Thursday, February 16, 2017

Women's Strike

Do you know anyone that may participate? Do you agree with this. Please give feedback


  1. I don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. I agree with the cause because women are trying to get an important message across.

  2. I don't know anyone that would participate but I do agree with the cause.

  3. i agree but i do not know anyone participate

  4. I know people that would possibly participate in a women's strike. I do agree with this march organization because everyone is trying to make a point that needs to be heard. The women that are protesting are fighting for the respect of not just women but everybody.

  5. I don't know anyone that would participate in this event.i don't think anything bad could come from it since its just a friendly gathering

  6. I don't really know anyone personally who would participate in the women's strike but i salute all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for our rights as women and making sure we get and have our equal rights.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am not sure if any one i know will be participating, and i support equal rights but i dont think marching will make much of a difference.

  9. I know some individuals who would participate in the current activity of the women's strike. But i agree with the outrage and the disagreement with the women's standpoints for which i'm mad at also due to the fact of my rights also are jeopardized. But i feel if this isn't a peaceful strike than it's going to upcome a new stage that is like using force of such. The realization that so much hate and discrimination is over coming our political stand points has shadowed us that we cant act this way always and acceot that we must due what we can in a proper manner that wont destroy our country as a whole.

  10. I don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. but i acknowledge all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for women rights and making sure they get to have their equal rights.

  11. I don't know anyone who I think would attend, but I think the strike is a good idea because they are standing up for their rights.

  12. i support what they're trying to do and still fighting for womens rights. I think it'll make a difference.

  13. i don't know anyone that is going to be there yet i believe that they can bring awareness to whatever situation that they are fighting for.

  14. I do not know anyone that will be there but if I was a girl I would want to go.

  15. I dont know anyone that is participating in this event. If i was a female I would like to go to this event to show support.

  16. I don't know anyone who is going to this event, but I support the reasoning behind this march.

  17. I don't know anyone who participated in this event. I do agree with the concept of the march.

  18. i don't know anything about this but i would go

  19. I don't really know anyone personally who would participate in the women's strike but i salute all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for our rights as women and making sure we get and have our equal rights.

  20. The organizers of the Women's March on Washington have set the date for their general strike, dubbed "A Day Without A Woman," for March 8, which is International Women's Day.

  21. I know some individuals who would participate in the current activity of the women's strike. But i agree with the outrage and the disagreement with the women's standpoints for which i'm mad at also due to the fact of my rights also are jeopardized. But i feel if this isn't a peaceful strike than it's going to upcome a new stage that is like using force of such. The realization that so much hate and discrimination is over coming our political stand points has shadowed us that we cant act this way always and acceot that we must due what we can in a proper manner that wont destroy our country as a whole.

  22. I know no one who participated, but the cause is great and I support the cause.

  23. The organizers of the Women's March on Washington have set the date for their general strike, dubbed "A Day Without A Woman," for March 8, which is International Women's Day.

  24. I don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. I agree with the cause because women are trying to get an important message across.

  25. I don't know anyone who I think would attend, but I think the strike is a good idea because they are standing up for their rights.

  26. I know people that would possibly participate in a women's strike. I do agree with this march organization because everyone is trying to make a point that needs to be heard. The women that are protesting are fighting for the respect of not just women but everybody.

  27. I do not know anyone that will participate in this. I will try to convince my mom and er sisters to participate though. This is a very good idea to show how much women really matter.

  28. I don't know anyone who is going to this event, but I support the reasoning behind this march.


  30. I do not know anyone that will be there but if I was a girl I would want to go.

  31. I don't know anyone who would participate but I would definitely participate if I could. The idea is incredible and independent, it would let everyone know exactly how much people rely on women.

  32. don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. I agree with the cause because women are trying to get an important message across.

  33. i don't know anyone who would participate in the women strike. But i agree with the cause.

  34. i agree but i do not know anyone participate

  35. don't know anyone that would participate in this event.i don't think anything bad could come from it since its just a friendly gathering

  36. I dont know anyone that is participating in this event. If i was a female I would like to go to this event to show support

  37. I don't know anyone who I think would attend, but I think the strike is a good idea because they are standing up for their rights.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. i agree with it

  40. President Trump’s embattled national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned Monday night, after days of controversy over his past contact with the Russian ambassador.

  41. I don't really know anyone personally who would participate in the women's strike but i salute all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for our rights as women and making sure we get and have our equal rights.

  42. Fulton County government is throwing a block party Tuesday to celebrate the Falcons playing in the Super Bowl. I feel there gonna lose and everyone that like the falcons going to be upset.

  43. my aunt participated in one in Washington D.C. but I don't like how half those women that was marching was the main who voted for trump so I don't understand why some of them were marching in some of the states

  44. I don't know anyone who is going to this event, but I support the reasoning behind this march.

  45. don't know anyone that would participate in this event.i don't think anything bad could come from it since its just a friendly gathering

  46. I don't really know anyone personally who would participate in the women's strike but i salute all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for our rights as women and making sure we get and have our equal rights.

  47. i women are powerful people and i support the strike

  48. I don't know anyone personally that will participate in the women's strike. I agree with the cause because women are trying to get an important message across.

  49. I am not sure if any one i know will be participating, and i support equal rights but i dont think marching will make much of a difference.

  50. I am not sure if any one i know will be participating, and i support equal rights but i dont think marching will make much of a difference.

  51. retha Franklin intends to drastically reduce the frequency of her performances following the release of a new full-length in the fall. "I am retiring this year," the singer told WDIV Local 4 in Detroit. "I will be recording, but this will be my last year in concert. This is it."

  52. I don't really know anyone personally who would participate in the women's strike but i salute all the participants that are doing it because they are standing up for our rights as women and making sure we get and have our equal rights.

  53. I don't know people who will be going to this event.

  54. I don't know anyone who participated this even but I don't really care. Trying to get women to have equal rights, I guess I salute them.
