Tuesday, February 27, 2018

school shootings

What do you think about all of the recent school shootings. Do you feel safe at DHS, and what needs to be improved?


  1. i think the recent school shootings are sad and are getting out of hand. At DHS i do not feel safe because i feel like DHS wouldn't be prepared for a school shooting. What needs to be improved is the system we use if a school was to occur.

  2. I think that the school shootings is unnecessary and you have to be a weak minded individual to let somebody make you shoot up a school.

  3. I think the school shooting are very bad events, and is due to not following protocol, I thing that drills should be done to prevent that from happening again, it should also be done at dutchtown

  4. I think the past school shooting was sad and is getting out of hand. Yes i feel like DHS is a safe place

  5. i think all the recent school shootings are a product of its surroundings, if these children arent monitered and these behaviors have been seen to be very unresponsive we need to help these kids or box them out so they cant be a danger to others also i believe all schools should have metal detectors or guards that can search you before any of this could be placed. therfore i dont feel like dutchtown is safe and it needs to improve on security

  6. I think the recent school shooting were horrible, and could have been avoided or better handled. I feel safe at Dutchtown, but I feel like DHS could have better security and be better prepared.

  7. I think that not only recent, but school shootings period are getting out of hand. At Dutchtown, I feel safe around my peers because I know everybody.

  8. I think that all these school shootings are ridiculous and it's also crazy that the recent school shooter excuse is that he's a "troubled child". Yea I feel safe at DHS but you never know what could happen, God forbid though.

  9. I feel like the school shootings are horrible. No students should have to go through something so bad like that. Dutchtown is somewhat safe judging that there are always a shooting in the area so its not to safe but there is no exact time when it could happen to us.

  10. I feel as if these school shootings are getting out of hand and something really needs to be done, whether its better security or more lock down drills. Any of these shootings could've occurred t Dutchtown, so we are really all blessed that nothing has happened to our school, however I think we could potentially have better security

  11. school shootings are always terrible theres nothing good that ever comes out of a tragic event like this. i dont feel completely safe here i think there should be more security at Dutchtown

  12. These school shootings have made me worried. I feel somewhat safe at Dutchtown, but I think the school would be underprepared if a tragedy like that happened.

  13. I am afraid that something like that will happen at Dutchtown. I've seen too many incidents of school shootings like the Columbine High School & Sandy Hook Elementary School. I don't want that to happen to Dutchtown so we need to do whatever we can to avoid an incident like that from happening.

  14. I feel safe because i am God fearing so school shootings do not make scared

  15. School shootings make my parent nervous because she do not want anything to happen to me but i think they are terrible and just devastating

  16. These school shootings have made me nervous to attend school sometimes, it is happening way to often and I fear it may hit our school one day. I feel safe at Dutchtown but anything can happen so we need to be aware of my surroundings.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think that not only recent, but school shootings period are getting out of hand. At Dutchtown, I feel safe around my peers because I know everybody.

  19. I feel as if school shootings are getting way out of hand. Kids, honestly feel unsafe coming to school. No child should have to go through that having to lose his/her life or watch a friend lose their life. Any of these shootings could've occurred at Dutchtown, so we are really all blessed that nothing has happened to our school, however I think we could potentially have better security.

  20. I think that the school shootings is unnecessary and you have to be a weak minded individual to let somebody make you shoot up a school.

  21. I think school shootings are getting way out of control. A lot of kids don’t feel safe going to school anymore, and honestly, there’s nothing that can really be done.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. How I feel about these school shootings is ridiculous, I don't understand how someone can just go into there own school and shoot it up by not thinking they weren't going to jail. then make a whack statement saying that they were depressed or lost someone when they just really wanted everybody to suffer.
