Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19 -Tech

Find one new technology gadget and write an overview. Please give specifics about the functionality of the technology.


  1. The Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later. You can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a micro-USB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. The memory storage holds 400 or 800 hours of recorded audio, depending on the model, and includes an OLED display that makes it easy to navigate smartpen apps.

  2. The Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later. You can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a micro-USB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. The memory storage holds 400 or 800 hours of recorded audio, depending on the model, and includes an OLED display that makes it easy to navigate smartpen apps.

  3. the iphone 6, is a "gadget" i didnt know people still use that word, anyways you can call people, or factime them which is cool it also haas the robot thing called siri that can answer all your questions. el chapo is cool. the phone also has touch id so its your phone

    1. What is it with this guy and El Chapo?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Apple watch allows you to use your phone as a watch you can read the news on it. You can read Twitter , check emails

  5. The new gadget is the syren pro it is an out door Bluetooth . It is a wireless with true wireless connection . has 360 surround sound and can be plugged in or be on a reusable battery that goes up to 4 hours.

  6. The PS3 is a gaming technology and can be used for a number of things . For example , it can be used for playing video games of course . Also , it is used for browsing the internet . The PS3 is equipped with a huge storage system , allowing you to download anything from pictures , demos , music & even apps like Spotify . In conclusion , the PS3 is a awesome technology in many ways .

  7. The new gadget is the new apple watch. the apple watch you can call , read , set your alarm on the watch and etc.

  8. our smartphones are labeled as a "Gadget" they help us by setting calenders,clocks,and reminding us of important events they also help you keep connected with friends and family like facetime for iphone's or calling them using it the iphone also has a built in touch id that you can be able to use to unlock or log into apps with your finger print.. technology has changed a lot from the past year or so and it is still changing..

  9. apple watch,there's this newly released watch called the apple watch and it's capabilities are really similar to a iphone/ipod with calling,texting etc. basically all the apple watch is,is a watch that can do do iphone/ipod like things.

  10. There's this 3D pen that I've heard about.
    It makes 'cool 3D art' with whatever color you desire.

  11. the new gadget is a go-pro is a little camera you can film with it is water proof and does not break easily.

  12. well the new gadget that i was interested in. is the new Apple Watch Sport, it is a watch phone. so basically like a watch with all of the smart phone features. this Apple Watch Sport, gives people the availability to download apps, make phone calls, and even tell you how many miles you've walked. this phone watch is the complete package. this Apple Watch Sport cost 349.00.

  13. well the new gadget that i was interested in. is the new Apple Watch Sport, it is a watch phone. so basically like a watch with all of the smart phone features. this Apple Watch Sport, gives people the availability to download apps, make phone calls, and even tell you how many miles you've walked. this phone watch is the complete package. this Apple Watch Sport cost 349.00.

  14. A fairly new gadget is the Apple Watch, its like having a phone but its your watch. It does everything just about; you can tell time just like any other watch, you can talk on the phone, and its big on fitness so it helps you with exercising and being in shape. I think that its a great gadget although the steep price of almost $500 may give people a logical reason not to purchase the device.

  15. Apple watch makes all the ways of communicating more convenient, it can add a physical dimension to alerts and notifications. For example when you receive a message you'll get a gentle tap on your wrist, and it also allows you to connect with your favorite people in different ways like: sending a tap, a sketch, or even your heartbeat to that person. The Apple Watch does certain things like fitness tracking, communication, phone calls, wireless music play, and a lot more. For most of these things, you need to Be paired to an iPhone around you. The watch is priced from $349 all the way to $17,000. Some reviews on the watch were that the Battery life isn't that great, But the Battery lasts all day, and maybe a little more. Some people said that the watch isn't necessary to have, Because it does all the same functions a phone does, and they're highly expensive. The apple watch has 3 different models, 2 different sizes, and 6 different finishes, and all have a range of swappable Bands.

  16. The world is changing each and everyday. We are getting more and more in technology as years go by. In this day and age our world revolves around technology. There is a new device thats comming out amazon shipping flys to your house door. You wont have to go through ups any to get your package.

    this website states "Watch Nokia's Most Indestructible Phone Take on a Red Hot Nickel Ball" . basically, this phone (the nokia 3310) got caught on fire because they sat a red nickel ball on it. the nokia 3310 is tough. they sat the red hot nickle ball on the phone and it immediately caught on fire, the screen did not shatter or anything but a few seconds after the screen started to melt. within 2 in a half minutes there is still nothing wrong with the phone besides its melting. afterwards the battery was still fine , nothing burned , the inside of the phone was perfect. but once he took the battery out the phone immediately started burning holes in the phone. and the phone started burning all around,.

  18. A fairly new gadget is the Apple Watch, its like having a phone but its your watch. It does everything just about; you can tell time just like any other watch, you can talk on the phone, and its big on fitness so it helps you with exercising and being in shape. I think that its a great gadget although the steep price of almost $500 may give people a logical reason not to purchase the device.

  19. A new gadget is the new apple watch it allows you to use your phone as a watch. so basically like a watch with all of the smart phone features. this Apple Watch Sport, gives people the availability to download apps, make phone calls, and other things

  20. Hoverboard made by the car company lexus is being produced and tested. lexus went to a skate park to test the hoverboard on land and on water.

  21. CD-Pro is a new professional camera detector.The pro scans three bands and it has a dedicated antenna for each band-greatly cutting down on interference.It has a built in monitor,a speaker built in in front of it that allows you to not only view the video from any camera you detect but listen to the audios as well as you are looking.

  22. The all new Samsung galaxy s6 is so amazing. it has been proved on the news that the camera is the best thing on the market and is better than the iPhone 6. They made three types,the galaxy s6 active is a water proof phone and can record and take pictures underwater with that phone. The galaxy s6 edge is a phone that has an edge on the side of the phone. it can be used for while the phone is off the side screen can be used as a clock and can light up colors while the front screen is off. The Samsung galaxy s6 has the best HD display on the market. To me the only thing the iPhone 6 can do is face time. If Samsung had it everyone would have that phone. This phone can also read your hands and eyes. If you wave your hand over the screen while its off without even touching it it will turn on. If your on a website and tilt your head down the web page will scroll down without you even touching it, it also looks so much better in person, AMAZING PHONE.

  23. The year 2015 has many ways you can enhance in technology. This is the year that amazing things can happen! This new invention is like a normal Pacifier but it just records your baby temperature. This is a great way to monitor your baby's health.

    1. Omg! Thats really cool. hopfeully by the time i have kids there will be something like that or maybe even more advanced

  24. The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge+ is a waterproof cellular phone that contains the same technology as an other phone on the market. One main feature of this phone is the batter life, after ten minutes of charging the phone can last for four hours. Another feature of this phone is the 16 megapixel camera used for taking high quality pictures. Essentially this phone is a cutting edge project and is technically the best phone on the market.

  25. The self-balancing board shares its name with the company behind the device. It measures 24.65 inches long and weighs a mere 22 pounds, while touting a modest speed of up to 6 mph. It lacks handlebars and any sort of steering contraption, its moves based instead on subtle pressure from your feet and body.

  26. The WOWee One Slim is a compact portable speaker unit which provides a full range frequency response. It is intended for use as both a fixed and portable solution for all iPod, iPad, mp3, mp4, mobile phone and computer applications

  27. The Nokia 3310 is legendarily tough. It was a robust phone at the time, but now in the days of touchscreen phones that crack and shatter after a single fall on the sidewalk, the Nokia 3310's ruggedness has become nearly mythological. This Nokia's toughness

  28. The apple watch is a new invention that allows you to condense what you love about an iPhone into a watch. You can receive alerts and reminders as well as call and text people. Its easy to carry when exercising and stays secure to your wrist.

  29. Smart Drifting Two Wheels Self Balancing Scooter Cycling Bikes. Replace traditional cars, bring more convenience to your life and business. Adjust your Body's Gravity, it can moves. Easy for beginner. A fantastic Gift for your children, friends and relatives.

  30. The WOWee One Slim is a compact portable speaker unit which provides a full range frequency response. It is intended for use as both a fixed and portable solution for all iPod, iPad, mp3, mp4, mobile phone and computer applications

  31. The Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later. You can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a micro-USB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. The memory storage holds 400 or 800 hours of recorded audio, depending on the model, and includes an OLED display that makes it easy to navigate smartpen apps.

  32. Soulja Board. Its like a hoover board with wheels, you lean towards which ever way you want to go. Price ranges from $300-$1,000. Ima have to cop one this year, i shall no longer walk anywhere else.

  33. The S6 edge+ features an interesting design, just like the S6 edge it’s based on, but it’s clearly the less appealing of the two phones. It’s a Galaxy S6 edge… but bigger. Meanwhile, the Galaxy Note 5 sports a fantastic design and special features that only Samsung’s Note lineup can offer. Despite the fact that Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus is the best-selling phablet in the world, some might say Samsung’s Note lineup offers a superior phablet experience.

  34. They have night vision contacts, which is made to let you see when it is pitch black outside. The sensitivity and performance is still being tested, however these are expected to hit markets soon.

  35. NEC VE281 Mobile Projector is a projector that can come with you on the go.This lightweight machine includes 3D-ready technology, high-contrast images and a powerful 7W speaker.

  36. phunkeduckee had came out as a new technology for us. Its a new scooter that averages 15 mph. A regular scooter have to push off with one foot and keep going which makes you tired but this scooter they made all you gotta do is just balance on it.

  37. The most powerful laser beam ever created has been recently fired at Osaka University in Japan, where the Laser for Fast Ignition Experiments (LFEX) has been boosted to produce a beam with a peak power of 2,000 trillion watts – two petawatts – for an incredibly short duration, approximately a trillionth of a second or one picosecond.

  38. A new gadget is the apple watch. This watch is basically a cell phone as a watch. Apple created this product after android created it but the apple watch is way more innovative.The apple watch can text, send alerts, even track your heart beat. It is really cool!

  39. A new gadget is the apple watch. This watch is basically a cell phone as a watch. Apple created this product after android created it but the apple watch is way more innovative.The apple watch can text, send alerts, even track your heart beat. It is really cool!

  40. The Logitech® Bluetooth® Multi-Device Keyboard K480 is designed for use with up to three devices, regardless of computing platform. Now, you can work on a report on your computer, and with the flick of the Easy-Switch dial, respond to a message on your smartphone or type a tweet on your tablet – all from the Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480.

  41. One new technology gadget is the new Apple watch. This watch has many different parts built in to it, Its newest feature is the texting, alerts that it sends and many more different things it is capable if doing. This new technology is really effective & creative.

  42. One very neat piece of technology that just came out, is the Everbright wall. It is 4 feet tall and 8 feet long, it is a giant, oversized Brightlight board. You can change the colors of the dials on the wall by touching their screens to different colors. You can make huge, bright pixelized paintings with the Everbright for only $25,000!

  43. One new gadget is the PlayStation 4 or commonly referred to as the PS4. The PS4 is a gaming system that features amazing graphics, astounding amount of memory space, and many games to choose from.

  44. Something that really caught my eye was the Surface Pro 3. It works as both a windows tablet and laptop, has more space then some computers, very light and small, cheaper than an Ipad air 2, battery lasts an EXTREMELY long time, 12 inch screen, and tons more features that make this an epic device to use.

  45. it think a new gadget is wifi in cars. it lets you get on the internet without using your data on your phones.

  46. One new gadget is the PlayStation 4 or commonly referred to as the PS4. The PS4 is a gaming system that features amazing graphics, astounding amount of memory space, and many games to choose from.

  47. A new piece of technology that has been created is the Samsung Edge 6 phone. It allows you to swipe on the side of your phone to check your notifications. It's a way for you to stay updated without
    The hassle of unlocking your phone every time.

  48. A new gadget that came out recently is the LG G4. This phone has new features for almost everything. Its camera is able to adjust lighting, focus and white balance with the touch of your finger. It also has the software features of android 5.1 lollipop.

  49. one new gabget is built-in wifi in cars so u don't have to use 4g no more

  50. The apple watch lets you do everything the IPhone does. The watch allows you to text and call people. The watch even allows you to see how far you traveled on foot and see how many calories you burned

  51. Mark Zuckerberg has made a virtual reality where people can completely escape the physical world and become fully immersed in a digital dimension.

  52. hover board use pressure with your legs & you control the board . instead of walking , u ride on this & it moves you around . for it to keep working , it has its own charger so you can just charge it up .

  53. One new gadget is PS Vita PCH-2000. It comes with 1GB free, It lighter then the PCH-1000, the home and start menu button are bigger, and the volume are better. You can also use your USB phone charger to charge this PCH-2000 version.

  54. holus is 3D holographic. View it from four different angles and interact with it in ways that have never been possible. . Game developers can create 3D holographic games, 3D modelers.

  55. One new gadget is PS Vita PCH-2000. It comes with 1GB free, It lighter then the PCH-1000, the home and start menu button are bigger, and the volume are better. You can also use your USB phone charger to charge this PCH-2000 version.

  56. The Microsoft HoloLens is a new gadget from Microsoft. The possibilities with these glasses are unbelievable. I could tell you everything about it. But please believe me: IT'S AMAZING!

    watch this video and you'll understand what I mean.

  57. New gadget is some of the new phones that have came out.

  58. The smartphone will become the hub of a personal-area network consisting of wearable gadgets such as on-body health care sensors, smart jewelry, smart watches, display devices (like Google Glass) and a variety of sensors embedded in clothes and shoes. These gadgets will communicate with mobile apps to deliver information in new ways and enable a wide range of products and services in areas such as sport, fitness, fashion, hobbies and health care.

  59. The WOWee One Slim is a compact portable speaker unit which provides a full range frequency response. It is intended for use as both a fixed and portable solution for all iPod, iPad, mp3, mp4, mobile phone and computer applications.

  60. The new apple watch which has all-new interactions and technologies. They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently. As well as some things that simply weren't possible before. So using it is a whole new experience. One that’s more personal than ever.

  61. The new technology i chose is a car, and it is called a Tesla. It is a electric luxury car. The Tesla’s advanced electric power train delivers exhilarating performance. Unlike a gasoline internal combustion engine with hundreds of moving parts, Tesla electric motors have only one moving piece: the rotor. The Model S acceleration is instantaneous, silent and smooth. Step on the accelerator and in as little as 2.8 seconds Model S is travelling 60 miles per hour, without hesitation, and without a drop of gasoline.

  62. he Logitech® Bluetooth® Multi-Device Keyboard is designed for use with up to three devices, regardless of computing platform. Now, you can work on a report on your computer, and with the flick of the Easy-Switch dial, respond to a message on your smartphone or type a tweet on your tablet – all from the Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard.

  63. Apple watch. Your phone is on your wrist. Able to make calls ,play music, check tweets..etc

  64. one new gadet is a water proufe phone.

  65. Prynt the lo-fi printer will be entering a Kickstarter soon, so we'll see what the crowds think of it.

  66. Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard. Is designed for use with up to three devices, regardless of computing platform. Now, you can work on a report on your computer, and with the flick of the Easy-Switch dial, respond to a message on your smartphone or type a tweet on your tablet – all from the Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480.

  67. The iPhone 7 . It's better then the iPhone 6 which is better then the iPhone 5 which is clearly better than the iPhone 4 let's not forget about the iPhone 3 and the 2nd generation iPhone and the og

  68. Pacif-i also features an in-built proximity sensor that allows parents to monitor the pacifier’s location and so be alerted when their child wanders off. Within the app, parents can set the distance, up to a range of 20 metres, for the alarm to be triggered when this is breached.

  69. Mia Reddick.

    Kingii is a new gadget of 2015. It is a device that straps around your wrist and it is designed to keep a person safe in the water.However, it is less effective than a traditional life jacket,but smaller and cooler. The device is activated by a CO2 cartridge where you pull the release lever and the flotation device explodes from the wrist. On the other hand, the people behind the Kingii device
    are currently raising funds to help with the campaign " the risk of drowning and the need for bulky safety devices is over,". In my opinion , the device is actually pretty cool and seem to be efficient in saving someone's life.

  70. A Braille enabled smart watch for blind people. A series of dots that mechanically raise up, it can give visually impaired users the time, allow them to read their text messages via a Bluetooth connected phone, translate Tweets to braille, and even work with some e-readers.

  71. One new piece of technology is the iPhone 7 . The new iPhone has a better look than the last one. Also it has new and more improved features on it. All to make your life with an iPhone easier.

  72. Brain organoids is an new method for growing human brain cells could unlock the mysteries of dementia, mental illness, and other neurological disorders.

  73. a new technology is called the iphone 6s. the 6s is the same size as the 6plus but the 6s is one whole color and move GB. you can do alot of stuff that the 5s or 5 can do alot of people would buy the ihpone 6s or the 6 and up cause the amazing stuff you can do on it

  74. The apple watch lets you do everything the IPhone does.You can receive alerts and reminders as well as call and text people. Its easy to carry when exercising and stays secure to your wrist.

  75. The apple watch lets you do everything the IPhone does.You can receive alerts and reminders as well as call and text people. Its easy to carry when exercising and stays secure to your wrist.

  76. The new apple watch lets you call, text etc. Everything you do on an iphone .

  77. The Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480 is designed for use with up to three devices, regardless of computing platform. Now, you can work on a report on your computer, and with the flick of the Easy-Switch dial, respond to a message on your smartphone or type a tweet on your tablet – all from the Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480.

  78. The new Apple watch lets you do any and everything that the apple phones or ipads let you do. You can call, text, facteime and everything

  79. any celular device is a gadget a gadget is something that helps make your life eaiser asmart phone can be used for many different things to help make your life eaiser

  80. any celular device is a gadget a gadget is something that helps make your life eaiser asmart phone can be used for many different things to help make your life eaiser

  81. The Logitech Type S is a thin and light protective keyboard case for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and protects both sides of your Galaxy Tab S from accidental bumps, scratches and spills.

  82. hologram keyboard, a new piece of tech that allows you to types msg in thin air and also its voice command.

  83. The apple watch lets you do everything the IPhone does. The watch allows you to text and call people. The watch even allows you to see how far you traveled on foot and see how many calories you burned. It is an amazing device and you can do it all on your wrist.

  84. A brand new type of keyboard known as the logitech bluetooth multi-device keyboard is a brand new type of device designed to log unto three types of devices, without the worry of a computing platform. Through this device, people can now accomplish things faster and better than ever before, as you can now do assignments on devices like your phone with the keyboard that were often seen as tedious and annoying. Therefore, this can help give people a greater opportunity to finish assignments faster without the hassle of doing in a less simplified manner.

  85. The Cintiq Companion 2 is a art tablet/pen display that allows one to create digital art either at home, by plugging it into their Mac or PC, or anywhere they go, since the Companion 2 can handle most creative softwares.

  86. iPhone 7 is supposed to be thinner than the iPhone 6 and it is supposed to much come in a light pink and have easier and better ways to touch the screen.

  87. The Logitech Type S is a thin and light protective keyboard case for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and protects both sides of your Galaxy Tab S from accidental bumps, scratches and spills.

  88. a new technology is the Samsung galaxy s6 edge it has a edge screen that allows you to see messages, who is calling and so on . it has a red light censor and can take awesome pictures. that is new technology.

  89. a new technology is the Samsung galaxy s6 edge it has a edge screen that allows you to see messages, who is calling and so on . it has a red light censor and can take awesome pictures. that is new technology.

  90. Telsa motor has come up with a snake like machine that is a portable electronic charger for cars . if you set it beside the car , it will automatically "slither" towards the car . the bot appears to connect to any port of electronic car with out any human help . once the car is fully charged , it then slithers away .

  91. the apple watch is known to be the most personal product they have invented yet! It is their first design to be worn. It lets you do most of the things an iphone does more quickly and conveniently.

  92. The Oculus Rift. A virtual Reality gadget that zou put on like glasses and just dive into a whole new awesome world. With this gadget you can actually look around by just shaking your head around like you would do in the real life. You can also just move around like in the regular world and your character will do this, meaning if you move your hands, so will the character. This will unlock a true first person perspective.

  93. New technology gadget: Shuttr Wireless camera remote, it can remotely works with smartphone or tablet's native camera. For convenient device, camera remote can make the camera clear and not blurry

  94. A new technology gadget would be the apple watch which is a smart watch made by Apple. The main format of the apple watch is to incorporate fitness tracking and health related aptitude. Pretty much the apple watch is Mini Ipad turned into a Mini Iphone which was just stuffed into a watch.

  95. MonoRover R2 Electric Unicycle Mini Scooter Two Wheels Self Balancing this gadget is a great device you just have to learn to balance yourself ride along where you want to go this device cost you around 500 to 600 dollars they have many different colors.
