Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Violence In Baltimore Tuesday 5/26/15

The Police in Baltimore have been accused of turning a blind eye to the recent violence. What are your thoughts about this?

Google information and give your opinion.


  1. "This week, Baltimore was engulfed in violent revolt as citizens took to the street in the wake of the mysterious and disturbing death of Freddie Gray after he’d been taken into police custody.

    Projectiles were thrown. Stores were looted and some set ablaze. "

    This right here just shows how fed up citizens are with the brutality from officers. It has never been a month when someone isnt brutaly injured or killed by a officer. I feel that its time we stand up and fight back! Enoguh is Enough!

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  3. I think cops are always abusing their power. They always try to find ways to flex their abilities and make themselves seem big and bad. Cops are stoopid

  4. If they are being accused of this i think most likely it is true. Baltimore has a lot of "strange" things going on right now.They also have a lot of bad cops enforcing the law whether its our laws or their own laws.

  5. I think its bogus becuase they shouldnt be able to do what they want to do . Its still some heat over the freddie gray incident which leaded up to alot of violence . So they really are doing what the riot wanted them to do. which is give up . Baltimore is ridiculous

  6. Just find some new officers from a different state . Then brings them in . and fire all the other officers .

  7. I feel like a lot of these officers are abusing there power and beginning to enforce fear in citizens when there suppose to be instilling safety. society is just tired of seeing something on the news about suspicious actions from police officers. this really is just giving a bad look on all officers regardless if they have done such things or not.

  8. Cops always think they are above the law. They are still normal citizens that have to follow the same rules that everybody else has to follow. It is horrible to think that the people who are charged with the duty of protecting the general public just abuse power or just show up for a pay check.

  9. This is really tiring. These police men are all hiding behind there badges. Haven't they heard "with great power comes great responsibility". In this article, they don't understand this quote at all.

  10. Its the truth because they are trying to denied the fact that what they did was wrong. and that black people are getting sick of it. and police officers are abusing there power and trying to ignore that they are killing adults and also little children to. I think that they should all be fired and be sent to prison. because our people needs justice.

  11. I personally feel that Baltimore , has gotten out of control ever since the shooting with that 18 year old male shot by the police. Violence in the world needs to stop , because its getting crazier and crazier everyday. I mean yeah people die every day but for 35 people to die , over the weekend is ridiculous and very sad . Violence needs to stop , everyone wants to protest when police shootings happen, but when we shoot eachother its not a big deal. Its just getting out of control.

  12. The police gets ahead of themselves by thinking they can do anything they want. They don't understand that that the power they have can hurt people in a massive way. I feel like there should be more consequences for police officers.

  13. We might need to start looking at the leadership of the police force, to see if their allowing these acts to happen. These acts can not be tolerated, we need immediate action to take place

  14. They just need better police officers. They think they can also do what they want when they want to. I'm not surprised by this.

  15. I think that most police officers almost everywhere take advantage of their position in some type of way. They think that they control everything and can do what they want to do, wrong or right.I agree that they should bring in both leaders and police officers from the outside to come in and change the Baltimore force.
