Tuesday, February 6, 2018


What is your thoughts about this article?



  1. I think the keecker is a wonderful ideal. If you have the money for it it could be a great purchase. This would cost less than buying a tv for every room in the house and could save you some money.

  2. I think that if you buy this you won't need cable or a tv.

  3. I think the robot would save you money

  4. if people get that they prolly wouldn't buy tv or a firestick

  5. This device would allow you to save money without having to buy a tv or cable (which comes with a bill).

  6. i feel like this is only useful for certain things. its probably more expensive than a normal projecter and both have the same functions. its a waste of money

  7. I think the Keecker robot projector is a good product. It's smart and it could be very useful, but I don't think its worth $1,790.

  8. I think the Keecker is very cool. It's kinda like Alexa in my opinion. Except it can move from room to room.

  9. I think that the Keecker could be very useful and cool to have, however I don't think it should cost $1,790, maybe a little less, but it could possibly replace TV's.

  10. i think keecker is cool, i just dont believe it should be so costly

  11. i tihkn the keecker is alright, however it seems like a waste of money and i wouldn't recommend it for my household considering the fact that we have TVs, ipads if we want to watch tv anywhere and on the road, and its kinda lazy to have the robot do everything for you.

  12. I think that the Keecker could be very useful and cool to have, however I don't think it should cost $1,790, maybe a little less, but it could possibly replace TV's.

  13. This device would allow you to save money without having to buy a tv or cable (which comes with a bill).

  14. It is a smarter and cheaper way to watch tv and can save more money for the users

  15. I think its a good idea. If you have the money for it it could be a great purchase. This would be cheaper than buying a tv for every room in the house and could save you some money

  16. I think keekcker is a good dude but it really does seem like a waste of time.

  17. It might be useful to an extent, I wouldn't buy it though

  18. i think the keecker is alright, however it seems like a waste of money and i wouldn't recommend it for my household considering the fact that we have TVs, ipads if we want to watch tv anywhere and on the road, and its kinda lazy to have the robot do everything for you.

  19. The keeckler is a good idea, however, it does seem a little too overpriced. Add in the fact that it doesn't always work, and I don't think it's worth the price.
