Thursday, April 13, 2017

Freewrite on politics

Summarize two current events in the political world.


  1. GOP rep calls for Spicer's resignation after Hitler comments.
    Bernie sanders predicts trump will only be a one term president.

  2. Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million. Trump's numerous trips to Florida have already cost taxpayers more than $21 million. Trump also treats to get rid of Obamacare. This is scaring the people who actually has Obamacare.

  3. The story behind russia and trump increases expedentially higher each time it is brought up, thoughts of lies are being produced and society is trying to find the truth behind trump and russia's connection.

    The atlanta fire depot has been honored by the city for their bravery during the bridge collapse and has given the opportunity for those to receive a medal and watch as their honor will be remembered.

  4. Trump has made problems with Russia worse and people are currently trying to get Trump impeached from office, he is causing too many problems and making poor decisions for the U.S.

  5. On Wednesday, trump said that his views on NATO had changed after leaders assured him the group would turn their attention to combating forces like ISIS. Also, US intelligence has intercepted communications between Syrian military and and chemical experts.

  6. the problem with the relationship between Russia and the united states is becoming a little more distance and could end up being a bad relationship. one of Donald trump's team members is being looked at by the FBI and could be related to Russia and could be the reason that Russia seemed to be thought of to the hacking in the elections

  7. triple-murder suspect jumped to his death from the fourth floor of an Ohio courthouse on Monday, in what police called an apparent suicide.

    Robert Seman was accused of molesting a 10-year-old girl and then killing her and her grandparents in an arson fire, Mahoning County Sheriff Jerry Greene said.

  8. The country is having problems with Trump.

    Russia and US are having a feud right now.

  9. President Donald Trump's salvo of cruise missiles against a military airfield in Syria last week brought bipartisan acclaim, and that's a major cause for concern.

    President Donald Trump abandoned stances that were at the bedrock of his establishment-bashing campaign.

  10. North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  11. Trump is going back on his word in many situations.

  12. Airport security dragged off a man that refused to give up his seat and is now probably going to file a law suit.

    Trump's attempts to take away Obamacare may be threatening insurers.

  13. The atlanta fire depot has been honored by the city for their bravery during the bridge collapse and has given the opportunity for those to receive a medal and watch as their honor will be remembered.
    North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  14. North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  15. Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million. Trump's numerous trips to Florida have already cost taxpayers more than $21 million. Trump also treats to get rid of Obamacare. This is scaring the people who actually has Obamacare.

  16. Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million. Trump's numerous trips to Florida have already cost taxpayers more than $21 million. Trump also treats to get rid of Obamacare. This is scaring the people who actually has Obamacare

  17. Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million. Trump's numerous trips to Florida have already cost taxpayers more than $21 million. Trump also treats to get rid of Obamacare. This is scaring the people who actually has Obamacare.

  18. Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million. Trump's numerous trips to Florida have already cost taxpayers more than $21 million. Trump also treats to get rid of Obamacare. This is scaring the people who actually has Obamacare.

  19. Glasshouse Policy removes the gap between citizens and policymakers, creating a more engaged citizenry and a more responsive and representative government. Donald Trump sent missles to Syria and started something that shouldn't been started

  20. North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  21. Trump has made problems with Russia worse and people are currently trying to get Trump impeached from office, he is causing too many problems and making poor decisions for the U.S.

  22. Recently U.S. President Donald Trump launched a missile crisis on Syria last Thursday

  23. Trump has made problems with Russia worse and people are trying to get Trump impeached. He is causing too many problems and making poor decisions.

  24. The story behind russia and trump increases expedentially higher each time it is brought up, thoughts of lies are being produced and society is trying to find the truth behind trump and russia's connection.

  25. Donald Trump decided to bomb Afghanistan, Trump says China has turned back N. Korean coal ships, lauds it as 'big step'

  26. donald trump dropped a bomb on afghanistan which i think is pretty stupid because they can do the same thing back.

    The venomous creature fell from an overhead bin and landed on Richard Bell's hair as he was eating lunch Sunday in his business class seat, according to his wife Linda.

  27. the problem with the relationship between Russia and the united states is becoming a little more distance and could end up being a bad relationship. one of Donald trump's team members is being looked at by the FBI and could be related to Russia and could be the reason that Russia seemed to be thought of to the hacking in the elections

  28. North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  29. Glasshouse Policy removes the gap between citizens and policymakers, creating a more engaged citizenry and a more responsive and representative government. Donald Trump sent missles to Syria and started something that shouldn't been started

  30. Trump has made problems with Russia worse and people are currently trying to get Trump impeached from office

  31. barack obama needs to be president again

  32. North Korean monitoring service 38 North said Wednesday the country's Punggye-ri nuclear site is "primed and ready" for a sixth nuclear test. I believe that we are going to have another war soon.

  33. U.S. President Donald Trump launched a missile crisis on Syria last Thursday.Trump raises travel costs. Now the price is at $21.6 million.

  34. Hillary Clinton on Thursday warned that President Donald Trump could roll back progress on LGBT rights.Clinton criticized Trump in particular for his decision to nominate Mark Green, who she called an "outspoken opponent" of LGBT rights, to replace former Army Secretary Eric Fanning, the first openly gay man to hold the job.

  35. According to, "President Donald Trump lives for superlatives -- he wants the biggest, the best, the greatest. So it's no surprise he's already fuming about uncomplimentary reviews of his first 100 days in office.

    Trump is approaching the first symbolic milestone of his presidency on Saturday with a familiar mix of bluster and smokescreens, meant to disguise the reality that he has produced one of the least-prolific first 100 day debuts of any president in modern history.
    "No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!" Trump wrote on Twitter Friday, despite playing up the significance of the first 100 days marker in the past."

  36. The atlanta fire depot has been honored by the city for their bravery during the bridge collapse and has given the opportunity for those to receive a medal and watch as their honor will be remembered.

    Hillary Clinton on Thursday warned that President Donald Trump could roll back progress on LGBT rights.

  37. Russian military aircraft were spotted flying off the coast of Alaska for the fourth time in as many days, a spokesperson for the North American Aerospace Defense Command told CNN on Friday.

    "This kind of cat-and-mouse stuff has been going on for a while now," Stoffer told CNN, adding that Putin "is trying to put the US on notice that the Russians are everywhere and are back to expanding the limits of expanding their military power."

  38. President Donald Trump has made overhauling the nation's immigration system a central promise of his administration -- and Tuesday he announced new efforts to get companies to "buy American (and) hire American."

    The Supreme Court heard arguments in a closely watched church-state case Wednesday, and all eyes were on Justice Neil Gorsuch who was hearing the biggest case of the term so far during his first full week on the bench.

  39. The atlanta fire depot has been honored by the city for their bravery during the bridge collapse and has given the opportunity for those to receive a medal and watch as their honor will be remembered.

  40. Trump has made problems with Russia worse and people are currently trying to get Trump impeached from office, he is causing too many problems and making poor decisions for the U.S.

  41. President Donald Trump has a new best frenemy.

    Once upon a time, Trump mused about how well he and Russian President Vladimir Putin would get along. Then-candidate Trump said Putin had declared him a "genius," criticized the Obama administration's tensions with Moscow and said it would be better "if we got along."
    China, on the other hand, was a currency manipulator, a thief of US jobs that should no longer be allowed to "rape our country." If elected, Trump promised to impose heavy tariffs on Beijing and take it to court for shady trade practices.
    It turns out that wielding power -- as opposed to criticizing it -- can change your outlook.

  42. Foreign policy, increasingly, is what is happening around the world while the United States is making other plans.

    More than five months into Donald Trump's presidency, American adversaries and allies alike are adjusting to a new era in which Washington seeks its own idiosyncratic and unpredictable "America First" path.
    In Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, governments are assessing shifting US priorities and in some cases seeking alternative sources of leadership and partnership in the belief that America has stepped back.
    Trump, Putin and the meeting that could shape the world
