Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sean Spicer / Hitler

What are your thoughts about the comments made by The White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer? Do you think that his thoughts were appropriate for the platform. Google Sean Spicer to find an article pertaining to this.


  1. Sean spicer just wants to raise more support for being against syria and its president.

  2. unless Spicer doesn't know about the holocaust too well, he obviously just wasn't thinking at the time of his speech. why he said what he said im not sure, maybe he just really wanted Syria to look bad because hes scared of going to war with Russia and the rest of their allies

  3. I think his comments were not thought out. I am pretty sure there are many other examples he could have used to get his points across. No, his thoughts were not appropriate for the platform.

  4. The comments made by the secretary were constructed with poorly chose words using metaphors by comparing hitler to the syrian president, but knowing the president of syria had not known the monstrosity that he had produced, had came to clarification when he visited the white house speaking to Sean Spicer.

  5. Spicer was just talking out the side of his neck, it is clear that he doesn't know much about Hitler.

  6. Spicer is confused on what he is talking about. He compared Hitler to Russia's alliance with Assad. He clearly just wants to be heard because his comments made no sense.

  7. he should have thought about his ideas before saying them in case that backlash would have happened and looking at it right now the media looks like that he may be in some heat and may lose his job. to go along with this subject he also said some things in the past that was controversial but he also is along with a president that is controversial. When i was watching the interview he seemed to stutter a little bit and he may was trying to find an example of the chemical attacks in Syria but the Alford Hitler example should have never came up due to the seriousness of the amount of people that died.

  8. just wants more support for being against syria and its president, but then again he should have thought about his ideas before saying them

  9. i think he meant it was a more harse way to commit a crime.

  10. He just wants the United States to be on President Trump's side about this whole Syaria situation, at the end of the day he should've thought of what he said before he said it.

  11. He needs to control his mouth and what he says.

  12. i think it was more of soemthing else then a crime but then again it's still stupid

  13. Sean Spicer's comments were inappropriate.

  14. Sean Spicer shouldn't have brought up a topic that he knows nothing about. When he mentioned that gas wasn't used in battles or even killing innocent people but gasses where used all the time in trench warfare and Adolf Hitler would gas innocent and defenseless Jewish people in gas chambers.

  15. I think Spicer said what he said to stir up conflict because his judgement about what he said was very inaccurate.

  16. He should have thought about his ideas before saying them in case that backlash would have happened and looking at it right now the media looks like that he may be in some heat and may lose his job. to go along with this subject he also said some things in the past that was controversial but he also is along with a president that is controversial. When i was watching the interview he seemed to stutter a little bit and he may was trying to find an example of the chemical attacks in Syria but the Alford Hitler example should have never came up due to the seriousness of the amount of people that died.

  17. The comments made by the secretary were constructed with poorly chose words using metaphors by comparing hitler to the syrian president, but knowing the president of syria had not known the monstrosity that he had produced, had came to clarification when he visited the white house speaking to Sean Spicer.

  18. unless Spicer doesn't know about the holocaust too well, he obviously just wasn't thinking at the time of his speech. why he said what he said im not sure, maybe he just really wanted Syria to look bad because hes scared of going to war with Russia and the rest of their allies

  19. No i dont think so . Think they just ignorant

  20. He needs to control his mouth and what he says.

  21. Spicer made some unintelligent comments. I do not think that his comments were appropriate for the platform. I don't think what is happening in Syria is anywhere close to the Holocaust.

  22. No i dont think so . Think they just ignorant

  23. Spicer is confused on what he is talking about. He compared Hitler to Russia's alliance with Assad. He clearly just wants to be heard because his comments made no sense.

  24. Sean spicer just wants to raise more support for being against syria and its president.

  25. He should have thought about his ideas before saying them in case backlash happens.

  26. just wants more support for being against syria and its president, but then again he should have thought about his ideas before saying them

  27. He just wants the United States to be on President Trump's side about this whole Syaria situation, at the end of the day he should've thought of what he said before he said it.

  28. White House press secretary Sean Spicer apologized Tuesday after saying Adolf Hitler "didn't even sink to using chemical weapons" during World War II in an effort to shame Russia's alliance with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his use of chemical weapons.

    The comment was immediately decried and after a series of attempts to clear up his words, Spicer apologized in an exclusive interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

  29. I think Spicer said what he said to stir up conflict because his judgement about what he said was very inaccurate.

  30. unless Spicer doesn't know about the holocaust too well, he obviously just wasn't thinking at the time of his speech. why he said what he said im not sure, maybe he just really wanted Syria to look bad because hes scared of going to war with Russia and the rest of their allies

  31. just wants more support for being against syria and its president, but then again he should have thought about his ideas before saying them

  32. I think he had a point in what he said.

  33. Sean Spicer shouldn't have brought up a topic that he knows nothing about. When he mentioned that gas wasn't used in battles or even killing innocent people but gasses where used all the time in trench warfare and Adolf Hitler would gas innocent and defenseless Jewish people in gas chambers.

  34. Sean Spicer shouldn't have brought up a topic that he knows nothing about. When he mentioned that gas wasn't used in battles or even killing innocent people but gasses where used all the time in trench warfare and Adolf Hitler would gas innocent and defenseless Jewish people in gas chambers.

  35. I don't think this was appropriate

  36. Sean Spicer's comments were inappropriate.

  37. he dumb because he in the white house with trump

  38. I think Spicer said what he said to stir up conflict because his judgement about what he said was very inaccurate.

  39. Spicer is confused on what he is talking about.

  40. Should've use wise words. Chances are is that he may be afraid of Syria. Because of rumors, news, or story that make his mind to be afraid of them?

  41. Spicer should not have talked about any topic that he knows literally nothing about. He just wants the United States to be on Trump's side about this whole Syaria stuff

  42. Spicer made some dumb comments. I do not think that his comments were appropriate for the platform. I don't think what is happening in Syria is anywhere close to the Holocaust, honestly.

  43. really dude???? some people don't think before they speak and just say whatever.

  44. Sean Spicer shouldn't have brought up a topic that he knows nothing about. When he mentioned that gas wasn't used in battles or even killing innocent people but gasses where used all the time in trench warfare and Adolf Hitler would gas innocent and defenseless Jewish people in gas chambers.

  45. spicer i dont even know who that is so idont care

  46. just wants more support for being against syria and its president, but then again he should have thought about his ideas before saying them


  47. He can not say things like that out of nothing without thinking, he has to check himself

  48. He has to think before speaking and acting.
