Monday, May 2, 2016

Snapchat Lawsuits

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  1. snapchat is not the only app thats been involved in car accidents but i do think that it has alot to do with car accidents because teens always snapchat while driving so that is a problem and i dont see anything wrong with them getting sued

  2. i dont think you can just target snapchat for car accidents. Car accidents happen every day. But at the same time i can understand because alot of people use this filter and it could cause more accidents.

  3. it's the people not the app.

  4. I don't think its the app but I think is the person who useing snapchat. the person using their phone to much on the road.

  5. I don't think that snapchat is involved in the car accidents. Don't just target the app.

  6. you cant blame snapchat for other peoples mistakes when driving they know the law and if snapchat is more important then being safe on the road then that is their own personal faught nobody held a gun too their heads and said go watch snapchat they made that person as a driver. car accidents happen every day due to reckless driving and not abiding to the rules of the road.

  7. you cant blame snapchat for other peoples mistakes when driving they know the law and if snapchat is more important then being safe on the road then that is their own personal faught nobody held a gun too their heads and said go watch snapchat they made that person as a driver. car accidents happen every day due to reckless driving and not abiding to the rules of the road.

  8. It's not the app it's the people.

  9. I think snap chat is a risk to get in car accidents. People should getting on snap.

  10. Its more on the people fault because snapchat will tell you right when you open the appp for the first time, to not snap and drive. Snapchat doesn't suggest you to get in a crash while snapping so it isn't their fault.

  11. snap chat should not get a lawsuit for the people who use them when there driving. its on the people to put the phone down while driving.

  12. Snapchat is a very popular social media app . Although many people are victims to car accidents because of this app, it isn't right to accuse the app of the wrong doings in my opinion. It would make more sense to sue Apple, Samsung, or any other phone device companies instead of pursuing an app. I use Snapchat and on the app it clearly states "Do NOT Snap and Drive!" What more could you ask for from the app? It comes to a point where people need to stop pointing fingers and take the responsibility for their wrong doings.

  13. snapchat should not get a lawsuit because its the person fault for driving. People shouldn't even be on the phone while driving .

  14. I feel that snapchat shouldn't be the ones getting sued as it is the drivers fault for taking a snap while driving and get to 100 mph? this isn't the apps fault as it give a disclaimer "DONT SNAP AND DRIVE" it does not encourage not to use the app while in the car so it should be naturally it isn't the company's fault its the person be hide the wheel

  15. being safe on the road then that is their own personal faught nobody held a gun too their heads and said go watch snapchat they made that person as a driver. car accidents happen every day due to reckless driving and not abiding

  16. Cell phones in general become more involved in car wrecks the more advanced they become. To say snapchat by itself is to blame for the large number of phone related car wrecks each year goes a little to far. At a certain point, its on the driver to exercise self control behind the wheel, especially when other people are in the car.

  17. This dumb because it is just a filter and if people don't know how to use there snaps/phones wisely then they don't need it. I don't think it is snapchats fault because of people ignorance.

  18. This is really sad that Snap chat has become a reason for car accidents. Cell phone use during driving has always been a primary reason for injuries and accidents, and this should be stopped.

  19. I really have no clue what to say about this, I don't have snapchat, my storage is full.

  20. Cell phones in general become more involved in car wrecks the more advanced they become. To say snapchat by itself is to blame for the large number of phone related car wrecks each year goes a little to far. At a certain point, its on the driver to exercise self control behind the wheel, especially when other people are in the car.

  21. car accidents happen every day due to reckless driving and not abiding to the rules of the road.

  22. snapchat isn't the issue these people should know full and well not to use their phone while driving no matter how experienced they are. im not going lie i use my phone when driving but only when im not close behind anyone or when im at a stop light because it is my responsibility to pay attention.

  23. Its stupid because those people shouldn't have been on their phones anyway.

  24. Its not the apps fault but the persons.Car accidents happen every day due to reckless driving and non abiding citizens . Snapchat is a safe app.

  25. They shouldn't be suing snapchat it is the person behind the wheel fault for trying to snap and drive.

  26. I don't think that snapchat is involved in the car accidents. Don't just target the app. the person shouldn't have been on snapchat while driving duh

  27. snapchat is not the only app thats been involved in car accidents

  28. I don't think that you can make snapchat responsible for these accidents. its the people that use it that are responsible for using snapchat while driving a car, you should not use your phone while driving and if you do its your own fault if you have a car accident

  29. I don't think its the app but I think is the person who useing snapchat. the person using their phone to much on the road.

  30. The tool isn`t what makes a man, the man makes the tool. The true responsibility in this matter doesn`t lie with the devices that are being used to distract people, but instead the fault falls to the ones that chose to get distracted with the device. The distracted person made the voluntary choice to distract themselves with their technology, which in turn meant endangering other people on road. Therefore, this idea of blaming an inanimate object that can`t physically force those that chose to use it is ridiculous and should be stopped immediately.

  31. snap-chat should not be sued for this its the person fault for using the phone in the first place don't balm the app for what you did.

  32. Well, I feel like they shouldn't have been using their phone in the first place. They should have been focusing on the road instead of the phone and the app. Also they do know the rules of the road so therefore they shouldn't be blaming the app snapchat.

  33. snapchat is not the only app thats been involved in car accidents and they should not be sued for someones very foolish actions. They know they can get into an accident while snapping and they still want to be dumb and do it anyways. Snap chat shouldn't get sued for that.

  34. its the people, not the app. people get in car accidents everyday ,the reason for that crash was because they were on there phone and driving

  35. It is not snapchats fault that the users were using their app irresponsibly

  36. Its the people fault not Snapchat.

  37. Its not an app's fault that people do stupid things. its not snapchat's fault that you choose to text and take pictures while driving. its honestly idiotic that someone would blame an app for a car accident.

  38. I think it stupid to blame snap chat for the accident the driver shouldn't have been on their phone anyways so if there anyone to blame it the person who was driving while on their phone.

  39. I don't think its fair to sue only Snapchat when other apps are responsible for accidents. Its also driver's fault for using their cellphone while driving. The incident probably is frustrating but Snapchat isn't the blame.

  40. i dont think you can just target snapchat for car accidents. Car accidents happen every day. But at the same time i can understand because alot of people use this filter and it could cause more accidents

  41. you cant just put car accidents because of snapchat

  42. I don't think its the app but I think is the person who using snapchat. the person using their phone to much on the road.

  43. snapchat is not the only app thats been involved in car accidents but i do think that it has alot to do with car accidents because teens always snapchat while driving so that is a problem and i dont see anything wrong with them getting sue

  44. snapchat is not the only app thats been involved in car accidents but i do think that it has alot to do with car accidents because teens always snapchat while driving so that is a problem and i dont see anything wrong with them getting sue

  45. i dont think you can just target snapchat for car accidents. Car accidents happen every day. But at the same time i can understand because alot of people use this filter and it could cause more accidents.


  46. Its sad that Snap chat has become a cause of car accidents. The use of cell phone while driving has always been a primary reason for injuries and accidents, and this should be stopped. With this being said the blame should be on the person using the app while driving and not the app itself.

  47. The usage of cellphones during driving has always been a factor of car accidents. In that case ,snap chat should not be targeted for it, because there are so much more factors that leads up to car accidents. Simply by the fact of drivers not paying close attention to the road, is one severe factor that leads to accidents.

  48. Snapchat tells you not to drive and snap. Its the driver fault not snapchat.

  49. I feel that they should drop that law suit. Simply because snapchat says dont snap & drive. Car accidents happen everyday from people not abiding the rules.
