Thursday, February 8, 2018

Current Events

Summarize two current events


  1. roops, missiles and tanks rolled into North Korea's historic Kim Il Sung Square Thursday in a highly anticipated parade of military might on the eve of South Korea's Winter Olympics.The International Criminal Court launched an inquiry into Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte's brutal war on drugs, Duterte's spokesman said. Rights groups long have accused Duterte of human rights violations in his anti-drug campaign, which Human Rights Watch estimates has killed 12,000 people since June 2016.

  2. It is the first time that a member of Kim's ruling dynasty has visited the South since the Korean war of 1950 to 1953. Such a high-level meeting would have been unimaginable even a few months ago, but Moon sees the Winter Olympics as a chance to make diplomatic inroads with the North.

  3. For two weeks this month, the world’s attention will focus on Pyeongchang, South Korea, to marvel at the incredible athletics performed at the 2018 Winter Olympics. politically charged memo on Feb. 2 that accused F.B.I. and Justice Department leaders of abusing their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser suspected of being an agent of Russia.

  4. For two weeks this month, the world’s attention will focus on Pyeongchang, South Korea, to marvel at the incredible athletics performed at the 2018 Winter Olympics. In this short documentary, “Sinking Islands, Floating Nation,” a filmmaker and visual anthropologist follows Anote Tong, former president of the Republic of Kiribati, as he travels the world to ring the alarm about climate change’s dire consequences for his nation.

  5. Meghan McCain was very hurt and believes Trump won't personally attack her father again, who has cancer that she had a conversation with Trump about her dad's cancer diagnosis. Trump was allegedly making physical mockeries of her father's war injuries. Troops, missiles and tanks rolled into North Korea's historic Kim Il Sung Square Thursday in a highly anticipated parade of military might on the eve of South Korea's Winter Olympics.

    The choreographed display involved hundreds of soldiers marching in unison, planes soaring above and four of Pyongyang's newest and most sophisticated missile, the Hwasong-15. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watched all of it from a balcony above.

  6. roops, missiles and tanks rolled into North Korea's historic Kim Il Sung Square Thursday in a highly anticipated parade of military might on the South Korea's Winter Olympics.It is the first time that a member of Kim's ruling dynasty has visited the South since the Korean war of 1950 to 1953

  7. A US Olympian was mad that they didn't win the coin toss to bear the US flag during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Many Philadelphia football players are reluctant in visiting the white house.

  8. Donald Trump was said to have been making a mockery of Meghan McCain's father injuries from the war.

  9. With nothing but the clothes on his back and less than $300 in his pocket, Amer Adi was put on a plane and deported to Jordan, the country he left 39 years ago to pursue his American dream.

    His 94-year-old mother sat in a wheelchair at the arrivals gate, overcome with emotion as she waited for Adi. She hadn't seen him in 20 years.
    As he walked out, his siblings, nephews and nieces broke out in cheers. But they were soon in tearsFormer President George W. Bush said Thursday that there is "pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled" in the 2016 presidential election.

    "It's problematic that a foreign nation is involved in our election system because democracy is only as good as the people trust in results," Bush said at a Milken Institute summit in Abu Dhabi, according to The Independent. He added, "There's pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled."

  10. North Korea recently staged a highly anticipated military parade,Troops, missiles and tanks rolled into North Korea's historic Kim Il Sung Square Thursday in a highly anticipated parade of military might on the eve of South Korea's Winter Olympics. & 'Pillar of the community' deported from US after 39 years to a land he barely knows.

  11. Four-star wide receiver Jacob Copeland committed to the University of Florida on National Signing Day. His mother walked out of the signing ceremony when he made the announcement.
    Dwyane Wade is going back to where his NBA career began, as the Cleveland Cavaliers reportedly traded the 12-time All-Star to the Miami Heat on Thursday.

  12. donald trump was said to have been making a mockery of meghan mccains father injuiries from the war and continues to try to build his wall and sees the problems in his plan

  13. A US Olympian was mad that they didn't win the coin toss to bear the US flag during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Many Philadelphia football players are reluctant in visiting the white house.

  14. It is the first time that a member of Kim's ruling dynasty has visited the South since the Korean war of 1950 to 1953. Such a high-level meeting would have been unimaginable even a few months ago, but Moon sees the Winter Olympics as a chance to make diplomatic inroads with the North.

  15. The choreographed display involved hundreds of soldiers marching in unison, planes soaring above and four of Pyongyang's newest and most sophisticated missile, the Hwasong-15. North Korean leader kim watched all of it from a balcony above F.B.I. leaders of abusing their surveillance powers to spy on a former Trump campaign adviser suspected of being an agent of Russia.

  16. A US Olympian was mad that they didn't win the coin toss to bear the US flag during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Many Philadelphia football players are reluctant in visiting the white house.

  17. It is the first time that a member of Kim's ruling dynasty has visited the South since the Korean war of 1950 to 1953.A US Olympian was mad that they didn't win the coin toss to bear the US flag during the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Many Philadelphia football players are reluctant in visiting the white house.

  18. Black Panther became the 10th highest grossing movie of all time this past weekend. After a very successful first weekend (and people going to watch the movie 2-3 times), the movie has earned an astounding $506.6 million dollars within its first 3 weeks of launch. It currently sits 9th on the all-time list.
    Also Kobe Bryant became the first basketball player in NBA history to win an Oscar with his short film "Dear Basketball"
