Thursday, November 5, 2015

Critics say Spike Lee's movie "Chi-raq" trivializes Chicago gang violence

Give your opinion about the article below.


  1. the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends as a way to force them to put down their guns.

  2. I think it's not a good idea. Because people of all ages are going to think that is acceptable.

  3. the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to with hold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends

  4. a sucessful director like spike lee can make these types of films and still succeed in the movie industry even if the movie is offensive.

  5. In my opinion Spike Lee's film tells a well needed story of how and why the Chicago gang scene is so treacherous. If Spike Lee made a one hundred percent straight forward trailer of his views on Chicago gang violence the film would receive no controversy. Controversy is what sells movie tickets and attracts people's attention. This is just a stunt to propel movie ticket sales. As a nation we should just be happy that someone is bringing Chicago gang violence to light no matter how they are doing it.

  6. Growing up in the city of Chicago I've experienced the good and bad parts of the city. I've lost friends, family and more to street and gun violence i think what Spike Lee is trying to show is that this city is in trouble. Alot of people claim chicago because of its violence but the people who false claim will never understand what we or people who grew up there and live there experience on a day to day bases. The name Chiraq fits because the city of chicago is a literally a war zone. You never know when your last day is gonna be.

  7. i feel like this movie isn't a great or good idea to release to the public do to the age of many people who might watch our see the movie like kids and etc it might make them think those things in the movie are right to do in real life. and it will take a major effect on the world.

  8. Chicago is a dangerous place, not only for kids but for all. Those who survive shootings and things of that nature stayed in the house. Stay in the house or get hurt, flat out. Spike Lee is showing the truth of Chicago, not what it is perceived to be.

  9. I don't think the movie trivializes it. Chicago will continue to have gun violence and gang violence until the people come together. Making a movie out of it isn't going to make them continue to shoot each other or stop shooting each other. The movie may not be a good idea, but people make bad movies every day. It doesn't really represent Chiraq that well though, because Chicago is nothing like that. The city is nothing compared to that movie, but people make awful movies every day.

  10. I do not think it is a bad idea for the ladies to take sexual privilege from their husbands so that they to not use their guns.I mean I would do anything to stop someone who has a gun and there should be any complaint about the vision or the story behind the movie because most of the time movies are based on things that happen or will happen in life.I think that movie would be a great movie to watch

  11. its about a movie that diminishes chicago gang violence and women holding back sexual privileges as a way to make them not use the guns. i dont think sexualizing and making comedy out of gun violence is the right thing to do.

  12. the trailer for "Chi-raq" reveals that the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends as a way to force them to put down their guns. so i see how the movie could start a debate but there are much more serious problems in the world.

  13. Being honest here, I really don't understand what I read and watched. What I do know is that Spike Lee is being straight forward with his film, you can tell he's not sugarcoating it. Showing his view points on the city, however I think the title is a bit disrespectful and unnecessary. Comparing Chicago to Iraq and naming it Chi-Raq? Not cool man

  14. In my opinion i don't see a problem about it. It'll probably influence young teenagers that they don't want to deal with the gang life. Like Spike Lee said that nobody know anything about the film so you cant judge it by its name. Just because the name isn't the best doesn't mean it'll probably send a good influence to everyone.

  15. In my opinion i don't see a problem about it. It'll probably influence young teenagers that they don't want to deal with the gang life. Like Spike Lee said that nobody know anything about the film so you cant judge it by its name. Just because the name isn't the best doesn't mean it'll probably send a good influence to everyone.

  16. "the trailer for "Chi-raq" reveals that the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends as a way to force them to put down their guns. so i see how the movie could start a debate but there are much more serious problems in the world."
    I agree 100%. Instead of downing this movie that could possibly open eyes people should actually be trying to put a stop to this. Movies such as !2 Years a Slave, Django, GodFather, etc. could be in the same category as this movie. I don't see a problem here. I'm a very real person, and tell it like it is. They are opening eyes but at the same time trying to make it a little amusing, which is wrong to some but there are plenty more problems in the world..

  17. i think its going to be able to show whats going on in Chicago but alot of young people well think they can do it. alot of young people are doing crimes.

  18. This story is a well put together, to show the dangers of Chicago gang life. If anything it should be a wake up call to the people of chicago that some parts are not the best places to live in. Although some people may seem offended the truth hurts, they need to just tell it like it is and if people feel bad then oh well.

  19. Chicago is a dangerous city to live in. Those who survive shootings and things of that nature stayed in the house. Stay in the house or get hurt, flat out. Spike Lee is showing what happens in the city.

  20. bad idea for the ladies to take sexual privilege from their husbands so that they to not use their guns.I mean I would do anything to stop someone who has a gun and there should be any complaint about the vision or the story behind the movie because most of the time movies are based on things that happen or will happen in life.I think that movie would be a great movie to watch

  21. i don't see a problem with it. it shows the struggle African Americans go through in the streets of chicago. people have a problem with it because they think it make Chicago look bad, but its reality.

  22. I don't really have an opinion on this movie. I could see the title being offensive to Americans when they compare Chicago to a third-world country. The movie itself does not look interesting to me, I am most-likely no even going to watch it.

  23. A new trailer for "Chi-raq" reveals that the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends as a way to force them to put down their guns.

    The movie is loosely based on "Lysistrata," Aristophanes' classical comedy about women in ancient Greece who take similar action against their men to negotiate an end to the Peloponnese War. Its title is a mashup of Chicago and Iraq, suggesting that some city neighborhoods are like war zones.

  24. I think the movie will be good. Never judge a book or a movie by its cover because you never know what your gonna get out of it. Its just like if when i watched Twilight Saga I never seen it but i was telling people i didnt like it and it was so long. But when i actually got a chance to watch it i couldnt wait to see new moon and the rest of them.

  25. That movie has offended a large amount of people. It may not be exactly 100% accurate and I think Spike should thing about what his sources are before he releases these movies. Its definitely a bad idea for the ladies to take sexual privilege from their husbands/boyfriends so that they to not use their guns. This is somebodies life and you have to be sensitive.

  26. Spike Lee should not make the movie because he is gonna make teens and kids even more amped up to do drug related things and Chicago is gonna be even worst than now.

  27. Gives more of an incentive for kids and/or teens to use drugs which obviously is a no go

  28. spike
    lee based his movie on what he feels about life how it develops as we are here longer. he shouldn't be accused of someone else theory about his own movie . -jasmyne johnson

  29. this is really offending a lot of people i don't think this movie should be viewed as something good and maybe it shouldn't be released because a lot view it as inappropriate and offensive to the people of Chicago.

  30. The way it is described, "Chi-raq" sounds like a very insensitive and problematic movie, as it makes a joke out of issues that are extremely serious. The film maker of this movie doesn't seem to want to acknowledge the fact of how offensive his movie is, and how it incorrectly portrays the problems & violence that Chicago is going through. It sucks for him that he can't see past his own overly-inflated ego for 5 seconds to realize that he needs to accept this criticism & work on how to produce better, less offensive movies. He'll never learn from this mistake, and he'll go on to make more trashy flop movies.

  31. i dont understand what the problem with the trailer it suppose to be a comedy about what going on in chicago

  32. I don't even know how to react to this, I'm slowly losing my respect for Hollywood.

  33. it could help and show people what wrong in chicago and stop gun violence

  34. Spike Lee is making a film. And it's call "Chi-raq". Yeah, the movie look like it going to be successful, but I wouldn't recommend. It film is about a Chicago gang in Chicago. "Including the slaying of a 9-year-old boy." What? The are just gonna mess thing up in this movie.

  35. Why would you do such a stupid thing as to promote violence then give credit to gang members. I really don't know how to respond to this other than to just make sure that whatever movie you watch or to people who like to publish stuff or careful of what it promotes. That's all I have to say since my mind is blank.

  36. I dont think this is a good idea to publish to the community

  37. i think its preety stupid tbh i would watch this movie but i definetly wouldnt pay to go see it

  38. the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to with hold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends

  39. the movie is showing stuff that can help people choose to either be in a gang or not.

  40. It's about a movie that moderates chicago gang violence and women holding back sexual privileges as a way to make them not use their guns. i dont think making comedy out of gun violence is the right thing to do.

  41. its about a movie that diminishes chicago gang violence and women holding back sexual privileges as a way to make them not use the guns. i dont think sexualizing and making comedy out of gun violence is the right thing to do.

  42. I do not think it is a bad idea for the ladies to take sexual privilege from their husbands so that they to not use their guns.I mean I would do anything to stop someone who has a gun and there should be any complaint about the vision or the story behind the movie because most of the time movies are based on things that happen or will happen in life. And after all I think its just a movie, so why is there so much talking whether or not its ok to do a film like that, plus it is most likely a satire movie

  43. it doesn't justify as to why young people should be in a gang. it is not the place for young people to be and for them to risk their lifes to show their loyalty to strangers.. it is never okay for young ones to join a gang at not age division.

  44. This film isn`t as controversial as people think. Violence goes on all over in the country, and while the police is doing what it can to avert crime, it continues to endure. While the actual film plot is left under the unknown, the title itself could use a revamp. In the actual Iraq, it IS a war zone, while one would feel that the troubles that happen in Chicago are merely self-centered conflicts brought up by the craziest of things. Personally, I don`t think the movie is going to promote violence in the city or give credit to the trouble-making gangs that exist in the city, but rather, I feel its going to show the trouble and violence that`s going on by making people aware of the trouble that`s happening there. Overall, while the title should be changed, the film itself should not have to suffer before it hits the big screen.

  45. This film doenst show why young people are in gangs. they are basically showing their loyalty and how loyal they can be.

  46. I feel like the movie should be called whatever the director or film maker suggests. It's nobody movie but Spike Lee's and he should be the only person that have the say. Most importantly, the name itself is not all that bad but the area is which makes it the right type of name. For example, he wouldn't name the movie Bel Air because its not white picket fences and green lawns. But more like gates, yellow tape, and blood dissolving in concrete. Overall, I hate the fact that they want the name changed so they wouldn't want a bad reputation but to be honest Chicago aka "Chi-town" had a bad rep for years way before the existence of the name "Chiraq".

  47. I dont think that publishing this movie is okay.

  48. This movie is inapporitate. I dont think they should publish it

  49. spike lee puts his time and money into these movies so if he wants to name it that he can name it that its his movie. If people have a problem with the name and everything about the movie then don't watch the movie. the name is really controversial but he might not change it if we say its controversial its just good for his movie

  50. i feel like this movie isn't a great or good idea to release to the public do to the age of many people who might watch our see the movie like kids and etc it might make them think those things in the movie are right to do in real life. and it will take a major effect on the world.

  51. i feel the move could be a lot better.

  52. i believe that this movie should be released because it states real life situations that the world should know about. the world trys to avoid reality, that chicago is filled with gangs and violence. i think this movie will show everyone who dosnt live in chicago, exactly what a struggle it is there

  53. i believe that this movie should be released because it states real life situations that the world should know about. the world trys to avoid reality, that chicago is filled with gangs and violence. i think this movie will show everyone who dosnt live in chicago, exactly what a struggle it is there

  54. In my opinion, it is a bad idea for the ladies to take sexual privilege from their husbands so that they to not use their guns.

  55. When i heard of Chicago i hear some people also saying chiraq he is not the only one using it. Its not that serious.

  56. I don't think it's that serious but he should know that many people get mad when the satire is too serious for them.

  57. I don't really have an opinion on this movie. I could see the title being offensive to Americans when they compare Chicago to a third-world country. The movie itself does not look interesting to me, I am most-likely no even going to watch it.

  58. In my opinion the movie looks more of a comedy rather then a it sending of bad signs. Its just a movie why so serious what the big deal. I do not see a problem.The movie may not be a good idea, but people make bad movies every day

  59. spike lee can make these types of films and still succeed just because he is good in the industry.

  60. I feel like the movie should be called whatever the director or film maker suggests. It's nobody movie but Spike Lee's and he should be the only person that have the say. Most importantly, the name itself is not all that bad but the area is which makes it the right type of name. For example, he wouldn't name the movie Bel Air because its not white picket fences and green lawns. But more like gates, yellow tape, and blood dissolving in concrete. Overall, I hate the fact that they want the name changed so they wouldn't want a bad reputation but to be honest Chicago aka "Chi-town" had a bad rep for years way before the existence of the name "Chiraq".

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to with hold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. i feel like this movie isn't a great or good idea to release to the public do to the age of many people who might watch our see the movie like kids and etc it might make them think those things in the movie are right to do in real life. and it will take a major effect on the world.

  65. In my opinion Spike Lee's film tells a well needed story of how and why the Chicago gang scene is so treacherous. I feel like the movie should be called whatever the director or film maker suggests. It's nobody movie but Spike Lee's and he should be the only person that have the say.

  66. In my opinion Spike Lee's film tells a well needed story of how and why the Chicago gang scene is so treacherous. I feel like the movie should be called whatever the director or film maker suggests. It's nobody movie but Spike Lee's and he should be the only person that have the say.

  67. I think the trailor that everyone has seen isn't the most entertaining. If people see the movie for themselves , then they can have more of an understandable opinion . Spike Lee never fails to give a message.

  68. Mia Reddick.

    It is best for him to have that experience as far as living in Chicago before he make a whole controversy out of it. Although, people may take it offensive and feel as if Spike Lee doesn't know what he is talking about , they should not take what he did overboard. At the end of the day , he is going to make a movie and do what he have to do and just leave it as that.

  69. Honestly I don't think it should be a movie because it's already violence and this movie will make more violence between the police and the common people. The movie would be good but this not the right time to publish it.

  70. "the trailer for "Chi-raq" reveals that the film is a satire about women in contemporary inner-city Chicago who join to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and boyfriends as a way to force them to put down their guns. so i see how the movie could start a debate but there are much more serious problems in the world."
    I agree 100%. Instead of downing this movie that could possibly open eyes people should actually be trying to put a stop to this. Movies such as !2 Years a Slave, Django, GodFather, etc. could be in the same category as this movie. I don't see a problem here. I'm a very real person, and tell it like it is. They are opening eyes but at the same time trying to make it a little amusing, which is wrong to some but there are plenty more problems in the world..

  71. Chicago is a dangerous/bad place, not only for kids but for all. Those who survive shootings and things of that nature stayed in the house. If people see the movie for themselves , then they can have more of an understanding opinion.

  72. its about a movie that diminishes chicago gang violence and women holding back sexual privileges as a way to make them not use the guns. i dont think sexualizing and making comedy out of gun violence is the right thing to do.

  73. This movie should not be approved. kids and other adults will think its okay to do these type of things. there is enough gun violence going around in the world.

  74. I don't think the movie trivializes it. Chicago will continue to have gun violence and gang violence until the people come together. Making a movie out of it isn't going to make them continue to shoot each other or stop shooting each other alexis bush

  75. He took a serious matter and turned it into a joke.

  76. feel like this movie isn't a great or good idea to release to the public do to the age of many people who might watch our see the movie like kids and etc it might make them think those things in the movie are right to do in real life. and it will take a major effect on the world.

  77. its a good movie and it tells what is going on in the world

  78. I seen dat movie,. its corny, henry county can show a better pperspective on gangs and dis the suburbs. where im from if some liek dat chiraq movie happened every female would have got replace. straight up lol, im nto even being funny they will tell you them selves. Aint nobody goin for that ( laugh emoji)

  79. That movie has offended a large amount of people. It may not be exactly 100% accurate and I think Spike should thing about what his sources are before he releases these movies.
