Thursday, February 28, 2019

Free -Write

Please update your spreadsheet tracker and summarize one current event related to politics. 

Please summarize in one paragraph.


  1. The Iphone XS Max is starting to go down in demand as of the late 2018. Because its the newest model, there are many things that this phone have with its prior models. The Iphone 8 is basically capable of doing anything the XS can and its also cheaper.This means that consumers are more or less likely to get an 8 or XR as their main phone over a XS who doesn't have many exclusives than price.

  2. I know that Trump has called a national emergency about the boarder wall.

  3. Learning With: ‘Michael Cohen Accuses Trump of Expansive Pattern of Lies and Criminality’. Michael D. Cohen is the former lawyer and fixer for President Donald Trump.

  4. trump sut down the groverment

  5. Based on the news they are still talking about the border wall because the president still need six million dollars to fund his wall even though the Congress is providing the money for the border wall.

  6. Donald Trump failed to negotiate a deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the recent Summit. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that the U.S had wanted the North Koreans to "do more" to show it was sincere in giving up its nuclear weapons program and that Kim had refused. Trump tried to down play the collapse of the Summit, saying Kim had agreed to maintain his missile and nuclear tests.

  7. Some are still trying to impeach president trump from office and he's still working on the wall.

  8. Yesterday Michael Cohen testified in front of the House. He was pressed by the Republicans who tried to discredit Cohen; and the Democrats who sought to coerce details of Trump's role in hush money payments. Finally many notable moments came from Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley.

  9. The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider.The vote, 52-47, went mostly along party lines and underscored partisan divisions over the Trump administration’s continued commitment to repealing environmental regulations under Mr. Wheeler. Senator Susan Collins of Maine was the only Republican to vote against Mr. Wheeler.

  10. The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider.The vote, 52-47, went mostly along party lines and underscored partisan divisions over the Trump administration’s continued commitment to repealing environmental regulations under Mr. Wheeler. Senator Susan Collins of Maine was the only Republican to vote against Mr. Wheeler.

  11. Virginia First Lady Pam Northam is under fire for allegedly giving cotton to at least two black students during a tour of the governor’s mansion. She apologized when a mother complained that her child and at least one other child was given raw cotton. Sources says that she also asked the students to picture what it would be like to be enslaved and have to pick cotton.

  12. Cohen is getting arrested. Because of this he decided to tell about Trump and the things he did. He worked for him during the election and after. He paid somebody off and tried to get out of paying taxes. People say he probably won't get impeached though.

  13. To day is free write and I don't know what I want to talk about so. I'm ready to get out of high school and move on to the next step in my life meet new people and get lots of cash and I'm trying to get myself right because its a lot of people that's around that not down and its a lot of people that's down but not around think about that and see if you might feel the same way.

  14. The police issue warning to parents after "Momo challenge" resurfaces. This is a popular whatsapp challenge that has resurfaced in the United Kingdom and the law enforcement investigated the influence of Momo on the death of a 12 year old in Argentina, worrying parents globally to the potentially real dangers of the challenge. When children participate in the challenge, they contact a stranger concealing themselves as Momo. Momo encourages the participant to complete various task if they want to avoid being cursed.

  15. trump shutting down the government which is gonna take be harder to handle taxes.

  16. Donald Trumps dumb decisions is impacting the United States a lot. The government shutdown is just a petty decision he made because of his mood. He's just thinking about himself and not others.

  17. Disney has just bought out fox and it seems like they are affiliated with almost every major company we see. Companies like espn and abc. Disney is slowly monopolizing the entertainment industry.

  18. The Momo challenge has finally brought enough attention to itself to to where the police are now getting involved. There was a warning sent out giving out cautions about the challenge for kids and asking parents to keep safe.

  19. Yesterday Michael Cohen testified in front of the House. He was pressed by the Republicans who tried to discredit Cohen; and the Democrats who sought to coerce details of Trump's role in hush money payments. Finally many notable moments came from Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley.
