Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Please comment on the 9/11 cnn 10 post.  Summarize two posts for the latest episode



  2. They are talking about the events of the major incident 9/11. They are explaining what happened in detail on 9/11. Never seen before, all airports in the U.S. closed. More people died in 9/11 than in the bomb attack on Pearl Harbor.

  3. Today on cnn 10 they reminisce about 9/11. September 11th 2001 the twin towers were destroyed by terrorist. many people died this day. In washington they're holding a memorial for all the people who passed away. Many people till this day have no words because billions of people were watching what was going on and they knew if the first tower fell the second would too.

  4. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attack has happened. What happened was terrible and a lot of people were hurt and a lot passed away. It was a sad day and many hearts were hurt. All of the airports were shut down in the country. Many people were heroes gave away their lives for others.

  5. In the beginning of CNN, they talked about the 9/11 attacked. They stated the times of each attack, which was close to each other. Then they talked about where each memorial and the time of each event. Then they talked about how the war on terrorism started because of that event.

    Then the news went to talking about Aaron Brown, a host of CNN, who hosed on 9/11 till 1 am. They asked him questions about how he was feeling and what he was thinking. He said that this was the worst story to tell to anyone.

  6. Many people died on the day of 9/11 from a terrist attack in the twin towers and the pentagon. More people were killed then the pearl harbor. Then bush talked about it after it happened, even airports were shut down after what happened.

  7. Today marks the 18th anniversary that the 9/11 attack has happened. Many news anchors covered over the frightening news as everyone watched, as the death of many others would happen. Honestly, I hope that America learns to cope with such a traumatic event that has killed so many people, and that everything would turn out okay. I hope that such an event as this would never happen again.

  8. As someone who is from New York, this terrorist event still leaves a sour taste in my mouth knowing that the place that I grew up in was attacked for no reason. It was frightening to re watch these videos on the trade towers as so much destruction happen within hours. So many people lost their lives for trying to save those who had gotten trapped in the tower then watching those towers fall left me scared. I give appreciation to those people that risk their lives that ran into the tower to save those inside to later have the building collapse, that is a hero in my eye's as they gave their life to save others. My friend lost his father in that tower and when he had gotten to school the next day his face was pale with no expression knowing that he won't ever see his father ever again.

  9. Today was 911 and terrorist attack they had an memorial at New York for the victims of the terrorist attack that took there lives during the event. My mom was taking her classes during the time and her professor told everyone to go home because it was such a scary moment for America. I just remember her telling me she couldn’t sleep for days because of 911

  10. CNN goes back to the tragic 9/11 incident in 2001. A passenger plane was hijacked and flew into the world trade center. The second plane crashed into the second trade center tower. The other plane crashed in the pentagon. People risked their lives to help people from the crash. My told me that she was in shock when she saw it on the news that day.

  11. Today is 9/11, commemorating 18 years since the tragedy. A passenger plane flew into the twin towers, everyone thinking it was a freak mistake. But the president at the time, had an official statement that it was a terrorist attack. Many people, as much as 2,000 lives were lost, including the hijackers of all planes. The attack was lead by Osama Bin laden from the terrorist group Al-Queada. Prompting the U.S. to start an all out war in the middle eastern countries where they are still actively present.

  12. Today marks the day 18 years ago that the Twin Towers and Pentagon was attacked. It's really devastating that nearly 3,000 innocent citizens and civilians died from this terrorism.

  13. They are talking about the events of the major incident 9/11. As someone who is from New York, this terrorist event still leaves a sour taste in my mouth knowing that the place that I grew up in was attacked for no reason. More people were killed then the pearl harbor. I give appreciation to those people that risk their lives that ran into the tower to save those inside to later have the building collapse, that is a hero in my eye's as they gave their life to save others.

  14. They are talking about the events of the major incident 9/11. They are explaining what happened in detail on 9/11.CNN goes back to the tragic 9/11 incident in 2001. A passenger plane was hijacked and flew into the world trade center. The second plane crashed into the second trade center tower. It was frightening to re watch these videos on the trade towers as so much destruction happen within hours.

  15. Many people died on the day of 9/11 from a terrist attack in the twin towers and the pentagon. More people were killed then the pearl harbor. It was frightening to re watch these videos on the trade towers as so much destruction happen within hours. So many people lost their lives for trying to save those who had gotten trapped in the tower then watching those towers fall left me scared. I just remember her telling me she couldn’t sleep for days because of 911.

  16. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attacks, one of the worse acts of terrorism on the United States. People are remembering those who died during the attacks and those who risked their lives to save people during the attacks. It is nice to know that people are remembering 9/11 and that US troops are trying to stop terrorism in Afghanistan.

  17. Today marks the 18 year anniversary of the tragic terrorist event, nine eleven. Nine eleven was on of the most tragic incident. Two buildings flew into both buildings, but one came a little afterward the first. Also the same day pentagon was set on fire, as it was set on fire the building began to collapse.

  18. Many people died on the day of 9/11 from a terrorist attack in the twin towers and the pentagon.Many people were heroes gave away their lives for others I give appreciation to those people that risk their lives that ran into the tower to save those inside to later have the building collapse

  19. Today is the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. A total of four passenger planes were intentionally crashed: two into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and one in a rural area in Pennsylvania. Over two thousand people died as a result. This event began the United States' war on terror beginning in Afghanistan with the group Al-Qaeda, who was responsible for the attack.

  20. 9/11 is such a sad time in history. It didn't have to happen to those innocent people. My parents told me when it happened they were watching it. I wasn't born yet but my older sister was. She was just a baby. They told me that they kept the TV on all day and couldn't keep there eyes off of it. It was a very sad story to hear about and it shouldn't have happened.

  21. Today marks the day 18 years ago that the Twin Towers and Pentagon was attacked. It's really sad and I hope they RIP

  22. Today is 9/11 and this was the day that one plane hit the north tower of the the world trade center and one hit the south building of the world trade center. One hit the pentagon and over 2,000 people were killed.

  23. Today is a very historical day for many people around the world. Many people have mixed motioned about the incident that occurred on September 11. I personally don't know much about New York or have any family members that were involved in the incident. But all my prayers go out to the family who still have pain and hurt form this horrible tragedy.

  24. This day was important because of 9/11. It is so sad to me even my teacher cried. New York was destroyed by planes.

  25. Today marks the 18th anniversary for the 9/11 attacks. Many events will be held today to honor those who died during or as a result of the attacks. May the souls of the people lost rest easy.

  26. Today is 9/11/19, about 18 years ago a plane crashed into the world Trade towers and it was terrifying. Those events that happened and what people saw and probably was in that situation must been horrifying. It was all over the news, and when that happened, the pentagon had smoke rolling up too, just five minutes later it just been collapsed after. I don't what I would've done if I was in that type of situation.

  27. it's crazy and sad how all those people died after that plane crash into that building. if i remember right they said 72 people died and a lot were injured. Then soon after that plane crashed another plane crashed like a domino effect.

  28. On this day, 18 years ago, terrorist hijacked planes and crashed the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Due to this event, thousands of people lost their life. There was a total of 4 planes that crashed that day. 2 crashed into both Twin Towers and 2 crashed into the Pentagon. The attack was lead by Osama Bin Laden because of the all out wars between Middle Eastern countries and the U.S. Today, on 9/11 we remember the lives that were lost.

  29. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attacks, one of the worse acts of terrorism on the United States. People are remembering those who died during the attacks and those who risked their lives to save people during the attacks.Desean williams

  30. today we remember the lives we have lost on the day known has 9/11 were the terrorist group that killed so many us people on this day.

  31. Today September 11th a terrorist attack happened at the work trade center the Pentagon. The Twin towers hit with 2 planes and the buildings collapsed. this caused everyone to show emotion to this event thousands of loved ones died or injured. R.I.P to all the folks that died.

  32. 18 years ago 9/11 happened. It started 8:00 in the morning they bothe collasped. It turned out that Osama Bin Laden had guided the attacks. And almost everyone besides the first responders were evacuated. And over 400 first responders died that day.

  33. 18 years ago today, at around 8-9 am a plane crashed into the twin towers. The country virtually stopped what they were doing and surrounded in front of a T.V. screen. It is known as the worst act of terrorism that occurred in the United Sates Of America.

  34. Today marks the anniversary of 9/11. It's been 18 years one of the worse terrorist hijacked planes and crashed the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Rest in peace to all the people who died 9/11.

  35. 9/11 was a tragic day where over 2000 people died due to a terrorist attack. Still today people are torn about it because some people lost their loved ones.

  36. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attack has happened. What happened was terrible and a lot of people were hurt and a lot passed away. It was a sad day and many hearts were hurt. All of the airports were shut down in the country. Many people were heroes gave away their lives for others.

  37. The catastrophic events that took place on 9/11 are devastating and dreadful. It is apart of our history now and only makes us stronger. On this day 4 out of 3 planes had hit landmarks of nation, the other crashed in pennsylvania preventing it from going to its original destination the white house. Thoughts and prayers for all that were effected by the horrible event in american history.

  38. Today, 18 years ago, There was a terrorist attack in NY on at the World Trade Centers, The pentagon, and an attempted attack. Over 2,000 people died. This is so sad because I know that many people lost their family and friends on this day and this day is probably very hard for them. I hope that everyone who lost their loved ones is doing okay today and is coping well with it.

  39. On this day 18 years ago a terrible terrorist attack happened on the twin towers. Terrorists crashed a plane into the towers causing them to fall down. On this terrible day over 2000 people passed away.

  40. Today is a very historical day for many people around the world. Many people have mixed motioned about the incident that occurred on September 11. I personally don't know much about New York or have any family members that were involved in the incident. But all my prayers go out to the family who still have pain and hurt form this horrible tragedy.

  41. Today's topic is remembering what happened on 9/11 and acknowledging the people who died in all of the attacks. This day was something crazy and a very sentimental day, especially for the families.

  42. To begin with, today is 9/11 which marks the dreadful history of 4 planes crashing into the World Trade Center towers.

  43. They are talking about the events of the major incident 9/11. They are explaining what happened in detail on 9/11. Never seen before, all airports in the U.S. closed. More people died in 9/11 than in the bomb attack on Pearl Harbor.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. In the beginning of CNN, they talked about the 9/11 attacked. They stated the times of each attack, which was close to each other. Then they talked about where each memorial and the time of each event. Then they talked about how the war on terrorism started because of that event.

    Then the news went to talking about Aaron Brown, a host of CNN, who hosed on 9/11 till 1 am. They asked him questions about how he was feeling and what he was thinking. He said that this was the worst story to tell to anyone.

  46. At 8:45 on Tuesday September 11th, 2 planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City and another in the Pentagon. The Al-Qaeda were held responsible and American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan(and some still remain)to deal with them. Thousands of people lost their lives. We remember the 9/11 victims with memorials, events and compassion.

  47. Family members of the nearly 3,000 victims of 9/11 once again gathered Wednesday at the Ground Zero memorial site to mark the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

    Hundreds, including uniformed members of the NYPD, FDNY and Port Authority, turned out for the somber annual ceremony to hono those killed in the deadliest act of terrorism on US soil.The ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial plaza remembers the 2,983 men, women and children killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and aboard Flight 93 with the reading of the victims’ names. The reading also includes the names of the six people killed in the 1993 WTC bombing.Ahead of the commemoration, the sounds of

  48. Today is 9/11/19 about 18 years ago two planes crashed into the world Trade towers and it was terrifying. Those events that happened and what people saw and probably was in that situation must been terrific.Its crazy cause I can only imagine what the victims family was going through during this whole situation that's sad.

  49. September 11,2001 was a very emotional day for a lot of people who lost their lives in a plane crash and all that stared at 8:45 on a Tuesday morning there was 7 plane crash all the airport in the country was close and that have never happened before and today nobody will never forget them.The 9/11 attacks led to a war on Terror.

  50. 18 years ago the twin towers in New York had been attacked. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to see that happening, they went through so much. 2,753 people died on this day 18 years ago, this is including the firefighters and the other people who tried to help people during the attack.

  51. On this day, 18 years ago, terrorist hijacked planes and crashed the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Due to this event, thousands of people lost their life. There was a total of 4 planes that crashed that day. 2 crashed into both Twin Towers and 2 crashed into the Pentagon. The attack was lead by Osama Bin Laden because of the all out wars between Middle Eastern countries and the U.S. Today, on 9/11 we remember the lives that were lost

  52. today is the 18th anniversary of 9/11 , one of the worst terrorist attack to ever happened.2753 people died in this tragedy. it's so sad that we have to remember this kind of horrible events. I hope it would never happen again

  53. Today's CNN 10 segment was dedicated to the devastating 9/11 event that caused the death of many Americans. On this day, two terrorist jets rammed into New York's "Twin Towers." Causing the tower to collapse killing thousands. Then moments later, the United States Pentagon was attacked. This traumatizing event negatively effected Americans all across the country. Especially my mother, she was in labor at the time.

  54. It's been 18 years since 9/11 has occurred and I feel horrible for the families that still suffer from the memories of the loss of their family members.

  55. on this exact day(9/11).. 18 years ago, a plane crashed into the Twin Towers & the Pentagon and aww it was sad/hard to hear. Ugh! Can you believe that about three thousand people died due to the crash on September 11. There was 4 plans that crashed

  56. On this day 4 out of 3 planes had hit landmarks of nation the other crashed in pennsylvania preventing it from going to its original destination the white house. Thoughts and prayers for all that were effected by the horrible event in american history.

  57. It has been 18 years since terrorists hijacked airplanes and the twin towers of the World Trade Center were brought down. Trump has led a moment of silence at the White House before going to the Pentagon, where 64 people aboard a hijacked American Airlines jet were killed, along with 125 people in the building.

  58. At 8:45 on Tuesday September 11th, 2 planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City and another in the Pentagon. The Al-Qaeda were held responsible and American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan(and some still remain)to deal with them. Thousands of people lost their lives. We remember the 9/11 victims with memorials, events and compassion.

  59. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attacks, one of the worse acts of terrorism on the United States. People are remembering those who died during the attacks and those who risked their lives to save people during the attacks. It is nice to know that people are remembering 9/11 and that US troops are trying to stop terrorism in Afghanistan

  60. Many people died on the day of 9/11 from a terrorist attack in the twin towers and the pentagon. More people were killed then the pearl harbor. Then bush talked about it after it happened, even airports were shut down after what happened.

  61. It has been 18 years since the 9/11 attack. On this day in 2001 two hijacked planes crashed into the Twins Towers in New York as well as the Pentagon in Washington D.C. We pay respects to the victims of this attack with memorials and other events. This attack will always be remembered in American History.

  62. I feel so deeply sorry for all the families who lost their loved ones on this horrible day. It makes me happy that people all over the country are still remembering this tragic event. Rest in peace to all the strong soldiers who risked their lives to save other people and all the other people who died during this attack.

  63. The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

  64. All in remembrance of the worst act of terrorism in American history and in honor

    of the victims and those who gave and risked their lives to save them. The 9/11 attacks led to the war on terror. An international effort led by the

    United States to fight terrorism organizations world wide, that began by targeting the Al-Qaida terrorist in Afghanistan and thousands of American

    troops remain in the unstable Asian country to this day.
