Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Do you think that a runoff election will be needed? What is your opinion


  1. Yes, because i think that they will need a re-count and most of times the lead is wrong.

  2. A runoff election is definitely needed. preferably one where Kemp isn't in charge of the election. Hundreds of thousands of votes haven't even been counted yet.

  3. Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams is not conceding the Georgia governor's race to Republican candidate Brian Kemp, arguing that the high stakes contest is too close to call.

  4. I do think that a runoff is needed but democrats and not to be racial Black people never seem to come and vote when it comes down to smaller elections like a runoff. They will vote and keep it going. So i do think one is needed but much is stake when this happens.

  5. I think that it is amazing that Stacy won't drop out. Stacy came this far and if she drops out now it would reflect badly on her character and what she stands for. It makes it seem like what she's fighting for isn't important. Then the next time she runs I wouldn't even concerned voting for her because how she dropped out in the race. Stacy is thinking about her future with her decision of not dropping out. At least she thought that far.

  6. I do think that a runoff election is needed because there are still thousands of votes to be counted, and they are predicted to be for Abrams. I also think a runoff is necessary because it is a race involving very many racists(as all political races are) who will find numerous ways to say Abrams did not win by majority vote.


    It's hard to tell. Stacey Abram brought up very good reasons why she not conceding, mentioning that many voices didn't have the chance to be heard. Though this is a good point, I think there are many factors that'll bury this point into the ground. Georgia has been a Republican state since 1861. The chances of that changing now with a black woman in a position of power is almost slim to none. Sad to say, but there ARE other factors that contribute to politics that doesn't have to do with politics...But Stacy Abrams is vigilant. As i said before, it's hard to tell.

  8. yes the runoff election needs to be in place. They need to vote and keep going.

  9. I do because the percentage is too close not to runoff.

  10. I believe that a run off election will be needed because you can not allow a candidate to run the votes because there is a chance that they could manipulate the system to his liking. Allowing him to win without actually having votes.

  11. I do believe they should be a runoff election. The percentage are to far apart to me in my opinion. So there's probably other votes to re check as well. Stacey Abram came far to back down so she wants to at least make sure she hasn't been cheated when doing these votes.

  12. They should I think because they might have more votes coming in so they should have the run off.

  13. Zion's Post:I do thin there should be a runoff because the votes are very close and that both candidates should get more time.

  14. I think that a runoff election will be needed. Stacey Abrams is so close to winning and Brian Kemp's votes are starting to go down.

  15. I think they may need to do that just to have a fair race.

  16. Probably not because Georgia is a republican state.But good thing it getting better with people going to the polls and voting.

  17. Of course there needs to be a runoff election because they need to recount those votes. They need to recount those votes because people be cheating and miss counting and end up putting the wrong person in office. An example of putting the wrong person in office would be President Donald Duck. That is a fact PERIOD. Therefore, their needs to be a runoff election.

  18. They should have a runoff election just to make sure everything is fair and correct.

  19. I think that it shouldn't be a runoff election because Stacey Abrams is close winning while kemp's votes are going down.

  20. I think that it is not necessary because while stacy abrams votes are going up kemps are going down and she should win

  21. I think that there should be a run off election because I feel this election is very crooked. First of all, Brian Kemp runs the polls. And maybe he had something to do with why Abram was behind by so much. I think there should be a run off but I also think that Kemp should not even be able to run.

  22. I am worried that a runoff might happen. This election is so close. I just really hope that Brian Kemp will still be the winner. Georgia must not lose its identity because of race, gender, and politics. If Stacey Abrams were our new governor, she would flip the entire state upside-down.

  23. believe that a run off election will be needed because you can not allow a candidate to run the votes because there is a chance that they could manipulate the system to his liking. Allowing him to win without actually having votes.

  24. I think a runoff election is needed because votes are still being counted.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. A runoff will have to happen because they are very close in votes.

  27. It will be needed because depending on the amount of votes, they will needed to be re counted espically if they are very close in votes.

  28. I think that it is bold that Stacy won't drop out. Stacy came this far and if she drops out now it would reflect badly on her character and what she stands for.

  29. Yes. I think Stacey is right to not concede. She's proving a point that we as a community will not just give up.

  30. I believe that a run off election will be needed because you can not allow a candidate to run the votes. It makes it seem like what she's fighting for isn't important. Then the next time she runs I wouldn't even concerned voting for her because how she dropped out in the race. So I do think one is needed but much is stake when this happens.
    (Isaiah Placide)

  31. I think that a runoff will be needed in the end to make sure all of the votes are counted. It'll also help if Kemp wasn't doing the count so it can be fair.

    ~Mackia Badio

  32. Yes, think a runoff is necessary. Stacey obviously isn't going to drop out and things are too close.

  33. Yes, i feel as if they need a runoff election will be needed, the method used to elect a single winner, where the voter casts a single vote for their chosen candidate. I personally am rooting for Stacey and as the article says "These counties also represent heavily-Democratic leaning constituencies, and the majority of those votes are anticipated to be for Stacey Abrams,"

  34. Yes because everybody's vote is not being counted and it will not be a fair election. -Jaila Lord

  35. I feel as if there should be one...Stacey isn't going to drop out at all

  36. I think Stacey should win. she will be great in office. also, she has a good ideas for Georgia.

  37. Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams is not conceding the Georgia governor's race to Republican candidate Brian Kemp, arguing that the high stakes contest is too close to call.

  38. Democratic Stacey Abrams is not conceding the Georgia governor's race to Republican candidate Brian Kemp, arguing that the high stakes contest is too close to call with the possibility of a runoff next month.

  39. I do believe a runoff election needs to take place.

  40. I do because I voted for Stacy Abrams and it wasn’t lookin too hot for her so this is another chance.

  41. In my opinion, it would be best to do a re-count just to be sure that it is accurate.

  42. They should have a runoff election just to make sure everything is fair and correct

  43. A run off election is needed because nobody would want there vote to not be counted

  44. YES! Kemp has too many conspiracies about withholding voter registrations in minority communities. Now that he has resigned from that position I belive his replacement, must 1) ensure all votes from THIS election are counted in a timely manner and 2) improve conditions in background counties. No one should have to wait 3 hours to cast a ballot, Abrams stubbornness has actually been beneficial to GA as now people are actually beginning to acknowledge the blue wave that is washing over the South, it also is bringing more people to the lines which is another reason we need to ensure that every vote is counted.

  45. Since Brian Kemp supposedly cheated, I think that another election is needed. Stacey Abrams should be given the votes she deserves.

  46. Yes because everyone wants their vote to be counted.

  47. Of course another election is needed. The vote should give each candidate a equal chance to win. -Ashlan Loyell

  48. Democratic Stacey Abrams is not conceding the Georgia governor's race to Republican candidate Brian Kemp, arguing that the high stakes contest is too close to call with the possibility of a runoff next month. Destiny Jackson
