Monday, February 13, 2017


What are your thoughts about the recent raids?


  1. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been. The U.S. should be a safe place for everyone, including those who aren't technically citizens. Immigrants work harder for their lives than more than half of the citizens I know; why is everyone so against having their help?

  2. These raids are unnecessary

  3. I personally think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes. It's all a process, but it'll be beneficial to all Americans in the long run.

  4. The raids are unnecessary in my opinion. They're only going to spark more drama in the country. There is always a better way to handle situations.

  5. I think the raids are causing controversy that isnt really necessary.

  6. There are other ways to handle the situation. All of this is unnecessary.

  7. Most things that Trump is changing is ridiculous including these recent raids. As far as deporting illegal immigrants, nobody can stop what Trump does, but I do believe it's separating families.

  8. The situation was dealt with legally and safely that's all that matters

  9. the raids are separating families and they are unnecessary. People are going to rebel and start riots that could be detrimental to u.s citizens

  10. I personally think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes. It's all a process, but it'll be beneficial to all Americans in the long run.

  11. The raids are making a big deal and separating families which is at all not necessary. Hopefully in the long run this does not bite the U.S in the butt. We need to come together and start making smarter choices that is beneficial to every citizen.

  12. I don't think these raids are going to do anything beneficial to this country. All it's doing is making people angry which is going to cause even more problems.

  13. i feel like this deportation really affect lives and the illegal immigrants in the fact that they may be forced to leave and alot of people being deported are people that didn't commit a crime in the U.S. and that is the bad thing.

  14. Immigrant rights activists and Democrats are raising concerns this weekend about recent immigration enforcement actions -- though immigration officials maintain that only routine actions targeting criminals were underway.

  15. The raids are problematic and there should be a better way in going about this situation.

  16. I think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes. It's all a process, but it'll be beneficial to all Americans in the long run.

  17. i think this is dumb is doesn't help the immigrants at all

  18. I personally think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes. It's all a process, but it'll be beneficial to all Americans in the long run.

  19. Keep doing this and soon rebellions and riots will be started in no time at all.

  20. I think anything Trump does is retarded

  21. i don know much but i do kno that mr trump could never deport usane boat becaus uasane boat is way 2 fest for mr trump to deport him

  22. The raids are unnecessary in my opinion. They're only going to spark more drama in the country. There is always a better way to handle situations.

  23. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been. The U.S. should be a safe place for everyone, including those who aren't technically citizens. Immigrants work harder for their lives than more than half of the citizens I know; why is everyone so against having their help?

  24. The raids are making a big deal and separating families which is at all not necessary. Hopefully in the long run this does not bite the U.S in the butt. We need to come together and start making smarter choices that is beneficial to every citizen.

  25. the raids are separating families and they are unnecessary. People are going to rebel and start riots that could be detrimental to u.s citizens

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. i feel like this deportation really affect lives and the illegal immigrants in the fact that they may be forced to leave and alot of people being deported are people that didn't commit a crime in the U.S. and that is the bad thing.

  28. I feel extremely sad for the people being deported out of the country. There are a countless amount of people who have been deported already, even if they were living here for more that 20 years. These raids are separating families. How is this making America great again?

  29. Im just waiting for the day where humanity can come together...and stop all of these raids, and evilness!

  30. According to, "Immigrant rights activists and Democrats are raising concerns this weekend about recent immigration enforcement actions -- though immigration officials maintain that only routine actions targeting criminals were underway.

    Fear is running high among immigrant communities since President Donald Trump's inauguration -- and after the recent publicized deportation of an undocumented Arizona mother of two after a routine visit with immigration officials, reports have been spreading of Immigration and Customs Enforcement stepping up its actions nationwide.

  31. I think the raids are causing far more controversy than they would if they had been under the Obama administration.

  32. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been.

  33. I feel like this deportation really affect lives and the illegal immigrants in the fact that they may be forced to leave.

  34. Immigrant rights activists and Democrats are raising concerns this weekend about recent immigration enforcement actions -- though immigration officials maintain that only routine actions targeting criminals were underway.

  35. I don't think these raids are going to do anything beneficial to this country. All it's doing is making people angry which is going to cause even more problems.

  36. Honestly In the past few days the immigrants should protest and raid mainly from the central idea on how you cant just punish the muslim countries when most aren't terrorist and that most colleges are missing students, family members live in the united states, etc.

  37. The raids are making a big deal and separating families which is at all not necessary. Hopefully in the long run this does not bite the U.S in the butt. We need to come together and start making smarter choices that is beneficial to every citizen.

  38. The raids are unnecessary in my opinion. They're only going to spark more drama in the country.

  39. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been.

  40. They doing too much for no reason.

  41. i feel like this deportation really affect lives and the illegal immigrants in the fact that they may be forced to leave and alot of people being deported are people that didn't commit a crime in the U.S. and that is the bad thing.

  42. I personally think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes.

  43. The raids are unnecessary in my opinion. They're only going to spark more drama in the country.

  44. The raids are making a big deal and separating families which is at all not necessary. Hopefully in the long run this does not bite the U.S in the butt. We need to come together and start making smarter choices that is beneficial to every citizen.

  45. Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl. I feel there gonna lose and everyone that like the falcons going to be upset.

  46. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been.

  47. I don't think its right to do they haven't did anything to anybody so I don't think its fair personally its messed up and people families are breaking up because of it and its really sad I feel bad

  48. I personally think that he's doing it to later benefit not just one group or race of American citizens, but all citizens. By doing so, he'll be providing plenty of jobs for the U.S. citizens and all of the money will be put back into the American society and taxes. It's all a process, but it'll be beneficial to all Americans in the long run.


  49. I don't think these raids are going to do anything beneficial to this country. All it's doing is making people angry which is going to cause even more problems.

  50. The media is making it seem like people are getting scared for no reason. There's a very real threat to families and lives as these raids continue. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been. The U.S. should be a safe place for everyone, including those who aren't technically citizens.

  51. This was not an issue under the Obama Administration, which the media is trying to convince everyone that it may have been.

  52. i feel like this deportation really affect lives and the illegal immigrants in the fact that they may be forced to leave and alot of people being deported are people that didn't commit a crime in the U.S. and that is the bad thing.

  53. This is just tearing people aparts. People losing their jobs, families, and their loved one. Is this really how Trump gonna work knowing that children's parents have their hopes on America.
