Friday, August 14, 2015

Freewrite -August 14 2015

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Summarize two current events


  1. OK, a few weeks ago i think, i don't really keep up with the date but anyways el chapo escaped, this is a major event. also a lady named Jo rogers got all her limbs amputated from a tick bite.

  2. One cuurent event occured an hour ago a man in ohio was hit by a roller coaster resulting in his death the reason he was struck because he crossed restricted area to get his belongings
    On another note a 1665 pleague pit was unearthed repoters say there were over 1000 bodies discovered in london

  3. I'm not sure what is going on. But there's a bacteria in the ocean that's eating people from the inside out. I think. So that's cool.

  4. one current event that had happened to me was that i had to move away from Florida. I could never see my friends again. It took me a while to get uest to Georgia. Another event that happened to me was i had to get my braces on. I didn't want to have it because i didn't want to go through the pain. But i got it on anyways.

  5. well one current is that jimmy carter might have cancer. now im not sure about what he has to do to get healthy or what type of medicine he must take and all that but i will have an update problably next week. another current event is that a fire truck and a pediatrics truck crashed into each other im not sure when this happened but today they are looking for who had the right a way.

  6. according to cnn, a 11 year old girl got raped and had to give birth to the child in paraguay.
    also, a man in cedar point got hit with a roller coaster.

  7. Jimmy Carter recently let everyone know that he has cancer. He originally had it in his liver i believe and it is now spreading to other parts of his body. although he is 90 years old and has cancer, doctors say this doesn't mean he will die. Him being one of about four ex-presidents still alive makes this a big deal.
    Another current event is the problem with hunters killing wild animals for competition/sport. Many people appose this and are going at these hunters. A well know doctor recently killed a famous lion "Ceasel" and has the world outraged.

  8. On July, 11 2015 Joaquín Guzmán Loera, also known as, El Chapo broke out of jail for the second time by making an underground tunnel. It has been over a month and still nobody has caught Chapo. Loera has stated that he will pay any U.S citizen that takes him in over $1,000,000. But there has not been any new news on Mr. Chapo.

    On June 26,2015, the Supreme Court ruled that in all 50 states gay marriage will be legalized. It has been said that the 14th amendment protects gay rights, but unfortunately there are many people who don't like this new change which has cause a serious issue in today's society.

  9. Some Current events happening now the Cuba U.S Embassy was reopened today and the secretary of state john Kerry traveled to Cuba to raise the flag above the embassy for the first time in 54 years.Also a man on one of cedar point's renowned roller coasters lost some of his belongings on the ride then got off to track them down a decision that ultimately cost him his life

  10. One current event was a 18 hours ago when Donald Trump gave little kids at the fair free helicopter rides in Iowa . He did this just to get voters in Iowa to vote for him . Also yesterday Trump was accused for using a FALSE flag for his campaign . This means that nothing he says is true making his speeches false alligations . In conclusion , both these events are very important to know about in the U.S.

  11. The current event I've chosen to summarize is The Tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea, and this article is about thousands of people fleeing the Middle East and Northern Africa for the shores of Europe this spring. Over 1,700 people have died this year trying to make it to the shores of Europe. People are leaving, Because Libya is Becoming impossible to live there. One person said that there's shootings everyday and I'm scared to live there. It's really sad, and the people who made it to the shores of Europe are lucky, But the others aren't and it's not right.

  12. A tick bite led to amputations on all four of an Oklahoma woman's limbs.
    A female grizzly bear was examined Thursday after an autopsy confirmed she killed a hiker in Yellowstone National Park last week.

  13. The first current event is about 1 person was rescued from the blast zone in China's Tianjin Port, the survivor was industrial zone about 32 hours.The fire had dangerous chemicals and others things.The two expositions on Wednesday killed 50 people and injured hundreds of people .

  14. In Clayton County a man was found shot to dead in a jonesbro apartment. They dont know who shot him or how many shooters there were. Polices say they just got a search warrant to look for who do this to this poor man

  15. One current event is the Canadian economy. The Canadian GDP has failed for the second quarter of the year due to the commodity based economy producing more exports without receiving the proper amount of profit.Economic experts call this a recession, if this is indeed a recession it's not only a Canadian issue it's a world wide issue.
    The second current event is a young lady from Checker's was caught rubbing a prematurely served bun on the floor. The Checker's corporation is now threatening to close down the restaurant.

  16. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Friday expressed "profound grief" for the millions killed in World War II and remorse for his country's participation, but said that future Japanese generations shouldn't need to keep apologizing.

    The Birmingham, Alabama, cop who was pistol-whipped unconscious last week didn't shoot the motorist who attacked him because of the outcry surrounding the recent spate of police shootings, the head of the local police union said Thursday.

  17. A fifteen year old boy that lived in Texas was involved in drug trafficking,murder human smuggling.He also said that he killed his toddler brother outside their home in Texas.He later became a better person and started going to school working on his dad construction sites.He received a call a call on September 25 2013. A call that reminded him of his past and what he used to do.It was a drug dealer saying that he had a job for him.He then texted his girlfriend saying that his life was over and posted a status on Facebook in English and Spanish to say his life was over.He contacted his arrest officers and some other police officers.They found him at his house armed with two knives ready for his drug dealer and a bullet proof vest in-case of anything

    A part of a roof falls off during a concert at a historic Minneapolis music venue sent two people to the hospital Wednesday night.

  18. Recently, former President Jimmy Carter discovered he has cancer. He is ninety years old. He's getting treatment at Emory. He discovered he had Cancer from a surgery on his liver. Also, in Cobb county this teacher hit a middle school student. He decided to walk to school that morning and walked in front of an stopped bus. Then, BOOM the teacher hit him. He went to the hospital with an bruised ribcage and a broken arm.-Kashmere

  19. Yesterday while fleeked out by the barber julian, i saw that president jimmy carter has cancer at 90 something years old. Rick ross pistol whipped someone. Donald Trump is a womaizer/ rude canddiate. Tylere became famous.

  20. one Current events happening now the Cuba U.S Embassy was reopened today and the secretary of state john Kerry traveled to Cuba to raise the flag above the embassy for the first time in 54 years.......another current event is that a fire truck and a pediatrics truck crashed into each other im not sure when this happened but today they are looking for who had the right a way.

  21. Today, secretary of state John Kerry traveled to Cuba to raise the American flag over the U.S. embassy for the first time in 54 years. Kerry's visit marked an end to one of the last vestiges of the Cold War. Also in the news, an 85 year old Japanese fighter pilot keeps a promise to his father. The man is locating families of the American airmen he shot down in World War II to make amends. The men he shot down were either MIA or killed in combat.

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  23. El Nino may be the largest on record El Nino is a warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean, mainly along the Equator.

    Apparently a transgendered ex solider and current prisioner, Chelsea Manning was convicted for violating the Espionage Act. She was caught with the Vanity fair cover with Caitlyn Jenner.

  24. An 11-year-old girl, who according to authorities was raped by her stepfather, gave birth to a healthy baby girl Thursday morning in Asunción, Paraguay. A man on one of Cedar Point's renowned roller coasters lost some of his belongings on the ride, then got off to track them down -- a decision that ultimately cost him his life.

  25. a man shot a bear in an area where the animal was protected ... 40 miles from where he was allowed to hunt. According to ABC, which obtained the photos, Palmer was not only aware of his misdeed, he offered 3 guides who were present $20,000 to lie and say he shot the bear in the permissible area.

    Empire dosent know how to pay Terrence Howard because his ex-wife is gunning for his paycheck, so they've asked a judge for help in determining the payee.

  26. Two current event that I have is seeing the Pacers vs Patriots. It was a very exciting game when the Pacers won there game. Even thought the pats lost i think it was because Brady had to sit out.

    Another event that i have is seeing the Detroit Lions play the Jets and I was happy with how Detroit played.

  27. Two current event that I have is seeing the Pacers vs Patriots. It was a very exciting game when the Pacers won there game. Even thought the pats lost i think it was because Brady had to sit out.

    Another event that i have is seeing the Detroit Lions play the Jets and I was happy with how Detroit played.

  28. An 11-year-old girl, who according to authorities was raped by her stepfather, gave birth to a healthy baby girl Thursday morning in Asunción, Paraguay. Asunción Red Cross Director Mario Villalba confirmed the birth to CNN. The baby was born by C-section and weighed 3 kilograms (about 6.6 pounds). Villalba said both the baby and her mother "are in good health condition." He also said doctors are monitoring them closely. They are expected to be released within three days if no complications arise.

    Sandra Bland was found dead in her prison cell. They claim she hung herself with a trash bag and jumped into the trash bag. Many believe that she was killed and they have yet to get her apoptose report

  29. El chapo recently escaped from prison and is offering millions to stay with somebody. 21 savage released an EP called Free Guwop. He got the Atlanta streets on lock.

  30. In paraguay a girl was raped by her stepfather and she tried to report the rape but they turned it down. Now at 11 shes already a mother.

    45 year old had been at the park with friends when he hopped on the Raptor around 5 p.m. he lost so,e of his belongs om the track. He decided to go back and get them but ended up losing his life.

  31. 6 people were arrested after Henry county police confiscated 1.6 million dollars worth of drugs. $374,000 dollars worth of weapons were also confiscated.

    A man was recently hit by a roller coaster in Ohio

  32. The USA blue vs white game was on tv last night and team white won they mainly were just shooting 3s and throwing alley oops and it was a good game

  33. a few weeks ago at six flags magic mountain, a lady rode a ride kinda like the Acrophobia, in Six Flags Over Georgia. Unfortunately the ride malfunctioned and while the lady was swinging her legs back. Her left and right leg got swallowed up in the machine and ejected into two bushes nearby. Luckily however she was rushed to the hospital in time and they were able to recover one leg.

  34. A marine research group found one of the greatest sharks ever seen. The Great white shark was nicknamed 'Deep Blue". The estimated shark is known to be 20 feet long and 50 years old. Footage of the shark was compared to other sharks found back in 2013, and was known to be unmatched.

    Another event was a thirteen year old girl in Clayton County was found trying to save her neighbor from an intruder that came into their home, the little girl successfully called help and the famiy was rescued and the intruder was brought into police custody.

  35. rihanna was spotted and also posted a picture of her new ankle tattoo which is the date 1988.
    kylie is now legal so her and tyga are all public and coupled up

  36. i don't watch the news or nothing because its scary so i don't know 2 current events that been going on lately .

  37. 1.) Just yesterday, a huge explosion occurred in the middle of a large city in China. The blast was caused by a chemical fire in a factory in the city, and just as firefighters showed up to quell the flames, a ginormous, towering blast happened in a split second, and demolished everything in its path for up to 2 miles. No one is still 100% sure how the fire started in the first place.

    2.) Donald trump is still the world's worst creation and needs to be disposed of immediately

  38. NASA has been designing some new engines for a future mission to go to Mars. They hope to make this as the beginning so that maybe they can perfect and engine for their rockets that will send them to the newly discovered planets that I wrote about last time. I hope that this mission will be successful and I wish NASA luck for the journey.

    Another event, this one might be a bit childish, is news with Fox and Marvel. Everyone thinks the new Fantastic 4 movie was a bust, some fans of Marvel started a petition for Fox to sell the rights back to Marvel. Personally I think the Fantastic 4 would've been great if it was an original story, but they took Marvel's thing and pretty much messed it up. So the petition is actually getting real, it's actually getting insane.

  39. Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's daughter Christina Brown died by drowning in a bathtub which is the same way Whitney had died.
    Cecil, a famous lion in Africa, was shot and killed by a hunter who was a dentist as well. It was illegal to kill him since he was protected by law so the hunter/dentist was fired from his job and hated by a lot of people.

  40. the lastest news that former president jimmy carther has cancer at 90 years old an the other major event that a Mexican drug lord el chapo escape from prison again

  41. One current event happening in the world is Jimmy carter has announced that he has cancer at the age of 90! Another current even is Rihanna recently just got a new tattoo of 1988 stating the year she was born as a picses.

  42. Kylie turned 18 and tyga gave her a Ferrari
    Some dude did a prank on a famous toy and acted like they were the thief there YouTube channel is called Prank vs Prank and BF vs GF

  43. A few hours ago it was reported that a detective was pistol-whipped and didn't shoot the attacker because he didn't want to be accuses as another needless killer of an unarmed man.
    Nearly twenty minutes ago secretary of state John Kerry came to Cuba on Friday and raised the american flag above the US Embassy for the first time in 54 years.

  44. I don't what to write about, but I'll do it anyway. If anyone sleep on they're phone while charging, that could caught a big fever. Plus you could also die by sleeping with your phone on your face while charging.

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  46. current event #1: this event occurred in London. Recently in London a plague pit has been discovered. apparently 350 years ago the last outbreak of the plague happened in London and archaeologists have found the pit. in the pit were 30 victims were discovered along with the pit by wanting to start a project of building a new rail link across London.

    current event #2: a British archaeologist claims he has discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. apparently the body of the "beautiful one" who ruled by the side of the king of Egypt.

  47. Chelsea made a huge offer for Baba. Fc Augsburg's defender could move for unbelievable 30 million euros during the next week. He passed the medicine check today in Chelsea.

    Another thing was very interesting this week. Xherdan Shaqiri moved from FC Internazionale Milano to the Premier League club Stoke City. Many people criticized him and said that he only wants to earn a lot of money. I think that's not true. Shaqiri is a powerful and talented player. For him, it's just one step back to go two steps further.

  48. One current event was when a kid got gunned down. Another one was when a tractor trailer caused a fatal wreck.

  49. SO the drake and the meek over. Meek took this L n understood he came unprepared and need to get this money and come back strong.

    Also Future and Drake started filming the Where Ya At video

  50. cheif keef is only 15 years old when he produced "love sosa" and sir issac newton was a young man when he figured out the laws of motion.

  51. one current event was fromer presednt jemmey carder has canser and then another one is that a women is getting a new kiedine next month.

  52. Jimmy Carter recently let everyone know that he has cancer. He originally had it in his liver i believe and it is now spreading to other parts of his body. although he is 90 years old and has cancer, doctors say this doesn't mean he will die. Him being one of about four ex-presidents still alive makes this a big deal.
    Straight Outta Compton' Scores Huge $4.96M Thursday.Straight Outta Compton last night at 8:00 pm in 2,264 theaters. Now usually the time those showings start, be it 7pm or 8pm, is relatively irrelevant. But Straight Outta Compton is a long movie, nearly 2.5 hours in fact, so the fact that Universal made those poor saps wait until 8pm is both very mean and likely a slight pull on their Thursday showings. Now for the record, the meanest was still back in July 10th of 2014, when 20th Century Fox didn’t start the Thursday screenings of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes until 10:00 pm.

  53. A man on a Cedar Point roller coaster lost some of his belongings on the ride, then got off to track to get and was hit by a roller coaster and a man died on the beach, the victim of a beating by his wife so brutal it left him unrecognizable.

  54. James Harden undecided if he wasn't to sign with nike or adiads.
    Whale ask sailor to take plastic bag out of its mouth

  55. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a Mexican man Thursday and seized 28 pounds of cocaine hidden inside a 2000 Ford Mustang, according to a news release.

    A Florida man died after encountering a deadly bacteria while he was swimming, according to his mother.
    Cason Yeager, 26, of Fruitland Park, Fla., died June 16, two days after he and family went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico south of Pine Island

  56. Job recovery remains steady. James harden has $100 million contract

  57. Mia Reddick

    An eleven year old girl was apparently raped by her father and delivered a baby prior to that. This incident occur Thursday morning in Asuncion, Paraguay. The girl deliver a healthy baby who weighed 3 kilograms and was deliver in the process of a C-section. However, authorities arrested the girl's mother and she was charged with child neglect and complicity. In addition to the mother's arrest, there is still a manhunt out searching for the girl's father.
    A 19 year old woman saved her life by receiving her college job. She was trying to help her family with her 10 year healthy surgery. She was a sophomore in high school when she experienced the first flicker of the symptoms. She began to feel light headed and dizzy during basketball practices. As well her eye vision and hearing began to turn out on her. The solutions to her health problems came into in the fall of 2014. She started college at Ohio State University and started her new job at the hospital where her mother worked.

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  58. i like (lemon pepper) wings and Philly cheese steaks

  59. 11 year old rape victim gives birth in Paraguay .

    Snoop Dog's son quits UCLA football team .

  60. A man on one of Cedar Points renowned roller coasters lost some of his belongings on the ride and decided to get on the track to track them down.He was struck by the Raptor train that was in operation.

  61. There is so much stuff going on in the world today. I saw on the news yesterday that a family was tortured and killed by their house being burnt down with them inside it. The only survivor was the father and escaped barely. The people who did the crime were not sentenced to death and are still on trial. Another event I would like to bring up is Godzilla El Nino. Its going to be a huge storm and we don't know where its going to strike.

  62. sabelle Soubie's calm demeanor and emergency training was recognized Thursday, when she was given a "911 Hero Award" certificate and medallion.

    In June, Isabelle's grandfather, Bob Sobczak, passed out on the floor of his house after an apparent diabetic incident. She had to figure out how to use a cell phone to call for help.

  63. Former rap mogul Marion "Suge" Knight collapsed in court Friday shortly after a judge set his bail at $25 million in a murder case, an amount Knight's attorney said was excessively high

  64. People killed on a volcanic eruption in Chile.

  65. the debate and the volcano eruption in chile

  66. 2k16 is about to come out!!! im very excited about the new and upcoming features that the game has. the trailers are up to par.

  67. donald trump is winning the race at moment from my point of view and isis is growing more more powerful now

  68. today i had many assessment test. Each class had their own difficult test that my brain is now really worked out.

  69. Today the cuba embassy re opened after 54 years of it being closed and a fuel leak caused a massive explosion in china.

  70. Umm.. Im just really ready fa 2k and madden 16 . Text bacc game weak !!

  71. A 45 year old man was kilt at a amusement park in Ohio. Part of the rollercoster flew off and hit the man, ending his life. Snoop Dogs son quit the NFL.

  72. The explosion In china. It is terrible, how could that happen? Many people died and more got injured badly. Many buildings and cars have been destroyed after the explosion of a chemical company building. Eyewitnesses said that the explosion was like what you would Imagine a nuclear blast.

  73. in alabama , a police officer was pistol whipped until unconsious and did not use arms against the suspect because he didnt want to end up with a charge because the suspect was un armed .

  74. straight out of Compton is coming out its based on a true story and looks really good. there was a cop that got pistol wiped because he didn't want to shoot any one because he was afraid to be looked as the bad guy in the news,.

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  76. Recently in Ferguson, more gunfire is exchanged near protests being held on the first anniversary of Michael Brown's death. During the exchange, an 18 year-old African American man, Tyrone Harris Jr. is shot and critically wounded by police. Police arrive from nearby cities to help maintain control of the town.

  77. Straight out of Compton came out today based on rappers back in the day and it is a must see. Also Jimmy Carter recently let people know that he has cancer.

  78. A woman is being hunted nationwide for brutally beating her husband to death.

    Japan states that "They can't keep apologizing for WWII."

  79. The phone computer statement that phone storage charge $100 but its really $7 to $10 for it. They were greedy and try to take of advantage.
    Another events was presidential argument about people who wants to become a president for Republic and Democratic.

  80. I got a tattoo Wednesday. It didnt really hurt as bad as people say it does. Today i am goining to go get another one the end lol.

  81. As of 2015, there is set to be a new "kill switch" system that is going to be put into smartphones and for the benefit of those who simply want to have a "do-over" with their phone. Several brand company names, such as Apple and Samsung, have signed unto the agreement for this latest installment on a cellular device.

  82. I've recently read that the rap artist "Ice Cube" has recorded plenty of unreleased music with Dr. Dre and he shelved the music from the world becuase "It would've been an album anybody would kill for

  83. El chapo recently escaped from prison and is offering millions to stay with somebody.And on september 4 la flame or better known as travis scott is releasing his lond anticipated album RODEO.

  84. I went to go hit some baseballs Friday. I think I had a good batting practice.

  85. ima write about STOP GIVING US HOMEWORK sheesh , we already come to school to learn why we have to come to school then go back home to do more work? dang we wanna turn up after school not go straight home and do homework

  86. ima write about STOP GIVING US HOMEWORK sheesh , we already come to school to learn why we have to come to school then go back home to do more work? dang we wanna turn up after school not go straight home and do homework

  87. El Chapo's' escape from Mexican prison: The tunnels that were built for the escape of El Chapo was not from the inside out it was from the outside in and it was not built by him if he was being watched 23 hours out of the day it was no way he could go back and fourth to dig that tools and machines were used to help his escape.
