Tuesday, March 12, 2019


What do you think about this article? give your opinion in one paragraph or less



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Based on the article it is just plain sad because more than fifty people were arrested for this largest cheating scam that even I was completed shocked about it is like it went unanswered for years.

  3. This article basically help paint the picture that all people are not completely good no matter their occupation.

  4. I think that it is wrong to have given those kids scores they didn't earn or deserve. They all got a fake grade, and then couldn't answer simple questions they should've known that they got right on the test.

  5. I think that the cheating is wrong, if they don't want to follow all the rules of their job they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

  6. I know that it is wrong to be bribed at and to actually accept it. Even though they bribe you with something in exchange for something bad you shouldn't do it. Other people worked really hard to get in or go that school for someone to get in for some money. It makes you seem like a really bad person for doing it. If you can't get in try for another good school.

  7. I think that people should earn their college admissions. People that work hard for it should get it, not people who cheated along the way.

  8. This scam is stupid. First of all cheating is wrong. Second of all if the students get in even though they do not know enough they will not do well. This scam also took away from the students education by making it so that they do not have to know enough to get in resulting in them not understanding everything.

  9. I feel like people cheat never win in life like we all got the same 24 so I feel like if you cheated to get a college admissions then its bad on you and the only one who can feel bad about it is you and for the people who is working hard and trying to do right you should feel good and don't care about what other people doing. They never win and can't feel good about it and can say they worked hard for it .

    ^^~ Armond Williams

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  13. I feel like cheating is bad for the simple fact that people does not learn anything when you cheat so that's why it isn't good and cheating is for people that does not wanna sit down and take the time to learn.

  14. believe that it was unfair for them to bribe their children's way into prestigious colleges. This is a slap in the face to the hardworking students. On the other hand, I feel like this has been blown out of proportion. If I were rich and my children weren't smart, I would bribe their way into college.

  15. I feel like this has been blown out of proportion. If I were rich and my children weren't smart, I would bribe their way into college.

  16. I think this completely unfair and the punishment is well deserved. To all the children that got in through hard work and struggle it is unfair for these students to just take the easy way through money.

  17. The scam stupid and wrong, this just shows you how much money can get you. 50 families were involved in this scam, bribing their children's way into prestigious colleges. This whole situation was distasteful and it was unfair to the children who worked hard and were denied.

  18. I know that it is wrong to be bribed at and to actually accept it. Even though they bribe you with something in exchange for something bad you shouldn't do it. Other people worked really hard to get in or go that school for someone to get in for some money. It makes you seem like a really bad person for doing it. If you can't get in try for another good school.

  19. The scam is wrong but I don't think the consequences should be severe. I think a lot of people who are criticizing would've done the same thing if they were rich.

  20. the scam was wrong but I think the punishment was harsh. money can get you anywhere I guess. some families only care about what college they get into and how they can get the highest paying jobs

  21. This article shows that people can have bad intentions even though they have a job that can help you.These kids got the easy way and people study for long hours and try there hardest.

  22. Even though they bribe you with something in exchange for something bad you shouldn't do it. Other people worked really hard to get in or go that school for someone to get in for some money. families only care about what college they get into and how they can get the highest paying jobs

  23. This article shows how messed up people could be at the same time it shows what any parent would do the despicable for their child.Any parent would lie and cheat for their child even though its wrong parents still want the best for their kid even if its wrong.

  24. The article was really disappointing. It's sad that parents would help cheat their kids way into college. The kids earned scores that they did not deserve which doesn't show if they deserve to go to the college or not. It is also very sad that a actress from a television show would participate in this cheating scheme. -Amber

  25. I think that people should earn their college admissions. People that work hard for it should get it, not people who cheated along the way.
