Tuesday, September 10, 2019

9/10 CNN 10

Please summarize two current events from today's CNN 10 https://www.cnn.com/cnn10


  1. India's goal to have their spacecraft land smoothly on the moon probably failed because people weren't sure what happened. Nuclear bombs looked like it dropped over the Bahamas. The people that live on the Bahamas don't even deserve this loss, after what they have gone through with hurricane Dorian. I hope India is able to accomplish their goal of having their space craft land on the moon, so they can study what they need to do if the make an effort to try again.

  2. Nuclear bombs may have hit the Bahamas during hurricane Dorian. I still give my hopes to the Bahamas. Japan got received a typhoon that damages a lot of buildings. The same thing for Japan I hope people stay safe.

  3. Things in India have not gone so smoothly in India's attempt to land on the moon. Contact was lost, and the prime minister of India was in the room. The fact that Hurricane Dorian moved so slowly over the Bahama's makes the recovery worse. Some parts of the Bahama's has been literally wiped off the map. I can't imagine having your whole car AND house swept away by the force of nature. The after math leaving a eerie silence, in a dead town.

  4. Things didn't go as planned with India and there spacecraft's landing on the moon. India is still proud of there space team. They say the death numbers will increase as more helpers go to the Bahamas. A lot of parts of the Bahamas look like war zones now. Japan is now experiencing weather storms now. Hurricane can become typhoons. I just wish there was something we could do to stop these storms or make sure they don't harm as many people as they do or cause that many deaths.

  5. India has been struggling with the soft landing on the moon they still have there orbiter but there landing and rover has been put on hold . Hurricane Dorian has made a town in the Bahamas a ghost town showing the destruction and seeing trees stripped of there leaves and houses without walls .

  6. India is still trying to reach the moon. Over the weekend they weren't able to reach the moon like they wanted to. The orbiter got lost and most likely damaged so they are trying to figure out a a way to become the 4th country to reach the moon. I think they should be the 4th because they have been working for so long. The Bahamas are still struggling with getting back to normal after hurricane Dorian. many homes are still torn down and many other things. It will take a while for them to get back to how they were before the hurricane hit.

  7. Japan has just had a typhoon named Faxai. Electricity went out for almost a million households and more than 100 flights were cancelled which stranded 6,800 passengers at one of Tokyo international airports. A shed was on wheel and got a Guinness world record for fastest garden shed.

  8. India Science project to land on the moon might have been a failure. A lander was sent to land on the moon, but signal was lost when it landed on it. The mission isnt a major failure, because the orbiter sent to orbit the moon was a success.

    A CNN new reporter went to see the damage on the Bahamas in person. The footage told showed us that an entire town was removed off the map. A typhoon hit Japan, temporarily paralyzing their transportation. Serbia is currently being helped by China.

  9. India's soft landing did not go as planned. They lost contact with the spacecraft. They also don't know how hard it hit the moon, how much damage was done, or if any of the equipment is still useful. China is Serbia's largest import partner. The Chinese bought a plant there which increased Serbia's dependence on them. This was a red flag toward the United States, especially since they were trying to gain an influence over Serbia.

  10. India’s moon landing mission ended in failure; they have lost contact with the ship. India’s science team sees this as a part of life, filled with ups and downs, and I agree. Another topic today was about the worlds fastest garden shed. The shed can achieve 80 mph and already has 34,000 miles on it. I think that it was a cool engineering project.

  11. a storm hit south and north Korea which damaged a lot of homes. They lost power, and flights were cancelled. And china is serving under imports and china is a communist state. And Serbia is being more protective which means cameras and having police guarding all the time.

  12. The Bahamas seems like it is is in ruins and knowing that 45 people are dead is a scary thing to hear. Its sad how so many roads are blocked off and people have to travel by boat if they need a fast way of transportation. The water distributed across the country is crazy there are cars underwater and other property that are submerged. I feel bad for the people that are trapped at the airport because of the typhoon, what if someone had to go somewhere for business and now they missed that event because of the typhoon, this could have costed someone a job.

  13. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure. Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas so hard an American aide official says it looks like nuclear bombs were dropped on parts of the Bahamas. Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas.

  14. Hurricane Dorian has did a number on the Bahamas as to destroying many things, cars have been under water and been destroyed by Dorian. India tried to land on the moon, but failed.

  15. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure.The water distributed across the country is crazy there are cars underwater and other property that are submerged. Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas. A CNN new reporter went to see the damage on the Bahamas in person. The footage told showed us that an entire town was removed off the map.

  16. North korea had a storm. The Bahamas was destroyed by hurricane Dorian. People have lost many things.

  17. A lot of parts of the Bahamas look like war zones now. Japan is now experiencing weather storms now. Hurricane can become typhoons. I just wish there was something we could do to stop these storms or make sure they don't harm as many people as they do or cause that many deaths. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure.

  18. Today on cnn 10 they talked about how india tried to land on the moon and did not succeed. It was a little more than a mile when they lost contact. To get past hurricane dorian people have to travel by boats. their destination is the easternmost end of Grand Bahama Island. Sadly bahamas isn't the only place suffering from a weather disaster. Japan is suffering from a typhoon named faxai.

  19. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure.Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas. I just wish there was something we could do to stop these storms or make sure they don't harm as many people as they do or cause that many deaths.

  20. In japan there was a huge flood. It left a lot of family's homeless. Many of them were at the japan airport and they where crammed together. I just feel like all the stuff that is going on in different countries these people are very strong.

  21. Japan were just hit by a typhoon named Faxai. It is responsible for 2 deaths and left many citizens homes with no power.
    China has just bought a plant for 51 million dollars.

  22. India’s moon landing mission ended in failure; they have lost contact with the ship. India’s science team sees this as a part of life, filled with ups and downs, and I agree. Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas. I just wish there was something we could do to stop these storms or make sure they don't harm as many people as they do or cause that many deaths.

  23. India's attempt to become fourth country in the club probably ended in failure over the weekend. Scientists aren't sure what happened, but India is still proud for the work they did. Now on the other hand, it looks like a a whole wreck in the Bahamas the work done by hurricane dorian. It's been more than a week when dorian happened but what's crazier is that 45 people were confirmed dead, it's sad.

  24. Japan were just hit by a typhoon named Faxai. It is responsible for 2 deaths and left millions without power. Hopefully, Japan will rise back up. India tried to land on the moon, but it did not go successfully. Next time, hopefully it will go by plan.

  25. japan got hit with that typhoon, and it was dangerous cause it caused injury and death and caused a lot of destruction, it seems like everything is being being taken over by water.

  26. Things didn't go as how they wanted to go with India also there spacecraft's landing on the moon, even things did not go as they wanted it to they are happy they did it. The Bahamas on the other hand are not doing so good and not japan is starting to have storms.

  27. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure. In the Bahamas Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas.

  28. American aid travels to the Bahamas and say it's like a nuclear bomb had been dropped. The effects of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas are disastrous, already 45 have been confirmed dead. I hope that the citizens of the Bahamas are getting the help that they need.

    China has started trade Serbia, helping Serbia's economy. Serbia now calls China a close friend, which has upset the US, who is against China's communist government. This has also let Chinese and US officials planned a meeting, which a think is good start to diminish tensions between China and the US.

  29. Nuclear bombs may have hit the Bahamas during hurricane Dorian. I still give my hopes to the Bahamas. Japan got received a typhoon that damages a lot of buildings. The same thing for Japan I hope people stay safe.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The water distributed across the country is crazy there are cars underwater and other property that are submerged. I feel bad for the people that are trapped at the airport because of the typhoon, what if someone had to go somewhere for business and now they missed that event because of the typhoon, this could have coasted someone a job.

  32. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure. In the Bahamas Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas. The same thing is happening in Japan as well, I really hope people are safe and good.

  33. Things in India have not gone so smoothly in India's attempt to land on the moon. Contact was lost, and the prime minister of India was in the room. The fact that Hurricane Dorian moved so slowly over the Bahama's makes the recovery worse. Some parts of the Bahama's has been literally wiped off the map. I can't imagine having your whole car AND house swept away by the force of nature. The after math leaving a eerie silence, in a dead town.

  34. More than 13,300 passengers were stranded at Narita International Airport overnight, according to an airport spokesperson. With highways blocked and two railways to the city center shut down, arriving passengers had no way to leave the airport.
    The airport handed out 18,000 sets of water, blankets and crackers for the passengers who had to spend the night. The railways and highways slowly cleared resumed operation on Tuesday morning, allowing travelers to start trickling out into the city.

  35. India has been struggling with the soft landing on the moon they still have there orbiter but there landing and rover has been put on hold . I hope that the citizens of the Bahamas are getting the help that they need. In the Bahamas Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas.

  36. India's mission to get a spacecraft to softly land on the moon has failed. Scientists don't know how the mission turned out this way.
    CNN travels to the Bahamas and they say "it's like a nuclear bomb had been dropped". Hurricane Dorian has almost cleared a city off the map. A typhoon in Japan has damaged houses, closed streets and destroyed power lines.

  37. 45 people people in the Bahamas were confirmed dead from the Hurricane Dorian and American Aid is saying that Bahamas looks destroyed. Its crazy and devastating how long it's taking for them to recover from there and many lives where taken. Japan also has reportedly been hit by an bad tropical storm called a typhoon. I hope they have a speedy recovery as well and everybody is protected. Its very sad how powerful these storms are and all the damages their causing to these countries.

  38. India's goal to have their spacecraft land smoothly on the moon probably failed because people weren't sure what happened. Nuclear bombs looked like it dropped over the Bahamas. The people that live on the Bahamas don't even deserve this loss, after what they have gone through with hurricane Dorian. I hope India is able to accomplish their goal of having their space craft land on the moon, so they can study what they need to do if the make an effort to try again.

  39. India is still trying to reach the moon. Over the weekend they weren't able to reach the moon like they wanted to. The orbiter got lost and most likely damaged so they are trying to figure out a a way to become the 4th country to reach the moon. I think they should be the 4th because they have been working for so long. The Bahamas are still struggling with getting back to normal after hurricane Dorian. many homes are still torn down and many other things. It will take a while for them to get back to how they were before the hurricane hit.

  40. one news highlight was about India trying to be the fourth country to reach the moon and their rover broke . That's good for them but they should fix the rover. Another news highlight was about how china is helping Serbia government. It's good because it helping the Serbian people neighborhoods.

  41. The Indian Space Program rocket lost total contact with the home team. They assume it may be damage but they aren't entirely sure but the prime minister is still proud. Hurricane Dorian blocked off many neighborhoods and streets with water where there is tremendous damage. A town in the Bahamas has been completely killed off due to the devastating damage. The U.S and China are fighting for influence over Belgrade having similarities to the cold war where Russia and the U.S tried to influence political beliefs on smaller less powerful countries.

  42. They talked about how India tried to get a spacecraft (I think that's what it's called) to the moon and they failed. They should try again until they succeed. They also talked about the damage that Hurricane Dorian made in the Bahamas. It looked so tragic, I really felt bad for the people.

  43. India's space craft failed to land on the moon. sadly because of hurricane Dorian, neighborhoods have been lost. People in Serbia see the Chinese as heroes. someone mad a moving vehicle shed, and its capable of going faster than 80 miles per hour.

  44. India failed to get there spacecraft to land on the moon. No one knows how the mission was a failure.Forty five people have been confirmed dead, but the U.S. Agency is willing to give three million dollars to help the Bahamas. I just wish there was something we could do to stop these storms or make sure they don't harm as many people as they do or cause that many deaths

  45. India's goal to have their spacecraft land good on the moon probably failed because people weren't sure what happened. Nuclear bombs looked like it was dropped over the Bahamas. The people that live on the Bahamas don't even deserve all this after what they have be going through with hurricane Dorian. I pray India is able to accomplish their goal of having their space craft land on the moon so they can study what they need to do in order to try again.

  46. The effects of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas is horrible. 45 peop0le have been confirmed dead and also the US is willing to help the Bahamas by giving them 3 million dollars.

  47. The India mention to the moon has a slow controlled descent and it is going to be failure this week and the people do not know what happened yet.The people in Bahamas have been hit by Hurricane Dorian bombs and I pray that the people well be happy again because a lot of people have lost they house,friends.and families to hurricane dorian.

  48. There was a huge flood in Japan and it has left a lot of family's homeless. It also has left millions without power.I hope it doesn't left deaths. India's attempt to land on the moon but it was a fail.

  49. The first topic is how the Bahamas is still recovering from hurricane Dorian and how it looks so disasterious. The second topic is how in China had made a trade with Serbia and is helping their economy.

  50. The Indians lost all contact with there rocket they were able to locate it but still can't find a signal. Hurricane Dorian knocked half of Bahamas neighborhoods. China maybe expecting a typhoon. I hope that the Bahamas an d China can push through all of these drastic changes and thing with the weather.

  51. To begin with, India is trying to get a space aircraft to reach the moon. A town in the Bahamas has been destroyed as well by Hurricane Dorian. Also, Japan was dealt a typhoon and did much damage within the country.

  52. India trying to land on the moon did not go as planned and something went wrong and they dont know what happened. towns have been ruined due to hurricane dorian and may take weeks to months to recover

  53. It looks so bad in the Bahamas that it looks like nuclear bombs were dropped on it, there has been 45 confirmed deaths and they expect the to rise. I think that this is horrible, because there was so much destruction.
    Electricity went out for almost a million houses.

  54. There was a typhoon in Asia and its peculiar because of all the natural disasters that have been occurring all at once. Hurricane Dorian has also caused damage to the Bahamas which is devastating because the hurricane is still going.

  55. oh wow ! This is so bad, Bahamas look so different(badly) because of a nuclear bomb that was dropped, 45 deaths & it could be more. This is sad because the didn't do anything, they didn't deserve to die. electricity went out everywhere, about 1 million

  56. Nuclear bombs may have hit the Bahamas during hurricane Dorian. I still give my hopes to the Bahamas. Japan got received a typhoon that damages a lot of buildings. The same thing for Japan I hope people stay safe.

  57. India has been struggling with the soft landing on the moon they still have there orbiter but there landing and rover has been put on hold . Hurricane Dorian has made a town in the Bahamas a ghost town showing the destruction and seeing trees stripped of there leaves and houses without walls .

  58. A storm has hit south and north Korea which damaged a lot of homes. They lost power and flights were cancelled and china is serving under imports and china is a communist state. And Serbia is being more protective which means cameras and having police guarding all the time.

  59. American Aid has been sent to Bahamas to help them recover from the hurricane. They have discovered a total of 45 dead bodies so far, I think there are more people out there because of how severe the storm was. Also an Indian Spacecraft was not able to land on the moon due to hurricane Dorian, hopefully they have some success in the future.

  60. India tried to land on the moon but it didn't work as planned. India lost all contact with the rocket and they can't find a signal. I hope they become successful on landing their rocket on the moon. A city in the Bahamas has become a ghost town. I really feel like the world is gonna end lol.


  61. The Indians lost all contact with there rocket they were able to locate it but still can't find a signal. Hurricane Dorian knocked half of Bahamas neighborhoods. China maybe expecting a typhoon. I hope that the Bahamas an d China can push through all of these drastic changes and thing with the weather.

  62. An orbiter to circle the moon, a lander to touch down on it and a rover attached to the lander, On Saturday, the lander was descending towards the moons surface. It was a little more than a mile above it when contact was lost. Scientists don`t know yet how hard it hit the moon, how bad the damage might be or whether the instruments aboard can still get some work done. They have located it but they`re still trying to get a signal from it- izaiah majors
