Friday, May 1, 2015

Current event freewrite Friday 5/1/15

write one paragraph minimum... current event summary...


  1. My current event is that I have a bad headache. It hurts really bad and I don't even wanna do this blog. It hurts so bad that Im about to throw this computer and hit Ms Sander's forehead. Just kidding, I would never do that. Well, maybe one day but not today. April fools I don't have a headache! got eeeemmmmm

  2. one current event is that a driver died in a fire car crahed this morning.

  3. The Oakland Raiders passed on another big defensive talent, Leonard Williams, to find a new weapon for young quarterback Derek Carr. The team selected Alabama wide receiver Amari Cooper with the No. 4 overall pick in the NFL Draft.

    Cooper was seen as one the safest picks in the draft because of his football intelligence, strong hands and excellent route-running skills. He'll add a talented pair of hands to a wide receiver group that recently added Michael Crabtree to the mix -- joining James Jones, Andre Holmes, Rod Streater and tight end Mychal Rivera.

  4. One of the most memorable thing that will happen in this 6th graders life happened. He cut off the president during a speech. Something alot of people haven't done. Obama really brushed it off as a joke . He looked kinda salty though.

  5. Mia Reddick.

    Marilyn Mosby was elected chief prosecutor. She said prosecutors in hardscrabble town of Baltimore has the toughest jobs. She took over her first elected post in January ,responded saying it was the toughest case of her career. Mosby mentioned charges that consist of second-degree depraved-heart murder to manslaughter to second-degree assault to many other charges. These charges were in connection to Freddie Gray's death. However, arrest warrants were issued to the officers.

  6. The NBA playoffs are starting great. yesterday the Chicago bulls beat the bucks by a whopping 54-point margin. Allowing the bulls to advance to the second round and play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Meanwhile the spurs fell to the Clippers in a 102-96 game. With this win the Clippers force a game seven on their home floor. So far the playoffs are off to a great start and its only going to get better.

  7. My current event is about how I was doing such a phenomenal job playing basketball in gym today. The team I had was a very solid one, though I had to do most of the work such as scoring. The first 2 games a boy named Brodrick was trying to guard me but couldn't. It was too easy to score on him since he was so little. I had to show out in front of many individuals such as coaches and my friends. We won all 3 games with by blowouts.

  8. my current event is to root for Floyd Money Mayweather in his big fight against Manny Pacquiao then after i watch the fight with family we will have a celebration party for mayweather's win

  9. Mosby mentioned charges that consist of second-degree depraved-heart murder to manslaughter to second-degree assault to many other charges. These charges were in connection to Freddie Gray's death. However, arrest warrants were issued to the officers.

  10. The NBA playoffs are starting great. yesterday the Chicago bulls beat the bucks by a whopping 54-point margin. Allowing the bulls to advance to the second round and play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Meanwhile the spurs fell to the Clippers in a 102-96 game. With this win the Clippers force a game seven on their home floor. So far the playoffs are off to a great start and its only going to get better.

  11. "An international rights group is pressing Paraguay to allow an abortion for a 10-year-old girl, who allegedly was raped by her stepfather." This is a tragic story of a young woman, more like a child, that has been taken advantage of. This poor girl has been raped by her own stepfather and now has to provide life to a baby at the age of 10. This is crazy to me. She should not have to deal with this burden. An abortion would be the right thing to do.

  12. "An international rights group is pressing Paraguay to allow an abortion for a 10-year-old girl, who allegedly was raped by her stepfather." This is a tragic story of a young woman, more like a child, that has been taken advantage of. This poor girl has been raped by her own stepfather and now has to provide life to a baby at the age of 10. This is crazy to me. She should not have to deal with this burden. An abortion would be the right thing to do.

  13. The Wizards and Hawks played there first game of the series the Hawks looked like they were gonna win while up 13 in the 4th quarter but then John Wall went off on the Hawks and the Hawks couldn't do nothing and they took the loss. The Warriors won there game 1 in the second round as Steph Curry was killing the Grizzlies crossing up Zach Randolph and Beno Udrih the Warriors won 101-86 as they take a 1-0 series lead

  14. floyd Mayweather foght Manny Pacquioao, in the return of boxing these two heaveweights went toe to toe in the ring. The fight was 2 hors long and was recorded worldwide. The fight was uploaded only 2 hours ago and already has a over a million views. Some say Floyd won, while others say manny did i personally think Floyd won.

  15. The most anticipated fight of the Year, Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Paqiou. Both fighters have incredible skill and their own strengths and weaknesses. This will be a very entertaining fight.

  16. the black man who was missing in baltimore they called him "Mr. Shields" because no one dared use his first name. He step onto his porch at night in plaid shorts and black knit dress socks to watch the Baltimore Orioles play on his portable television set. He was a steelworker, but he looked debonair: thin mustache always trimmed; wavy salt-and-pepper hair touched up with pomade; cocoa brown skin. He sat like a sentry, watching not just the games but the neighborhood as well

  17. All across America, people are protesting police brutality against African Americans. This is an ongoing issue. It shows that despite black people having their civil rights, the struggle against systematic, institutional racism and discrimination is alive and well. The Black Lives Matter movement exists to draw attention to the frequency at which black people are assaulted, unfairly arrested, and murdered by police. Those opposing the movement (read: racists) are condemning the "rioting" of protesters, while simultaneously ignoring the fact that throughout history, freedom was never won peacefully (the American Revolution is a terrific example).

  18. The NBA playoffs are starting great. yesterday the Chicago bulls beat the bucks by a whopping 54-point margin. Allowing the bulls to advance to the second round and play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Meanwhile the spurs fell to the Clippers in a 102-96 game. With this win the Clippers force a game seven on their home floor. So far the playoffs are off to a great start and its only going to get better.

  19. To tackle this problem, McDonald's is reorganizing its international operations and plans to franchise more of its restaurants. It wants to have 90% of its locations franchised by 2018, up from 81% currently.McDonald's hopes to save $300 million annually by the end of 2017 thanks to all the restructuring and plans to be more disciplined about spending.But what Easterbrook really wants to change is the quality of the food and stale brand image.Get ready for more new offerings like its recent sirloin burger and artisan grilled chicken sandwich. The company also is testing beef and chicken sandwiches with flavors such as pico guacamole and jalapeno.

  20. Waka flocka flame is trying to become president of the united states. They aren't sure if he is joking or forreal but he has a video up stating reasons why he should be president. He cant be president even if he is serious because he is under the age of 35.

  21. Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi later this month. According to a letter from her attorney to the panel's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina.

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  23. Mayweather vs. Pacquiao: Money Changes Mind on Rematch, Calls Pac-Man 'Coward'. The buildup to the first fight between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao featured a will-they-or-won't-they tug of war typically seen on daytime soap operas. It appeared we might avoid a similar situation the second time around after both boxers said publicly they were open to a rematch.Not so fast.
    In an exclusive interview with Showtime's Jim Gray, Mayweather called Pacquiao a "coward" and indicated there would be no rematch as previously speculated. "Did I text Stephen A. Smith and say I will fight him again? Yeah, but I change my mind," Mayweather told Gray, per Sports Illustrated. "At this particular time, no, because he's a sore loser and he's a coward. ... If you lost, accept the loss and say, 'Mayweather, you were the better fighter.'"

  24. The six police involved in the unlawful death of Freddie Gray were charged with offenses that could have sent them to jail for the rest of their lives. However, they all were let off on $250,000-350,000 bail. Meanwhile, the young man who recorded Freddie Gray's arrest was consequently arrested and given the impossible option of $500,000 bail. The people with power who killed Freddie Gray were shown mercy, while the man who had a hand in bringing him justice was punished with basic fairness far out of reach. There needs to be some significant changes in our country's judicial system.

  25. Study shows that the affects of bullying can continue later in life. Adolescents who are bullied by their peers actually suffer from worse long-term mental health effects than children who are maltreated by adults, based on a study published last week in The Lancet Psychiatry. They also said that children who get mistreated by adults are more likely to get bullied by their peers. The children later in life will develop anxiety, self-harm and possibly suicide if the repetitive nature of bullying continues. When the child grows up they will be hesitant to speak in front of people, they would be insecure, especially when standing in front of a crowd of people.

  26. Iraqi security forces are "all but cut off" at the Baiji oil refinery by ISIS and now only control about 20 percent of the facility, a senior U.S. official tells CNN.

    The refinery site, which has not operated for months, has been heavily contested. But ISIS fighters have successfully moved into several refinery areas in recent days, and are keeping the Iraqi forces from being re-supplied.

    ISIS now controls 'the majority" of the refinery the official said. While Iraqi forces have lost significant ground there in the last few days, the official described the battlefield situation as "highly contested" and said Iraqi forces have suffered steady losses leading to the current situation.

  27. my current event is a doctor that was cleared of Ebola who now has the virus in his eye. Doctor Ian Crozier is a doctor who was treated last year in Atlanta for the virus . He was cleared for having the virus in his blood but had no way of knowing it would be in his eye. 2 months after leaving the hospital Crozier reported having pain in his left eye. As the pain increased his vision decreased and he lost partial sight in his left eye . After repeated tests other doctors found that the virus was still living inside of his eye and it has even changed the mans eye color.

  28. An Oregon science teacher burned students' arms with a Tesla coil after students volunteered for the experiment, He burned images and other sayings onto the students arms. He was charged with two counts of criminal misconduct. The school found out after a parent called the school because they didn't like what was on the students arms.

  29. The new Mario Kart 8 game has recently gotten some new DLC. The dlc includes 3 new carecters, 3 new karts, and 8 new courses. My favorite new course is big blue. It is an F-zero inspired course that is amazing. The 200cc has also been added to the game causing mario kart champions like myself to rethink the way we play the game.

  30. The new Mario Kart 8 game has recently gotten some new DLC. The dlc includes 3 new carecters, 3 new karts, and 8 new courses. My favorite new course is big blue. It is an F-zero inspired course that is amazing. The 200cc has also been added to the game causing mario kart champions like myself to rethink the way we play the game.

  31. Study shows that the affects of bullying can continue later in life. Adolescents who are bullied by their peers actually suffer from worse long-term mental health effects than children who are maltreated by adults, based on a study published last week in The Lancet Psychiatry. They also said that children who get mistreated by adults are more likely to get bullied by their peers. The children later in life will develop anxiety, self-harm and possibly suicide if the repetitive nature of bullying continues. When the child grows up they will be hesitant to speak in front of people, they would be insecure, especially when standing in front of a crowd of people.

  32. Study shows that the affects of bullying can continue later in life. Adolescents who are bullied by their peers actually suffer from worse long-term mental health effects than children who are maltreated by adults, based on a study published last week in The Lancet Psychiatry. They also said that children who get mistreated by adults are more likely to get bullied by their peers. The children later in life will develop anxiety, self-harm and possibly suicide if the repetitive nature of bullying continues. When the child grows up they will be hesitant to speak in front of people, they would be insecure, especially when standing in front of a crowd of people.

  33. On January 7, 2015, two masked gunmen stormed the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo , a satirical weekly magazine, and killed 12 people, including the paper's top editor, StC)phane Charbonnier, several cartoonists, and two police officers. A third suspect, Hamyd Mourad, who was driving the getaway car, turned himself in to authorities. The two gunmen were believed to be brothers Said Kouachi and ChC)rif Kouachi, who are of Algerian descent. News reports said the brothers have connections to Al Qaeda in Yemen and that Said trained with militants there. Reports also said the two had been monitored by police and intelligence officials. It was the worst terrorist attack in France since World War II.

  34. Floyd Mayweather in his big fight against Manny Pacquiao then after i watch the fight with family we will have a celebration party for mayweather's win. if he losses then he will en his win streak of 47-0. most likely he gone win though because he is flody and he dont take L's except whe TI beat him.

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  36. A baby in China was rescued after being buried alive. He had been in the shallow grave for 10 days. Officials believe that the baby was left there due to him being born with a cleft lip and a congenital defect. This is very common in China. The family of the baby paid a man $290 to get rid of the baby. The man first left the baby in a cardboard box, but came back two day later because he thought the baby was dead, and buried him.

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  38. Mayweather vs Pacquiao was the biggest fight of the century and lots of money was bid on this fight. It was a win/win situation because wither they lost or won they still won money. Mayweather ended up winning and was titled one the greatest boxers of his time.

  39. The Secret Service arrested a man who was flying a small drone less than a block from the White House. It was the second time in five months that the Secret Service had found a drone flying near the White House, highlighting the difficulty the agency faces in protecting the president’s residence. Secret Service uniformed officers saw a drone flying roughly 100 feet above Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House. The man flying the drone complied with officers’ commands to land it, and he was arrested. It is not clear whether the man intended to fly the drone over the White House.

  40. Just before daybreak Tuesday, authorities in Douglas County began receiving calls about a big bird initially identified as an ostrich running around on I-20 near Ga. 5.
    Douglas County sheriff’s Lt. Glenn Daniel told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the emu had gotten loose from a private owner who lived nearby. Several deputies corralled and captured the big bird just before 7 a.m. The emu appeared to be scared, but was otherwise uninjured and was returned to its owner.

  41. Just before daybreak Tuesday, authorities in Douglas County began receiving calls about a big bird initially identified as an ostrich running around on I-20 near Ga. 5.
    Douglas County sheriff’s Lt. Glenn Daniel told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the emu had gotten loose from a private owner who lived nearby. Several deputies corralled and captured the big bird just before 7 a.m. The emu appeared to be scared, but was otherwise uninjured and was returned to its owner.

  42. Tom Brady was just suspended for 4 games for the "deflation of the footballs" incident.The patriots was also fined 1 million dollars. A lot of people think that was too harsh but it was the NFL's first incident in a long time so they had to make a statement that it is not tolerated.

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  45. Two college students say they were forced to submit to transvaginal probes as part of their classroom training to learn how to perform the medical procedure. Barbara Ball is the program chair for the college's Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program. Linda Shaheen is the clinical and laboratory coordinator for the Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program. Maureen Bugnacki is named in the lawsuit as a laboratory technician in the program. The details are outlined in a federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Orlando against Valencia College and three instructors. It alleges that medical diagnostic students at the college were forced to submit to the examination of their sexual organs under threat of having their grades reduced or of being blacklisted by future employers.

  46. Two college students say they were forced to submit to transvaginal probes as part of their classroom training to learn how to perform the medical procedure. Barbara Ball is the program chair for the college's Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program. Linda Shaheen is the clinical and laboratory coordinator for the Medical Diagnostic Sonography Program. Maureen Bugnacki is named in the lawsuit as a laboratory technician in the program. The details are outlined in a federal lawsuit filed Thursday in Orlando against Valencia College and three instructors. It alleges that medical diagnostic students at the college were forced to submit to the examination of their sexual organs under threat of having their grades reduced or of being blacklisted by future employers.

  47. my current event is,
    Nine men have been arrested in connection with the so-called Hatton Garden heist, last month's theft of gems and cash from a safe deposit company in the heart of London's jewelry district, the Metropolitan Police said Tuesday. Seven suspects, aged from 48 to 76, were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to burgle on Tuesday morning, a police statement said.

  48. Hidden cameras caught Airport staff stealing items out of passenger's bags. They were quickly looking through each bag and picking out what they wanted. This was at an airport in Miami. this is surprisingly not the first case of airport workers stealing, this has been an on going investigation.

  49. The NBA playoffs are starting great. yesterday the Chicago bulls beat the bucks by a whopping 54-point margin. Allowing the bulls to advance to the second round and play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Meanwhile the spurs fell to the Clippers in a 102-96 game. With this win the Clippers force a game seven on their home floor. So far the playoffs are off to a great start and its only going to get better.

  50. The NBA playoffs are starting great. yesterday the Chicago bulls beat the bucks by a whopping 54-point margin. Allowing the bulls to advance to the second round and play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Meanwhile the spurs fell to the Clippers in a 102-96 game. With this win the Clippers force a game seven on their home floor. So far the playoffs are off to a great start and its only going to get better.

  51. The mother of a special needs student is hurt that her daughter wasn't included in her high school yearbook. However, she technically already graduated. Leslee Bailey's daughter Amber is 21 years old.

  52. my current event is,
    Nine men have been arrested in connection with the so-called Hatton Garden heist, last month's theft of gems and cash from a safe deposit company in the heart of London's jewelry district, the Metropolitan Police said Tuesday. Seven suspects, aged from 48 to 76, were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to burgle on Tuesday morning, a police statement said.

  53. my current event is,
    Nine men have been arrested in connection with the so-called Hatton Garden heist, last month's theft of gems and cash from a safe deposit company in the heart of London's jewelry district, the Metropolitan Police said Tuesday. Seven suspects, aged from 48 to 76, were detained on suspicion of conspiracy to burgle on Tuesday morning, a police statement said.

  54. The Atlanta Hawks lost last night to the Cleveland cavs. The game was a close game into 4th quarter when the Hawks main Defensive Player got hurt DeMarre Carroll. I personally think the hawks will rebound from this lost. I just hope DeMarre Carroll is alright.

  55. The Atlanta Hawks lost last night to the Cleveland cavs. The game was a close game into 4th quarter when the Hawks main Defensive Player got hurt DeMarre Carroll. I personally think the hawks will rebound from this lost. I just hope DeMarre Carroll is alright.
