Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5G May 19, 2015

Read the link below and give your opinion. Will you switch to 5G?



  1. I have never been the type of person to "ohh" and "ahh" at high speed internet or crazy, realistic graphics. In saying this, I am still amazed when I do hear about new technological advances. Knowing that 5G is going to be so much faster than 4G is pretty insane.However, my mother still pays my cellphone bill and she is stickler on data usage. I only get 2GB of data a month.If we do switch to 5G I doubt ill make it on 2GB a month. I barely make it on such little data now. What I am trying to say is, I don't care how much faster the service will be. To me, it isn't worth the price. I just don't care.

  2. I will not be switching to 5G. In my opinion, I think that it is unnecessary and very costly. Watching a movie on a phone is one of the last things I'll ever do. I'm content with 4G. I have no need to switch to 5g.

  3. The only time I will ever switch to 5G is to only try out the 3-D addition and when cellphone companies decide to remove the lesser data plans. Likely, 5G will be quicker than 4G but with a slight difference only an impatient person will notice. I will only switch to 5G when I notice the speed is necessary for anything important, that is if my parents ever by me a phone....


  4. When 5G becomes a thing I will probably upgrade. According to the article 5G will be up to 40 times faster than 4G. Those amazing speeds is something I cant pass up on. Being able to stream 8K videos in a matter of seconds is the future and that's something I want to be apart of. The only draw back is the high prices, which is about $143 per billing. But by the end of the decade when this is set to come out i should be rich enough to afford it.

  5. Changing to 5g in my opinion depends on the person and how fast they like their internet. Honestly for me I wouldn't pay more for 5g. I really like 4g runs for now. Unless the price goes down I'll stick with 4g.

  6. I mean it depends on how fast you would like your internet. I wouldn't pay the extra amount for the 5G, I don't even use my phone like that anyways. I like the speed of 4g and the price where it is right now. I'm good without 5G.

  7. Honestly I really don't care about changing to 5g because data plans area already expensive. Before I had ultimate data I would always go over the data limit within a week and I would barely get on it. 4g is already expensive enough. I feel as if the rate plans should be a one time fee for that month to use how ever much data you want because its literally ridiculous how much certain phone service companies charge.

  8. I think this is great. when 5G come out I am going to upgrade most likely depending on how much it cost. but when it comes out this is going to shock many people. but it goes 40 times faster so it will be easier for something like if your in an emergency or something of that sort.

  9. Yes i will use it because most likely it would be a lot faster than 4G. Now granite it might be more expensive but it would be more useful.

  10. I probably will not switch to 5G, one reason being the article says that it will cost a lot more than 4G. The service I have now is pretty expensive, and by the end of the decade I will be a college student and paying my own bills. I think the speed of 5G will be amazing, and I would love to have it, but I'm not going to spend all my money when I'm fine with the service I have now.

  11. I dont know if I'll switch because 5g is gunna be alot of money that I dont have and its probably not going to be as promising as it sounds. Id rather play tank trouble than have 5g internet. Also, my charter internet is as fast as it needs to be right now so Im not complaining. Tank trouble over 5g

  12. Yes i will use it because most likely it would be a lot faster than 4G. Now granite it might be more expensive but it would be more useful.

  13. I think that streaming videos in 3-d and faster sppeds is pretty amazing. I wouldn't get a 5G data plan because of how expensive it will be. A 5G data plan will be gone in like 2 seconds because it uses so many gigabytes of space. I would take advantage of the lower priced phones if a phone company decided to lower the prices to make the datas more affordable.

  14. The global race is on to develop 5G, the fifth generation of mobile network. While 5G will follow in the footsteps of 4G and 3G, this time scientists are more excited. They say 5G will be different.

  15. I wouldnt switch because 4g is fast. And 5g cost way more cso i wil;l just save my money. * smiley face emoji *

  16. 5g is a wait of money really a wait of money, because im pretty sure somebody going to come up with a phone that can do all the stuff that 5g can do. your just paying extra for faster internet when you can just use wifi

  17. Im not real big on the fast internet and all of that stuff. I still have 3G because i have a iphone 4. im a little late on the phone stuff. It doesnt change anything if you ask me. Ill be thankful for 5G but im not going to go all out and try to buy it .

  18. I wouldn't switch to 5G , because its pointless to pay all that money for something so unnecessary , but at the same time some people are dumb enough to buy and pay for something so pointless.

  19. 5G is a great idea. most businesses should consider this. the ability to do more on the internet in less time is unbelievable however, a person on a plan is probably not ready to pay this much monthly for this type of speed. you'd have to be rich and famous really to afford this. its only a matter of time however before 4G is frowned upon and everybody else updates because it's so common its become more affordable and advertisement has pushed us yet again to pay a little more

  20. 5G is a great idea. most businesses should consider this. the ability to do more on the internet in less time is unbelievable however, a person on a plan is probably not ready to pay this much monthly for this type of speed. you'd have to be rich and famous really to afford this. its only a matter of time however before 4G is frowned upon and everybody else updates because it's so common its become more affordable and advertisement has pushed us yet again to pay a little more

  21. I think I would definitely switch. 5g sounds really good for people who like to watch videos and things like that on there electronics. So i think it'll be great as long as they make sure it works properly and there are no kinks.

  22. I don't really care for the 5G. In my opinion it really doesn't matter whether I think its a good idea or not because its not my product for one and even thought people want to know what I think about it I would say it doesn't matter because not everybody would be interested in the same thing.

  23. 5G data plans sounds great, however its just not feasible as far as price goes. Considering families and even single plan owners, having phones can cost up to $140 per line. Of a typical family of four that is $560 dollars every month. Though this plan sounds intriguing and a step further into the future of smartphones and technology itself, it also seems to be a fantasy embossed in unattainable gold. Many people will invest in what is new and "better," however I will not.

  24. 5G isn't that special to me honestly. It is just another way for these carriers to receive money off of something that might work. I'm personally not going to get 5g just for the simple fact that it is a waste of money. If I were to get it then I would have hear really good things.

  25. I would use the 5g because it is faster then 4g. The price is supposed to be high because it is an advance in technology.

  26. When 5G becomes a thing I will probably upgrade. According to the article 5G will be up to 40 times faster than 4G.

  27. I wouldn't use the 5G one because i feel that it is unnecessary and i think that it is going to cost a good amount of money and that 4G hasn't went bad and it is also good as well but i think that 5G is just another way for them to make alot of money.

  28. Honestly, I am pretty happy with my 4G service right now. It does everything that I want and even has a fast speed at loading things. I don't really care for the 5G speed or the new things it could do. Already, phone bills are costly, so I wouldn't pay for the new service. The price would be more and I don't really want that.

    However, if the price went down for this service, I would try it out. It's new and I would like to see if it is all that. I like my phone right now, and I wouldn't be upset if I didn't change the service or speed.

  29. I will not be switching to 5g Smartphones because of the fact that I am perfectly fine with smart device that I currently use. The 4g phone that I am using is more than enough to satisfy my needs. Also the cost of 5g phones are overwhelming. They say that differences are of that of looking at videos. The 5g phones will be capable of viewing videos in 8k in 3-d.

  30. I would definitely take advantage of 5g . regardless of the price because it would mean faster speeds. the price is something everyone would expect to come along with something as amazing and cutting edge as 5g. i am truly interested and cant wait to see what the future holds .

  31. I wouldn't switch to 5G because I'm happy with my internet speed right now and 5G is going to be expensive. Also, i would only use the 5G for youtube videos and streaming music which is already fast with 4G. The download speeds and ability to watch 3-d movies doesn't interest me because I'm already having trouble with memory and it would take 7GB for 4k videos.

  32. It sounds pretty choice to me. I mean I like G's and 5 is one more than 4, so I'm all for it. And 40 times faster is like way faster. That's a speed I cant even comprehend right now. Id imagine it's just like instantaneous. But the price is so astronomical that I probably never experience the 5th G. I don't pay for my own phone so i guess I'l just have to see what my dad does.

  33. 5G is not really important to me. I don't pay for my bill but faster service would be useful. I have never been one to be obsessed with the features of the phone, as long as i can text and Facetime without problems im okay.

  34. I personally don't think that having 5G is all that important especially if it is extremely expensive I don't think that it is worth paying all of that money just to have faster internet speeds.

  35. It sounds pretty choice to me. I mean I like G's and 5 is one more than 4, so I'm all for it. And 40 times faster is like way faster. That's a speed I cant even comprehend right now. Id imagine it's just like instantaneous. But the price is so astronomical that I probably never experience the 5th G. I don't pay for my own phone so i guess I'l just have to see what my dad does.

  36. I have never been the type of person to "ohh" and "ahh" at high speed internet or crazy, realistic graphics. In saying this, I am still amazed when I do hear about new technological advances. Knowing that 5G is going to be so much faster than 4G is pretty insane.However, my mother still pays my cellphone bill and she is stickler on data usage. I only get 2GB of data a month.If we do switch to 5G I doubt ill make it on 2GB a month. I barely make it on such little data now. What I am trying to say is, I don't care how much faster the service will be. To me, it isn't worth the price. I just don't care.

  37. I thank that having 4G is better the having 5G. becaues faster speed is not always better.

  38. I will not be switching to 5g because i think it is a waste of money and most people are fine with 4g.If you want to have better connection and stuff get 5g but ui think its a waste of money

  39. I will be switching to 5G when it comes out. Faster service is always appreciated and you will be able to accomplished. However, the price is a little steep for my taste. But Ill still get it tho.

  40. I most definitely will switch to 5g when it comes out. Who would want to miss out on a even faster network? Not me so when the opportunity comes i will have it no doubt and ill be the happiest person in the world when i do

  41. I really won't even need it long as my phone work im good. It sound good and all but im good I don't need it.

  42. I have never been the type of person to "ohh" and "ahh" at high speed internet or crazy, realistic graphics. In saying this, I am still amazed when I do hear about new technological advances. Knowing that 5G is going to be so much faster than 4G is pretty insane.However, my mother still pays my cellphone bill and she is stickler on data usage. I only get 2GB of data a month.If we do switch to 5G I doubt ill make it on 2GB a month. I barely make it on such little data now. What I am trying to say is, I don't care how much faster the service will be. To me, it isn't worth the price. I just don't care.Honestly, I am pretty happy with my 4G service right now. It does everything that I want and even has a fast speed at loading things. I don't really care for the 5G speed or the new things it could do. Already, phone bills are costly, so I wouldn't pay for the new service. The price would be more and I don't really want that.

    However, if the price went down for this service, I would try it out. It's new and I would like to see if it is all that. I like my phone right now, and I wouldn't be upset if I didn't change the service or speed.

  43. YES as much as we use the internet we need a and plus how fast generation technology changesI will be switching to 5G when it comes out. I mean I like G's and 5 is one more than 4, so I'm all for it. The 5g phones will be capable of viewing videos in 8k in 3-d.

  44. it will be good because the the service will move faster. faster speed is always better because you don't have to wait.

  45. I do not think i will not switch to 5G. I think that it would cost to much and I am perfectly fine with what I have. Although the internet will be faster, i just do not think that it is cost effective.

  46. I do not think i will not switch to 5G. I think that it would cost to much and I am perfectly fine with what I have. Although the internet will be faster, i just do not think that it is cost effective.

  47. I dont know if i will switch to 5g .The only time I will ever switch to 5G is to only try out the 3-D addition and when cellphone companies decide to remove the lesser data plans. Likely, 5G will be quicker than 4G but with a slight difference only an impatient person will notice. I will only switch to 5G when I notice the speed is necessary for anything important, that is if my parents ever by me a phone....

  48. I wouldn't switch to 5g. I mean who wouldn't want faster internet but it cost too much. $g is fine for now.

  49. 5G data plans sounds great, however its just not feasible as far as price goes. Considering families and even single plan owners, having phones can cost up to $140 per line. Of a typical family of four that is $560 dollars every month. Though this plan sounds intriguing and a step further into the future of smartphones and technology itself, it also seems to be a fantasy embossed in unattainable gold. Many people will invest in what is new and "better," however I will not.

  50. Mia Reddick.
    I'm really unsure if I will switch to 5g. I was never the type to be so big on a certain Gigabyte, such as fast internet. However, if the 5g is beneficial then I guess it is worth getting.

  51. I may update when it comes if its at a reasonably price. If its a t a very high price than stick with what I have. Most advertisements turn out to be much worse than they actually claim it to be.

  52. If the price is right then yes ill switch. The way they was talking make it seem like it was a huge leap. It would be nice to watch stuff on 3-d. The hd would be more better. It would be like a mni TV. I know the speeds will be crazy fast. I'll have to check it out.

  53. I think that it would cost to much and I am perfectly fine with what I have. Although the internet will be faster, i just do not think that it is cost effective.I don't really care for the 5G speed or the new things it could do. Already, phone bills are costly, so I wouldn't pay for the new service. The price would be more and I don't really want that.

  54. I think that the 5G wireless data speed will open a whole new to technology. Downloading a 3-D video in 6 seconds is pretty impressive. The 5G wireless data speed price is to much but its worth it.

  55. honestly i would not switch to 5g because it doesn't matter what generation you have because 4g is already a good one plus LTE so no i would not switch to 5g even if its worth paying a lot for

  56. I think that 5G data will change a lot of things. Things will go a lot faster now. A lot of people might not be able to get it because some people cant get upgrades automatically. I believe we could have went on without it even though I knew this would release. I think its a nice innovation though.

  57. I probably will not switch to 5G, one reason being the article says that it will cost a lot more than 4G. The service I have now is pretty expensive, and by the end of the decade I will be a college student and paying my own bills. even though 5g will probably be the fastest ever I am not fortunate to follow every upgrade phone wise

  58. I would like to use 5g, however I don't think I would simply due to the cost. I have a 4g phone now obviously, however I'm not sure exactly what kind of money they are talking about. Even still, I'm sure the new data will be much faster than what we have now, which is already pretty fast. So it will all depend.

  59. I would like to use 5g, however I don't think I would simply due to the cost. I have a 4g phone now obviously, however I'm not sure exactly what kind of money they are talking about. Even still, I'm sure the new data will be much faster than what we have now, which is already pretty fast. So it will all depend.

  60. Honestly, I am pretty happy with my 4G service right now. It does everything that I want and even has a fast speed at loading things. I don't really care for the 5G speed or the new things it could do. Already, phone bills are costly, so I wouldn't pay for the new service. The price would be more and I don't really want that.

    However, if the price went down for this service, I would try it out. It's new and I would like to see if it is all that. I like my phone right now, and I wouldn't be upset if I didn't change the service or speed.

  61. I will not be switching to 5G. In my opinion, I think that it is unnecessary and very costly. one reason being the article says that it will cost a lot more than 4G. 4g is already a good one plus LTE

  62. I will not be switching to 5G. In my opinion, I think that it is unnecessary and very costly. one reason being the article says that it will cost a lot more than 4G. 4g is already a good one plus LTE

  63. I believe 5g is a good thing. It will speed up the way the world works. It would make social media way better. The bad thing would be the cost when it comes out. The cost would probably be way to expensive when it first comes out.However, if the price went down for this service, I would try it out. It's new and I would like to see if it is all that.

  64. I believe 5g is a good thing. It will speed up the way the world works. It would make social media way better. The bad thing would be the cost when it comes out. The cost would probably be way to expensive when it first comes out.However, if the price went down for this service, I would try it out. It's new and I would like to see if it is all that.

  65. i would switch to 5g ,because it would be much faster.it also would inprove your phone quality.however it would cost much more and it would be kinda uneffective at first

  66. I'm not really willing to pay for expensive new technology, but any advancement in technology is always beneficial. New technologies today are what we can expect to be the standard in the future. Technology moves at a rapid pace. There will be 6g before we even know it. Hopefully 5g will reduce the price of 4g.

  67. I'm not really willing to pay for expensive new technology, but any advancement in technology is always beneficial. New technologies today are what we can expect to be the standard in the future. Technology moves at a rapid pace. There will be 6g before we even know it. Hopefully 5g will reduce the price of 4g.

  68. Im not real big on the fast internet and all of that stuff. I still have 3G because i have a iphone 6, Although the internet will be faster

  69. The speed of phone never really interest me but sure I wouldn't mind having a phone with 5g. Its new technology so you know its expensive but it will also help many social medias and etc. beneficially .

  70. It sounds pretty choice to me. I mean I like G's and 5 is one more than 4, so I'm all for it. And 40 times faster is like way faster. That's a speed I cant even comprehend right now. Id imagine it's just like instantaneous. But the price is so astronomical that I probably never experience the 5th G. I don't pay for my own phone so i guess I'l just have to see what my dad does.

  71. It sounds pretty choice to me. I mean I like G's and 5 is one more than 4, so I'm all for it. And 40 times faster is like way faster. That's a speed I cant even comprehend right now. Id imagine it's just like instantaneous. But the price is so astronomical that I probably never experience the 5th G. I don't pay for my own phone so i guess I'l just have to see what my dad does.

  72. To be honest it's not gonna be option in the next year or two. Every phone gonna have just like LTE. Like the common person isn't begging for this. Like for example Wifi was just some extra now you need it or your just a plain dub.

  73. I don't really care for internet speed, yeah it's nice but I don't obsess over it. In a few years 5G will be the dominant internet speed because companies are always trying to match and do better then the others.

  74. I would consider switching to 5G because I love technology and love learning about what's new. It is not something that I necessarily have to do because I am perfectly fine with 4G. I would just like to see what the 5G is capable of and if it is FULLY worth its price.
