Monday, April 10, 2017


Please use reputable news sites to research your answer. What are your thoughts about the recent events in Syria?


  1. I think that trump is going about the situation the wrong way. He's thinking "if we don't attack them their gonna attack us" . Trump inserted himself in a problem that wasn't meant for him to solve. He's bombing their homeland and sending troops over there not understanding the danger that he's putting us U.S. citizens in.

  2. Trump is putting the United States in great danger, he is not understanding what could be the outcome of all of this. As said before, he is just thinking about himself and thinking that this is what will make the U.S great. I do not think Trump was mentally ready to be president cause he has no idea what he is doing. Going to war is killing lives, not necessarily saving them.

  3. The events that have occurred in Syria were necessary to protect the people of Syria.

  4. Donald Trump ordered the attacks on Thursday afternoon and the strikes took place at about 7.40pm local time while he had dinner in south Florida with Chinese president Xi Jinping. Afterward Trump told the American people it is in their “vital national security interest” to “prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons”.

  5. Trump was totally out of order for causing all of this commotion. Proper protocol calls for the President to have wars and bombings cleared by Congress in order for it to be properly declared and effective. From my understanding, Trump thinks the rules don't apply to him and he can just do whatever he wishes and there be no repercussions. He really needs to be impeached.

  6. Their are two sides. One side Trump is trying to protect the people of Syria and on the other side this could lead to war

  7. According to syria, the leader is bombing his own people, children, women, etc. and since syria is in an alliance with the united states, trump has came to the conclusion to stop him and this from happening from losing another member of the united nations alliance with syria. What he has done has created controversy but has also viewed democratic point of views also making realization that this may be the first thing hes done right in the time he has been elected.

  8. Trump needed congressional approval before launching any missile which he did not do. Something should be taken place for his actions. He needs to be concerned about putting the U.S back together.

  9. i felt like Donald trump was trying to send a message that they broke an agreement about using chemical weapons and that they will not allow innocent children to be killed because of the attacks to Syria's people.and in any case that Donald trump brought this to congress he probably would have been denied access to launch the missiles just like Obama did back in 2013.

  10. The two military allies of Syria said the US bombardment had violated international law and, in a statement, added: “From now on we will respond with force.”

    The warning came after the Russian embassy in the UK suggested that British and American attempts to deliver an ultimatum to the Kremlin this week could result in a “real war”.

  11. Donald Trump was doing what he thought was right to help our allies which is Syria because their own leader is bombing the citizens but at the same time he didn't get the approval of congress and he should be punished for that or else he will think he can do whatever he wants to do>

  12. trump is crazy. were going into war.

  13. I think that doing a chemical attack on their own people is stupid. I honestly dont understand why they did it. I think what Donald Trump did was right. He made the right decision. Now lets hope that they dont do anything to retaliate.

  14. I think Donald Trump should not have done this.

  15. I think that Trump was out of line for what he said. He is ending mixed signals to Syria and they feel disrespected about Trump's actions.

  16. According to syria, the leader is bombing his own people, children, women, etc. and since syria is in an alliance with the united states, trump has came to the conclusion to stop him and this from happening from losing another member of the united nations alliance with syria. What he has done has created controversy but has also viewed democratic point of views also making realization that this may be the first thing hes done right in the time he has been elected.

  17. Trump is crazy for what he did.

  18. Remember when I kept saying World War III would start soon?

  19. Trump is putting the United States in great danger, he is not understanding what could be the outcome of all of this. As said before, he is just thinking about himself and thinking that this is what will make the U.S great. I do not think Trump was mentally ready to be president cause he has no idea what he is doing. Going to war is killing lives, not necessarily saving them.

  20. i felt like Donald trump was trying to send a message that they broke an agreement about using chemical weapons and that they will not allow innocent children to be killed because of the attacks to Syria's people.and in any case that Donald trump brought this to congress he probably would have been denied access to launch the missiles just like Obama did back in 2013.

  21. trump is crazy. were going into war.

  22. Trump was totally out of order for causing all of this commotion. Proper protocol calls for the President to have wars and bombings cleared by Congress in order for it to be properly declared and effective.

  23. I feel like he was dumb for that . And he started something he didnt have to do . He just do to much

  24. Donald Trump ordered the attacks on Thursday afternoon and the strikes took place at about 7.40pm local time while he had dinner in south Florida with Chinese president Xi Jinping.

  25. Donald Trump was doing what he thought was right to help our allies which is Syria because their own leader is bombing the citizens but at the same time he didn't get the approval of congress and he should be punished for that or else he will think he can do whatever he wants to do.

  26. I don't think Trump should of done what he did.

  27. the world is coming to the end we are living in the end times

  28. Their are two sides. One side Trump is trying to protect the people of Syria and on the other side this could lead to war

  29. Trump was totally out of order for causing all of this commotion. Proper protocol calls for the President to have wars and bombings cleared by Congress in order for it to be properly declared and effective.

  30. Trump actually made a good decision. I'm not totally for it but I'm not totally against it. Syria needs to quit killing their own people for no reason. Bombing their military weapons was actually a decent decision. Even though this might start WWIII. Oh well.

  31. i think the bombing in Syria shouldn't have been done. although it was a good idea so that they would stop harming there people, Syria has friends that are willing to fight when someone harms or threatens them. That alone could put all of us in danger

  32. Trump is crazy. Were going into war.

  33. Trump put himself in a problem that wasn't meant for him to solve. Bombing their homeland and sending troops over there could possibly put us in danger.

  34. Donald Trump was doing what he thought was right to help our allies which is Syria because their own leader is bombing the citizens but at the same time he didn't get the approval of congress and he should be punished for that or else he will think he can do whatever he wants to do

  35. I think that trump is going about the situation the wrong way. He's thinking "if we don't attack them their gonna attack us" . Trump inserted himself in a problem that wasn't meant for him to solve. He's bombing their homeland and sending troops over there not understanding the danger that he's putting us U.S. citizens in.

  36. 18 Syrian fighters allied with U.S. are killed in coalition airstrike.

    Resource:The New York Times
    Written By: Helene Cooper

  37. Donald Trump ordered the attacks on Thursday afternoon and the strikes took place at about 7.40pm local time while he had dinner in south Florida with Chinese president Xi Jinping. Afterward Trump told the American people it is in their “vital national security interest” to “prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons”.

  38. I think that doing a chemical attack on their own people is stupid. I honestly dont understand why they did it. I think what Donald Trump did was right. He made the right decision. Now lets hope that they dont do anything to retaliate.

  39. I think this is crazy and the world she be peaceful

  40. Trump needed congressional approval before launching any missile which he did not do. Something should be taken place for his actions. He needs to be concerned about putting the U.S back together.

  41. trump is the stupidist person ever. all he had to do is mind his dang business

  42. Trump made a horrible decision to missile strike Syria. Its make you think that does he wanted to create war with Syria?

  43. Donald wa sand still is doing the most. What was the point of bombing anybody? Just because you 70 and about to die does not mean kill us all.

  44. Trump is going to start a whole war out here for real. He bombing places for no type of reason

  45. This world doesn't know peace and I think it's sad.

  46. The two military allies of Syria said the US bombardment had violated international law and, in a statement, added: “From now on we will respond with force.”

  47. Trump needed congressional approval before launching any missile which he did not do. Something should be taken place for his actions. He needs to be concerned about putting the U.S back together.


  48. Trump just wants to attack and nothing else

  49. trump is going in wrong way he just want to fight

  50. President trump is putting The U.S. in a bad situation.
