Monday, September 25, 2017

NFL boycott

What is your opinion about the NFL boycott?


  1. My opinion is that I like the fact that the players and the entire NFL are coming together as one and trying to unify the league and ultimately the country, not divide it with pointless statements by President Trump.

  2. I feel like Donald Trump is a racist and doesn't believe in black protests but you see he didn't have anything to say about the KKK and Nazis protesting about a month ago. He just has no respect for black people he just puts on a face for the public cause he's "President". I support the #TakeAKnee protest because it shines a light on injustice in sports and in the world.

  3. My opinion about the NFL boycott is that since African American can't protest any other way, why not take a knee to something that suppose to support every race. The National Anthem doesn't mean the same thing as it was years ago.

  4. Donald trump clearly doesn't know the true reason behind the players taking a knee. It has been clearly stated it is not to disrespect soldiers in battle or the flag, it is to protest an anthem that is supposed to have "justice for all" but doesn't show this in how the country when it continues to kill unarmed African Americans. White people and Donald Trump don't want to face the real issues of their racially profiling ways and instead decide to put it off on "they're disrespectful".

  5. My opinion about the NFL boycott is that since African American can't protest any other way, why not take a knee to something that suppose to support every race

  6. my feeling about Donald Trump he is using Bully pulpit to start
    calling political plays from slidelines has brought the national way so he needs to knee right

  7. Trump's decision threatens not just to embroil the NFL in politics for years to come but to reshape the experience of those who watch it. My opinion is I like the fact the NFL is trying to unify the league and not listen to Trump's pointless comments.

  8. I think that its stupid.Why would our "perfect president" say such a racial slur and think that its okay.I think that we should get him impeached.He doesn't deserve to have such a huge title because he's not worthy of it.But that's just me.But I think that the NFL is horrible.

  9. I feel like its just a silent protest.

  10. I feel that it was a bit disrespectful only because people are serving and people have died for this country,but then again it's their right and if they don't see it as a symbol of the people who have sacrificed for this country but as a racial thing then that their opinion.As long as they aren't hurting anyone then I think it's ok.

  11. The NFL Players came together to protest and i think it was a good idea.

  12. Governments this. Disrespectful to this that...The boycott is a respectful and silent statement that means so much. Many white people are offended. Colin Kappernick need to get his job back now that many people are doing it, and thats the end of the story.

  13. I think that I was great that the NFL is joining together and boycotting for equality for all players.

  14. African American can't protest any other way, why not take a knee to something that suppose to support every race.

  15. I feel that sports shouldn't have gov't interference .

  16. I feel like sports should not be under the governments influence and should act on the own. Because this will separate the sport instead of bring them together.

  17. I feel since the NFL players work hard for the entertainment of the people of the world they should be able to voice their own opinions and stand up for their rights.

  18. Donald trump clearly doesn't know the true reason behind the players taking a knee. It has been clearly stated it is not to disrespect soldiers in battle or the flag, it is to protest an anthem that is supposed to have "justice for all" but doesn't show this in how the country when it continues to kill unarmed African Americans.

  19. I feel like NFL players have their own opinions for what they believe in and they should be able to do whatever they believe in.

  20. i feel like sports should not have influence and should act on their own and i think i think they should bring the together

  21. I feel like the NFL players have the right to express themselves and stand up for their rights/equality. What Trump said was clearly very ignorant.

  22. I feel like Donald Trump is a racist and doesn't believe in black protests but you see he didn't have anything to say about the KKK and Nazis protesting about a month ago. He just has no respect for black people he just puts on a face for the public cause he's "President". I support the #TakeAKnee protest because it shines a light on injustice in sports and in the world.

  23. In my opinion, this whole situation is blown out of proportion. It is not against the law "#takeaknee" while saying the pledge.

  24. I think there are better ways to protest the US than to kneel during the anthem

  25. I don't think the NFL players are trying to be disrespect the people who are fighting for our country . They have the right to express they way they feel . Plus i understand that they are doing it because of how the country and Trump are acting .

  26. I think that the NFL players did a good thing to take a stand and what Trump is saying is very disrespectful

  27. In my opinion the NFL boycott, isn't too far stretched. I completely understand why NFL players have been "taking a knee" during the National Anthem during their games. Some people have been calling NFL players "disrespectful" for not standing and putting their hand over their heart during the national anthem. However, no one was calling police disrespectful when they were beating and killing black people.

  28. Donald trump clearly doesn't know the true reason behind the players taking a knee. It has been clearly stated it is not to disrespect soldiers in battle or the flag, it is to protest an anthem that is supposed to have "justice for all" but doesn't show this in how the country when it continues to kill unarmed African Americans. White people and Donald Trump don't want to face the real issues of their racially profiling ways and instead decide to put it off on "they're disrespectful".

  29. I feel like people are entitled for what they believe in. If you do not wan;t to stand for the US Pledge the don't. Your beliefs are yours.

  30. Donald Trump doesn't really know anything about this situation or the reason or story behind the whole taking a knee thing. He is just saying something because he thinks it will make the people happy by making him seem like he cares. As for the players the are doing what they believe, they want to see change. I feel they are doing the right thing.

  31. i feel like he doesnt know to much about football and hes doing that to cause another scene

  32. I feel like its not Donald Trump's decision, its whoever's decision if they want to stand for the pledge or not.

  33. I belive it good to stand up for what you believe in cause if you keep getting pushed around you wont like it so this is a way to protest and it our right to do this. And i feel that we are post to be land of freedom but we still dont have equal freedom at all

  34. Trump's decision threatens not just to embroil the NFL in politics for years to come but to reshape the experience of those who watch it. My opinion is I like the fact the NFL is trying to unify the league and not listen to Trump's pointless comments.

  35. Trump as a president , as a person , should consider the feelings and or opinions of other people. He should focus on things like Puerto Rico being out of power for nearly 6 months instead he's focused on kneeling for the NA. He believes they're disrespecting the flag but they're standing up for what they believe in. The owners , even the ones who supported Trump, are also taking a stand . He didn't only criticize one person but he criticized an entire league. In other news, the MLB which is mostly white people is also taking a stand on behalf of the NFL.

  36. The NFL Boycott is a much needed protest that America needs right now. With all thats been happening lately in America thats been caused by the President.It shows that even though we disagree most of the time we stand together even when the leader of our country disproves of the actions being taken. This just go show maturity of the Donald Trump. I feel as if this is an eye opener for many people in America. The actions taken by the Football teams of the NFL are a great way to show that we stand together even if the President of the United States doesn't stand with us.

  37. I feel like NFL players should have the right to say and do what they feel is right

  38. the players came together and didnt care what trump did as the games went by the more and more people stared joining the boycott.

  39. the players came together as one against trump as the games went by more and more people joined and they got stronger soon the whole nfl will be doing it and colleges and highschools ect.

  40. I think that the boycott is just the players using their platform to express their first amendment rights which is freedom of speech. Players like Colin Kaepernick saw something they did not agree wit so they decided to protest against on a bigger platform, and I find nothing wrong with it.
