Thursday, August 27, 2015

Mental Health, Racism, or Both - News Crew Murders

What is the main factor(s) that you believe contributed to the events below.


  1. well i think the main factors is that people now a days are crazy.

  2. He got fired from his job, because of run-ins with colleagues. There was issues and his personality spiraled down and they had to fire him because of that. Flanagan sued, alleged racial discrimination, But the suit was dismissed. Later on he joined WDBJ, But he was later fired from that job too. He also sued again for alleged racial discrimination. He had anger problems and the court told him to seek counseling. I feel like he did this, Because he lost his jobs he thought they were discriminating and in order to get Back at them he thought he should kill an innocent lady.

  3. i dont even know what most of it was about because half the video was on the news anchor apologizing to the man for having him on. no offense to anyone but people need to get to the point. i know a woman died but dont know why its racist.

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  6. This is a crazy crime that will always be remembered. Someone was killed on lived television yesterday. I honestly don't know all the details therefore I can't give an honest opinion on why I believe this tragic thing happened. Many questions still need to be asked and many people are confused.

  7. either he was jealous, he lost his job, she was better than him. you never know. aint no telling what they had going on. but people are crazy nowadays. there's plenty of things that could have happened with them. the media dont tell the whole truth/story.

  8. CRAZY PEOPLE DO NOT NEED GUNS! They will kill everybody for no reason

  9. To be honest I think that there are three main issues within this situation. One he was fired from his job for disrespectful encounters with his co workers. The second is that he was mentally ill, no sane man murders his co workers over a job. Third is that this mentally ill man shouldn't have had his hands on a gun.

  10. I think some factors that contributed to the shooting was mostly jealousy, seriously, do not let unstable people purchase guns for they will try to hurts others and themselves.

  11. he got fired from his job because he had anger issues. He attempted to sue them for racial discrimination, but they just let it go. The court had notice he had anger issues and they told him to go seek counseling, but he never went. I feel like the facts that caused him to shoot her was that he had so much anger built up from when he lost his job, so he wanted to get even and get back at them.

  12. I think it was both because most people are racist and then other people get bullied for their color and then get mentally ill.I feel like most of the mentally ill people i this world have either been picked on or told about their color.

  13. I think the world has gotten to a point, where everyone thinks that violence is a way to show something. It doesn't show anything but how little minded you are and selfish to take another human's life.

  14. the man had gotten fired from his job because he had a lot of anger problems. He tried to attempt to sue the racial discrimination, But they had still let ten him go. He then worked for WDBJ, but then he was still later on fired.

  15. If his anger problems were that serious he should have gotten relieved from his job. Because with someone like that is just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and any little thing can set it off. Such as being fired from his job was all he needed to finally snap and kill.

  16. This had to be mental illness. They fired him because of anger issues they already knew about. It seems like that should be the type of information included in a background check or a job application.

  17. I think its because of mental reasons . Something was probably going on in his life .

  18. i think he is crazy who would wanna do that

  19. there's plenty of things that could have happened with them. the media dont tell the whole truth/story.

  20. He had jealousy problems it seemed like he finally reached his breaking point and and snapped

  21. He was fired previous to all this happening. He also had a couple of run ins with the cameraman in the past. He probably had anger management from the beginning but at the moment everything just feel down on his life and he snapped.

  22. people are crazy nowadays, you never know where your last moment maybe.

  23. A disturbed mind brimming with rage, a professional media career and newly purchased guns. Vester Lee Flanagan II combined them into a real-time murder show that he choreographed in detail, there were some issues with him and his personality that kind of spiraled down, and that's why we had to get rid of him.

  24. crazy people domt need guns.
    They will kill everybody for no reason

  25. Mental reasons, he just finally got pushed over the edge.

  26. He was pretty mental so he shouldn't even be able to carry a gun

  27. There had to be some kind of mental disability, no sane person would do what he did. That mental disability combined with rage and rejection made him do what he did

  28. The main factor is that he had a gun. Man gun stores, you are just being naive. Care about WHO YOU ARE SELLING THE GUN TO!! Check records, background check, etc. So you don't end up selling a gun to a senseless murderer and you didn't even know. So be more strict with guns, ITS A GUN, not like Nerf or something, IT CAN AND WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T TAKE PRECAUTION!!

  29. I can't understand what's happening in the world. You aren't even save when you work in a news crew. That's just horrible. People are crazy and crazy people shouldn't have guns.

  30. I believe mental health played a fairly large part in the murder. I think gun distributors should be more careful with who they sell their guns too and everyone should be checked for an official gun permit.

  31. a crazy man with a gun who was jealous because he was fried an a new co worker stole his job

  32. I think this guy was insane i mean he killed 2 whites because of the South Carolina church shooting in which a white man killed 9 blacks. And the shown a long history of erratic behavior.

  33. People with guns should go through a test so crazy people don't get guns. Its so crazy how fast a life can be taken, but it shouldn't be taken by a person that's not in complete control of themselves. If your not in the right state of mind you should not own a gun. If the wrong person get a hold of a gun they can kill everyone.

  34. Some cases deal with racism and others deal with mental health. My thought on this is that mental health played a big part in the murder. I personally think that guns should either be taken away or that they keep a closer eye on who they sell their guns to.

  35. this is really awful. I don't really know how racism comes into this but even if this guy has a mental disorder or issue at all he still needs to get put in jail. murder is not excuse-able by mental disability at least put the man a mental institution. someone needs to do something. I really think we need gun control.

  36. Tbh, You rarely hear about any kind of mass shooting in countries like Australia, England, China, etc. since those countries have ACTIVE gun control laws in place. Those countries have literally banned the use of hundreds of kinds of firearms, and only allows its citizens to have small handguns and certain kinds of rifles.That's all you need, really. Anything else beyond that is too much. In the US, it's just way too easy for people to get their hands on guns, legally or not. Of course this is a scary thing because you'll never really know what kind of person is obtaining these firearms until its too late. Just this week, a 14 year old kid held his entire class hostage and put his whole high school on lockdown. The USA really needs to decide which is more important, the lives and welfare of its own citizens, or weapons intended to harm things.

  37. that crazy who would do the that wrong why do people get guns just to kill

  38. The main factors that lead to the shootings in my opinion was with him having previous firings from other stations. Also something either emotionally or mental issues wrong with him.

  39. People dont know how to use the resources their given.

  40. Crazy people don't need to have guns at all

  41. I think that crazy people shouldn't have guns because they are already crazy so the gun will make them more crazy.

  42. Mia Reddick.

    The main factor that contributed to this incident is mental illness or something in that person's past that contribute to him wanting to kill others. As well, the MAIN purpose of having a gun in your possession and using it for the right time. In addition to this , the man could have emotional stability problems too. A decision that can made to stop eruptions like this is have more restrictions on gun usage.

  43. I believe people are going to have to be more cautious of their surroundings these days. Cant take guns away from people its too late.

  44. Guns these days are to easy to get and this should not be happening they need to take gun control and politicians need to put this as a number one priority.

  45. The suspect is mad for getting fired from the previous years and wanted some payback.He really was mad about what he claimed to be racial actions taken by the news and that particular reporter victim.He had been previously fighting a court case against the victim for them actions he eventually lost the court battle .so to get even he felt like taking a life was worth he created a life of pain and sorrow for all of the victim love-ones.

  46. I think that the politics need to change up the rules of the second amendment, i think that not all people should have the right to bare arms and im not comfortable seeing people with guns near me. It is a terrible shame that nobody tried to attempt to stop him in the killing. The father of this murder deserves justice.

  47. I dont know what they are talking about the video and article is confusing.

  48. I think this had something to do with mental health, because even if it was something to do with racism someone has to be really mental to shoot someone like that.

  49. He was crazy but he wanted people to see it as a race thing. Crazy people find a way to disguise everything .Mental health played a big part in the murder. Guns shouldn't be allowed they mess up life's.

  50. Dude could of have mental problem but it was really messed up. But he recorded which was worse.

  51. The main factor is that some people shouldn't have certain things because they don't know the proper way to use them.

  52. he was jealous and had problems it seemed like he finally reached his breaking point and when he finally got that he snapped

  53. he was jealous and had problems it seemed like he finally reached his breaking point and when he finally got that he snapped

  54. I think racism in work place needs to stop .He was definitely wrong and his mental illness should be treated .

  55. People don't need to have guns. You never know when your last day on the earth is.

  56. He had mental issues that lead to his crazy ness !!!...

  57. i beleive that there are 3 things that lead to this event. one , the guy was mentally ill . also , he should not have access to these guns . and three , he was fired from his job earlier that day . people are just insane

  58. I think that this man was mental or that he was just upset. Him being upset made him get to the point where he felt like he needed to kill.

  59. i think it was mental illness and because of anger

  60. I believe the main factor was what the father was saying about making it much difficult for people with mental brain issues to go around carrying legal or illegal weapons. Only because its not safe for the people around them which has happen with the reporter and camera man.

  61. i think the main factor is that people should come to their senses and stop with all the violence and become at peace with life and people.

  62. I believe the main factor was what the father was saying about making it much difficult for people with mental brain issues to go around carrying legal or illegal weapons. Only because its not safe for the people around them which has happen with the reporter and camera man.

  63. It has been proven fact that monsters aren`t always in books: they reside in everyday people. To an extent, everyone isn`t normal: Everyone has some level of a lack of sanity in them, the only difference that distinguishes "crazy" people from "sane" people are the level of insanity they hold. This entire incident was motivated by a lack of morale and sanity: being "black" has nothing to do with the content of your character, but being gay is a serious problem. This man clearly had a the definition of an inferiority complex, and decided to exact unnecessary "revenge" by taking out a random reporter just because of her position. As such, this entire incident was on a mental level rather than a level of surfacing.

  64. i think the reason why the lady was killed was because of jealousy.the person killed her.

  65. i think that guns are not the problem people will always find ways to kill each other if guns are illegal or not i think that all taking away guns will do is just make people get more black market weapons witch will fund crime.

  66. People who own guns should learn how to use it for the right reasons, and know that no one deserves to loose there life.

  67. Vester Flagan shot two innocent people because he was pissed off that he got fired from CNN

  68. who ever owns a gun should know how to use it

  69. The world is crazy. the man got fired from his job and people who own guns need to learn how to use them wisely.

  70. The main factor of this event is that people have mental problems and we need to stop ignoring them as if they do not exist.

  71. he has anger issues that should have been further evaluated the situation could have been talked about this is not racial i think it is mental heath that shouldn't have been pushed away. people need to be deeply evaluated before handling/owning a gun

  72. yes mental health did play a role in this.

  73. either he was jealous, he lost his job, she was better than him. you never know. aint no telling what they had going on. but people are crazy nowadays. there's plenty of things that could have happened with them. the media dont tell the whole truth/story
