Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015 - Class Ideas

Write a minimum on two paragraphs. What are some segments that you would like to see on the school news program, and why are you interested in this course?


  1. I would like to see advice for freshman as a news idea. We can get questions from freshman and have seniors awnser them. This will allow both underclassmen and unpperclassmen to have fun.
    I'm interested in this course because i like filming and all the behind the scenes that goes into it.

  2. This year for the news I would like to see a senior news section. I would also like to see a segment that focuses on news outside of the school because that is just as important as things that happen inside. We should also have a segment that influences/encourages school spirit because that is something that we lack.
    I am interested in this course because I love filming. I like to go through all the processes and create something to show others. I also like getting a chance to use my imagination and knowledge to make a video.

  3. I am interested in seeing a lot of things on the school news.first i would love to see better quality.when interviews are being conducted the are usually talking extremely low .another thing is that they have bad lightning
    another thing i would love to see is better student life like whats going on outside of school.such a accomplishment the don't have to do with DHS. also i would love to get update on upcoming events more because we really don't have good announcements that are understandable..

  4. I believe the segments from last year were efficient enough to get the point and job across, and although I am open to any new suggestions, I don't feel like we need anything new. Maybe we could do something like a class highlight for freshmen or something of the sort, to help them see their choices and to help them get accustomed to the new environment.

    I originally got interested in the course because of my experience with film and broadcasting in middle school. By the time i was in 8th grade, I had already been on the morning announcements running most of the tech equipment and had made several short films for school projects. I love to film things, and see myself doing it for a living.

  5. In the news this year there are many new segments that could be included. To start i would like to include a sports bloopers segment for our sports plays gone wrong. As we record games we can pick out the highlights and put them in one segment and the bloopers in one. I also think we should have something with dancing. We should find something clean but fun and give it a segment.

  6. On the new school news programs i would like to see alot more segments on the basketball team, because last year it was mostly just the football team. I also would like to see segments on interviews of students about what they think should be changed around the school. We also need to do like funny comedy skits and stuff.

  7. It would be interesting to have a segment in which a person famous for something in history. In the segment you explain what he/she did and why he or she did it. The person can be selected based on the time of year in relation to the time of year in which he or she made history. I want to take this course to learn about technology seeing as it is a big part of our society today.

  8. I think most of the segments should stay the same as last year. If people have new and better ideas then we should implement those in the news. I think BSPN should be on the news. It was fun to watch and make that part of the news. We would probably need some segments related to education so the administration would allow us to air it.
    I am interested in the course because I like editing and making something I can watch. It's fun to be part of the school news because we get to interview us and create our own segments. I enjoy the freedom we get with what we decide to record or interview about.

  9. This year on the news I hope to see more interviews and better topics. Last year the topics seemed more of thrown together and sometimes the people didnt even know about the topics, Its best for us to go out and ask the students/keep an ear out on whats popular or whats important to them at that time.

    I'm interested in this course because i love working and interviewing other people and getting their idea on certain subjects.

  10. I think for this year we need to be more focused on hot topics around the school and in the entertainment world. We should also talk about important issues like elections because some student will be able to vote in the upcoming elections, and other things that may seem a little risky because we need to branch out of our comfort zone. "Relatable" skits are always a fun idea for videos so we can do some more of that as long as we manage to stay on topic and present in in a understanble/consistent way.
    I am interested in the course because Ive always been fascinated by photography and cinematic. I like to be around the camera and in this class i get to see what happens behind the scenes and get more involved with the equipment. I don't plan on going into the "show business" career but i do consider the activities that we do in the class as hobbies.

  11. I would like to see a segment on myself. Just all about me. I feel as though Ive had many experiences in my life that have granted me wisdom and my wish is to share the infinite knowledge with the school populous. Also a segment about space because everyone thinks space is cool.
    I'm interested in this class because i like cameras and stuff i guess. And i really want people to know the truth about this place. Also this is my 3rd year and i want my sash thing.

  12. I would like to see many skits on the news this year. Mostly comedy skits that pertain to current events but some eye catching material that will keep you watching. Informational news that has a purpose, not just the same boring announcements.
    Im interested in this course because this is my third year and I enjoyed working on computers and cameras the first two years.

  13. I have many ideas for this school year. Those ideas include How to / Instructional, Educational, Movie Trailer, Book Trailer, Special Interest Story, Documentary, Drama, Comedy/Satire, Mystery, Silent Film, Fairy Tail, and Historical about past events that shaped our life today.

  14. Throughout this year i would like the school news to include spoofs of other popular tv shows such as TMZ. Pretty much i would put anything in the news that can show what is happening around the school that can include school activities, school events, and basically anything funny that has happened at the time.
    Also, i am interested in this course because I love to film and like to use my sense of humor to entertain people. As you know from last year, the beginning of the school year made me not want to be interested in this class (you know why). But ever since you came, this class has been the best and most interesting out of all. :3

  15. i don't really pay attention to the news program. i'm only interested in this course so i can try something new.

  16. Segment i would like to see on the school news are a senior pride segment, where seniors tell about their best memory at school , their opinion about the class they take, any advice for the underclassmen and having fun. Another segment i would like to see is maybe be a prank war between the teachers and staff vs the students of dutchtown. They should also come f=down to the Agriculture room and see the animals of the class and meet the officers of the FFA organization and what they are all about .
    I'm interested in this class because i wanted a career in special FX and this course would be a great way for me to acquire the proper skills to follow in that career path. I love movies and I want to see how they shoot films and how to edit them .I've always had an interest in films especially the new age films such as the Avengers, Transformers,and in animation movies like Big Hero 6.

  17. I would like to see some skits on the news this year. Comedy, Sports, News skits that conclude to current events that will keep you watching. Informal news , not just the same lame announcements.
    Im interested in this course because I like working on computers and cameras.

  18. I would like to see a sports section in the news program. I like sports and i play them. I like watching ESPN so it would be cool to see a dutchtown version of that. Sports at our school should get some spotlight. Players that did amazing things should be televised.
    Fashion is another section that should be on the news. Everybody craves the next look and having this section would draw more viewers. It also can show off people in the school with the best fashion sense.

  19. I would prefer if the news was more entertaining to our generation today. Ideas that come from modern day society but also does not break any rules of the school. Take tv shows and turn them into segments for the news. Have more effects during the sketches and more comedy during the acting.

  20. I don't really pay attention to the news, but I would really like for us better school spirit. In my opinion I wouldn't mind seeing that on the news. We should encourage school spirit, and should cheer the teams. I believe if that happens on the news then maybe people will start having school spirit. School spirit is great to have, especially when you're playing a game and you know you have your school cheering you on.
    The reason I am taking this course is, because I wanted to branch out and try new things. I love film but I never had the advantage to take the class until now. I feel like the more things we do in here, the better the class will be. I;m very excited to be talking film class.

  21. This year for the news I would like to see a junior news section. I would also like to see a segment that focuses on news outside of the school because that is just as important as things that happen inside. We should also have a segment that influences/encourages school spirit because that is something that we lack.
    I am interested in this course because I love filming. I like to go through all the processes and create something to show others. I also like getting a chance to use my imagination and knowledge to make a video.


  22. I would like to see in the school newspaper.I never read the school newspaper. While the school newspaper should have information about sports,clubs ,and what is going on in the school.The school newspaper should have it every week like on Wednesday's people would know what is happening during the week.

    I chose the audio video class. I like working with others and technology . It seems like this class would be fun so i chose this class. And I am interested in an any technology .Also I like to work with cameras and do something out the box.

  23. I would like to see stuff that people won't get bored of like comedy skits or funny parodies.I think that people will actually pay attention to the news if there is something entertaining to watch.
    If fun things like this are on the news i feel that most people would be entertained rather than bored.

  24. i don't really pay attention to the news program , but if i wanted something new to it , it would be more skits , interviews more advice for people that attend this school.

  25. I think this year should be focused on the the school and the life of successful students in the school. I would love to see skits and things that could be interesting other than news. and also better performance from the cast. also,on the segments do all the sports not just football.
    also,I am interested in this class because i want to edit film and understand cinema and film and this would be a great start. I enjoy working with computers and building them also

  26. I would like to see a section on the news where you can tell us what were having for lunch the following week. Also, local events that are going on in our local community. In addition, we should have a section when students achieve something. I'm in this class because I want to learn how to edit videos.

  27. i think that it would be interesting to have some CNN news on it. It would be very interesting to have something like that. It shows what is happening around the world.or you can show types of school activities that going on around the school. I am exited about being in a film class. it should talk about elections and upcoming events thats going around in the school.
    Skits is another very good idea. It can be used to make people laugh and have a very great sense of humor.

  28. I would like to see news from the school clubs some events that they hold at the school like parties or work that they do that would help our school succeeded in the future.

  29. i would like to see a section about the sports and something basically describing this school for students who are new here.

  30. This is my first year at Dutchtown so I didn't have the privilege of experiencing the news program, however I'm excited to share my creativity with the program this year. School news should be a collection of all exclusive events happening on Dutchtown's campus. Events such as student oriented clubs, sports, and academic achievement are all noteworthy of school news. I hope to share my creativity this year and make the program better in every aspect.

  31. I would like to see a section on the news where it shows the lunch ladies cooking because i would like to see what they do to the food and i also would like to see interviews more advice for people that attend this school.

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  33. Some segments that I want to see on the news is more interviews with the seniors as well as the underclass men. I want to see everyone's point of view and not just a couple of people. Also i think that there should be more shots of events going on at the school such as football games, basketball games, or even pep rallies just to get the school spirit going.
    I am interested in this course because I would love to become a news anchor. I have done plenty of programs over the summer on broadcasting and I think that this is a great opportunity to show my skills and advance them.

  34. Some segments i would like to see in the news. Well i would like to see them have multiple segments like they have on the news.The segments can be Sports,Weather,etc... I'm interested in this course because it helped me learn how to edit film good and brighten my skills.This is a good class to have

  35. I would like to see highlights, of students, as well as sports, music, and daily life of Dutchtown people. The news always showed the bright side of Dutchtown, from Pimp my car segment, to Patrolling the halls, And interviewing Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors, and Seniors. It would also be nice to have a segment on the different types of clubs, this year, Dutchtown has a lot of clubs, and a segment on them could help students decide what clubs are right for them. The news should be entertaining not boring, their should be comedy skits and lots of school spirit, to help make the news more entertaining, As well as bloopers, no news is complete without showing the mistakes that were made along the way, that really helps make the news seem more real.
    I took this class because film had always been something i was interested in, I did very well last year and decided this might be something worth having a minor or even major, in and the best way to do that is to learn more about it. From Filming to audio, photoshop, music, and so much more helps bring this class to life. This class has a lot more than meets the eye, and i think its a class that i will enjoy this year,

  36. I would like to see skits and things that could be interesting other than news. News is alright and all but can be boring. There should be segments about comedy keep the student body engaged. There should also be highlights from all the sports that are played.

  37. There is a plethora of segments that I would like to see on the news program. For example, I would really enjoy seeing a few comedy sketches or pranks played on students and teachers. I would also enjoy seeing a “mock” talk show segment, because that would be enjoyable. It would be smart to continue the Sports segment, however a lot of students feel as if it is too long and dragged out. The news this year should focus more on events at our school and on what entertains the students. Lastly, if the news could be conducted at a better quality, that would definitely make the students enjoy the news.
    I am interested in this course because I’ve enjoyed making videos for a very long time and also, I enjoy participating on screen. I feel like this class would be a great introduction for possible careers such as news anchoring as well as hosting a talk show. Finally, I feel as this class would teach me skills needed in advertising my own businesses with commercials, and ad posters.

  38. I would like to see from the news just a funny skit. Something that is really funny and not a forced-funny skit. Something that the actors are comfortable with and can preform smoothly. It will really lighten up people's day.

    I would also like to see on the new more segment for the football team. We are going to have a lot of away games and most people won't come. This will show the students what we previously did, so they wont have to miss a thing.

  39. Some segments I would like to see on the news is Seniors working up to their way of graduating. Showcasing the struggles, trials, and tribulations of being a senior. We seniors should basically have a sitcom. Called Keeping up with the dawgs.
    The newscast should also show the new class activities, senior trips, clubs, weather sports. And the newscast should also have a variety of news reporters. VAryiong from freshmans to seniors.

  40. This year the news should be more of a voice of the students. The news needs to make people aware of the ideas for change that many of the students want or agree with. Having something like this would let teachers know what to focus on as well as allow us to take part in a community that is supposed to be centered towards our success.

  41. I am interested in this course because i like when you put videos together make them your own and turn nothing into something.
    On the school news i would like to see more about the different students and the different cultures. i would like to see more of the seniors activity i would like to see segment that push the boundaries that are just so interesting and better jokes.

  42. Some segments I would like to see on the news include prom, interview of freshmen of how they expect the year to be and at the end how their year actually was, seniors expectations of the school year, skits to make things funny, peoples best kicks, people doing their best talents, homecoming week, etc.
    I like this class because in a way it gives you a chance to express who you are. When taking this class with the previous teacher, we were able to do skits, music videos, and short films. I love to act, although I am not that great. I don't mind being in front or behind the camera and I like that you get to do both.

  43. I would like to see on the news stand about sports programs because I would like to still be in touch with what is going on here at dutchtown athletics. I would also like the news to have a comedy show so I can laugh before I go to another class.

  44. Mia Reddick .

    Some of the segments I would like to see on the school news's program are specify in the categories of performing arts and education. I feel as if these are strong subjects that should be discuss on the school news because they are interesting and a lot of information can be discussed. As far as education , there can be segments that go into detail about how important it is to gain knowledge .Specifically, how far it will take a person if they have a higher education and the rewards they will be granted with that. On the other hand, for performing arts you can have more people perform acts such as dancing and acting. In addition to that , display people paintings and drawings or anything particular they created and discuss it .
    I am in interested in seeing these particular segments because I love performing arts and education is so important to me. Art is beautiful and everything is art, so seeing this will be really nice and fun. Also, education is important because you need to gain knowledge and it takes you very far in life.

  45. The segments should be what the student body wants. They should include things like sports , issues in the school , and one on one interviews. It get them up too date with things that are happening.

    Most students would really like to see what is in the food that we eat. That would arract a lot of attention.

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  47. I haven't seen the school news yet, but by what I could tell by the reading the comments, is that it needs lots of revising and fixing up before it can really meet everyone's expectations of a good, well-organized news program. I believe that the STUDENT news should be solely aimed towards the students as its main audience. Anything that students find entertaining or interesting would be a nice thing to add to the news to spark interest and a likeness for the program.

    Let's be honest, nobody is going to be interested in watching the student news if all it talks about are upcoming tests, sports segments that go on forever, and fundraisers that no one will actually fund. Make the news something enjoyable and fun to participate in, and watch. But then again, announcements and information that we need to know are ALWAYS important,and we do keep this in mind,but just like every other professional news program, they deliver this information & know how to always make it worth watching to the end! (Also, to be honest I really don't want this class at all. It just showed up on my schedule.)

  48. There should be segments about sports and academics. Everyone who works hard should get noticed for what they do in and out of school. Most students would also like to see who are the smartest in that class and who are the most athletic.
    I would like to see these segments because i'm an athlete and i like to know who's best at what sport.

  49. The school news needs to be more informative as well as entertaining. So maybe say any news in a rap or something, I don't know. We need something to inform us what is going on at the school but still have us actually listening to it. Maybe another thing you guys can do is make things interesting by bringing up something funny or cool to get our attention at first then get to the important stuff. Just ideas of mine, maybe you can use them or they might be a bit too much.
    The reason I want to be in this course is because I really would like to learn how to edit videos. Not just stopping at scenes at restarting, but like graphics, editing sounds to make it seem cool, all sorts of things. I hope to be a movie editor when I get older. So this will most likely help alot in my little dream there. So that's why i am interested in this course.

  50. I heard we make our own movies and make we get to see how the cameras make things happen. We get to edit our own stuff and I would like to learn how to do a lot of things.
    I haven't seen the school news yet but what I would want to do is make sure we do all the work maybe tell us if we're doing something wrong but we do all the work. I want it to be 10 times better than what we do at DMS.

  51. I would like an animation studio program. Why you may ask? Well, I know school is all about learning, but we should have something to impress artist and any one who would love to learn how to animate. Plus, it'll help to know that when you learn to animated in high school, when you get to collage it'll be must easier. It be fun and more entertaining for people who would love to learn how to draw better.

  52. I feel like the news should be more active in the everyday school environment. I think the news should interview the crowd at sport events. I would like to see video or skits done in the cafeteria during lunch.

    Also, i would like to see bloopers from the games our teams games this upcoming season.

  53. The school news should include things that going on in the world an what trending in sports an in entertainment.i interested in this class so I can learn how to film an producer music.

  54. The segments should be selected based on what the students like to see and here. Most segments students want are mostly sports and upcoming events. Most of the things said on the segment should be relevant things the students want hear.
    The reason I want to be in this course is because I want to learn new things, and learn more about editing videos.

  55. I suggest a song of the week segment should be added to the news. i mean how cool would it be to be introduced to new music with having to look for it. With this students can find more types of music to listen to thus widening their taste. And theirs the bonus of finding out their favorite is on the segment. And lets not limit it to the students, give teachers a chance. I'm interested in this course because I always wanted to take it.

  56. I would like to see more interviews with a group of students, teachers, and Mrs. Shaw and id like to address topics that we all agree on but are too afraid to talk about. Things that are interesting and will get a lot of laughs.

    I chose this class for multiple reason. Although, the main one is because I haven't finalized a career choice for myself going into college. Therefore, id I like to experience different options in high school ,I want to see if this is something id like to do in my future.

  57. The segments I would like to see is a sports segment, students giving advice to the freshmen students and last but not least a better food choice. The reason I say they should have a sports segment is because, Most of the students that attend this school are athletic. They should give some tips on how to become a better athletic not just for themselves but for others also. Next they should give advice to the freshmen because they need to learn how to maintain there grades,stay focus and on top of things, most importantly how to get through high school. To sum up they should have better food choices, most people at lunch don't find the food to taste full the should ask the students what they would like to have for lunch. If there not willing to do this everyday, they should at least give us a day out of the week to pick something we may all love to eat.

    Janae Moultrie

  58. I have many ideas for this school year. Those ideas include How to / Instructional, Educational, Movie Trailer, Book Trailer, Special Interest Story, Documentary, Drama, Comedy/Satire, Mystery, Silent Film, Fairy Tail, and Historical about past events that shaped our life today.

  59. i would like to see more of funny stufe and to make it more intrusting for the students. i am interested becoues i cam lhern how to use a camra.

  60. I'd like to see some more comedic clips that aren't generic and have more camera action (zoom into faces to emphasize on the people's reactions) along with current events mixed into the bunch.
    I didn't choose this class for myself as it was randomly selected for me, but my initial interest in this class was because the entertainment industry has a constant calling for improving technologies and techniques, which is and probably forever will be my point of interest: improvement and innovation.

  61. The segments I would like to see is a sport segment, advice to freshmen and a food segment. The reason I am interested in this class is because, when i graduate high school I want to go to college i want to major in audio engineering. When i graduate I want to become a producer. So this class sets me up for audio engineering.

  62. I would like to see some advice segments for the Fresh man on how to get through highschool as well as some opportunities for the school as far as the fresh man like some of the clubs that are available for them. I would also like to see something such as like they should do a segment on something like organization for the freshman as well to help them with their 7 of many classes. Because I know starting at a highschool is an adjustment. The reason I chose this class is because I make Youtube and Sign Language videos (ASL).

  63. I would like to see more interviews with a group of students, teachers. Next they should give advice to the freshmen because they need to learn how to maintain there grades, stay focus and on top of things, most importantly how to get through high school. We get to edit our own stuff and I would like to learn how to do a lot of things. The news this year should focus more on events at our school and on what entertains the students. Lastly, if the news could be conducted at a better quality, that would definitely make the students enjoy the news.

  64. Ill like to see music segments . It would be nice to know what other people listen too.Try new things and listen to new people.it would be a new experience. They should also have a sports segment this would add entertainment

  65. A segment I would really want to see this year on Dutchtown High School News is asking random questions seeing if teachers, students, or maybe even janitors can answer them right. The questions could be questions from movies, or songs, history, politics, or any other entertainment. Usually when that segment was used late in the past, reactions from others would be laughs and confusion from students. Most of the answers were hilarious and out of the blue. Bringing this segment into this years 2016 DHS News would cool!

  66. I would love to see interviews from students for all grade levels and teachers to see their views on school . More sports segments , I mean who doesn't love sports ? I would like to see dramatic segments as in drama , and great story lines that keeps you wondering . I'm also interesting in seeing the news , we need to know what going on in our school .

  67. A segment I would really want to see this year on Dutchtown High School News is asking random questions seeing if teachers, students, or maybe even janitors can answer them right. The questions could be questions from movies, or songs, history, politics, or any other entertainment. Usually when that segment was used late in the past, reactions from others would be laughs and confusion from students. Most of the answers were hilarious and out of the blue. Bringing this segment into this years 2016 DHS News would cool!

  68. I am interested in this course because it shows me how to work with different types of technology and teaches me how to film and post videos online. I also joined this class because it would show me how to edit videos and shows you how to do news and help other people make there videos and edit and post it to them

  69. I would like to see a segment on how the freshmen first week was. I want to know how they felt. I want to know how they thought high school would be like. I also want to know was their opinion was right about high school.

    I want know see more comedy on it cause it was lame last year. It didn't have favor to it. You need to put more verity of stuff on it.

  70. I would love to learn other peoples culture because its cool on what people eat and how they dress. Also speaking other languages, whats trending in sports, the different kind of music i could learn so it would be cool..

  71. I wanna see more comedy sketches like they use to do on the old news. They were always funny and always related to the students. Also students always remember the best sketches.I can still remember those sketches from my 9th grade year. SO those would be a good idea. Also bring back student interviews where students could give their opinion on topics.

  72. I would think that having a food segment would be fun and interesting. They could give use nutritional advice and show how to cook a simple but health snack or lunch. It can help people also try to make better eating choices and give tips on how to save money. Honestly everybody seems to want a sport segment so why not give that a try and do things like interview and talk about what freshman should look forward too.

  73. I heard we make our own movies and make we get to see how the cameras make things happen. We get to edit our own stuff and I would like to learn how to do a lot of things.
    I haven't seen the school news yet but what I would want to do is make sure we do all the work maybe tell us if we're doing something wrong but we do all the work. I want it to be 10 times better than what we do at

  74. Although I don't watch the Dutchtown news like that , I still have some suggestions on improving the news. It would be cool to see some sports on the news. I'm interested in this course so I can use this stuff down the road to better myself in my career.

  75. On the school news i would like to see more news not just about school but the world.I think this would make the student body more interested in the news we see today. I would also like to see the modern topics that are talked about today on social media. This would be an interesting topic because you can see what the everyone is talking about. I would also like to see more sketches funny and parodies this would definitely grab the attention of not only the student but also the teachers.
    There could also be a segment about whats new such as movies,books and technology. I would like to see this because this would keep us not left in the dust. This would inspire the student to go out and see the new books and movies.Another segment that will help a lot is a helper segment telling the students different ways they can study and also what to do before a test.

  76. some segments that i would like to see this year are like top ten in sports and display highlights of dutchtown varsity's showing names ages grades and positions. I would also want to make music, interviews and photoshop.

  77. Some segments that I would like to see on the school news program are some sports segments or a comedy because I like both comedy and sports. I like watching sports because its the thrill of competition and strategy. It's about watching 11 guys who are the best at what they do, depending on each other for a common goal. Only a select few have their abilities and they will only have them for 8-10 years at best. And the brutality of the game is second to none. I like watching comedy because i love to laugh.

  78. some segments id like to see are if someone has passed an entire school year early. id like to see if some kids are doing great at sports and if so what sport they play. i like this course because it seems interesting in alot of ways and i love technology

  79. I would like to see on the school new program about sports,activities, and events. Because i like to watch and learn some things about it. I could give some feedback.
    As senior year, I'm interesting to take this course because its new thing for me and learn something new. Then we could do editing video and other technologies we use. I would like to hear feedback from students in this school

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  81. Some segments that I would like to see is something very interesting. I don't know, something about the top new today. Also a segment on the new shoe releases. I would love to see a segment every Monday on the coverage of Sundays football games. I would also like to see a cartoon segment as well.
    I would like to see Segments on High School sports as well. Also information that could be interesting to me

  82. The only real improvements I could see in our school news program are a small segment on the day's lunch, some script refinement, and a "brighter spotlight" on segments about upcoming school events/ new clubs/ ect.

    I chose this course because I love the art of film, especially the animation medium.

  83. Some segments I would like to see on the school news program are sports segments. Sports are a big part of high school. Everybody likes to know what is what about the sports that are going on throughout the school. Having a sports segment would be beneficial to people who do not attend that sports game or games on that night.
    The reason why I am in this class is because I would love to see what is behind the lens and how movies and stuff are made with a camera. I find it very interesting that movies can be made with just a camera. I am looking forward to being in this class this year. I think it is going to be very interesting.

  84. What I would like to see on the school news is real news. Which means I want too see real current events that's happening around the world. Not just stuff that the media shows but real things so we can be aware of our economy and environment. Example like The Sandra Bland situation and what the president will be talking about in the next election.

    The school news should be a mixed of real life news and school news. Its very easy to let the media be in control of what you see on tv but once your in control it should be easier.

  85. I want to see how the school year sports team is going to plan out. I want to also know how the freshman day is or how they reacted to their first week of school oh high school. The reason why I'm in this class is because I wanted to try something differently and new that I'm not familiar with.

  86. n the school news i would like to see more news not just about school but the world.I think this would make the student body more interested in the news we see today. I would also like to see the modern topics that are talked about today on social media. This would be an interesting topic because you can see what the everyone is talking about. One segments that I would like to see on the school news program are some sports segments or a comedy because I like both comedy and sports. I like watching sports because its the thrill of competition and strategy. your watching 11 guys trying to either score or stop the opponent from scoring.

  87. A news segment i would like to see is a sports segment. If someone has missed a game, they may want to be updated with the scores and/or highlights. Also, on that news segment players should be able to "hype up" the school for upcoming games and the homecoming game.
    I am interested in this course because I love filming and i would like to learn more about it. I like to go through all the processes and create something to show others. I also like getting a chance to use my imagination and knowledge to make a video.

  88. I'd really like to have some advice from seniors to help out freshman or people who are at Dutchtown for the first time, so they will get to know the school better and easier.

  89. I'm interested because I wanted to learn a lot of new things.

  90. Some of the things that I would like to see on the news program is more about not just the school but the whole world. As a junior I'm interested in more not just school but some of the things that goes on throughout the nation.

  91. i would enjoy if dutch town created a segment in the school news about celebrities . for example , when they are coming into Atlanta , their concerts , etc. it would also be nice if they announced things about teachers . if they reminded us what assignments are due , like the end of year projects and such . but I highly doubt yall will take any of this stuff into consideration , but its still worth a shot .
    the reason I am interested in this course , is because im not . I didn't sign up for any classes , they just placed me in here with a lot of upper class men . but Im sorta looking forward to it because I like computers , and would like to learn something new about them .

  92. Well some segments that I would like to see on the school news program are. Is maybe something like when the football games will be held how much they cost and where they will be held. Or when the recent breaks that we may have coming up or announced on the school announcements. And for people that may be of another ethnic group that you may have in their languages as well. And finally but not least have the graduates that have been accepted to college that year.
    Now the reason why I choose this course is because when I first heard that we could be producing and making videos I was amazed. And even though I don’t have a smart phone of my own. I also enjoy dealing with technology very much; I had a technology class in the seventh grade so I think I should enjoy this class. Plus I work the projector at my church so this is also kind of in my forte. Now my original plan for success was to be an NFL player but now since some things have happened I might have to have audio video class as my fall back plan. So that’s why I signed up for this course.

  93. To start i would like to have a sports bloopers segment for our sports plays gone wrong. As we record games we can pick out the highlights and put them in one segment and the bloopers in one.We should find something clean but fun and give it a segment.

  94. The segments that i want to see or would like to see in the school newspaper are i would love to see music. I would love to see music because i like music Like Rap/Hip-Hop. Because wen im a little older i want to Produce Artist in the music Industry. And i would see a music segment in the school news paper..

  95. some segments i would like to see on the school news programs are sports. I would like to see that because we could see who is doing good and ranking high in that specific sport. Also i would want to see them talk about other things that have been going on in other schools.Also things about whats for lunch and important things that have been going on all around the school. I am interseted in this course because in my high school year i wan to be able to try new things and explore the different types of electives .

  96. some segments i would like to see on the school news programs are sports. I would like to see that because we could see who is doing good and ranking high in that specific sport. Also i would want to see them talk about other things that have been going on in other schools.Also things about whats for lunch and important things that have been going on all around the school. I am interseted in this course because in my high school year i wan to be able to try new things and explore the different types of electives .

  97. i Want to see a lot of sports from the fall season all the way to the spring all sports. Also i would like to see players of the team getting interview from the games practice and so on. The next segment i would love to see is the 2k16 only the seniors.
