Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Current Event Free-write -May 20,2015

Summarize two current events - minimum one paragraph


  1. So apparently David Letterman is retiring. Everyone is getting really emotional and wanting to interview him. Even Jimmy Kimmel got choked up interviewing him last night. In other news, four bodies were found dead in a deathly house fire. However, this wasn't any regular house fire. This fire was in a huge mansion in the same neighborhood as our Vice President. The police are still in investigation as no one knows what started the fire. For now, police are calling a quadruple homicide.

  2. So apparently David Letterman is retiring. Everyone is getting really emotional and wanting to interview him. Even Jimmy Kimmel got choked up interviewing him last night. In other news, four bodies were found dead in a deathly house fire. However, this wasn't any regular house fire. This fire was in a huge mansion in the same neighborhood as our Vice President. The police are still in investigation as no one knows what started the fire. For now, police are calling a quadruple homicide.

  3. CNN Source: Aaron Hernandez a lookout in prison fight

    Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday. Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. Those two inmates got into a fight Monday, the source says, believed to be gang-related.

    CNN 5-year-old helps feed homeless man at Waffle House

    Faulk and her son, Josiah Duncan, were eating dinner at a local Waffle House when they spotted a man with his bike holding a bag outside the restaurant. Josiah told his mother that she should buy the man a meal, which she agreed to do. "The man cried. I cried. Everybody cried," Faulk said. The man went on his way shortly thereafter, but Faulk says the gifts she got from his visit will remain with her.

  4. The president of the United States recently joined twitter @POTUS. Michelle Obama took this opportunity to welcome him to twitter with a workout video. The First Lady showed off five ways to exercise and stay healthy as a part of her Lets Move! program. First lady Michelle Obama started the Let's Move! initiative five years ago as a way to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy habits. Follow our president on twitter!!

  5. Aaron Hernandez is starting trouble again. He is has recently got into a prison fight on Tuesday. Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. They said the fight was gang related. It's not the first time Hernandez has gotten into trouble behind bars. While he was awaiting his murder trial, he got into a brawl with a fellow detainee at the Bristol County jail. On Thursday, a judge may set a trial date for Hernandez's double-murder trial in Boston for deaths that occurred in July 2012.

  6. Nearly 18 months ago, a Texas hunter bid $350,000 to kill a black rhinoceros in the southern African country of Namibia. The permit was issued by Namibia's Ministry of Environment and Tourism and auctioned by the Dallas Safari Club.
    He was criticized for doing so, buuut he doesn't care.

    Also a biker gang fight broke out in Texas, with at least 170 people arrested. Police left the scene after the arrests were made, but no one knows what comes next.

  7. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.Those two inmates got into a fight Monday, the source says, believed to be gang-related.All three men are being disciplined over the incident, including the former professional football player, who was put in a special management section.

  8. My first current event is that I got a new pair of pants to replace my favorite pants. My new pants are not as good as my favorite, but at least they do not have a lot of holes in them. My second current event is that I have to throw away my favorite pair of pants. This makes me very sad because those pants have been with me through thick and thin and mean a lot more than a pair of pants to me. I might not throw them away, I might just hang them up on the wall and frame them. Those are my current events.

  9. My first current event is that I got a new pair of pants to replace my favorite pants. My new pants are not as good as my favorite, but at least they do not have a lot of holes in them. My second current event is that I have to throw away my favorite pair of pants. This makes me very sad because those pants have been with me through thick and thin and mean a lot more than a pair of pants to me. I might not throw them away, I might just hang them up on the wall and frame them. Those are my current events.

  10. the president recently joined twitter @POTUS which I guess stands for president of the united states. he's got 3M followers already. how do you just now get a twitter anyway? also the Atlanta falcons and four other nfl teams are getting paid to honor veterans up to 60,000 dollars in extra cash. hopefully they are good this year

  11. A Norwegian Cruise Line ship that ran aground near Bermuda has been re floated and will be inspected Wednesday, the cruise line said.The ship, Norwegian Dawn, has 3,737 people on board -- 2,675 passengers and 1,062 crew members. No one was injured and the ship isn't taking on water, Norwegian said the ship was fully operational with all on-board services available to guests, but it was a loss of power that got the ship in trouble.

  12. Missionary couple helped hide young North Korean defectors in China. They were caught and sent back, prompting fears for their lives. Instead of punishment, the regime decided to send them to school and university. Palmyra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located northeast of Damascus. ISIS has destroyed other archaeological sites, claiming that it considers all religious shrines idolatrous.

  13. Maria Carter
    In Oregon they outlawed the act of changing ones sex from what they were born as. this is only for children under 18. there is a lot of dangers in changing the sex of a child because they are still growing and developing. its better to take hormonal pills at that age while they are growing. surgery could have many negative impacts. is the child is a baby and they are born with male and female organs they need to let the child grow and then find out who they want to be. this protects the children from being forced in being a male or female when they are to young to know who they really are. i agree with the law because this keeps children safe and from harm.

  14. ISIS has marched into central Syria and have entered a city that is meters from the ancient ruins of Palmyra. These ruins date back to the second millennium b.c. and feature the most advanced architecture of the time period. Syrian officials fear that if the ruins fall under ISIS control, they will be destroyed. ISIS has already destroyed other ancient Syrian artifacts including the ancient city of Nimrud and statues in Mosel Museum.

  15. The state of Oregon banned gay conversion therapy Tuesday, joining two other states and D.C. in the outlawing of such acts. This is instrumental in gaining equal rights for all people of every race and sexual interest.

    ISIS captured it's third Syrian city and is pushing further east in their conquests. They have captured the city of Palmyra which contains ancient ruins and artifacts that are treasured by the government of Syria and people in the area. People are believing that their sole purpose for being there is to destroy these artifacts. Hopefully they don't and hopefully all this is put to a stop soon

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. North Korea said Wednesday that it has the ability to miniaturize nuclear weapons, a key step toward building nuclear missiles.
    Analysts and U.S. officials have said previously that they suspected Kim Jong Un's regime was capable of the technical feat, which is needed to fit a nuclear device on the tip of a ballistic missile.

    SIS militants on Wednesday stormed and captured roughly a third of a central Syrian city that's just meters from the ancient ruins of Palmyra, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    ISIS fighters entered Tadmur, the Arabic name for the modern city of thousands of people at the Palmyra site, after days of fighting with Syrian government forces in the area over the past week.

  18. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.On Tuesday night, fellow late night host Jimmy Kimmel got emotional on his show as he bid farewell to Letterman who will end an era Wednesday night when he bows out of his "Late Show with David Letterman."

  19. The students of Columbia University, graduated recently, and among those students was Emma Sulkowicz. Last fall, it was brought to the university's attention that Emma had been raped by a male student. When the situation was handled poorly by administration, Emma vowed to carry a mattress across campus for as long as her rapist was on campus as protest and a part of her senior thesis. Since the school did nothing about their rapist problem for Emma as well as 22 other reported sexual assault cases, According to the New York Times, Emma carried the mattress all the way to the graduation stage along with supporting friends. This must have been a bittersweet victory for her.

    According to CNN there was an unfortunate drowning aboard a seven-day cruise ship off the coast of Myrtle Beach. A 10 year old girl was deemed unresponsive aboard the Norwegian Cruise Line.

  20. Tom Brady the star quarterback of the New England Patriots was suspended for four games after an investigator concluded he was probably aware that team personnel let air out of footballs for a playoff game. the league informed Brady in a letter from NFL Executive President Troy Vincent, who wrote that Brady failed to cooperate fully with the investigation and offered testimony that "was not plausible and contradicted by other evidence.Quarterback Tom Brady will be suspended without pay for the first four games of the 2015 regular season. I believe that he knew about it but did not think much of it when it was happening. when everyone found out about it he said No to not make him look like a cheater now he has to keep going with the lie.

  21. A minor oil spill was in California that left 4miles of oil slick along the coast.The 24-inch pipeline is owned by Plains All American Pipeline, which said it shut down the flow of oil and the culvert carrying the oil to the ocean was blocked.The accident occurred on the same stretch of coastline as a 1969 spill that at the time was the largest ever in U.S. waters and is credited for giving rise to the American environmental movement. Several hundred thousand gallons spilled from a blowout on an oil platform and thousands of sea birds were killed along with many marine mammals.

    The stretch of coastline is home to offshore oil rigs and small amounts of tar and seepage regularly show up on beaches.

    The spill is largest in years and the Santa Barbara-based Environmental Defense Center said to have it occur in "a sensitive and treasured environment is devastating to watch." The group expressed special worry for the many species of whale that migrate through the area.

  22. my current event is how Barack Obama is trending viral and how he has is own twitter account. how he really make a difference to get to know america

  23. Tonight the Atlanta Hawks is facing the Cleveland Cavs on TNT for the Eastern Conference Championship. The Atlanta hawks haven't be to the Eastern Conference championship since 1970. Including making history with the record of 60-22 this is a great accomplishment for all of Atlanta. The only thing standing in the way of Hawks and history is the best player in the world LeBron James. This will be a series for the ages.

  24. Knowlton, 36, from Dallas, wants the world to see that the hunt of such a majestic beast on the African continent is not the work of a bloodthirsty American hunter but a vital component of Namibia's effort to save the animal from extinction.
    Chris Christie said that he has changed his position on a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, becoming the latest Republican to recast their stance on one of the thorniest issues they'll face during the 2016 election.


  25. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.

    Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.

    Those two inmates got into a fight Monday, the source says, believed to be gang-related.

    All three men are being disciplined over the incident, including the former professional football player, who was put in a special management section.

  26. An NFL investigator releases a report that finds "substantial and credible evidence" that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady knew that the team's employees were deflating the footballs. (May 11): Based on the findings of the report, the NFL suspends Brady for the first four games of the 2015-2016 season. The New England Patriots stand behind Brady after the NFL's investigation released its report. Patriots owner Bob Kraft says in a statement, "Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered." According to his agent, Brady will appeal his four-game suspension. For the team's role in deflategate, the New England Patriots are fined $1 million and lose two top draft picks.

  27. There has recently been a movie released telling us all of the ''inside'' of Hollywood for a child actor. It let's us know how difficult it can be for one hoping for fame and the challenges they must face to get it. It primarily looks into the acts a child is forced to do just to get a job looking more into the sexual ones. In other news the Top 3 for Rupaul's Drag Race has been announced . It is made up of Ginger Minj, Violet Chachki. and Pearl. The week after next is when Season 7's queen will be told. *Fingers crossed for Queen Pearl, everyone*

  28. a women has just been reunited with her 49 yr old daughter who she was told was dead. a hospital in st. lours which is now gone and is a retirement home. In 1966 dozens of babies were taken from their mothers and gave up for adoption and women were told that their babies had died after labor. The 49 yr olds 19 yr old daughter started for a search for her biological grandmother after the women she thought was her grandmother confessed the truth before her death. After her death and a couple months later via facebook the 19 yr old contacted her biological grandma and set up a meeting with her mother and her biological grandmother .

  29. Golden State Warriors won the first of many track meets to come on Tuesday night at Oracle, sprinting to the finish line in the fourth quarter just in time to hold the Houston Rockets, 110-106. This series, one-sided as so many expected it to be, was nothing of the sort in the opener that set such a fast-paced tone.

  30. Golden State Warriors won the first of many track meets to come on Tuesday night at Oracle, sprinting to the finish line in the fourth quarter just in time to hold the Houston Rockets, 110-106. This series, one-sided as so many expected it to be, was nothing of the sort in the opener that set such a fast-paced tone.

  31. Aaron Hernandez, behind bars recently got into trouble with law enforcement. Hernandez allegedly played lookout for another inmate while he attacked another inmate. The brawl is believed to be gang related.
    In other news, a 14 year old from the UK was arrested recently on murder charges. One of the youngest terror suspects, the teen was arrested when police found electronic communications between the teen and a man in Australia. The teen was charged with two counts of inciting another person to commit a terroristic act.

  32. Aaron Hernandez got involved into a prison brawl while behind bars. The believe it is gang related. Also, it isn't the first time he got in trouble he got in trouble in prison. He allegedly agreed to be a lookout for the attack. A prostitute was sentenced 6 years for the death of a google executive. Prosecutors say she gave him heroine and watched him die.

  33. Last weekend one of the world's most popular shoe brands released yet another heavy hitter. The Jordan hare 7 re-released for the first time since 2008. The price was about $200 and they sol out everywhere within seconds. And you already know your boy had to cop a pair for himself.
    In other news NBA 2k 15 is officially the fakest game I've ever encountered. It just got confirmed last weekend when i held a 10 point lead for nearly the whole game and then Paul Pierce hit 3 impossibly long range 3's in a row to take the lead in the 4th quarter and get the W. I was extra salty.

  34. the Atlanta hacks playing in the NBA confens finils and the briaves are playing at home right now.

  35. The NBA playoffs enter its conference finals. With the Warriors getting a early 1-0 lead in the series against the Rockets, and the Cavaliers facing off against the Hawks. One can only wonder, who is going to the finals.
    Arron Hernandez is in trouble again. Apparently, he was caught in a prison brawl and was the look out. What will happen next?

  36. a dude decides to have a shootout that kills 5 girls and two boys he goes up to the polices station planing to turn himself in but he says "not this week i wanna chill this week"

  37. Corey Knowlton bid $350,000He won the permit and became a target himself
    The hunt is now complete. A rhino is dead. for a permit to hunt and kill a black rhino in Namibia. Knowlton arrived quietly in Namibia to hunt the famed black rhino.

    Nearly 18 months ago, the Texas hunter bid $350,000 to kill a black rhinoceros in the southern African country of Namibia. The permit was issued by Namibia's Ministry of Environment and Tourism and auctioned by the Dallas Safari Club.Since then, Knowlton has faced scathing criticism and death threats as the world reacted to the controversial hunt of one of the world's most endangered species. Knowlton has spent the last year and a half preparing and planning the hunt that is being highly scrutinized by animal welfare groups around the world.

  38. In the first current news event Aaron Hernandez has just recently been put in to jail and has already been experiencing troubles while being there. It is said that he had been involved in a large prison brawl including several inmates.
    In the second current events summary it has been announced that after many years of being a wonderful talk show hosts, and interviewing the who's who of Hollywood, David Letterman is going to be retiring from his position as a talk show host.

  39. Last Night in the NBA playoffs continued as the Warriors played the Rockets and James Harden and Steph Curry were battling it out as there was a good game going on.The Rockets were off to a good start and were beating the Warriors by 13 but Klay Thompson started shooting on fire and the Warriors went up by 3 at the end of the 1st Half. The Rockets struggled until the end of the 4th quarter they were down by 12 then the Warriors could not make no shots then the Rockets cut there lead 2 but it was to late as Steph Curry made 2 clutch free throws and the Warriors beat the Rockets 110-106 and are up 1-0 in the series

  40. Former Nfl Player Aaron Hernandez shot and killed Oodin Lloyd. Aaron pleaded not guilty on the charges but was convicted and taken into custody. Wednesday april 19th Henandez was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. I think he deserves this sentence, no matter how mad someone may get, killing is taking it overboard.
    Current Event 2
    Isis is a growing threat in Libya, taking over more territories and broadening their reign on surrounding countries in the middle east. Isis is a terrorist group that plans to take over the world, starting with the middle east and making its way to america. I think that these people must be stopped,they are a bunch of lunatics and mentally unstable people. If we dont stop them it could stir up trouble in the future that noone would enjoy

  41. The president of the United States recently joined twitter @POTUS. Michelle Obama took this opportunity to welcome him to twitter with a workout video. The First Lady showed off five ways to exercise and stay healthy as a part of her Lets Move! program. First lady Michelle Obama started the Let's Move! initiative five years ago as a way to combat childhood obesity and promote healthy habits. Follow our president on twitter!!

  42. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center

  43. ISIS militants on Wednesday stormed and captured roughly a third of a central Syrian city that's just meters from the ancient ruins of Palmyra, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. ISIS doesn't care about anything it seems, They just care about their own motives and not even the well being of their native people. ISIS needs to be stopped so that we can live without having to worry about being attacked.
    Can so-called conservation hunting actually benefit wildlife? Or is it the killing of endangered animals for sport unconscionable, no matter what? The debate is on both sides. Scientists argue that it can sometimes benefit the animals in fact.

  44. Authorities are investigating after a 10-year-old girl drowned on a cruise ship off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The medical team aboard the Norwegian Gem tried to revive the girl after she was reported unresponsive on the ship's pool deck Sunday afternoon. The ship left New York on Saturday on a seven-day cruise to Florida and the Bahamas. The girl drowned when the ship was about 75 miles east of Myrtle Beach.

    An alleged prostitute accused in the death of a Google executive pleaded guilty on Tuesday, and was sentenced to six years in prison. Alix Tichelman faced a series of charges in the death of Forrest Timothy Hayes, 51. The married father of five was found dead in November 2013 aboard his 50-foot yacht in California's Santa Cruz harbor.

  45. So apparently David Letterman is retiring. Everyone is getting really emotional and wanting to interview him. Even Jimmy Kimmel got choked up interviewing him last night. In other news, four bodies were found dead in a deathly house fire. However, this wasn't any regular house fire. This fire was in a huge mansion in the same neighborhood as our Vice President. The police are still in investigation as no one knows what started the fire. For now, police are calling a quadruple homicide.

  46. In his final years hiding in a compound in Pakistan, Osama bin Laden was a man who at once showed great love and interest in his own family while he coldly drew up quixotic plans for mass casualty attacks on Americans, according to documents seized by Navy SEALs the night he was killed.
    On Wednesday morning, the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an unprecedented number of documents from what U.S. officials have described as the treasure-trove picked up by the SEALs at bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011.

    Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.
    Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.
    Those two inmates got into a fight Monday, the source says, believed to be gang-related.

  47. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.Those two inmates got into a fight Monday, the source says, believed to be gang-related.All three men are being disciplined over the incident, including the former professional football player, who was put in a special management section.

  48. iSIS militants on Wednesday stormed and captured roughly a third of a central Syrian city that's just meters from the ancient ruins of Palmyra, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. fighters entered Tadmur, the Arabic name for the modern city of thousands of people at the Palmyra site, after days of fighting with Syrian government forces in the area over the past week, the observatory said.

  49. the people behind Popcorn Time launched The site lets you choose from thousands of movies that have been shared using the torrent protocol a peer to peer network that allows people to share media with one another.

  50. On May 18, I had a basketball game. I scored 21 points in a 37-38 OT (Overtime) victory. I didn't play my best during the game but as long as we won I'm perfectly fine. Also, the Hawks vs Cavs game comes on today at 8:30 PM. I honestly think the Hawks will win by atleast 8 points.

  51. David Letterman is retiring he is quite possibly a cultural icon. A very famous show host who has interviewed quite a few celebrities and prominent figures. He has had a major influence on people in the same industry and even beyond. The conference finals have begun in the NBA with the Warriors taking a close game 1 victory over the Houston Rockets the Cavalier and the Hawks begin their series tonight at eight-thirty

  52. Asap Rocky dropped the new visuals for his song LSD and this is my review. LSD in this song repersents Love Sex and Drugs. Like the visuals were really dope but song wasn't up to par. I feel as when the Co-founder of ASAP Mob "Yams" died thier sound was gonna slack. With the songs he' dropping I'm getting less hyped for Rocky's New album.

  53. An 8th grader accused of plotting the murder of her mother appeared tearfully in court along with her 21-year-old boyfriend who allegedly stabbed the victim to death. Police say the couple conspired to kill Silvonek’s mother because she did not approve of their relationship.

    A Michigan man is accused of acts that amount to waterboarding his girlfriend’s 5-year-old son and using a knife to assault the child’s 12-year-old brother.The child was allegedly being punished for ripping his backpack, according to investigators.

  54. The most fittest states in the country have been released. The fattest country is Indianapolis , followed Memphis.The most fittest state Washington followed by Minneapolis. Oklahoma made a jump from last to second to last. Some people don't believe Bin Laden wasn't killed. New allegations keep popping up. I feel that he is dead though.

  55. A five year old boy in Alabama feeds a homeless man in waffle house. He walked up to the homeless man and asked him if he needed a menu and told him he could get whatever he wanted. Then he sang a prayer for him in front of everyone at the waffle house.

  56. There's more than one bone of contention in the great finger-lickin' barbecue debate. Pork or beef? Vinegar- or tomato-based sauce? No sauce -- or maybe something mustard-based?
    Travel site TripAdvisor has waded into hotly contested territory with a list of the best BBQ restaurants in the United States.
    Not a one of the top 10 restaurants is in Tennessee, North Carolina or South Carolina. Blasphemy? Maybe. But hold on to your judgments; TripAdvisor also ranked the top 10 states for BBQ and all three of those smoking barbecue states make that list.
    The review site created its top 10 list for restaurants by looking at barbecue joints with a minimum of 100 reviews and ranked them based on the volume and quality of reviews. More weight was given to reviews written within the past year, and chains with more than 10 locations were excluded.

  57. a current event that i have is rooting for the Atlanta Hawks on there first game against the Cleveland Cavaliers i really hope that the Hawks defensive coaching staff really have came up with a defense for Paul Milsap to stop Lebron James from having a scoring spree like he did the Chicago Bulls

  58. David Letterman is retiring. He has been on the air for thirty plus years and has been American icon. Im sad to see him go but happy he gave us so much entertainment throughout the years. In other news, The president of the United States recently joined twitter. His twitter handle is @POTUS. An acronym for president of the united states. Some people are going to be critical as anything he does, but i can't wait to follow his tweets.

  59. In November supermodel, Janice Dickson revealed in an interviewed that Bill Cosby sexually assaulted her during dinner in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Bill Cosby and his lawyer both say he's innocent, Bill Cosby has never committed any crime, that his record could show. The law states you are Innocent until proven guilty.
    Eight men charged in the so called Hatton Garden Heist. The suspects ages ranged from 46-76 and they were charged with burglary. this wasn't their first burglary claimed from one of the suspects.

  60. Apparently David Letterman is retiring, He has ben on the air for 30+ years. I'm happy that he is doing what he pleases and doesn't feel pressure to continue on the air. That is usually most celebs downfall.
    Also apparently the President Obama has made a twitter account. I think this is completely unprofessional of the president and it will cause many different opinions. Now everyone on twitter will see his feed, his favorites, etc. It only takes one mess up and it'll haunt him forever.

  61. A pizza crust with the DNA of Daron Wint is what led investigators to issue a warrant for his arrest in connection with last week's quadruple homicide and arson at a Washington mansion. Two pizzas were delivered to the home while the victims were being held hostage last week, and an envelope with cash had been left outside on the porch for the pizza. Wint's DNA was found on a pizza crust that an ATF forensics team recovered from the scene. A Domino's franchise near the home confirmed to CNN that it delivered a pizza to the home on the evening of May 13, and police have been in contact with the franchise. A warrant for Wint's arrest was announced Wednesday night.

    About 2,000 people took part in a peaceful protest Wednesday outside the fast-food chain's corporate offices in Oak Brook, Ill. Organizers said 5,000 fast-food cooks and cashiers joined in the march. On Thursday, protesters hope to deliver a petition with more than one million signatures calling on McDonald's (MCD) to raise wages to $15 an hour. McDonald's charged the demonstrations are part of an $80-million publicity campaign by the Service Employees International Union, which is working to organize workers across the fast-food industry. McDonald's said the company and its independent franchise owners "are standing strong and together in the face of this union attack."

  62. SIS has marched into central Syria and have entered a city that is meters from the ancient ruins of Palmyra. These ruins date back to the second millennium b.c. and feature the most advanced architecture of the time period. Syrian officials fear that if the ruins fall under ISIS control, they will be destroyed. ISIS has already destroyed other ancient Syrian artifacts including the ancient city of Nimrud and statues in Mosel Museum.

  63. Aaron Hernandez is starting trouble again. He is has recently got into a prison fight on Tuesday. Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center. They said the fight was gang related. It's not the first time Hernandez has gotten into trouble behind bars. While he was awaiting his murder trial, he got into a brawl with a fellow detainee at the Bristol County jail. On Thursday, a judge may set a trial date for Hernandez's double-murder trial in Boston for deaths that occurred in July 2012.

  64. Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.On Tuesday night, fellow late night host Jimmy Kimmel got emotional on his show as he bid farewell to Letterman who will end an era Wednesday night when he bows out of his "Late Show with David Letterman.

  65. A five year old boy in Alabama feeds a homeless man in waffle house. He walked up to the homeless man and asked him if he needed a menu and told him he could get whatever he wanted.
    Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.
    Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.

  66. A five year old boy in Alabama feeds a homeless man in waffle house. He walked up to the homeless man and asked him if he needed a menu and told him he could get whatever he wanted.
    Aaron Hernandez is in trouble once again, getting mixed up in a prison fight, a law enforcement source with knowledge of the incident said Tuesday.
    Hernandez allegedly agreed to be the lookout for another inmate who went into another prisoner's cell at Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center.

  67. Seniors at a High School in New Hampshire donated money raised for their class trip to their principal who told them she was battling an aggressive form of cancer. The senior gave their principal the $8,000 because they felt as though she had given them more than they could ask from loving wise and material wise. The seniors are planning a local trip. Even though they are graduating June 5th, they still plan to have fundraisers for her cause.

    Kidd Cole from "Catfish" was arrested for making hoax bomb threats and hostage situations. He has been making threats like this since December. In one instance he threatened to take hostages on a metrobus and kill them if he didn't receive $15 million in ransom money. Authorities used cell phone records, video surveillance footage from stations and buses and telephone audio to identify Kidd Cole.

  68. The rockets came back from being down 3-1 and won the series making history being the 9th team ever to do so .This was a fantastic accomplishment for the Houston rockets staring James harden, Dwight Howard, josh smith, Trevor Ariza and Jason terry the starting five of the Houston rockets. The rockets will be facing the golden state warriors in the conference finals. for a chance to compete for the NBA finals bragging rights and a chance to make history .
