeverAgain and March For Our Lives, have inspired some of the nation's top companies to sever ties with the NRA, and have met with lawmakers to discuss meaningful gun control measures. In other news,The Oscars were last night. The filmmaker for Get Out won an award and made history for being the first black person to receiving the most original screenplay. Trump is planning to incorporate steel and aluminum tariffs.

  14. The chaos in President Donald Trump's White House and his unconventional public statements have sometimes obscured his administration's agenda for the law. But it is concerted, consistent and could have an impact for decades.

  15. There were no envelope screw-ups this time. There were historic wins and political jokes and memorable speeches and a jet ski prize, but these 90th Academy Awards will be best remembered for how the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements took center stage.The worst is over, but we've still got a ways to go. The U.S is still reeling from the effects of the attack on Parkland school shooting. And survivors of the attack have sparked activists everywhere to rise up and take a stand against the violence that we are all too familiar with. But history is repeating itself — and it's far past time for a change, says one former school shooter.

  16. Black Panther became the 10th highest grossing movie of all time this past weekend. After a very successful first weekend (and people going to watch the movie 2-3 times), the movie has earned an astounding $506.6 million dollars within its first 3 weeks of launch. It currently sits 9th on the all-time list. Also, the March Madness tournament starts within the next two weeks.

  17. a horrible storm and flood occurred in northeat=st america and several flights got canceled. also, Black Panther became the 10th highest grossing movie of all time this past weekend. After one weekend, they made 506.6 million dollars

  18. California disclosure law for faith-based pregnancy centers faces free-speech test in the Supreme Court.California Bill Would Require Fire Inspections For Homeschool Families

  19. The movie "The Blindside was based on a true story by Michael Oher who thought that the movie was not good because he felt like it was a poor representation of his real, and went as far to say that the film did more damage then anything.

    The Disappearance of a 15-year old Dutch girl named Nicole van den Hurk who was from the Netherlands was found murdered on a roadside on October 6, 1995. The murdered case of Nicole van den Hurk still shocks her parents till this day, after 20 years to find out who killed the missing teen her step brother comes forward with a new revelation.
