Monday, February 6, 2017

Freewrite on science

Any new scientific discoveries? Please cover two current events.


  1. Some 66 million years ago, an asteroid hit earth. It formed a giant crater on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. This is thought to be at least partly responsible for a mass extinction that included the dinosaurs.

  2. Recently, scientists have figured out exactly how LSD works in the brain. Until now, no one knew that the drug worked on a molecular level; only that it targeted serotonin in the brain. When one does LSD, a protein in the brain en capsules it and then creates a lid that moves right when the protein has used most of the LSD. This could help scientists figure out long term effects of not only this drug but others as well.
    Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. So scientists propose that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  3. When one does LSD, a protein in the brain en capsules it and then creates a lid that moves right when the protein has used most of the LSD. This could help scientists figure out long term effects of not only this drug but others as well. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island.

  4. after several years of being hidden the rare frog "The cave squeaker frog" is found in the Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe.
    The home of the rare bengal tiger is under attack as country leaders are determined to build a 1.7 billion coal-fired power plant in Bangladesh

  5. A new robot drone has be discovered. This robot drone can mimic how bats fly. An associated professor named Jo Chung is the creator of this drone. He gives it the name Bat Bot or B2. The robot can copy diving and swerving of a real bat. it can also fly with just nine joints.
    Researchers have discovered a mind controlling wasp and other sinister parasites. Scientists believe Ebola has spread through contact with human blood and body fluids. Symptoms can last within 2 and 21 days going through high fever, headaches, and sore throat. It can only be confirmed through laboratory test.

  6. A mysterious signal that scientists have been tracing for years, finally traced back to a dwarf galaxy. Also, scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface.

  7. Theirs a scientific discovery that fish communicate to each other through their urine. Researchers estimate that their will bee cures to ending the HIV/Aid

  8. One in four teens who vape say they've used e-cigarettes for an alternative technique known as "dripping," new research finds.

    Dripping produces thicker clouds of vapor, gives a stronger sensation in the throat and makes flavors taste better, according to a study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. and A mysterious signal that has confounded scientists for years has been traced to a spot in the sky more than 3 billion light-years away.

  9. Scientist in the car industry are finding new ways of machinery to enhance to the point we honestly don't have to drive our own cars and the faster the better in most terms. So enhancing engines and turbos to the point of something that seems unrealistic that has come true.

  10. Earth has a second moon, as of 2016 NASA scientists discover an asteroid that has been captured and is in stable earth orbit.

  11. Scientists have spotted a quintet of record-breaking blazars. The five gamma-ray blazars — supremely bright galaxies that host supermassive black holes — are the most distant ever spotted, at more than 11.7 billion light-years away.

  12. a rare frog has been found in Zimbabwe and one of Alaska's volcanoes erupted.

  13. The private space exploration company headed by Tesla CEO Elon Musk launched a Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 9:54 a.m. PT, taking 10 satellites into space for voice and data.

  14. There was a rare frog that was found
    There has also been a second moon found around earth

  15. A 3 billion year old continent was recently found under a African island and an ancient tomb in China has been discovered.

  16. NASA retired its Space Shuttle program in 2011.

  17. A new robot drone has be discovered. This robot drone can mimic how bats fly. An associated professor named Jo Chung is the creator of this drone. He gives it the name Bat Bot or B2. The robot can copy diving and swerving of a real bat. it can also fly with just nine joints.Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. So scientists propose that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  18. A mysterious signal that scientists have been tracing for years, finally traced back to a dwarf galaxy. Also, scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface.

  19. a rare frog has been found in Zimbabwe and one of Alaska's volcanoes erupted.

  20. Mars discoveries are amazing and continuing.

  21. A new robot drone has be discovered. and finally traced back to a dwarf galaxy. Also, scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface.

  22. Recently, scientists have figured out exactly how LSD works in the brain. Until now, no one knew that the drug worked on a molecular level; only that it targeted serotonin in the brain. When one does LSD, a protein in the brain en capsules it and then creates a lid that moves right when the protein has used most of the LSD. This could help scientists figure out long term effects of not only this drug but others as well.
    Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. So scientists propose that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  23. Theirs a scientific discovery that fish communicate to each other through their urine. Researchers estimate that their will bee cures to ending the HIV. scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface

  24. It is very interesting how there are many different galaxy in the milky way so i feel although maybe there is life somewhere else and we just don't know. Humans have traveled to space but only so broad. There has to be life somewhere else maybe there thinking about us how we think about. But yet we just sit and wonder. It doesn't even have to be aliens they could be another type of humans or something.

  25. A new robot drone has be discovered. This robot drone can mimic how bats fly. An associated professor named Jo Chung is the creator of this drone. He gives it the name Bat Bot or B2. The robot can copy diving and swerving of a real bat. it can also fly with just nine joints.Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. So scientists propose that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  26. In the summer of 2015, a team at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School reported restoring rudimentary hearing in genetically deaf mice using gene therapy. Now the Boston Children's research team reports restoring a much higher level of hearing -- down to 25 decibels, the equivalent of a whisper -- using an improved gene therapy vector developed at Massachusetts Eye and Ear.

  27. It is very interesting how there are many different galaxy in the milky way so i feel although maybe there is life somewhere else and we just don't know. Humans have traveled to space but only so broad.

  28. LSD is a protein for the brain.The famous biblical manuscripts were found in caves near this ancient settlement.

  29. A sheriff's deputy in Augusta, Georgia, died after inhaling chemical fumes as he tried to rescue an employee at a sperm bank, the Richmond County coroner reports.

    Sgt. Greg Meagher, 57, of the Richmond County Sheriff's Office, was trying to rescue an employee Sunday at a sperm bank and was overcome by the fumes, which were believed to be from liquid nitrogen. The deputy and the employee were taken to Augusta University Hospital, where Meagher was pronounced dead, coroner Mark Bowen said.
    The employee survived, Richmond County Sheriff's Lt. Allan Rollins told CNN, and is still hospitalized.

  30. Theirs a scientific discovery that fish communicate to each other through their urine. Researchers estimate that their will bee cures to ending the HIV. scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface

  31. Boston Dynamics have designed a robot which is capable of walking over uneven terrain, this may seem minor but it is one of the most difficult challenges of robotics.

  32. A new robot drone has been discovered. This drone can mimic how bats fly. Jo Chung is the creator of this drone. He gave it the name Bat Bot or B2. Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. Scientists proposed that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  33. Scientists came up with 4 new elements for the periodic table; Nihonium, Moscovium, Tennessine. These elements are placed as the 113th,115th,117th, and 118th on the seventh row. Another scientific discovery would be the detection of gravitational waves in the fabric of space time.

  34. Scientists came up with 4 new elements and there was a rare frog discovered

  35. Scientists came up with 4 new elements and there was a rare frog discovered

  36. Theirs a scientific discovery that fish communicate to each other through their urine. Researchers estimate that their will bee cures to ending the HIV. scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface

  37. Recently, scientists have figured out exactly how LSD works in the brain. Until now, no one knew that the drug worked on a molecular level; only that it targeted serotonin in the brain. When one does LSD, a protein in the brain en capsules it and then creates a lid that moves right when the protein has used most of the LSD. This could help scientists figure out long term effects of not only this drug but others as well.
    Archaeologists found tiny zircon crystals on the island of Mauritius. The zircon crystals suggest that there was an entire continent that scientists know nothing about. The crystals are about 3 billion years old, which is older than the actual island. So scientists propose that there was a continent that split apart from the main land about 2.5 billion years ago.

  38. A mysterious signal that scientists have been tracing for years, finally traced back to a dwarf galaxy. Also, scientists believe that Pluto may have an icy sea beneath its surface.

  39. A mysterious signal that scientists have been tracing for years, finally traced back to a dwarf galaxy.

  40. Some 66 million years ago, an asteroid hit earth. It formed a giant crater on the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. This is thought to be at least partly responsible for a mass extinction that included the dinosaurs.

  41. Scientists have spotted a quintet of record-breaking blazars. The five gamma-ray blazars — supremely bright galaxies that host supermassive black holes — are the most distant ever spotted, at more than 11.7 billion light-years away.

  42. Earth Day picked as date for science march on Washington.

  43. Jeff Sessions is a person who Trump is going to pick to be attorney general , but Sessions was already the senator for Alabama for over 2 decades. What has been surrounding him was his previous comments that were racist even though he said he was just joking around. He should not be apart of the government system if he is going around making racist jokes and thinking its funny.

  44. after several years of being hidden the rare frog "The cave squeaker frog" is found in the Chimanimani Mountains of Zimbabwe.
    The home of the rare bengal tiger is under attack as country leaders are determined to build a 1.7 billion coal-fired power plant in Bangladesh

  45. Dripping produces thicker clouds of vapor, gives a stronger sensation in the throat and makes flavors taste better, according to a study, published Monday in the journal Pediatrics.

  46. The home of the rare bengal tiger is under attack as country leaders are determined to build a 1.7 billion coal-fired power plant in Bangladesh

  47. retha Franklin intends to drastically reduce the frequency of her performances following the release of a new full-length in the fall. "I am retiring this year," the singer told WDIV Local 4 in Detroit. "I will be recording, but this will be my last year in concert. This is it."

  48. The Milky Way twin was found as 1% star and 99% dark matter.

  49. science can get you a long way in life because science is errthang. for example you cant have oreos without science
