Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Write about the Hurricane, and some possible things that we can do to be safe during one and some ideas about how Dutchtown can help.


  1. We can stay in shelter and we can donate to anyone in need as a school.

  2. Start a canned food drive, set up piles of sandbags, and donate plywood.

  3. Stay away from windows. Stay indoors. Evacuate if told to do so.

  4. We could donate clothes, canned foods, water. Stay indoors and help people find shelter.

  5. I think we should start having a donation. We should bring in old clothes, blankets, canned goods and non perishable food items for the families who have lost everything. Georgia should declare state of emergency and atleast try to evacuate people that live closer to the shoreline have them move further inland to keep them safe. Just make sure we stock up on water, canned goods, flash lights, and mostly important first aid kits.

  6. To be safe during a hurricane you could highly secure your house and stock up on lots of food and keep a packed bag with all necessities just in case you have to evacuate your house and go to a shelter. Dutchtown can help by holding a food drive or raise money to donate to the local states that needs it.

  7. Hurricane Irma is a Category 5 hurricane and can reach speeds up to 185 mph, and if it hits, it can create the largest damage in history. We can stack up supplies and brace for impact and follow instructions given and the way that Dutchtown can help is by filling buckets with necessary supplies and ship it to the hardest-hit areas of Harvey.

  8. Dutchtown can host drives to help and if it hits us we need to get out of here.

  9. I think that we should go out and gee food and supplies and stock up for any future problems that the hurricane might bring.As a school, we could help those who are truly in need and support them financially,supply them with goods and any other helpful actions.

  10. Hurricanes are serious and we must know how to stay safe. Before a hurricane make sure you have enough food for at least 3 days per person,write down all emergency contacts so you don't lose them when your phone dies, have batteries and flash lights,and finally make sure your windows and doors are boarded up and gather anything from outside that can possibly hurt you when lifted by the storm. We can help hurricane victims by sending canned food,clothing,blankets,and by donating money.


  11. stay in shelters and donate things to people in need

  12. Hurricane Harvey not only terrified the people of Louisiana and Texas, but it demolished their homes. Since we are so far away from Louisiana and Texas it would be better off to send the equipment needed to fix some of the damage done to their homes.This should help them have place for children and adults to sleep which would allow the schools to reopen and go back into session. This will help the adults with time because they wouldn't have to babysit children while they get the rest of their beloved items back together.

  13. Hurricane Irma is one of the biggest hurricanes in history. It just hit barbuda and now its headed for Puerto Rico tomorrow. Some ways to be safe during a hurricane is to evacuate if needed and if you dont evacuate stay in a high place and make sure you have emergency food and water. Dutchtown can help by keeping everyone off the grounds.

  14. We can stay inside and get a lot of food so we wont have a reason to leave just in case it gets really bad.

  15. Hurricanes are a form tropical storms that depending on what category they are in can be catastrophic. Recently the states of Texas and Louisiana were deeply affected by Hurricane Harvey, a category 3 hurricane. And now the coast of Florida and tropical Islands like Puerto Rico and the Caribbeans are in danger because of Hurricane Irma, a category 5 hurricane.

    Something we can do for the people affected, is to have a shoe drive. Not just any shoe drive but a shoe drive where people are donating water shoes and other shoes sustainable from the affects of water. We can also donate food, blankets, and send our love and support to those in need.

  16. We need to get to shelter and get alot of supplies.

  17. We can try and raise a fundraiser for charity for the hurricane.

  18. All we can do is pray thats the only key to safeness

  19. in order to be safe , we should stay sheltered. Also, we should purchase food and the appropriate necessities in order to sustain life.

  20. Be sheltered, stay inside, away from windows. Have a good supply of food ready.

    Dutchtown can host a canned goods drive.


  21. in order to be safe , we should stay sheltered. Also, we should purchase food and the appropriate necessities in order to sustain life.

  22. Honestly , we gotta go and preserve food and or water.

  23. somethings you do in a hurricane is go to the top floor of your house and if they say evacuate leave the state.

  24. stay in shelters and don't go outside

  25. The Hurricane Irma is one of the strongest hurricanes in the Atlantic. Irma is heading towards the north of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Irma's core, with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph -- well above the 157 mph threshold of a Category 5. Ways we can be safe is follow hurricane regulations. A way Dutchtown can help is by collecting canned foods and things people will need.

  26. I think we should start a charity or donation to help the shelters that are saving the people who lost their home other than that there is really not much we can do but pray that all the people in the hurricane will be safe and soon be able to restore their normal lifestyles

  27. we could donate things like food and clothes

  28. Hurricane Irma has been confirmed to be the biggest storm hurricane since 100 years ago. It is traveling through the carribean waters and headed for Puerto Rico and Florida and possible southern Georgia. I think we should help all of the homeless people prepare for the most dangerous storm since over a centruy ago.

  29. A other hurricane is going to hit another places. This places is called Puerto Rico. Were not sure if it will hit but we got to wait. But it already hit Caribbean island.

  30. To be safe during a hurricane of this clamberer it is best for you just to evacuate if the meteorologist says you should. Dutchtown could possibly set up a fundraiser during lunch or have a week of water and food donations.

  31. Hurricane Irma is a category 5 that is destroying Florida right now. It's destroying homes and making power lines explode. Hundreds and thousands of people are either homeless or trapped in there homes because of flooding from the outside. To the people that have not been hit yet, Officials are telling them to evacuate there homes and moves to safety.

  32. We could donate clothes, canned foods, water. Stay indoors and help people find shelter

  33. Either evacuate ahead of time and pray. OR Safely prepare with stocking food, sandbags and properly provide the necessary items and shelter that can withstand the hurricane's conditions.

  34. Ship things that we do not need or wear to the people who house has flooded.

  35. we need to stay in some type of shelter and we can help help donate money to people thats needed

  36. We Can donate food and clothes and stay in some type of shelter

  37. You can stay safe from a hurricane by leaving the area that is being affected from the storm. If you don't leave then you should get to high ground and just wait for it to be over. Dutchtown could help by donating food and water and go out help the affected people from the hurricane.

  38. You can stay safe from a hurricane by leaving the area before the storm hits. We can help by giving water to the areas that need it and by giving clothes to them to . We can also rise money to give to those areas .

  39. -To safe we have to make sure we stay inside and covered.
    -To help we can host a drive and people bring in things that were lost

  40. hurricane is a tropical cyclone that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean, What you should do to stay safe would be to stay indoors

  41. Hurricane Irma is one of the biggest hurricanes in history. It just hit barbuda and now its headed for Puerto Rico tomorrow. Some ways to be safe during a hurricane is to evacuate if needed and if you don't evacuate stay in a high place and make sure you have emergency food and water. Dutchtown can help by keeping everyone off the grounds.

  42. the irma hurricane was huge one of the biggest ever recorded a gget to hig grounds away from water n be prepared
