Monday, November 30, 2015

Nov 30, 2015 Freewrite

Summarize 2 Current Events of  your choice in One Paragraph


  1. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.Pope Francis visited a mosque in a Muslim neighborhood of the Central African Republic's capital that has been a flashpoint for violent clashes, continuing his message of religious tolerance on the final leg of his African tour.

  2. Currently, in our society the climate has been changing. Which makes the pollution in the air increase. Also, it's dangerous for people. In addition, recently Black Friday had a lot of security. Because of the Paris Attack. Which the security was a great thing.

  3. One current event is the ISIS attack on Paris. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria carried out attacks on November 20th, 2015 that killed hundreds of innocent people. Another current event is the trial of officers who are charged for killing Freddie Gray. In early 2015 Freddie Gray died of injuries while in police custody. Officers charged are facing 10 to 30 years of prison time if found guilty.

  4. Black ice and treacherous road conditions led to the deaths of five people in Kansas.And Texas is grappling with a different kind of extreme weather: mammoth flooding that has already killed five people. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.

  5. Black ice and treacherous road conditions led to the deaths of five people in Kansas.And Texas is grappling with a different kind of extreme weather: mammoth flooding that has already killed five people. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.

  6. Trump has come under fire for what many believe was his public lampooning of the physical appearance of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.

    Kovaleski has a chronic condition called arthrogryposis, which limits the movement of his arms.
    During a speech Tuesday night, Trump moved wildly while referencing Kovaleski.
    On Thursday, Trump denied that he was making fun of Kovaleski's disability, and said he didn't know him. also in other news. Combating climate change will prove to be a rebuttal of terrorist efforts, President Barack Obama declared at the opening of a major climate summit in Paris.

    "What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it," Obama said Monday at the COP21 conference, being held at a highly secured site outside the French capital two weeks after ISIS terrorists carried out a bloody rampage in the French capital.

  7. i think that in the society the climates been changing.that makes the pollutions air to increase. its really dangerous to friday has a bunch of society. by the paris attack.the security is a great thing

  8. Ten people were killed across the United States from extreme weather.Black ice and treacherous road conditions was the cause of it.Minnesotans are about to walloped with foot of snows

    Police have arrested a Kansas man who they suspect beat his 7 year old son to death and body to pigs

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. After 15 years, Mark Richt was fired from the Georgia Bulldogs. The Bulldog's current record is 9-3. He has agreed to coach the Bulldogs in their upcoming bowl game, and after that he will leave the team. Also, this weekend Kobe Bryant has announced that he will retire after this 2015-2016 season. Last night was the first game since he announced he would retire. This game was at home and he had a letter on every seat of the stadium for every fan that attended. Kobe is one of the greatest players ever in the NBA, when he retires he will be missed.

  11. Currently, extreme weather conditions have resulted in deadly outcomes. Flooding and icy roads have left to the death of 10 people in Texas and Kansas. On the other hand, authorities believe a Paris attacker has escaped to Syria. Detectives are still working to find his location.

  12. A man shot wounded at a gun range .The St. Johns County Sheriff's Office reports that the 62-year-old man was behind a target at the at the Ancient City Shooting Range in St. Augustine Friday morning when he was shot in the upper leg and lower abdomen.
    A police search a man accused in shooting of death of daughter six year old Atlanta police spokesman Sgt.Warren Pickard tells local news media that the incident occurred Saturday morning about a mile southeast of Turner Field. Pickard says the child died at the scene.

  13. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source. Investigators have been looking for Abdeslam since shortly after the November 13 attacks, which killed 130 people. The possibility that Abdeslam had already slipped through authorities' net was raised last week when a lawyer said his client, Ali Oulkadi, picked up Abdeslam and a friend at a subway stop in suburban Brussels the day after the attacks. It's not even winter yet, but the deadly weather in parts of the U.S. suggests otherwise.

    Black ice and treacherous road conditions led to the deaths of five people in Kansas.Minnesotans are about to get walloped with a foot of snow.
    And Texas is grappling with a different kind of extreme weather: mammoth flooding that has already killed five people.Here's what to expect in the regions grappling with severe weather this week:

  14. well one current event that happened is the Paris attacks. what happened on the day of November 13 of this year. is that a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris,France. this attack included suicide bombings,restaurant bombings, and mass shootings. this attack killed 130 people and innocent people. god bless paris, france.

  15. Kobe Bryant has announced at his Sunday game that this would be his last year playing before he retires. On November 29,2015, he wrote a heart felt letter to the Players Tribune website saying "My heart can take the pounding, my mind can handle the grind, but my body knows it's time to say goodbye". I wish nothing but the best for him and would like to see what else he does with his life.

    The British songstress, Adele, has been topping the charts lately with her new "25" album. Her album is now the most selling album in the U.S, surpassing N Sync's No Strings Attached, and Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Good for Adele.

  16. Protesters crammed the Chicago's downtown shopping outlets and tried to block store entrances on Black Friday, the people were calling on police officials to step down after the shooting of a black teenager by a white officer. The disruption was in response to this week's release of dashcam footage of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, as he was shot by police 16 times in October 2014. Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, turned himself in Tuesday and was ordered held without bond on a charge of first-degree murder. I'm truly praying for my city.

    A Louisiana district attorney has recused himself from prosecuting the case of two police officers who allegedly killed a 6-year-old boy while pursuing his father's car.

  17. There has been a terrorist attack in Paris, which had caused the city to kinda "shut down". The media was going crazy, all eyes were on them while everyone was supporting, praying, and hoping for the best.
    This resulted in countries shining the flag on their most famous attraction. However not many people were pleased that while there were several wars going on in Afghanistan, Syria ect, the media was biased as it was specifically focused on Paris. That's all I have.

  18. Today POTUS is visiting China and Fance to duscuss the climate. an air polution

  19. 1)french services think that Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam escaped to Syria.
    2) a lawyer was killed and it was caught on camera

  20. Donald Trump is insisting he was right that thousands of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrated 9/11, despite being confronted with lack of evidence he's correct.
    French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counter terrorism source.

  21. One current events is Obama urged his fellow world leaders on Monday to reach a landmark deal to curb global warming before it dooms the planet. Another even is Robert Lewis Dear is being held without bond at the El Paso Criminal Justice Center for accused of a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood clinic faces a judge Monday afternoon as this community grapples with the deaths of a police officer, an Iraq War veteran and a mom.

  22. A black journalism professor in Texas is walking through her neighborhood when she's stopped and quizzed by police. A black jogger gets questioned while on a run through his Alabama neighborhood. Police pull a black man over in Rhode Island for air refresheners in his car.

    Kobe Bryant as he poetically announced his intention to retire at the end of the season.

    During a 20-year career with the LA Lakers, the 37-year-old has scored 32,683 points, though in recent seasons his form has been hindered by injury.

  23. im really upset that my patriots lost lastnight. they were going undefeated but now they have one lost.

  24. one current event was a threat made from isis to blow up lenox mall in atlanta ga. Lenox mal was full of security. It was just a scare. Another event is a 17 year old boy was shot 16 times by an officer in chicago.

  25. A 1km tall building nicknamed the Jeddah tower is being planned for construction in Saudi Arabia. It is expected that the tower will require 5.7 million square feet of concrete and 80,000 tons of steel. They have secured the $1.23 billion dollar fund for the project through investors.
    In other news, the Marine Corps' version of the F-35 fighter jet has been declared ready for combat as of this year. The pentagon is said to be purchasing 2,443 of these F-35's but, the development program had a price tag of $400 billion making the jets the most expensive weapons in any kind of military service today.

  26. Ronda Rousey is back, and appears fully-healed from the beating she took at the hands of Holly Holm. Rousey went walking with a little girl on Thanksgiving day ... and she didn't look the worse for wear. She went out again Friday in L.A. with her pit bull and BF Travis Browne.
    It's been two weeks since her fight with Holm, where Rousey suffered some serious mug damage. The aftermath was apparently pretty brutal ... when she arrived back in the states from the fight, she was in full cover-up mode.
    Just when Iggy Azalea thought it was safe to leave home ... Erykah Badu hit her with a ton of shade while hosting the Soul Train Awards.
    Erykah opened the show by taking a slight shot at herself -- pointing out that hip-hop fans give her crap for making rappers "change gods and wear crochet hats" (see Andre 3000) ... but it was all a setup for this shot at Iggy.

  27. I think that in the society the climates been changing.that makes the pollutions air to increase. its really dangerous to friday has a bunch of society. by the Paris attack.the security is a great thing

  28. The families and girlfriends of two Australian surfers feared dead after their burned-out van was found in Mexico have traveled to the country in an attempt to "get some answers."Dean Lucas and Adam Coleman, both 33, had been missing for over a week when the van was discovered in the state of Sinaloa -- an area known as the home of the Sinaloa drug cartel.

    Two Jewish Israeli teens were convicted of murder Monday for the killing of a Palestinian teenager last year. A Jerusalem court did not identify the convicted murderers because they are minors.The two were convicted of burning and killing 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir in July 2014.
    A third Israeli -- an adult named Yosef Haim Ben-David -- was also found responsible, but his judgment was temporarily suspended. The court held off announcing a verdict for Ben-David because his legal team filed a last-minute psychiatric submission claiming he was not mentally responsible for his actions.

  29. The nba team Cavs is reportly banned from having hover boards in arena. The decision to ban the hover boards came around the time Cleveland's season started at the end of October, per a separate report from Haynes, when the Cavaliers held a team meeting to get on the same page.
    The Warriors are still undefeated with a 18-0 record leading the nba.

  30. This may not be recent but there was a terrorist attack in Paris where there were shootings resulting in a lot of people dying. Many people died due to not wanting to leave their family or friends. There was a memorial set up in Paris at the site of the attack. The president of the Untied states and Paris visited the site to honor the deaths of the people. Another event is about how a 9 month baby died due to abuse from the child's father. The mother of the child left him with a neighbor when she went to work. The father was soon arrested afterwards.

  31. Earlier this week, an atrocious attack took place in a Planned Parenthood clinic .(not sure where.) The shooter came armed with automatic weapons and killed 3 people before turning himself into police. This kind of event should have never taken place and I am horrified to know that such a thing goes on in this country. But, Donald Trump and many other shortsighted republicans still have the nerve to talk about gun rights and how having personal firearms helps America. So far, I still have yet to see where one situation turns out right when a citizen and their own gun is involved.

  32. For one Paris got revenge on ISIS by bombing tons of assumed ISIS base territories. That was fun. Also new CA Civil War trailer released, this is big news to all Marvel fans. This is an event we've been waiting for so that was cool.

  33. French intelligence services assume that a person by the name of Salah Abdeslam escaped to Syria. Police think that Abdeslam bought 10 detonators from a fireworks shop on Paris' northern outskirts before the Paris attacks on the 13th of this month.The University of Chicago's campus got shut down on Monday after receiving an anonymous online threat of gun violence. The shooting was apparently planned for Monday at 10 a.m.

  34. An extreme weather kills 10 across country; more snow, flooding expected. I don't know how strong the weather can got. Even with snow. A car was flood with no one inside of it. Maybe the water move the car to the road. Whoever was in that car is probably dead too. It not even winter yet, so how is this happening?

    Donald Trump is insisting he was right that thousands of Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrated 9/11, despite being confronted with lack of evidence he's correct. Yeah, that's what he think. Chuck Todd doesn't take his word from it. I'll to agree with Chuck.

  35. one curent event is uga lest go of there head chouch and they said it is muchel.

  36. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.Pope Francis visited a mosque in a Muslim neighborhood of the Central African Republic's capital that has been a flashpoint for violent clashes, continuing his message of religious tolerance on the final leg of his African tour.

  37. A waitress is shot dead for asking a smoker to stub out his cigarette in café on Thanksgiving night.
    A wild west fortune hunter turned to cannibalism to survive then developed a taste for human flesh.

  38. Currently, in our society the climate has been changing. Which makes the pollution in the air increase. Also, it's dangerous for people. In addition, recently Black Friday had a lot of security. Because of the Paris Attack. Which the security was a great thing.

  39. A 1km tall building nicknamed the Jeddah tower is being planned for construction in Saudi Arabia. It is expected that the tower will require 5.7 million square feet of concrete and 80,000 tons of steel. They have secured the $1.23 billion dollar fund for the project through investors.
    In other news, the Marine Corps' version of the F-35 fighter jet has been declared ready for combat as of this year. The pentagon is said to be purchasing 2,443 of these F-35's but, the development program had a price tag of $400 billion making the jets the most expensive weapons in any kind of military service today.

  40. 1 current event is the isis involvement in the paris attacks and another is the threat to the cnn center and philips arena during the wwe show

  41. Black ice and treacherous road conditions led to the deaths of five people in Kansas.And Texas is grappling with a different kind of extreme weather: mammoth flooding that has already killed five people. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.

  42. The Charlie Brown Christmas special celebrates it`s 50th Anniversary as an iconic television special and a unique one that talks about the truth of Jesus Christ. Originally, the project was deemed a failure by the actual people who worked on it, but were relieved when people actually liked it. Without this special, other Christmas specials, such as Frosty the Snowman, would never have been known as this special helped inspire their creation. It is both iconic and influential piece.

    Famous Basketball star, Kobe Bryant, announces his retirement from the sport after having done the game for over 20 years. He will retire a very rich man, and was involved in many places of American history: he played in the Olympics twice in his career, and his first and only team that he was on is the Los Angeles Lakers.

  43. One current event is the ISIS attack on Paris. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria carried out attacks on November 20th, 2015 that killed hundreds of innocent people. Another current event is the trial of officers who are charged for killing Freddie Gray. In early 2015 Freddie Gray died of injuries while in police custody. Officers charged are facing 10 to 30 years of prison time if found guilty.

  44. Ten people were killed across the United States from extreme weather.Black ice and treacherous road conditions was the cause of it.Minnesotans are about to walloped with foot of snows

    Police have arrested a Kansas man who they suspect beat his 7 year old son to death and body to pigs

  45. Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would kill the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS.Trump said he would "knock the hell out of" ISIS, and criticized the U.S. for "fighting a very politically correct war."

    Police are searching for a man accused of killing his stepson after a Thanksgiving Day argument.their stepfather was drunk and tried to take his 2-year-old son from the boy’s mother during a family party.

  46. Today marks one month until world leaders converge in Paris for COP21, also known as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. Here are five things you should know as we head toward this critical event.

  47. The attacks in Paris happened and I was really shocked because it scared me that these things can happen in big European cities.
    I also heard that Kobe wants to retire from basketball. He had an awesome career and even I, a guy who has very little knowledge about basketball, knew him.

  48. French intelligence services believe Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has escaped to Syria, according to a source close to the investigation and a counterterrorism source.Pope Francis visited a mosque in a Muslim neighborhood of the Central African Republic's capital that has been a flashpoint for violent clashes, continuing his message of religious tolerance on the final leg of his African tour.

  49. There has been a terrorist attack in Paris, which had caused the city to kinda "shut down". The media was going crazy, all eyes were on them while everyone was supporting, praying, and hoping for the best.
    This resulted in countries shining the flag on their most famous attraction. However not many people were pleased that while there were several wars going on in Afghanistan, Syria ect, the media was biased as it was specifically focused on Paris.

  50. The nba team Cavs is reportly banned from having hover boards in arena. The decision to ban the hover boards came around the time Cleveland's season started at the end of October, per a separate report from Haynes, when the Cavaliers held a team meeting to get on the same page.
    The Warriors are still undefeated with a 18-0 record leading the nba.

  51. A group of crazy dogs snatched a 4 year old boy from his mom and mauled him to death.
    The Wiz Live aired last night .

  52. Mia Reddick .

    In 2006 , a New Jersey women purchased land in western Nepal. She worked for two years with the local community to build Kopila Valley children's home. Black power isn't enough in the city of Baltimore. People say the mayors are acting like political bastards.Basically saying they are not doing much for the African-American communities.

  53. One current event is that Isis attack on Paris. It was very uncalled for because Paris people died for no reason. Another current event was that the worriors and the Carolina Panthers are the only undefeated team.

  54. After 15 years, Mark Richt was fired from the Georgia Bulldogs. The Bulldog's current record is 9-3. He has agreed to coach the Bulldogs in their upcoming bowl game, and after that he will leave the team. Also, this weekend Kobe Bryant has announced that he will retire after this 2015-2016 season. Last night was the first game since he announced he would retire. This game was at home and he had a letter on every seat of the stadium for every fan that attended. Kobe is one of the greatest players ever in the NBA, when he retires he will be missed.

  55. dutchtown basketball team is doing something this year so everybody thats sleeping on us , let them know to keep it up we got something for them. they going be much better as they was last year.

  56. the New Orleans lost to the Panthers on Sunday due to the referee's cheating to the NFL to to become more popular and get more viewers the Saints put up a great fight and fell short 35-38 with three seconds left the Saints couldn't get their field goal team out in time. The Saints should have ended the Panthers streak and the bandwagons fans would all go back running into their holes. The second current event is that grades are almost due and christmas is only two weeks away.

  57. I feel like i should be independent and be able to respect myself and make sure i can do things on my own.

  58. a Muslim neighborhood of the Central African Republic's capital that has been a flashpoint for violent clashes, continuing his message of religious tolerance on the final leg of his African tour. alexis bush

  59. 5 people died in Kansas due to black ice.

    There was a terrorist attack in Paris.

  60. shootings in cali and kobe retiring

  61. "What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshaling our best efforts to save it," Obama said Monday at the COP21 conference, being held at a highly secured site outside the French capital two weeks after ISIS terrorists carried out a bloody rampage in the French capital.

  62. I havent been coming to class. I have been tripping hard this year and i need to straighten up. Somebody help me!!!!

  63. An extreme weather kills 10 across country; more snow, flooding expected. I don't know how strong the weather can got. Even with snow. A car was flood with no one inside of it. Maybe the water move the car to the road. Kobe Bryant has announced at his Sunday game that this would be his last year playing before he retires. On November 29,2015, he wrote a heart felt letter to the Players Tribune website saying "My heart can take the pounding, my mind can handle the grind, but my body knows it's time to say goodbye".
