Friday, September 1, 2017

DMZ - education

List some potential ideas for our Education segment on Dutchtown Media News. 

What are some things you think would be cool for you and your peers to see on the school news in reference to Educational topics. 


  1. We should talk more about politics.

  2. Something that high schoolers think are interesting.

  3. something entertaining to watch.

  4. Something to get people's attention.

  5. whatever the topic about education is put it in a way to where people would want to watch it. Make it funny

  6. I think they should have something more entertaining on there and also I think they should also talk about current events in the world and not just in school.

  7. Lets talk about new movies or new tv shows.

  8. i think they need to talk more about music

  9. I think the Dutch town media should talk more about more ways to help. It should talk about ways to help in the community, the environment,and people around the world who need assistance.

  10. They should talk about stuff thats relevant today.

  11. Anything to entertain the audience

  12. They Should talk about something relevant to education

  13. They should show everything that is happening outside of school like what news channels do.

  14. Formulated opinions and interesting topics

  15. There should be a current event segment because nowadays teens aren't in-sync with the world surrounding them . Also, there should be guest appearances educating teens about exciting opportunities that can set them on the path for success .

  16. Talk about relevant things that students would actually care about

  17. I think Dutchtown media should talk about ways we can help our community. I think we talk about things happening in our community .

  18. i think something that happens with sports

  19. Some things that would be interesting would be, maybe finding news to use our new technology that has recently been provided to the students. For example, every student who turned in a purple form received a Chromebook, however it seems there are many restrictions on this Chromebook. So I think it would be possibly a cool idea of showing different things you can do on these Chromebooks. However, I'm not 100% sure about what things you can show, but hey its technology. You can do all types of things with technology.

  20. Different oppositions of job career.

  21. I think an interesting topic that could be discussed is current events

  22. we should watch Cnn news in the morning

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. talk about music and the community

  25. For starters, help us get all the TV's working in our classrooms. Most of the classes I attended last year and some this year have TVs that DO NOT work. I miss a lot of the things the school news propose. Secondly, the school news already proposes very interesting topics that us teens can relate to. School news bring interest to many different individuals to the point people want to intervene with participation. There should be select opportunities available for students to take part in some of these events that are cast within the school news, besides the pep rallies, etc. More opportunities, such as different facts of the week in relation to the media or news and maybe a web-series. With a web-series, gather a few individuals with very creative scripting. There are a handful of people and their ideas NEED to be launched, too many talent within the DHS community. Can't wait for some new advances. Also seek more into the students because you have a lot of talented individuals that work great around media, and video production that are right under the tip of your nostrils......AND TEND TO BE OVERLOOKED. NO MATTER THE GRADE... TALENT HAS NO AGE LIMIT AND TALENTED INFERIOR WAITS FOR NO ONE. hehehe. COURSE LEVEL DOESN'T NEED TO BE VARIED UPON NEITHER.. HEHEH

  26. For the education segment it would be nice to see more student written literature and art pieces.

  27. Teachers should have the T.V. on in their classes all day for students who never get to see whats happening in our school. I think yall should do job careers or something of that nature.

  28. They should talk more about thing students care about, like Celebrities, Music etc.

  29. Highlights towards class performance and announcement towards club field trips if such doesn't exist.
