Thursday, November 19, 2015

New Iphone

Read the article.  

Please give your opinion in one paragraph or less


  1. I think Apple should keep taking risks like it is now. The company Apple has been changing the game with its controversial set of iPhones,. Everyone always has there own opinions about the product but yet still buy them, which is what makes Apple such a popular company. I believe that Apple should keep on improving and changing the size of their phones.

  2. This is the iPhone 6s that recently released a few months ago. It includes more features than the previous iPhone 6 obviously. I definitely like these new features but I am waiting for the iPhone 7 to release next year. I never get the "S" versions of the iPhone because it the exact same phone. But none the less the iPhone 6s is great phone physically and internally.

  3. I think that releasing an IPhone 7 is dumb. Because they already have 6 iPhones out. It's just getting out of control with phones. I think they shouldn't make anymore.

  4. I really think apple should continue taking risk and improving on there products. the company apple has been changing the game of phones with the iPhone for a long time most people in the world somewhat enjoys using IOS more than Android but it is all up to personal preference when it comes to phones like iPhone/android products... as apple is a big name in the phone industry people will continue to buy apple i phone sense it up to there personal preference and some people prefer apple over android...

  5. I think that The Apple people should design different ideas . The Apple company have been a big company for years.

  6. Some iPhone customers are complaining that the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch iPhones that Apple introduced in 2014 are too difficult to use with one hand or fit into their pockets. Many prefer the four-inch iPhones that Apple made in 2012 and 2013.

  7. I don't think there is a need for another iPhone I think they should get upgrades on the iPhone 6s plus.People would buy it to be in trend but really there is no need for an iPhone 7.It should probably just be called an iPad then even though an iPad is different from an iPhone.

  8. I don't think it should be that high of a price for a few more features. They can be useful but not really. Especially if the weight went up on it, it should be that special of a phone.

  9. I don't think it should be that high of a price for a few more features. They can be useful but not really. Especially if the weight went up on it, it should be that special of a phone.

  10. The IPhone 6 Plus really was too large to fit in someone's pocket. People tried when it came out and it was big enough and thin enough to actually bend and break while it was in your pocket. Apple probably would make more money off of an option for a smaller sized phone.

  11. I think it is really good for Apple to be taking risks and enhancing its technology . Apple has been changing the phone world with its controversial set of iPhones,. Everyone has there opinions about apple but you have to give it to them . They are really enhancing the world & putting up a fight with other phone companies.

  12. Iphones need to stay the same nothing needs to change

  13. apple should stay the way it is suprising everyone because everyone expects the iphone 7 to be super huge they should make it smaller to make everyone shocked everyone is going to go bigger

  14. when Apple launches new iPhones, it typically reduces the prices of the previous two iPhones and discontinues its three-year old smartphone. If Apple were to follow that course, it would continue to sell the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6S next year, alongside the iPhone 7. There wouldn't be a four-inch version of the iPhone left on the market.

  15. Apple is always innovating and creating the next big hit, Apple beat out black berry and if they keep going the way they are will beat all other. Although the price of some iphones are incredibly high which scares away customers could be there downfall. The new iphone will be bigger than the iphone 6 in my opinion, with the only other company Samsung competing for the top spot Apple has there work cut out for them. All in all it just depends on if the new iphone and apples innovations can out do samsung then we will see who really is best at innovation.

  16. Dont care honestly never had an apple product slight chance i get one too

  17. Wow, good job Apple, you don't cease to amaze, you guys just work as fast and efficient as possible as always.

    1. (apple might be a light of hope for our future)

  18. I think the iPhone 7 is amazing that is really cool! i really like the live picture part of it. Its definitely out of my price range but it would be cool to own one. any one that can afford this phone would be mighty lucky to have one!

  19. Well, my sister has had that phone for awhile since last year. Sure it's cool or whatever but I still wouldn't get or anything. I'm fine with the phone I got right now which is a Blue Advance 4.0. The iphone 7 is useful though on some terms such as the shortcuts and how it tells who the user is by their fingerprint and stuff. Still though I'm not a fan of iphone so I'm fine with the ANDROID phone I got right now. It's just as useful and cool on some terms so yea.

  20. i like how apple is trying to create a better phone then other phones.

  21. personally i like the newer iphones there alot thinner and more sleek looking

  22. I think Apple should keep taking risks like it is now. The company Apple has been changing the game with its controversial set of iPhones,. Everyone always has there own opinions about the product but yet still buy them, which is what makes Apple such a popular company. I believe that Apple should keep on improving and changing the size of their phones.

  23. I really think apple should continue taking risk and improving on there products. the company apple has been changing the game of phones with the iPhone for a long time most people in the world somewhat enjoys using IOS more than Android but it is all up to personal preference when it comes to phones like iPhone/android products... as apple is a big name in the phone industry people will continue to buy apple i phone sense it up to there personal preference and some people prefer apple over android...

  24. no because Samsung has a phone that is equal in size. and plus it will make a huge impact on how we use it.

  25. I think that apple should give out as many different iphones as possible, so that everybody would have a phone that fits his or hers needs.I believe that they should especially release Iphones in different sizes so that people that want a small and handy phone can have a mini Iphone and people who want a big phone with big screen can have an Iphone plus.

  26. In my opinion, I feel like apple shouldn't be so worried about making another iphone & having people spend all their money on iphones that screens break by just one drop even with a case and a charger that last longer then the one they give us. These problems should be fixed before anyone on earth purchase another one because to me its just a waste of money.

  27. It can`t really be said much on this subject, as its a networking company that simply just wants to make money. Personally, I wouldn`t care at all about the IPhone as I don`t have an IPhone, but an android (which I believe is better), but the only comment that can be said is that the company is just doing what all companies would do when their consumers want something better: evolve and adjust. As the consumer changes its appetite, so should the company, as one would feel its an effective marketing strategy to give the consumer what they want in order for them to attain what they need to make a profit.

  28. I honestly like the iphone 6 size. It is very convient and a very nice phone.

  29. I honestly like the iphone 6 size. It is very convient and a very nice phone.

  30. i dont like iphones. Samsung for life.

  31. apple can keep making iphones i mean they cool but its not a big deal to me honestly i mean they all the same really, just go to they website and check out the specs.

  32. I think Apple should keep updating their product but not as often because nothing really changes but the size and camera. I think apple products should really create a phone or computer that nobody can recreate or at least it would take their competitors awhile to get anything close to what they have

  33. i think the new i phone is fy. like omg.

  34. apple should stop making iphone intill they come out with something big

  35. In my opinion, I feel like apple shouldn't be so worried about making another iPhone as of right now because they just release the iPhone 6s and 6s plus

  36. In my opinion, I feel like apple shouldn't be so worried about making another iPhone as of right now because they just release the iPhone 6s and 6s plus

  37. on my opinion i think that apple should not keep updating their product because nothing changes at all but the sizeof the camera. i think that apple should really make a phone that nobody can recreate. but they cant because apple is stupid and retarded there phones are booty the all new Samsung Galaxy s6 edge is waaaaaaaaaaaay better yal should check that out

  38. i think making another phone is pointless.If it doesn't change the game rapidly than it doesn't need to be made. they need to focus on something new like making flying cars

  39. I think that the new edition of Apple phones is unique, and cool. They always make so much profit off of their new releases. making another phone would be great way to keep their company on the rise.

  40. I think it is really good for Apple to be taking risks and enhancing its technology . Apple has been changing the phone world with its controversial set of IPhones,. Everyone has there opinions about apple but you have to give it to them . They are really enhancing the world & putting up a fight with other phone companies.

  41. I think Apple should keep taking risks like it is now. The company Apple has been changing the game with its controversial set of iPhones.I believe that Apple should keep on improving and changing the size of their phones.I think Apple should keep updating their product but not as often because nothing really changes but the size and camera.

  42. i got the best iphone the 4s but the new iphone has nothing on my 4s

  43. i like how apple is advancing its technology.

  44. i don't care about iPhone i never had one, this news article is making me want to buy one .

  45. I wouldn't buy the iphone 7 if it comes smaller. The size of the phone they have now is good, no need to get smaller. I haven't heard anyone complain about the size.

  46. I never had an iphone and if I would buy one, it would be like the iPhone 6 because I like how big it is. These small iPhone isn't my favorite.

  47. I think it is a great addition to technology and i would buy the phone because of its new features and great camera. I love to take pictures and i already think I'm a model so this would be a great thing for me to have.

  48. The iphone 6 is a must buy

  49. Apple makes new inventions everyday.The iPhone 7 will make money because everyone likes the new things in the industry. I like the idea because i like every single product .Its a must buy product

  50. apple makes new products all the time so for them to make a new phone inst really that exciting to me but they always look great the way they make them.

  51. I think that the iphone 6s is going to be a really great phone just by looking at the types of features and commercials they are coming out with.

  52. I think that the iphone 6s is going to be a really great phone just by looking at the types of features and commercials they are coming out with.

  53. This is the iPhone 6s that recently released a few months ago. It includes more features than the previous iPhone 6 obviously. I definitely like these new features but I am waiting for the iPhone 7 to release next year. I never get the "S" versions of the iPhone because it the exact same phone. But none the less the iPhone 6s is great phone physically and internally.

  54. This is the iPhone 6s that recently released a few months ago. It includes more features than the previous iPhone 6 obviously. I definitely like these new features but I am waiting for the iPhone 7 to release next year. I never get the "S" versions of the iPhone because it the exact same phone. But none the less the iPhone 6s is great phone physically and internally.

  55. really think apple should continue taking risk and improving on there products. the company apple has been changing the game of phones with the iPhone for a long time most people in the world somewhat enjoys using IOS more than Android but it is all up to personal preference when it comes to phones like iPhone/android products... as apple is a big name in the phone industry people will continue to buy apple i phone sense it up to there personal preference and some people prefer apple over android...

  56. I really think apple should continue taking risk and improving on there products. Everyone has their opinions about apple but you have to give it to them . They are really enhancing the world & putting up a fight with other phone companies.

  57. I agree with apple doing bigger and better things everytime a phone comes out. I just hope they don't run out of ideas. The Iphone 6 is great and the 6s has a few more features. Iphones are better to me period so i cant wait for 7 to come.

  58. Mia Reddick.

    Apple will continue to sustain its growth as far as the company. Either way it goes , the company knows people will continue to buy their products and they will continue to make a profit. Apple always impresses people with its outstanding and quality products. Each year they are coming out with something new and better and people are steady buying it.

  59. I get all the new apple product, it's never a disappointing situation. All of the apple products is great and everyone should get one.

  60. The apple iPhone 6s is best thing out. It goes perfectly with the apple watch. I can't wait until the day I purchase one. It's going to be the best day of life. Until the iPhone 7 comes out.

  61. This is the iPhone 6s that recently released a few months ago. It includes more features than the previous iPhone 6 obviously. I definitely like these new features but I am waiting for the iPhone 7 to release next year. I never get the "S" versions of the iPhone because it the exact same phone. But none the less the iPhone 6s is great phone physically and internally.

  62. i think they can come up with a different iphone that have different colors you can choose from not just one or two colors. bet so far the iphone 6 is the best phone out till the iphone 7 come

  63. i think they can come up with a different iphone that have different colors you can choose from not just one or two colors. bet so far the iphone 6 is the best phone out till the iphone 7 come

  64. Apple is a billion dollar company and i tink their going to be around for a very long time due to all the hype it gets every year and how it makes people feel when they don't have the latest gear, apple has many new thing in stock and up their sleeve , they have many things that they can improve but they choose not to do it like three way face time and four-way face time.

  65. The iphone 6s is cool. I like how they are doing bigger things and are trying to improve there technology.

  66. Apple is always comin out with a new phone that is always significantly higher than the other last phone that came out. That is what they do and at last they add features into the phone to make them somehow better than the last one. That is what they do.

  67. I don't think it should be that high of a price for a few more features. They can be useful but not really. Especially if the weight went up on it, it should be that special of a phone.

  68. I feel like apple shouldn't be so worried about making another iphone & having people spend all their money on iphones that screens break by just one drop even with a case and a charger that last longer then the one they give us. alexis bush

  69. I cant blame them. Keep making that money

  70. I think Apple should keep taking risks like it is now. The company Apple has been changing the game with its controversial set of iPhones,. Everyone always has there own opinions about the product but yet still buy them, which is what makes Apple such a popular company. I believe that Apple should keep on improving and changing the size of their phones.

  71. the apple company should keep working on its products

  72. They are really enhancing the world & putting up a fight with other phone companies.

  73. Ima need dat iphone 7 when i come out. yall better keep a hold of your phone when you round people cause everybody finna be on go trying to get one.

  74. I feel like apple shouldn't be so worried about making another iPhone as of right now because they just release the iPhone 6s and 6s plus
