Friday, May 6, 2016


Freewrite about two current events.


  1. Donald Trump's march to the White House encountered fierce resistance from his own party Thursday as senior lawmakers hesitated to endorse him, party luminaries said they'd skip his nominating convention and others pondered the potential of a third-party bid.

    The crash of a huge C-130J cargo plane that killed 14 people in Afghanistan in October

  2. U.S. hiring slows: Only 160,000 jobs added in April
    FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin as part of email probe

  3. Lamborghini recently just release a car that has only 40 models. The car has already sold out worldwide. The car was created to celebrate the creator's 100th birthday.
    Bernie Sanders just won the state of Indiana. He still has a possibility of winning the campaign race. This state was essential to his chances.

  4. Research ship 'Boaty McBoatface' named after David Attenborough
    Much-anticipated monsoon may not solve India's drought crisis

  5. Just sixteen years old, she was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found last Friday.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Donald Trump's march to the White House encountered fierce resistance from his own party Thursday as senior lawmakers hesitated to endorse himself.

      Research ship 'Boaty McBoatface' named after David Attenborough

  7. The car was created to celebrate the creator's 100th birthday.
    Bernie Sanders just won the state of Indiana. He still has a possibility of winning the campaign race. This state was essential to his chances.

  8. Only 160,000 jobs were added last month, according to the Labor Department's latest report. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted 197,000 jobs would be added. Goldman Sachs expected even higher: 240,000.

    Just sixteen years old, she was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found last Friday.

  9. Twenty-five additional armed U.S. marines were sent to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. There have been growing concerns over the "Green Zone" where the embassy is located as demonstrations have been occurring there over the last week. The precise number of security forces already on sight has not been disclosed.
    The FBI continues to investigate into Hillary Clinton's private email server. Over the past few weeks, several aides have been interviewed and the Clinton campaign has stated that they've cooperated with the Justice department review since the beginning.

  10. Just sixteen years old, she was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found last Friday.

  11. Twenty-five additional heavily armed U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad within the last several hours.

    Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of Donald Trump's most outspoken Republican critics, says he will not vote for either Trump or Hillary Clinton for president this year.

  12. Lamborghini recently just release a car that has only 40 models. The car has already sold out worldwide. The car was created to celebrate the creator's 100th birthday. Twenty-five additional heavily armed U.S. Marines arrived at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad within the last several hours.

  13. Lamborghini recently just release a car that has only 40 models. The car has already sold out worldwide. The car was created to celebrate the creator's 100th birthday.

    Twenty-five additional armed U.S. marines were sent to the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. There have been growing concerns over the "Green Zone" where the embassy is located as demonstrations have been occurring there over the last week. The precise number of security forces already on sight has not been disclosed.

  14. A sixteen years old girl was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found

    Lamborghini recently just release a car that has only 40 models. The car has already sold out worldwide. The car was created to celebrate the creator's 100th birthday.

  15. election and ending of school year

  16. Only 160,000 jobs were added last month, according to the Labor Department's latest report. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted 197,000 jobs would be added. Goldman Sachs expected even higher: 240,000.

    Just sixteen years old, she was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found last Friday.

  17. Police in a Chicago suburb called off their search Monday for singer-songwriter Sinead O'Connor after she was found safe.

    Officer Fred King of the Wilmette, Illinois, Police Department told CNN that O'Connor was located Monday after being missing for more than a day. An unnamed caller had alerted authorities that the singer had not returned from a bike ride early Sunday morning.
    Police didn't offer any details about where O'Connor had been or how they located her.

  18. Donald Trump's march to the White House encountered fierce resistance from his own party Thursday as senior lawmakers hesitated to endorse him, party luminaries said they'd skip his nominating convention and others pondered the potential of a third-party bid.

  19. Donald Trump is to be the republic nominee but still doesn't have the support of his own party

    George Zimmerman's gun that he used on the shooting of unarmed teenager Treyvon Martin was put up for auction starting at 105,000 dollars.

  20. Mitt Romney won't launch a third-party presidential campaign of his own and has stopped trying to recruit somebody else to do it.

    Despite pleas for leniency from family and friends, an Illinois Circuit Court judge sentenced Bonnie Liltz to four years in prison Wednesday for drugging and killing her disabled 28-year-old daughter in a failed murder-suicide attempt nearly a year ago, according to her defense attorney.

  21. Only 160,000 jobs were added last month, according to the Labor Department's latest report. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had predicted 197,000 jobs would be added. Goldman Sachs expected even higher: 240,000.

  22. A sixteen year old girl was choked, injected with poison, tied to a van and then burned to death all in the name of honor. More than a dozen people have been arrested, including the mother of the victim, after the teenage girl's charred skeleton was found

  23. An Egpyt Air Flight 804 was reported disappeared Thursday morning on May 19,2016. There were questions being asked to what cause the flight to suddenly disappeared. Those questions include " did distress signals lead to it ? Did anything on the plane itself lead to it ?". Greek officials say searchers have found so far on the flight was human body parts in suitcases and other belongings of the passengers. The flight believed to have crashed early Thursday into the Mediterranean Sea while flying from Paris to Cairo.
