Friday, May 8, 2015

PUT DOWN THAT ENERGY DRINK - Friday May 8th 2015

Energy Drinks are a 10 billion dollar money maker, but at what cost to you? Blog about whether you believe energy drinks are good for you or not. Use google for your research.


  1. I believe that energy drinks are sorta like a drug..they can only be bad for you if you overuse them. If you drink too much of course all that caffeine and sugar will give your body a boost but it will also make your body crash heavenly. You may have side effects such as tremors or shakes, headaches, chest pains, dizziness, insomnia, tingling or numbing of your, etc. The list may go on forever. With all that being said, i do not believe energy drinks are bad for you unless you over use them. Know your limit do not over use.

  2. Energy drinks are a vital source to the consumer as long as the consumer is in an athletic league, a competitive sport, or any active or energy draining sport. It is recommended to use an energy drink to keep yourself from passing out however it is not recommended to overdrink the recommended amount of litters to drink. Overdrinking energy drinks can cause body functions to fail or act out-of-mind. Energy drinks are good as long as you manage how much of the drink you decide to drink.

  3. I believe that just like many other things, energy drinks are good in moderation. They provide energy for tasks, however can cause serious injuries that can prevent further performance of these tasks. Too much of the ingredients such as caffeine and sugar can cause cardiac arrest, seizures, headaches, and other serious symptoms. People should use them for a pick-me-up every once in a while, but not 24/7 back to back.

  4. Energy drinks are only bad for you when you overuse them. We live in a busy world which requires AP students, college students, and those who work hard jobs to be on it. We feel the pressure to meet deadlines; but sometimes lack the energy to do that. Energy fix that issue but at what cost? The headaches, dizziness, and insomnia, that comes along with the drinks are new issues that you may have on top of your old issues. Energy drinks are great every once in a while; controversially if you're drinking time an assignment is due it becomes a drug that's fatal to your health.

  5. David Carter
    Energy drinks are obviously made to provide you energy, but from the wide collection of ingredients that are in them they are more likely to have side affects. The billions of people and even myself can suffer from headaches, chest pains, paraesthesia (tingling or numbing of the skin), insomnia, and much more. Now its bad enough that they are being consumed by us, but if we were to consume large amounts then that would be worse so many would have high blood pressure, dizziness, irritability, nausea, nervousness, and jitters.

  6. Energy drinks are not good for you Because energy drinks often contain plant and herbal extracts in addition to caffeine, they can choose to label themselves as dietary supplements rather than food, and aren't regulated or evaluated for safety by the FDA. Energy drink companies don't even have to reveal how much caffeine each drink can contains.

  7. I think that energy drinks are bad for you. I mean if you are tired then you need to sleep. its bad if you keep your body up when your tired because each person needs 8-10 hours of sleep each day/night. also energy drinks are bad for you because they give a lot of sugar and caffeine which can raise your blood pressure and that's why I think that energy drinks are bad for you.

  8. Energy drinks are delicious. It supplies you with energy. But energy drinks are full of sugar and sodium which to much of it can be bad for your body. Energy drinks also have other things that can do a lot of damaging things to your body.

  9. Energy drinks are bad for your health. They are bad because of the amount of sugar added into the drink. If somebody really needs energy, they need to take a nap before they do it. They will also give you diabetes or something, if you drink them often.

  10. Maria Carter
    i dont use energy drinks because natural energy should be gained from what you get in foods. people need to be mindful of what they eat and drink because some things are not good for you. when u use and energy drink its not natural so there is a high and crash. the crashes just make things worse then you no longer want to your work or study. its best and healthier to eat fruits or other foods that provide energy. and no, candy and sweets do not help either.

  11. Energy drinks has its pro's and its con's. They supply you with quick energy to keep you moving but once that energy is gone you're as dead as a zombie. Energy drinks contain huge supplements of sugar. which meas they really aren't that healthy. if you really need energy do some exercises or just take a nap.

  12. I believe that energy drinks are good and bad for you. its okay to drink them now and then but not on a daily basis because it can cause seizures, diabetes, cardiac abnormalities, or mood and behavioral disorders. so you can drink energy drink but no to often

  13. energy drinks are like an upper. but they only last so long. and the effects afterward or even long term, are not so hot. an occasional one wont do much like if you really need to finish studying or finish a job late at night. but one every day or even more than one, is not a good thing. energy drinks can be a good thing, but too much of a good thing, is a bad thing.
    -I forget who said tht

  14. I don't believe energy drinks are the worst products consumers buy; however, one should not be dependent on them. Like coffee and soda, energy drinks have tons of caffeine and sugar respectively. They are ingredients that, with a strong presence all at once, may give a person the benefits they expect from an energy drink. This doesn't last long, though, because when the drink wears off there is a "crash" that makes a person feel like they need more, which may lead to addiction. The unhealthy ingredients, the post-energy feeling, and the addicting nature of the drink are the reasons I do not believe people should rely on energy drinks to be alert and focused throughout the day. There are some even more serious side effects to be aware of, such as insomnia, chest pain, heart palpitations, etc. Instead, people should try and eat better, sleep better, and/or take organic supplements to get them throughout the day.

  15. While most energy drinks don’t have as much caffeine as a Starbucks’ coffee, they are heavily sweetened and easy to drink, which appeals more to the younger demographic.Therefore, we are seeing increased incidents of those 18 and younger having dangerous side effects from consuming too many energy drinks at one time.
    Headaches and Migraines
    Type 2 Diabetes

  16. I believe their not good for you. Especially drinking when about to be active. You may get a heart attack like that becuase your heart is already racing. Its only sugar. Its not anything healthy. So its not really considered a energy drink its just a sugar drink. Its a waste of money

  17. The purpose of energy drinks is to provide almost instantaneous energy to those in need. This is necessary for millions of working Americans, especially workers of long shifts such as nurses, firefighters, and many others. Energy drinks even serve students to maintain energy to study and work. However, energy contains loads of sugar. These levels of sugar are without a doubt unhealthy. Continuous and routine use of energy drinks depletes your health and makes your body build not only a desire but a need for it. There are also the infamous energy crashes, where the instant energy wheres of and leaves a lagging and and drowsy feeling.

  18. Energy drinks are bad for the heart. Most energy drinks contain Ephedrine, which is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart. They also contain Taurine, which is an amino acid that increases heart and muscle contractions, that ingredient has been known to cause cardiac arrests. People say that it's only bad when you overuse them, well different people have different bodies, some people can drink up to 5-6 a day when some peoples' heart can only take a half of one. Not everyone is the same so it's just best to stay away from them.The best way to consume energy is drink a lot of water, and do some type of stress relieve exercise.

  19. Energy drinks are terrible for your health. They can cause many different types of problems in the future and present. They cant be used but they are not supposed to be used on a daily basis. These drinks cause crashes, headaches, gain of weight, jitters and irritation.

  20. Energy drinks are good and bad in a since its good because he keeps you up he give you a lot of energy it can beneficial throughout the day, but it is also bad because it can get you really tired or you will be up all night and energy drinks aren't the best for being healthy.

  21. I believe their not good for you. They high in energy to keep you awake but they are also high in sugar,which is not good. These drinks can cause alot health problems. These so called energy drinks basically sugared drinks.

  22. I believe their not good for you. They high in energy to keep you awake but they are also high in sugar,which is not good. These drinks can cause alot health problems. These so called energy drinks basically sugared drinks.

  23. I believe that energy drinks are harmless when you drink the correct amount. When you overuse them thats where you get all the problems and issues. Your body size should tell you the amount you can and should drink. Its never "good" for you but it will help you stay up.

  24. After researching I've learned the many consequences of energy drinks. Although they give you energy for a short period of time it is not worth the risk it does to your body. After searching google a risk of the drinks I've learned is that they have the ability to speed up your heart. If you were to drink to many for just a bit of energy that could cause a lot of harm. Making these products very dangerous and lethal. Rather than buying that monster for $3.50 just get 8 hours of sleep. It's more energy for you and better for your body.

  25. I believe that energy drinks are sorta like a drug..they can only be bad for you if you overuse them. If you drink too much of course all that caffeine and sugar will give your body a boost but it will also make your body crash heavenly. These drinks can cause a lot health problems. These so called energy drinks basically sugared drinks.

  26. I believe that energy drinks are bad for you. They can only cause you to have bad health and alot of people drink them and overuse them. If you drink too much of caffeine and sugar will give your body a boost and sooner or later after drinking it alot itll cause alot of affects on your body.

  27. I dont think energy drinks are good in the long run. Yes, they lift your blood level for the moment and give you a sugar rush just to drop you like there was nothing there later. Energy drinks can cause a lot of health problems .

  28. Energy drinks are said to provide you with energy lots of it. energy drinks are full of sugar and sodium which to much of it can be bad for your body. It also can cause seizures and diabetes as research has it.They also contain Taurine, which is an amino acid that increases heart and muscle contractions, that ingredient has been known to cause cardiac arrests.

  29. I believe that energy drinks are like alot of things they can only be bad if you over use them. If you drink too much caffeine and sugar your energy will boost but when ever you come down you will crash harshly. The effects of the crash could amage you and your body harshly and last forever . you could even damage your nerves for ever and live in pain the rest of your life.

  30. Energy drinks are not healthy and can have horrible effects on a person. Energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine and this can lead to severe headaches from the caffeine withdrawal symptoms if you intake a large amount of energy drinks. Also some energy drinks may contain a large amount of sugar, which can eventually wear out the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. This can lead to type 2 diabetes.

  31. Of course energy drinks are good for you, that's why they give you energy, duh! Gator-aid makes you like mike and i don't know what could be better that that. Gotta replenish your electrolytes or something.

  32. Of course energy drinks are good for you, that's why they give you energy, duh! Gator-aid makes you like mike and i don't know what could be better that that. Gotta replenish your electrolytes or something.

  33. Energy drinks are not good for you and have many bad side effects. Energy drinks can cause chest pains, headaches, and other problems caused by high caffeine and sugar. Anxiety, nervousness and dehydration can occur in some individuals after just one drink. Constant use of these drinks can lead to caffeine toxicity, heart arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. These drinks can kill you if you drink it often.

  34. I don't believe energy drinks are good for you. There are plenty of other ways to get energy such as eating proper foods and getting lots of sleep. Energy drinks give people excuses to not take better care of themselves and they are harming themselves in the process. Water should be the primary drink instead of stupid energy drinks.

  35. Energy drinks can be good for u if you are real sleepy and need to do something important they are bad because people can easily get addicted because of all the sugar in them i would recommend energy drinks to 1 a day and to take ur time drinking them

  36. Honestly energy drinks are fine. Some of them aren't that good for you due to the preservatives.But, at the end of the day it's your choice and it doesn't bother me.

  37. Energy drinks are the farthest thing good from you, the exact opposite of simply drinking water. Energy drinks as they say do provide you with a quick boost of energy, these drinks include but are not limited to, red bull, Monster Energy, Noz, all these drinks apply these effects. Although this may sound convenient its not in the long run, it puts strain on your body, and you are basically overdosing your body on caffeine. To m uch of this and your can actually stop beating and death can occur. The side effects of theses energy drinks are worse, after the short boost of energy you get, you start to fill sluggish and tired, energy drinks need to be thrown away all together in my opinion.

  38. Energy drinks can be good only if you use them wisely. Meaning only drink them when you feel you really need a boost to start you up or if you need to stay up a little later than usual to type a 5 page paper that is due the next day. Too much of anything can be a hazard so with that being said as long as you drink them in moderation than I don't feel that you would have too much to worry about.

  39. Energy drinks are terrible for your body. They are filled with sugar and other unhealthy chemicals. You shouldn't put that into your body. Energy drinks are also very high in caffeine and can lead to nervousness, dehydration, anxiety and diseases. You avoid drinking energy drinks unless you don't mind how unhealthy it is and the risks. Advertisers of energy drinks try to appeal to those who buy them and do a good job because many people drink them.

  40. Energy drinks are bad for the heart. Most energy drinks contain Ephedrine, which is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart. They also contain Taurine, which is an amino acid that increases heart and muscle contractions, that ingredient has been known to cause cardiac arrests. People say that it's only bad when you overuse them, well different people have different bodies, some people can drink up to 5-6 a day when some peoples' heart can only take a half of one. Not everyone is the same so it's just best to stay away from them.The best way to consume energy is drink a lot of water, and do some type of stress relieve exercise.

  41. Energy drinks are bad for the heart. Most energy drinks contain Ephedrine, which is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart. They also contain Taurine, which is an amino acid that increases heart and muscle contractions, that ingredient has been known to cause cardiac arrests. People say that it's only bad when you overuse them, well different people have different bodies, some people can drink up to 5-6 a day when some peoples' heart can only take a half of one. Not everyone is the same so it's just best to stay away from them.The best way to consume energy is drink a lot of water, and do some type of stress relieve exercise.

  42. I mean i dont think there bad to drink from time to time. But daily they could be harmful because all the sugars they contain. For example if you wanna drive from a state to another state then a energy drink would come in handy. But drinking them for fun can harm your health and you also need to think about the side effects energy drinks have.

  43. Energy drinks are not good for you because of the high caffeine and sugar it contains. it gives you side effects, if you keep drinking it. Anxiety, nervousness and dehydration can occur in some people. Constant use of these drinks can lead to caffeine toxicity, heart arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. These drinks can kill you if you drink it often.

  44. studies have shown negative affects in the past for anybody from athletes and anybody who have partake in it

  45. I believe that energy drinks can be good for you sometimes but not all the time. because to much sugar and caffeine and some times energy drinks can be packed with up to 62 grams of sugar.

  46. Energy drinks can be good and bad for you. They can do what they are intended to do and give you energy. But it also can provide too much energy causing increased heart rate. Too much consumption can lead to death. Energy drinks can be good if you take them in moderation.

  47. Energy drinks are not good for you some people drink these liquids like its a everyday drink people in the past have died from drinking those energy drinks because of the sugar levels and how it reacts to the body.

  48. i believe energy drinks are bad for you but i do believe they serve a good purpose. Just like anything too much is bad for you but if you use energy drinks in moderation you will be okay. Energy drinks contain huge amounts of caffeine and sugar that are not good for the body at all. personally i would try to stay away from all energy drink in big dosages

  49. I believe that energy drinks are sorta like a drug..they can only be bad for you if you overuse them. If you drink too much of course all that caffeine and sugar will give your body a boost but it will also make your body crash heavenly. You may have side effects such as tremors or shakes, headaches, chest pains, dizziness, insomnia, tingling or numbing of your, etc. The list may go on forever. These drinks can cause a lot health problems. These so called energy drinks basically sugared drinks.

  50. Energy drinks are something that is common in American culture now. Although they are so popular they are not very healthy. There has actually been cases of people dying from drinking to many energy drinks. These energies such as rockstar and monster can actually put you into cardiac arrest. People shouldn't drink this drinks at all.

  51. energy drinks are a perfectly acceptable way to get those desired effects. Energy drinks CAN be unhealthy when they are consumed in copious amounts. I'm not saying that it's okay for kids to have an energy drink twice a day. I'm simply saying that, in moderation, energy drinks can be positively used and are not permanently damaging to the body.

  52. Energy drinks are bad for the heart. Most energy drinks contain Ephedrine, which is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. It is a common ingredient in weight-loss products and decongestants, but there have been concerns about its effects on the heart. They also contain Taurine, which is an amino acid that increases heart and muscle contractions, that ingredient has been known to cause cardiac arrests. People say that it's only bad when you overuse them, well different people have different bodies, some people can drink up to 5-6 a day when some peoples' heart can only take a half of one. Not everyone is the same so it's just best to stay away from them.The best way to consume energy is drink a lot of water, and do some type of stress relieve exercise.

  53. I believe that energy drinks are bad for you and it can eventually lead up to a blood clot in your system. I am not sure about the low carb ones but i am pretty sure that you can still crash from them but probably not as fast as the regular ones. the best way to get energy and not crash after ward's would be to drink chocolate milk research has shown that you can get your energy back five times faster.

  54. I think energy drinks are bad for you. They are especially bad for your heart. They have been teens and older people that have died from drinking energy drinks. I don't drink energy drinks. I think every energy drink is bad for you especially monsters and 5 hour . They give you energy but could hurt you at the end.

  55. Too much of anything can potentially be dangerous, so moderation is recommended when consuming energy drinks as well. Caffeine other ingredients in these beverages are drugs and should be yes i think that energy drinks are bad for people.

  56. Energy drinks are bad for you. Even though they give you energy,you will crash a few hours later. The things inside of them like the enormous amount of sugar make them not able to be a reliable drink

  57. energy drinks can be good at times and sometimes not but in my book they are good for you because some of the products can really give you energy for instance (5 hour energy) is a product that really works for you. another energy drink that works is red bull. so my answer is yes energy drinks do work for you.

  58. Energy drinks are horrible. They should be treated like alcohol. All that energy will have your heart pumping 3,000 times faster. They will have you up for hours , but as soon as that energy gone , you will be sleep for hours. Even in moderation energy drinks are horrible. I wouldnt recommend it to know body , in know situation.

  59. The headaches, dizziness, and insomnia, that comes along with the drinks are new issues that you may have on top of your old issues. Energy drinks are great every once in a while; controversially if you're drinking time an assignment is due it becomes a drug that's fatal to your health the best way to get energy and not crash after ward's would be to drink chocolate milk research has shown that you can get your energy back five times faster.

  60. I believe that energy drinks are bad for you. However, they aren't any worse than drinking alchohol, smoking, or over indulging in fatty foods. Energy drinks can give you a boost of energy, but they still have a hard crash later on. I, personally, don't drink energy drinks, nor do I endorse them. I do know that one people are very dependent on them when they shouldn't be. I don't think energy drinks are necessary. i think they are the same thing as coffee.

  61. I don't think they are bad for you. I mean I never taste them before or nothing but if They were bad it will be because of the amount of sugar added into the drink. If somebody really needs energy, they need to take a nap before they do it. They will also give you diabetes or something, if you drink them often

  62. I believe that energy drinks are bad for you. In 2011, 20,000 visits to the emergency room were caused by energy drinks. Also, they are alcohol related. There are many types of energy drinks like energy shots. I honestly don't see why people buy these drinks.

  63. Energy drinks are similar to alcohol. If used with moderation, they can be okay. Over drinking them can cause you to get over hydrated. This happened to a high school student in Georgia who died from drinking too much water and Gatorade. Energy drinks also have caffeine which is bad for people.

  64. I think there are other ways to replace energy drink. Instead of an energy drink you should drink coffee or go a healthier route and eat an apple which has been proven to wake you up faster than coffee and energy drinks alone. Energy drinks are extremely unhealthy and full of chemicals and heavy sugars. Why keep harming your body like that all the time, im not saying you should quit drinking them at all, just keep it at a minimum because everybody deserves a little treat.

  65. I believe the amount of energy drinks is what matters. They are good at supplying people with energy and giving them a wake-up. However, they can be dangerous if too much is consumed. It can affect people's sleep patterns and cause them to go into sugar rushes. If people only drink a certain amount per day, they should be fine. Energy drinks have both positive and negative effects, so they should be careful with them.

  66. Energy drinks are made for the that only reason only. To give you energy. For some people can can actually help some it doesn't. It depends on the person and how they react to the drink. Energy drinks can be good and bad for you. I think it has its pros and cons of drinking energy drinks.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. I think there not good for you because many people has died from them.

  69. I believe that energy drinks are good for you as a moment thing. If you need an energy drink for that moment then i feel that it is perfectly fine to drink them. I don't think that drinking an energy drink is good every day. You should only drink one if you need it.

  70. I believe that energy drinks are good for you as a moment thing. If you need an energy drink for that moment then i feel that it is perfectly fine to drink them. I don't think that drinking an energy drink is good every day. You should only drink one if you need it.

  71. Energy drinks are not good for you Because energy drinks often contain plant and herbal extracts in addition to caffeine, they can choose to label themselves as dietary supplements rather than food, and aren't regulated or evaluated for safety by the FDA. Energy drink companies don't even have to reveal how much caffeine each drink can contains

  72. Mia Reddick.
    Energy drinks are good enough to an existent. Energy drinks can be good enough if you need caffeine to boost up your energy for the day or whatever the occasion is. However, energy drinks can be bad because it holds a whole bunch of caffeine. Caffeine is addictive and really not good for. Therefore, I believe energy drinks should not be use as an every day drink , only on occasions.

  73. energy drinks are bad for you if you drink them too much. but they are great for the purpose they are made for. if you sincerely need the energy then you should drink a energy drink. therefore one person should not drink one everyday and if you do not have the energy everyday you need to start taking vitimins and eating right

  74. Energy drinks are not healthy and can have horrible effects on a person. Energy drinks contain a lot of caffeine and this can lead to severe headaches from the caffeine withdrawal symptoms if you intake a large amount of energy drinks. Also some energy drinks may contain a large amount of sugar, which can eventually wear out the insulin producing cells of the pancreas. This can lead to type 2 diabetes.

  75. i believe that energy drinks can only be good to a certain extent. to much of energy drinks can harm you.the amount of caffeine can harm many things. you should be careful with them. they can give you many health problems.They are filled with sugar and other unhealthy chemicals.

  76. I know that some maybe not all, but some are pretty good for you. it's much better than pop or normal juice maybe outside of orange juice or apple juice, but all in all I don't think there really unhealthy drinks compared to many others.

  77. Energy drinks are terrible for your body. They are filled with sugar and other unhealthy chemicals. You shouldn't put that into your body. Energy drinks are also very high in caffeine and can lead to nervousness, dehydration, anxiety and diseases. You avoid drinking energy drinks unless you don't mind how unhealthy it is and the risks. Advertisers of energy drinks try to appeal to those who buy them and do a good job because many people drink them.

  78. Energy drinks are terrible for your body. They are filled with sugar and other unhealthy chemicals. You shouldn't put that into your body. Energy drinks are also very high in caffeine and can lead to nervousness, dehydration, anxiety and diseases. You avoid drinking energy drinks unless you don't mind how unhealthy it is and the risks. Advertisers of energy drinks try to appeal to those who buy them and do a good job because many people drink them.

  79. Energy drinks are made for the that only reason only. To give you energy. For some people can can actually help some it doesn't. So I think energy drinks are for some people. The person just gots to know if they are for them.

  80. Energy drinks are only harmful for your body if you over consume them. The amount of caffeine that runs through your body with just one energy drink is insane. Energy drinks can cause addiction, nervousness, anxiety, etc. Therefore you should not drink to many energy drinks because it is bad for your body.
