Monday, August 10, 2015

Protests gone wrong- August 10, 2015

See the link below. Give your opinion about what you think needs to happen to relieve tensions between police and protestors?


  1. To relieve tensions between police and protesters I think that they should simply stop taking the lives of those who seem innocent. Unless you have full proof that the person was trying to harm you, it's very hard to believe that they were. Saying that you feel "in danger" is not an excuse, because YOU took that job as a policeman to put your life in that danger. With that being said, in order to have peace you have to think before you pull the trigger.

  2. I feel like this issue is a very touchy subject and its hard to come at this topic straightforward. There are many things that need to resolved but for one thing i feel like the police need to be more mature, decent, and considerate. The troops need to understand that they are not the ones in danger. They are the ones wearing bulletproof vests at the same time carrying the guns. When it comes to being a protester its very dangerous because youre surrounded by a plethora of people that believe in different things than you and you are constantly in danger because of the cops being armed and the only things you carry are your voice and your banners. Its hard to tell protesters to be careful and try to not cause trouble because no matter what they do they dont decide whether they live or get harmed or not because we have seen/witness many lives lost over simple mistakes or even just by standing around.

  3. To be honest i don't really believe there is a good way to settle this unless there is some major changes made. The police need to be more careful. Also people need to be smarter be more careful as well

  4. To be honest i don't really believe there is a good way to settle this unless there is some major changes made. The police need to be more careful. Also people need to be smarter be more careful as well

  5. I just think that police and protesters will never have an understanding. The police will always be on defensive mode due to such large and angry crowds. They will be forced to do their job even though they should NOT be violent. As for the protesters they need to understand being physical (as far as trashing their community) will only make matters worse. With an organized protest, police would not have to get involved.

  6. At least they aren't rioting...

  7. The only thing that will relieve tension at this point is to stop killing black people. Even if they're guilty of a crime don't shoot. People of Ferguson have built a hate for cops and the only way the hate will decrease is if the abusing of power by cops decreases.

  8. In order to get rid of tensions between the police and protesters in Ferguson, I think that the unnecessary violence should stop because if it keeps happening then the people will keep responding to it with some more mad than others, ready to fight back at all costs. Just like how a man and some cops started shooting at the vigil, this shows how the violence will continue, leaving no peace for anyone.

  9. I believe officers today should be much more cautious with all races when pulling civillians over. Treat everyone equal and do exactly as procedure should be done. With all of the tragic killing of citizens by police officers, you would think it stopped or there would be more caution.

  10. I dont really know if there is any way to relieve tensions. Not unless they can bring that boy back to life. People are mad and they are going to be mad for a pretty long time. And if things like that keep happening it wont get better. Thy say time heals all wounds, and this wound is going to need a lot of time.

  11. I think that the violence has to stop as a whole. The protesters who use violence, like the man in the article, ruin it for the people who try to protest in peace. Also, the police also has to stop the senseless shootings in order to not spark any tensions. If there are people in the protesting crowds who attempt to shoot police officers, of course the officers are going to be trying to disperse the crowds. However, there are certain things police should do and not do.

  12. Honestly, I don't see the reason why the event had to turn the way it did, the police was there to stop an event entirely unrelated, and because of police presence, the people attending instantly felt the need to get aggressive. I don't believe that was necessary.

  13. To be honest, I don't feel like there is much that can happen to relieve the tension. The police give the protesters a chance to protest peacefully and they do until one ignorant person turns into another ignorant person and so on. A person who thinks the solution is to terrorize the police is not trying to make a change. The more you bother them, the more they bother you. While not all police men and women are right, most of them are, so punishing all of the police officers in the United States is not the answer. So obviously, I think there is not really anything that can happen to relieve this tension between police and protesters because of overwhelming amount of misunderstanding and ignorance.

  14. In my option there is nothing that can be done to relieve the tension. the cops think they are above the law so they will continue to take lives unjustifiably for there is no way to fix this ridiculous problem.i feel as if the protesters should continue to protest to make their points. the people in this situation who can fix it the most would be the cops and they need to get of there bull and stop being stupid until then the protesters so continue to raise all .....

  15. i don't really believe there is a good way to settle this unless there is some major changes made. In my option there is nothing that can be done to relieve the tension. the cops think they are above the law so they will continue to take lives unjustifiably for there is no way to fix this ridiculous problem.

  16. police need to back down and admit their wrong and let justice be seen

  17. Because of previous police brutality, people feel the need to escalate situations. This was, to me, a planned act of violence.

  18. In my option there is nothing that can be done to relieve the tension. the cops think they are above the law so they will continue to take lives unjustifiably for there is no way to fix this ridiculous problem.i feel as if the protesters should continue to protest to make their points. the people in this situation who can fix it the most would be the cops and they need to get of there bull and stop being stupid until then the protesters so continue to raise all .....

  19. The anniversary observations of Brown's shooting death by a white Ferguson police officer started off peacefully Sunday.

    Throughout the day, vigils honored the unarmed black teen. Attendants observed 4½ minutes of silence to signify the 4½ hours Brown's body lay on the street after he was shot last year. i see know the protesters were just calm people doing nothing wrong

  20. my Opinion is that police need a reality check and know that police brutality isn't and never will be okay it is simply unjust . Not everyone deserves to be law enforcement. Peaceful protest doesn't mean for you to be ready top strike a person who hasn't assaulted you or anyone else . The police were suppose to help and protect and if we cant be protected people will end up protecting themselves from you the tension is going to keep growing until justice is served

  21. what should happen between police and protesters is that. police brutality needs to be discussed through out that community. maybe a meeting with the towns people and the mayer may need to take place and maybe the goverment and the society may come to a conclusion. about the protest situation.

  22. In my opinion to relieve the tension between police officers and protesters they should stop taking the lives of innocent people. If someone did something wrong, then simply arrest them, don't shoot them especially if they did as you asked. I think that every police officer that ever killed an innocent person should get locked up or have more happen to them besides losing their jobs. Police are supposed to protect us, not harm us. We're supposed to feel safe around them, but instead we're worried about who's going to get shot next. The government needs to step up and make some changes, instead of just sitting back and having the cops lose their jobs. The police think that it's okay to shoot innocent people because they see all these other people getting away with it. This needs to be solved by police departments, judges, and the government. Until changes are made, everything is going to be the same and continue to happen.

  23. I dont think there is anything that can be done for that city. There was a wrongful death and there has been many of these cases that didnt get justice the public would have liked. For the future, ware cameras and send people to jail.

  24. I think there's a number of things that need to be done in order to relieve the tensions between police & protesters . For example , I think that the police should just let people protest considering every man or woman have a right to protest . I also believe that these police should not be using brutal force on the protesters . Using brutal force really anger & saddens these people . In conclusion , there are a lot of things that need to be done in order to dissolve the tension between police & protesters ..

  25. i disagree with the way that the community is handling this particular situation. in my opinion there is a way that you do things, there is a way to have order. but also, they have feelings and rights too. it is obvious that they have feelings and tension still with this situation and i think that they have a reason to. Ferguson was someones child, someones family member and how he died was not fair at all.

  26. In all honest this has gone too far. Last year when Ferguson had their first riot it was disgusting and embarrassing for me to watch. It's like they don't understand and they just take the opportunity to shoot there guns and rob corner stores. In order for us to be better and make a difference there needs to be some level of self consciousness and self respect. The difference between the conflict of now and the early 1900s is that we had a leader in Martin Luther King Jr. In order for us to start moving forward we need a leader because until then we are just walking in the dark, and we are setting ourselves backwards instead of forwards. So to answer the question, I honestly believe that it's in the 'protesters' hands to relieve these tensions. They should know that there will be people that will have different opinions about a topic, and those people might be the ones in charge. But you don't solve anything by firing guns and robbing corner stores because it only takes one call for them to have the whole army at the city's doorstep. i feel like we/they need to go about this in a different manner, a civilized manner.

  27. At this point, I don't think the tension will be resolved. Protesters should protest and not fight or engage in anything that will only resolve in them getting hurt. No one should get hurt actually. And police officers need to stop being let of the hook. If they kill, someone and that should be taken care of according to the law. Er, something along the lines of that.

  28. my opinion is that there can be a good way to settle this but there has to be a lot of changes made. The police think that there beyond than the law. So they will continue to protest and will continue to make there points. The people in this situation who know that they can fix it the most would be the policemen and need to get there others and change there way of doing things.

  29. I believe that the police need to accept the fact that people still have feeling's for this young men. By emotionally and physically displaying gun fires at the officer. By no means should the people use violence to show their emotions. -Kashmere

  30. i feel like the police officers are making their problem worse by bringing more protestors to protest more

  31. There is nothing else to be done because the people is gonna believe what they wanna believe and the people is going to do what they want to do. Now a days people dont care if the police is watching.

  32. I think to relieve tensions between police and protesters I strongly believe that they should simply stop taking the lives of those who seem innocent. Unless you have full proof that the person was trying to harm you, it's very hard to believe that they were. the one who committed the crime without proof of the crime

  33. I believe that police officers should not be offended or get angry at protesters because they have a right of freedom to speak on what they believe. If a protester decides to become uncontrolled then an officer can take matters but pulling out a gun and shooting someone. at the end of the day, I feel like policemen are not fulfilling the needs of their jobs but the people are also in the wrong for always jumping to violence which is why I believe that there is nothing that will relieve the tension between the two parties.

  34. In my opinion I think the cops and the protesters would have handled it a better way.The cops should not have acted the way they did because it was just like repeating the same thing that happened.The protesters went too far they should have known their limits in their protesting.

  35. The police should organize a better plan to deal with people that they convict arrest or prosecute citizens.

  36. 12 need to stop offing innocent people. Straight like that. Protesters not gone stop rioting and acting out until they get justice.

  37. There is nothing that can happen to relieve the protest other than put the police officer in jail.

  38. The police should have been more secure about the Anniversary because usually when there is a protest or an anniversary of someone there is going to be somebody that does something stupid like shoot a gun or be caught with a weapon or explosives

  39. If the police would stop killing, unarmed teenagers for illegitimate reasons, no one would have issues with them. People are willing to make amends with police, but officers think they are above the law, and sometimes they seem to look for a fight. CNN shows you videos like this, but won't show you videos of cops sitting on a twelve year old girl or macing a teenage girl while she is in handcuffs. They try and make the cops out as victims, when they are the ones who treat minorities as inferior.

  40. In my opinion, both parties are in fault in this situation, from going from a memorial, to a shooting is just wrong and it everyones fault. The Police who shot, at the civilians and pushed them back are wrong and at the same time, The protesters went to far. Throwing bricks and other objects is just asking for trouble.

  41. There will always be tensions between police and and innocent citizens. The main reason that this happens is that anyone can be a police officer. Many times the actual job of being a police officer is responsible for officers going insane or losing their sense of judgement. When any person can sign up to be a police officer there is always going to be someone who goes crazy because they can't handle what they see in the field.

  42. to stop the tension between the protesters and the police we need to get together and go back over all the rules of what should be done and what needs to be done police need to do better everyone shouldn't be a police they need to do deeper investigation in the people they call cops actors shouldn't be better cops then actual cops i 1000% understand that the people are mad but we can't keep acting out and giving them an "excuse" and police need to chill because everything is not a threat and every action doesn't need a reaction

  43. I think there's a number of things that need to be done in order to relieve the tensions between police & protesters. If the police would stop killing, unarmed teenagers for illegitimate reasons, no one would have issues with them.

  44. To prevent tensions with police and protesters I believe that they should be treated fairly without any violence needed from the police. I believe that unless the protesters are acting harmful or violent they should be unharmed and left alone. If police do this then the tension can be reduced.

  45. My opinion on the shooting in Ferguson should have never went down because it was the wrong thing to do. Honestly i don't want the police can do to get the people of Ferguson trust back because police brutality is a big thing that's happening right now.

  46. My opinion on the shooting in Ferguson should have never went down because it was the wrong thing to do. Honestly i don't want the police can do to get the people of Ferguson trust back because police brutality is a big thing that's happening right now.

  47. My opinion on the shooting in Ferguson was that nothing should have went down. The police should have taken the situation better than they did.

  48. I believe that this act of violence is just cause and effect. There has been numeral acts of police brutality in America and now people are fighting back. You cant just kill people and not expect to have an reaction.

  49. There's always something going on with police officers. We have a right to freedom of speech. If we arent harming anyone then leave us be. Police nowadays want a dictatorship, leave us be and youll be left alone.

  50. Police just need to admit there wrong doing. Also make sure nothing like this happens again.

  51. to ease tension i think that the police should stop taking lives of innocent people. there have been numerous accounts of innocent people dying in jail and being shot by the police on the street for no reason and it needs to be stopped and unless it is there will always be tension.

  52. The police are always way out of line. As many said earlier, the police are the ones who are truly safe. They have bulletproof vests, tazors, guns, handcuffs, batons, and so many other weapons to use. They should not be as intimidated as they are by a crowd of people protesting in the streets. Honestly. if something is wrong, people will protest over it and make their own voices heard. They have a complete right to do that. If police feel so threatened to the point that they need to shoot, attack, and confront every protester that even moves in their direction, then those police should not even be police at all.

  53. Police have been taking a little too many situations into their own hands. Do your work, we will do ours. They need we both need to stop being very impatient though, there needs to be a balance. If they both don't calm down no matter what then take it to court because people who don't want to be involved are getting involved because everyone's out in the street disrupting everything.

  54. I think that if we were to stop the whole killing people. These protesting tensions wouldn't even be happening. Some protesters aren't even out there to protest though. I feel that the way to stop the tensions is to make sure that all people to have freedom of speech. But that's all the should be able to do is hold up signs and to make sure before they come in they check everybody for anything in there pockets or purse

  55. I believe the police need to "back up" a bit. A lot of violence these days are coming from the police. It's getting harder to tell who is a good cop or a bad cop. If they would stop resolving things aggressively there would be no need for protests in the first place.

  56. my opinion is to stop tension between polices an protesters is to make new laws an make them force in it an if the police don't jus fired them

  57. i think the police know they are in the wrong for the things they have been doing .they have been taking black lives for no reason at all but want us to feel like they are helping us out when they are not they are making family's hurt

  58. My opinion on what needs to happen to relieve tension between Police and Protesters is allow the protest to happen that is our given right. That is apart of the First Amendment which is why protest our allowed. Etiher police can handle their job without harming or taking the other lives of others than they are not needed.

  59. i think the police know they are in the wrong for the things they have been doing .they have been taking black lives for no reason at all but want us to feel like they are helping us out when they are not they are making family's hurt

  60. i think the police know they are in the wrong for the things they have been doing .they have been taking black lives for no reason at all but want us to feel like they are helping us out when they are not they are making family's hurt

  61. the police should just let things go like all this racial profiling is just wrong

  62. I think their is a time and place for everything. And for the police to be acting like they control everything is wrong.

  63. THE ALTERNATIVE™ sits in a pouch on the officer's belt for immediate use if the officer can safely apply it. It is designed to allow for a fluid, one-handed removal of the device and the subsequent seating of THE ALTERNATIVE™ onto the top of the weapon within seconds. Most importantly, this can be accomplished without the danger created by an officer removing his or her eyes and weapon from the threat.

  64. I think the police need to chill out because all the killing that there doing is wrong.

  65. I believe the police know for a fact that they are in the wrong for everything they have done. They should stop all racial profiling and do their job as cops, not as criminals. Taking the lives of others are destroying families and causing uproar such as what's going on today.

  66. You can relive the tension by giving the people what they want is to try the police officer that killed Michael Brown in court.

  67. I believe that the protesters should calm down and stop trying to act hard. They are trying to take advantage of a death so they can steal from stores and rob and kill and try to get away with it in the name of Michael Brown. But in other words there is really nothing that the police can do to ease tensions between the protesters for the next 10 years.

  68. The people who complain about the police force need to join to resolve the tension. Have a familiar face instead of someone out their element

  69. I think the police is wrong for doing the things that have been doing and a new law should be put into place

  70. Tbh nothing will resolve the tensions . We will forever think that nothing is being done because there are more and more killings everyday.

  71. It's just another problem we need to soultion

  72. I believe that in order for the violence to stop the protesters should protest in a silent way. The police should not interfere if they see no harm being done, and if they do see harm done don't shoot first. Being a police you were trained to do certain things and shooting is not the only one, so there are other techniques to take a person down.

  73. My opinion is that people should do what the police says and the police shouldn't use excessive force.

  74. They need more laws to be made about uncivil protesting and cops need to be watched carefully and they need to have camera's on there personnel at all times.

  75. It's a problem that needs to be dealt or there be more tension and nothing will change.

  76. i think the police is doing all this killing because they are scared of us , they dont want to see us american succeed or accomplished in life

  77. there is no solution. It will always be tension between protesters and police officers.

  78. Police should know when a limit is passes. Sometimes police go overboard.Police just need to admit there wrong doing.People also need to chill.We need peace

  79. Mia Reddick .
    Peace will never be into effect in people keep coming off so hard and violently. The yelling and screaming will change nothing for justice , peace , and equality , that is not the way to it. People should remain calm and collective in order to change the way things are and be wise about it. Also , police should have proof that they were being attack instead of automatically coming off so violently. Therefore, policeman should think twice about their actions before they do it.

  80. The police know their wrong doings and they know that if they only do the right think, which is not taking lives without reason, they would not have had this problem in the first place.

  81. I think they need to try and regane orde between the police and the people and that should releave some of the thenion.

  82. I think the police should have just waited till something happened then went out there but they are the real ones inciting a riot

  83. I think the police are going to have to make a Huge apology to atleast try and show the protestors your sorry .

  84. I believe that despite the crimes done, protesters shouldn't use force against police, who are always armed.

  85. To relieve tension police needs the have the rights of their guns taken away from them and replace bullets with BB's from a BB gun or have rubber bullets.

  86. yea theres not really a proper way to go about this yes people need to be more careful but the police also need to be careful of what they do

  87. i think to relive tension police should be thought to use non lethal force before using lethal force. i think this would relive tension.

  88. To relieve the tension between the police and the people, i think that the police needs to be less aggressive towards the people. Police now seem to resort to violence, which is now making the people angry and scared of the police. The people being scared of the police is not good, the police are suppose to be here to make us feel safe. But the people are scared of the people who are suppose to make them feel safe.

  89. i think to relive tension police should be thought to use non lethal force before using lethal force. i think this would relive tension.

  90. what i think needs to happen is more police men need to start getting more consequences about what they think they are getting away with

  91. To relieve the tension between the police and the people, i think that the police needs to be less aggressive towards the people. Police now seem to resort to violence, which is now making the people angry and scared of the police. The people being scared of the police is not good, the police are suppose to be here to make us feel safe. But the people are scared of the people who are suppose to make them feel safe.

  92. I dont think that the tension will ever decrease . I think that it will go on for a while . Even if police say there wrong that still wont get all the citizens on there good side

  93. Police should stay in their lane and so do protestors....

  94. As sad as the whole Michael Brown story is, not all police officers are the same. There are many hard working Police officers out there who work hard and do their Job right. Yet the Police should do something against all the lethal shootings that happen in wich a police officer shoots a criminal, and somethimes even an innocent suspect.

  95. I believe there will always be racial violence in the United States as long as there are people reminiscing on the past of the genocide and the slavery of the Native Indian tribes and the African slaves. I believe they shouldn't teach so deeply in root into the racial struggles of the Native Americans and the African slaves. People aren't born racist they are taught by an individual. I believe that there will always be some type of racial prejudice concerning young African American youth. Mostly because of about 27% of African American youth are considered to be in a gang there will always be some kind of prejudice.

  96. to relieve tensions between police and protesters, i think the police should make warnings before macing innocent civilians

  97. I don't believe the tension will ever go away . All the whites will continue to be safe and the police have the power to do what they want.

  98. first of all every one was wrong in this video. the police had no right to pull a gun on people who did not do any thing and those people where loitering.

  99. The only thing that needs to happen is justice all these black people are dying and the police are getting away. They use that badge as a king in his kingdom to think they can do whatever they want and kill anybody.

  100. I guess it's impossible to keep calm after all this. It was too hard especially for the black people. I can understand that the police have to clear the situation but they shouldn't pull a gun on the people who protest. That's just crazy and the people will just be more aggressive after that.
