Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/12 CNN 10

Please summarize two of the news stories on CNN 10 and give your opinion.


  1. there is contaminated water that had become contaminated because of a nuclear power plant and they might have to let it out into the ocean because they don't have enough room to store all the contaminated water.

    They discovered people have been getting new diseases and things because of smoking cigarettes but now people are getting sick and are dying because of vaping(E-Cigarette).

  2. Japan's water has been contaminated by a radioactive power plant due to an earthquake. Governments are now preventing certain flavors of d-cigarettes from selling because it is supposedly affecting thousands of people. I hope Japan makes a wise decision of not dumping their nuclear water into the ocean, as it could possibly affect the people around it drastically. People now a days should not even be near e-cigarettes, especially teens, because they're eating addicted now, and some are literally dying from it.

  3. 8 years ago, Japan had a earthquake. It caused a tsunami and it caused the death of 2,000 people. It caused nuclear disasters, such as contaminated water. Japan’s government doesn’t know what to do with it. President Donald Trump is pushing to ban flavored e-cigarettes. Adults and even kids are getting addicted to these toxic items. I believe this is a great idea. Children are becoming addicted to nicotine, which is horrible.

  4. I really hope that they don't pour the toxic water into the ocean. This can cause more harm over time ten just saving the country itself. We could lose a lot of ocean life that could be used as food or have water that isn't safe to travel in as its radioactive for shipment boats. I think vaping isn't as bad as a cigarette but it still gets kids addicted causing them to have more and more douses till their lungs decompose. The long time damage isn't worth it as there have been many reports of lung and throat problems after for a long time.

  5. A lot of people are dying of vaping. The cdc has reported a number of people dying from vaping. The president is banning flavored vaps for people's safety

  6. Contaminated water is in Japan and there is no more room for the water anymore and they may have to throw in into the ocean. Juul products are causing people to die especially teens the president is trying to ban all products but it’s not decided yet.

  7. A nuclear disaster is still causing problems for Japan, Japan has to work with the water so there will not be any more problems. Juul has become a very controversial thing in the United States because of many things going on with them mostly and mainly people almost dying from them. Trump's team is looking to ban them because of the events that have went on, which I think is a good idea.

  8. The CDC is investigating lung illnesses resulting from vaping. More than 25% of American high school student say they have vaped within the last month. Juul is the company in the spotlight after misleading advertisements towards their e-cigarette. Donald Trump is running for a second term as president. There are a record number of Democrats running, even though there were candidates six who dropped out.

  9. A disaster that happened in japan eight years ago is still causing problems and the water that they are using is used to cool there engines and after it is used it is contaminated and the water is stored but storage is running out and the government is thinking about dumping the contaminated water into the oceans. President trump is looking for the next term and there are a record number of 20 democrats and there are also republican that are also running for president.

  10. A natural disaster that led to a nuclear disaster in japan is sill happening. and japan says there running out of space o keep the contaminated water safe. And there not able to put it in the ocean because it would contaminate the water. Also there are more people dying or having health issues with people using Jules. The rates have gotten higher like in Add to dictionary, new York and etc. now there trying to ban it in certain areas.

  11. We could lose a lot of ocean life that could be used as food or have water that isn't safe to travel in as its radioactive for shipment boats. I think vaping isn't as bad as a cigarette but it still gets kids addicted causing them to have more and more douses till their lungs decompose. The long time damage isn't worth it as there have been many reports of lung and throat problems after for a long time.

  12. A nuclear explosion that happened 8 years ago is still affecting japan today. Japan doesn't know where to put the contaminated water that was affected by the radiation. Donald Trump is seeking a second term for presidential election. A record-breaking number of democrats are running for president.

  13. A natural disaster that led to a nuclear disaster that happened a few years ago is still affecting Japan. More than 25% of high school students have vaped in the last month. Donald trump is running for a second term. He said he was sure that he was going to win his Republican party. 6 candidates of the democratic party dropped out. Dogs surfed for a fundraiser it was very funny and cute. I love for my dog to try to go surf.

  14. 2020 Election shows that many democrats are running for president and a little amount of republicans. Also,Dogs at a local shelter are surfing on the beach.
    - Amare Hoover

  15. japanese heaters were messing up, plus they were producing radiation, also having contaminated water. The government are working on the electronic cigs. Many people are getting hospitalized because of it.

  16. The CDC is investigating illnesses related to vaping. All the people who have been using e cigarettes products have been diagnosed with a similar illness. I believe vaping is very bad for you and worse than cigarettes. The government should ban e cigarettes from being sold in stores. Another highlight gives tips on how to stand out in a debate. This is very helpful for people that want to know the do's and don'ts of debates.

  17. A Nuclear Disaster that happened 8 years ago is still effecting japan today through there water. The CDC has found a illness related to vaping pens causing lung sicknesses. This is happening in 33 states and is effecting many teens . This is going to make a big impact on there companies and how much Income there going to make but I think people are going to still risk it and continue to use them .

  18. A surfing dog competition happened and judges will base the winner on how happy the dog looks, surfs and how energetic. We should listen to more light stories more often, like yeah the news media coverage now a days is mainly harsh; but more fun loving stories should be seen.

  19. Japan's water has been contaminated by a radioactive power plant due to an earthquake. Governments are now preventing certain flavors of d-cigarettes from selling because it is supposedly affecting thousands of people. Juul has become a very controversial thing in the United States because of many things going on with them mostly and mainly people almost dying from them.

  20. Japan has a problem, the tsunami that happened eight years ago still effects it until this day. The tsunami water put radiation in the air. Water that has been contaminated by it is harmful. Lately there has been a lot of outbreaks on people vaping. Health officials have not found the problem but all of which have been using e-cigarettes.

  21. Water in japan is contaminated due to an earthquake. Japanese officials have had to pump tons and thousads gallons of water and then store it. The cdc is investigating an illness due to vaping because thousands of teens are getting sick because they are vaping and some are dying. Many people are concerned due to this cause and they want everybody to avoid the use of all e products.

  22. The Japanese government is trying to figure out what to do with the contaminated water they used to cool down the nuclear reactor that went off 8 years ago. They said that they should dilute the water and pour it into the ocean. But I think they shouldn't because they don't know if the water will stay radioactive and kill sea life.

    The CDC is trying to work against the outbreak of e-cigarettes causing certain lung diseases. The CDC noticed a huge jump in lung diseases in people and are now linking it to vaping. I believe that JUUL should stop selling flavored cigarettes to target teens because they are now dying because of it.

  23. A surfing dog competition happened and judges will base the winner on how happy the dog looks, surfs and how energetic. We should listen to more light stories more often, like yeah the news media coverage now a days is mainly harsh; but more fun loving stories should be seen.

  24. In japan something that happened 8 years ago is still causing problems. There are a record number of Democrats running, even though there were candidates six who dropped out. The CDC is investigating lung illnesses resulting from vaping. More than 25% of American high school student say they have vaped within the last month.

  25. I wanna sign up my dog for the surf-a-thon

  26. Water in Japan has been contaminated this is from an problem a while ago. Also teens have been getting lung cancer due to vaping. The nicotine in it is causing problems for them.

  27. It seems a conflict that has been happening in Japan for about 8 years is still causing that same problem to this day. Japan's water is contaminated. Teens seem to be enduring in vaping a lot more now causing various out of no where sickness.

  28. Japan's water has been contaminated by a radioactive power plant due to an earthquake. More than 25% of American high school student say they have vaped within the last month. Lately there has been a lot of outbreaks on people vaping. Health officials have not found the problem but all of which have been using e-cigarettes. The long time damage isn't worth it as there have been many reports of lung and throat problems after for a long time.

  29. Juul products are causing people to die especially teens the president is trying to ban all products but it’s not decided yet.

  30. A damaged nuclear Power-plant has contaminated the water in japan, and the Japanese government is trying to figure out where to put this radioactive water. Japanese officials have stated they only option they have now is to release the contaminated water into the ocean and dilute it.
    The CDC is investigating diseases related to vaping. Hundreds of cases have been reported but scientist and health officials don't know the specific cause yet, However, the people who have reported it have used/done e-cigarettes or vaping before.

  31. Japan's water is badly contaminated by a radioactive plant from a earthquake. This disaster has been happening for 8 years now and it's still effecting waters. I think this very dangerous for sea life and it will also be hard for our natural resources to be produce if this problem is not fixed.
    CDC is doing an investigation on vaping because of all the outbreaks that are happening due to people vaping. Health officials have not found the case of the outbreaks due to vaping. I feel that since they have not found a specific case, then they shouldn't try to propose a law that people shouldn't vape.

  32. The Japan's water has been contaminated by a radioactive nuclear power plant and they are going to release the contaminated wastewater into the ocean and dilute it. 25% of American high school students has been vaping for the last 2 month and some of the student has something call epidemic because they are vaping.

  33. Japan's water has been contaminated by a radioactive power plant due to an earthquake. Governments are now preventing certain flavors of d-cigarettes from selling because it is supposedly affecting thousands of people. I hope Japan makes a wise decision of not dumping their nuclear water into the ocean, as it could possibly affect the people around it drastically. People now a days should not even be near e-cigarettes, especially teens, because they're eating addicted now, and some are literally dying from it.

  34. A earthquake in japan leads to a nuclear power plant making radioactive water. And the government is preventing certain flavors to of d-cigarettes to being banned.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Japanesse doesn't know where to put there radioactive water. An earthquake hit 8 years ago and a tsunami hit japan. And it then hit a chemical plant and made all of the water mix with the radioactive stuff. E cigarretes are killing people. And donald trump is trying to ban electronic cigarettes.

  37. A Nuclear Disaster that happened 8 years ago is still effecting japan today through there water. The CDC has found a illness related to vaping pens causing lung sicknesses. This is happening in 33 states and is effecting many teens . This is going to make a big impact on there companies and how much Income there going to make but I think people are going to still risk it and continue to use them

  38. So many natural disasters are happening at once and it may be caused by the difference in weather from this year and last year. E-cigarettes are being banned and I thing it should be a choice of if people want to do it or not. Normal cigarettes were known to cause lung cancer yet there is no ban.

  39. Japans's water has been contaminated by a damaged Nuclear power plant. Government is now trying ban E-cigarettes because they are now affecting people. I hope that Japan finds a way to get this solution out the ocean because then if they do they could really try to help with any other water issues and I hope that the can recover from everything t6hats been going on with them. I hope that the kids and your adults that a using E-cigarettes push through the sickness that they have going on and someone finds out what exactly is going on here.

  40. There was an earthquake in Japan which caused a nuclear power plant to contaminate water. There are said to make a decision to dump this water or not, in my opinion they should not do this with all the mess going on with the world right now. Also, there has been many people dying or hospitalized from vape pens. I think this is crazy and they should find a way to make it more safer for use.

  41. Japan should come up wit another idea to deal wit the radioactive water besides dumping it in the ocean because they could hurt many countries around them. Vaping is bad because it can lead to smoking and that can mess up your lungs.

  42. During the earthquake , the water of Japan has been contaminated and it is believed that is because of the radioactivity of a power plant. I hope they sovle this issue the faster they can. Because of how cigarettes affect the people's health , the goverment is preventing some flavors. I am very happy that they are doing this because our health is more important.

  43. There's water that have been badly contaminated by a radioactive power plant because of an earthquake in Japan..

    They discovered people have been getting new diseases and things because of smoking cigarettes but now people are getting sick and are dying because of vaping

  44. The natural disaster that occurred 8 years ago is still affecting japan, they don't know where to put it. Smoking electronic cigarettes is dangerous and they do not know what is causing the lung illnesses. Most teens have been vaping and that is really bad for teens.

  45. 8 years ago japan had an earthquake that started a tsunami that killed about 20,000 people and its still effecting their water. CDC is doing an investigation on vaping because lots of high school students have been getting lung issues

  46. One news highlight was about water being contaminated by a power plant due to a earthquake, and now they want to release into the ocean. I don't think that is good because that can pollute the fish to. Another was about high school students vaping. I don't think anyone 17 or younger should be allowed to vape.


  47. In japan something that happened 8 years ago is still causing problems. There are a record number of Democrats running, even though there were candidates six who dropped out. The CDC is investigating lung illnesses resulting from vaping. More than 25% of American high school student say they have vaped within the last month.

  48. he Japanese government is trying to figure out what to do with the contaminated water they used to cool down the nuclear reactor that went off 8 years ago. They said that they should dilute the water and pour it into the ocean. But I think they shouldn't because they don't know if the water will stay radioactive and kill sea life.

    The CDC is trying to work against the outbreak of e-cigarettes causing certain lung diseases. The CDC noticed a huge jump in lung diseases in people and are now linking it to vaping. I believe that JUUL should stop selling flavored cigarettes to target teens because they are now dying because of it.

  49. The natural disaster that led to a nuclear disaster in Japan is still happening. Japan says that they're running out of space to keep the contaminated water sheltered. They also said that they're not able to put it in the ocean because it would pollute the water. Also, there are more people dying and having health issues from using Jules. The rates have gotten higher like in Add to dictionary, new York and etc. now there trying to ban it in certain areas.

  50. I really hope that they don't pour the toxic water into the ocean. This can cause more harm over time ten just saving the country itself. We could lose a lot of ocean life that could be used as food or have water that isn't safe to travel in as its radioactive for shipment boats. I think vaping isn't as bad as a cigarette but it still gets kids addicted causing them to have more and more douses till their lungs decompose. The long time damage isn't worth it as there have been many reports of lung and throat problems after for a long time.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The first topic that was talked about was how Japan has contaminated water that needs to be removed and they want it too be dumped in the water and the government is still deciding if they want to agree to that. The second topic is how the makings of e-cigarettes is affecting a lot of people by causing them to get lung diseases, specifically in the younger kids that are in high school.

  53. I think it's pretty cool that some dogs be surfing. I would like to enter my dog into that some day. japan had an earthquake that started a tsunami that killed about 20,000 people and its still effecting their water. I think that is crazy.

  54. An earthquake with a magnitude of 9.2 hit Japan. These natural disasters are just messing up everything. They also talked about a dog that surfed and the . That was pretty cool.

  55. Japan's water was contaminated in 2011 and they are still dealing with it, because they don't know what to do with the water. I don't know what they should do with the water either.
    There is an out break of illnesses related to vaping, this is going across 33 states. I feel like vaping is even worse than cigarettes and that people should learn about it before they.

  56. No, cause it doesnt orbit around the sun, It has has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium sahape, and it has It has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

  57. In 2011, An earthquake in Japan destroyed a nuclear power plant contaminating the water used near the plant and Japan has now made the decision to dump it in the ocean. This could be risky because of the near by and ocean life could be affected. The "vaping epidemic" is crazy how older generations see this ass an epidemic but cigarettes and chewy tobacco are literally listed as carcinogens. The fact that 160 million dollars had invested in what it ultimately is, a safer way to smoke is shocking. The number one cause of preventable cancers is cigarettes, yet we have a minority of people get and an extremely small minority die. Six people died. which is tragic but if 25% percent of teens vape, That is 450 out of 10 million teens. Not even all the 450 we're teens none of 6 that passed were teens either. I feel like this what we see every generation where the older generation fear mongers something common among the youth.

  58. in japan something happened 8 years ago, but is now resurfacing and has contaminated water. The CDC are working together to get to see what the problems with those e cigs

  59. In 2011, An earthquake in Japan destroyed a nuclear power plant contaminating the water used near the plant and Japan has now made the decision to dump it in the ocean. This could be risky because of the near by and ocean life could be affected. The "vaping epidemic" is crazy how older generations see this ass an epidemic but cigarettes and chewy tobacco are literally listed as carcinogens. The fact that 160 million dollars had invested in what it ultimately is, a safer way to smoke is shocking. The number one cause of preventable cancers is cigarettes, yet we have a minority of people get and an extremely small minority die. Six people died. which is tragic but if 25% percent of teens vape, That is 450 out of 10 million teens. Not even all the 450 we're teens none of 6 that passed were teens either. I feel like this what we see every generation where the older generation fear mongers something common among the youth.

  60. There are more teenagers in high school vaping. People keep dying from vaping. I feel like the government shouldn't let minors use vapes. Water is being contaminated by a power plant because of a earthquake and the government wants to release it into the ocean. I feel like the government shouldn't release it into the ocean because it can pollute the ocean and can kill or contaminate all the fish and animals in the ocean.

  61. To begin with, there was a natural disaster in Japan 8 years ago. The natural disaster was a tsunami that killed more than 20,000 people. Also, many people are using vape and being hospitalized. The government is also trying to ban all electronic smoking products.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. A disaster that happened in japan eight years ago is still causing problems. It caused a tsunami and it caused the death of 2,000 people. It caused nuclear disasters, such as contaminated water.
    More than 25% of American high school student say they have vaped within the last month.

  64. There was a natural disaster in japan 8 years ago. I hope Japan makes a wise decision of not dumping their nuclear water into the ocean, as it could possibly affect the people around it drastically. People now a days should not even be near e-cigarettes, especially teens, because they're eating addicted now, and some are literally dying from it

  65. its very interesting to see a dog surf in the ocean in a contest its different to see that.In japan their water was contaminated in 2011 and they're still going through it.A common illness is spreading around the world and its caused by using the juul the juul is basically a death pen everyone who uses it should stop now before its to late.

  66. Vaping is not favored by me. I completely disagree with it. I was beginning to tolerate them because they were supposed to be a better alternative but effects are not providing any better outcomes. I feel as if the fish and other oceans animals lives are more important. I feel as if we should leave the oceans alone unless the objective is to only clean it all up.

  67. In japan, the affects of an earthquake, from years ago, are affecting the water quality. The water is now contaminated. I hope the situation here’s resolved quickly. Another topic was about a dog surfing contest. This was just a wholesome thing to happen.

  68. Japan's water was contaminated in 2011 and they are still dealing with it, because they don't know what to do with the water. I don't know what they should do with the water either.
    There is an out break of illnesses related to vaping, this is going across 33 states. I feel like vaping is even worse than cigarettes and that people should learn about it before they.

  69. Some people think smoking electronic cigarettes isn't dangerous, which is not true. They cause the lung illnesses, but scientists don,t know how. Which just makes it worse.


  70. A natural disaster that led to a nuclear disaster in japan is sill happening. and japan says there running out of space and keep the contaminated water safe. And there not able to put it in the ocean because it would contaminate the water. The CDC has found a illness related to vaping pens causing lung sicknesses. This is happening in 33 states and is effecting many teens . This is going to make a big impact on there companies.

  71. More than eight years after a tsunami led to a meltdown at a Japanese nuclear plant, the issue of contaminated water poses a growing challenge for the Asian country. In the U.S., more illnesses have been linked to vaping, and the government is moving to ban flavored e-cigarette products. And with the U.S. political season heating up, we looked at some do's and dont's when it comes to debating - izaiah majors
