Friday, September 8, 2017


Why is credit important, and what does this data breach actually mean for the general public?

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  1. Credit is important because it determines what loans you will qualify for and the interest rate you will pay. It mean that cyber criminals have accessed sensitive information including names, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and the numbers of some driver's licenses. Which effect your life even when you think it doesn't

  2. You have to give credit where as it could lead up to a lawsuit or somebody in jail.And the data breach is showing that since technology is so huge,cyber criminals have many more chances ti commit crimes that way.The criminals can steal your name,social security number,birth days and addresses.

  3. Credit is important because it helps keep up with our financial stability. Also it keeps our personal information. It makes us who we are. This data breach means that people accounts are drained of money and peoples identities aren't theirs anymore.

  4. It gives someone the ability to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. This breach means that the public is in danger and if people don't protect their information now, it can hurt them tremendously in their families and everything that they own.

  5. Credit is important because you need it in order to be eligible for a lot of things in America. Credit checks and scores are needed for many big purchases throughout people's adult life. This breach means that people everywhere need to freeze their credit and check their accounts to make sure things are still intact.

  6. Credit is important because you need it to be able to use goods and services. The data breach means that people need to keep a more watchful eye.

  7. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. If some one else gets hold of yours they can ruin the trust you have.

  8. Credit is important because it determines what loans you will qualify for and the interest rate you will pay. The data breach is saying that with the technology we have today, criminals can easily access important information such as addresses and social security numbers.

  9. Credit is an amount of money you receive and are expected to pay back based on your credit score.A breach in this data for the general public can mean that no ones private and important financial information is safe.

  10. Credit is important because it determines what loans you will qualify for. This data breach means that many peoples personal information such as social security numbers, bank accounts,credit card numbers and more can be affected and obtained by hackers.

  11. Credit is important because you need it to be able to use goods and services. The data breach is saying that with the technology we have today, criminals can easily access important information such as addresses and social security numbers.

  12. credit helps keep all of your personal information it allows you to get a loan depending on your financial circumstances now we got to be more careful because people know how to breech your information and take your money

  13. Credit is important because you get good deals and loans and what not because they know you are going to pay it right back.

  14. Credit is important because it shows colleges how qualified you are for them.

  15. You need it to be able to use goods and services. The data breach means that people need to keep a more watchful eye.

  16. credit is important because you need it to let people/companies who want to give you money know how reliable you are

  17. Credit is important it catches someone's eye and it is very important and it shows people how qualified you are and you get more chances to do something.

  18. Credit is important because it determines if you can buy that nice house or that new car you want. Credit basically determines all your financial stability. The breach is a high risk because identities and credit can be stole.

  19. credit is very important. It could get you a good house,and a car

  20. VCredit is important because it helps keep up with our financial stability. Also it keeps our personal information. It makes us who we are. This data breach means that people accounts are drained of money and peoples identities aren't theirs anymore.

  21. Credit is important because it helps when you need to use goods and services. People who have good credit can take out loans when they buy things. But now that there's been a data breach, it can cause many problems .

  22. Cyber criminals have accessed to information, Equifax said that credit card numbers for about 200,000 U.S. customers were exposed.

  23. Credit is important because credit determines that you qualify for. You also need it for various goods and services. The data breach shows that you should always keep an eye on your personal information/belongings and protect it in every way possible.

  24. Credit is important because it can see if you can get certain things you need as an adult.

  25. It is important because it is the thing we use to store and use our money. Without we would have to carry large amounts of paper money with us constantly . This breach means that our privacy can be out there and the money people have worked hard to earn is stolen an used.

  26. It helps you get the necessary items you need to maintain a stable living. IN all reality, credit gets you by in life, and all subsides by taking parts in goods and services. Since there has been a breach, many issues can stir up upon not only different people's credit but among those who have caused the breach.

  27. credit is important because it allows companies to loan you money when you need it. This breach effects people by destroying 143 million Americans credit

  28. Credit is very important, because when you want to buy a car they will look at your credit and also when you want to buy a house. This security breach could affect a lot of people and this breach can give people's personal information out to the public.

  29. Credit is very important because it allows you to get things in life and this incidents should make people keep their eyes on what is happening

  30. Credit is important because it helps keep up with our financial stability. Also it keeps our personal information. It makes us who we are. This data breach means that people accounts are drained of money and peoples identities aren't theirs anymore.

  31. Credit is important because its the only reference or record to show that you always pay your bills on time so for example if you wanted to buy a car and they would check you credit to see if your responsible to may the monthly bill for the car.

    This breach means that all that could possibly be affected can get robbed of their personal information and steal your identity.

  32. Credit is important because credit determines that you qualify for. You also need it for various goods and services.

  33. Credit is important because credit determines what you are qualify for . It also keeps record of how you pay your bills and if you do so on time . By personal information getting out the way it did puts people in danger . Because their address and other personal information is now common knowledge . Plus someone could uses someone else account information to buy what ever they want . Which basically means their identity is stolen .

  34. Credit is important because your credit history determines what loans you will qualify for and the interest rate you will pay. Cyber criminals have accessed sensitive information -- including names, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and the numbers of some driver's licenses. The data breach is one of the worst ever, by its reach and by the kind of information exposed to the public.

  35. As many as 143 million poeple ma have had information exposed including addresse and social security numbers
    500 million accounts were compromised in a 2014
    In 2016,360 million user names and password were in a breach they attrbuted to a russian hacker

  36. Credit is important because it determines the certain qualifications of loans and interest rates that you can obtain .

  37. It is important because it is the thing we use to store and use our money. Without we would have to carry large amounts of paper money with us constantly . This breach means that our privacy can be out there and the money people have worked hard to earn is stolen an used.

  38. Credit is important because you get good deals and loans and what not because they know you are going to pay it right back.

  39. Credit is a form of money.Money is used to purchase most things in the United States.Without credit people could be in a lot a trouble. Without money people wouldn't be able to pay for food,water, or other necessary things. This breach can cause many family's to go into bankruptcy and have no way to get out of it except for earn their money back which most likely would take a while. This breach can cause very important information to be out in the eyes of the public where there are criminals are looking for there next heist and with easy access from the breach they could very much succeed at that heist.
