Friday, August 7, 2015

CHOOSE 1 August 7 2015

Choose number  1 or  number 2 

1. Give an overview and your opinion of one of the " Disruptors" follow the link for more information.


2.View highlights from last nights Republican party debate and comment on which candidate you believe made the strongest points. Follow the link for more information


  1. 2.I think there really was no points made to be honest. The whole thing felt like a battle Donald Trump was the main one. I don't believe he will win. The reason because he giving him self a bad image.

  2. Umi selah became a "disruptor" after the death of Martin Lee Anderson, 14, in a boot cap in Florida. After Anderson's death Umi became a activist to help with voting rights and with education in poor areas. I think that Umi is doing a good thing and should keep doing what he is doing.

  3. I am not saying I support Trump but so far he seems to be the only one who made strong points such as illegal immigration which is becoming a huge issue.The other politicians appear to be scrutinizing Trump at all points possible which stops them from making and or proving any important points that could push forward their campaign.

  4. I think that Donald Trump mad the strongest points because he did bring up issues that the US has not really made a solution to, such as the amount of illegal immigration into the country. However, Donald Trump did make very stupid comments that could ruin his political reputation.

  5. 2. I personally dont believe any of their points were valid. Mostly i think the this whole "debate" was more of a joke and a way for Trump to showcase himself. He seems very selfish, unintelligent, and unaware of Americas real issues, and i honestly believe that if he is elected president that he'll use it for his own personal gain and destroy alot of things that america has fought so hard to get .

  6. I chose option 2. The whole thing was more about Donald Trump and his ideas. His only strong point really made during the video was illegal immigration. He says that he brought that point to focus for many people, because before he brought it up, no one acknowledged it. I believe because he can bring up such ideas that he made the strongest points in the video we've watched.

  7. 1. DeRay Mckesson was a senior administrator in the Minneapolis Public School system. He made a decent living off of his job. One week after he saw Michael Brown's body flood his timeline on Twitter, he took a nine hour drive to Ferguson. He was tear-gassed when he was apart of the protest the next night. He soon quit his day job and became a "full-time protester" He is now a very prominent leader in the protest. He is recognized by leaders everywhere, and can start a movement with one single tweet. In my opinion, he is a very strong person. He quit his job on which he was making a decent living, and became a full-time protester. What he did takes courage that many people do not have. He did not begin protesting for himself, he did it for black people everywhere, something many people these days don't do because they are selfish.

  8. I honestly did not see any strong points while watching those clips. The clips seemed more about the other candidates saying bad things to Donald Trump. It is clear that nobody likes him and they turned it from a reoublican debate to a Donald Trump debate.

  9. Charlene is one of the best " Disrupts" on my oppion because she is talking about the situation head on. she is helping to create young black leaders.she is creating them because she wants to change laws and political views.she also made a statement that hit the nail on the head by saying white people what are you doing to end white supremacy. i felt as of through her campaign she is making valid points.

  10. Donald Trumps points may have been strong as well as his ideas towards immigration, although his popularity was not well respected as shown in the video. Trump was accused of bad mouthing women and other negative things, which may really hurt his case in this election

  11. I believe Donald Trump defended himself really well, although his ideas were kinda funky, in a way. I believe he's building this negative rep and hype around himself as a tactic to get attention. the more people he has listen to his crazy ideas, the more people he'll have to listen when he actually comes out with some real ideas. It makes sense, in my opinion, in a business tactic mindset, which I'm sure he has. That or he honestly just doesn't give a crap and he just wants the attention. Maybe a little bit of both. Yeah, let's go with that

  12. DeRay Mckesson was a senior administrator for Minneapolis Public Schools. He became a full-time protester after quitting his job in March. He has been on many shows like CNN, and has been recognized for his activism by several Presidential candidates. I think he is doing a good thing by being an activist for equal rights.

  13. Donald trump is running for president for entertainiment. I dont believe he truely wants to be president.

  14. 2. I honestly didn't understand this debate at all. It was pointless to me and I think that everybody was coming for Donald Trump for no reason. But I think that Trump is a little selfish because he didnt care about the businesses that went bankrupt because of him.

  15. Donald trump did run a business into the ground. But he is winning the debate at 30% in other states so he obviously doing sum right

  16. Donald trump is running for president for entertainiment.

  17. i believe their protest mean a lot i mean, “I think a lot of black people feel heavy and have heavy hearts just from being black in this country.”

    1. I know this is off-topic, but I love your profile pic. Spoderman ftw.

  18. Option 2. Although Donald Trump is not popular and well liked, I believe he made the best points in the last night's debates. If he becomes president I think that he would either serve one term or be impeached.

  19. 1.My opinion on Umi Selah's changes in the government and community are good. He wants to help the poor kids get a better education, and in my opinion that's good. I think everyone should be able to have a good education no matter where they come from, that's why I support him one hundred percent of the way. It takes brave people to stand up for what they want, and for their rights. I support all of the Disruptors opinions, and changes.

  20. Donald trump is running for president for entertainment . But I truly think that he is running for president.

  21. In my opinion, there was no competition in last night's Republican Presidential Debate. The entire night was centered around Donald Trump, Donald Trumped owned the night he completely obliterated his opponents and the moderators. I don't see Donald Trump as a good fit for President but Donald Trump is the leading Republican Candidate as of right now.

  22. Option 1: The disruptors is an organization to promote awareness of police brutality towards African american people have been experiencing this for years and now its became known on a global scale . Seeing people coming together as a community is a great way for improvement but we have to be peaceful about the way we protest we haven't gotten this far with violence only peaceful protest can solve that

  23. I think the police should stop committing racial crimes, regarding young and old Back people. So many Black people are against the police because of all this pointless violence. Also, their mad because every time something regarding black people happens no white person is ever found guilty. But let's say it was a Black person doing something to a white man, the whole game changes. You would probably go to jail for more than 10 years. It's unfair, crime is crime no matter what race. #Blacklivesmatter -Kashmere

  24. DeRay Mckesson was a senior administrator. He became a protester after quitting a job of his in march. He has been on many shows like CNN and had been recognized for his activism. I also believed that Donald Trump had defended himself as a tactic to get more and more attention. Some people where actually listening to his crazy ideas.Honestly he doesn't give anything about business tactic mindset, the just likes to much attention

  25. I don't understand much about what is going on but there is quite a lot of hate revolving around Donald Trump, yeah people say he just wants to be president for entertainment but I say there were no strong points for either candidate.

  26. They were all everywhere with their points. They would be on topic and then jump at the other person. It was was an argument instead of a debate. Every once in a while someone would say something good.

  27. I believe that all that '' Disruptors" talked about was very significant . For example , they talked about how black social media users are heavily influenced . This is momentous because if these users can spread the word on something that's very big today , maybe the whole word can spread the movement . I really like the " movement , not moment'' quote because it really shows that the African-American culture is very serious about what they're doing . In conclusion , the '' Disruptors'' overview was very positive ..

  28. I think that Donald Trump mad the strongest points because he did bring up issues that the US has not really made a solution to, such as the amount of illegal immigration into the country. However, Donald Trump did make very stupid comments that could ruin his political reputation.

  29. I think that Donald Trump mad the strongest points because his very strong point really made during the video was illegal immigration, and that is one of the major problems in the us today.

  30. I agree with all of the disruptors. they all had there points made. I mainly agree with umi selah's and what he stated as changes was really good.

  31. I feel like the disruptors can change a lot of things thats going on right now. police brutality, economic injustice, and racial inequality.

  32. 1."People feel like they are being institutionally oppressed, and institutional oppression is costing us lives." I chose Michelle Taylor as the "Disruptor" that I wanted to overview. Taylor, also known as Feminista Jones, is a black female feminist who believes that all black lives matter. She has a master's degree in organization leadership and management as well as public administration. Michelle spends her days trying to bring justice for black people.

  33. 2. There weren't any valid points made at the Republican debate last night. It was more like a bunch of people screaming their opinions, without actually answering the questions they were asked.

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  36. Donald trump did run a business into the ground. But he is winning the debate at 30% in other states so he obviously doing sum right

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 2.Their were no points made in this argument, Donald Trump was just trying to take most of the spotlight for himself. At this point its kinda pathetic because he is past his time, and needs to stop and just let it go like frozen.

  39. I think the entire debate was pointless.Donald Trump made some really stupid comments and he mainly focused on immigration.

  40. I believe donald trump needs to just give it up and just give people some money for being so rude.

  41. Donald trump is running for president just for attention. I dont believe he really wants to be president he just like the attention he get

  42. I really agree with all the disruptors. Especially, the one on "black lives matter".

  43. I did not see anything while watching these clips. They were basically talking about negative things about Donald trump. Nobody likes Donald trump so why they turn it into a Donald trump debate.

  44. Donald Trump is basically just running for president just for the recognition he is not doing anything special

  45. Apparently Donald Trump made it known that he will build along the Mexican- U.S. border. It really looks like he will be the 2016 republican nominee. Currently his name is brought up whenever people think of the top ten republican nominees.

  46. Donald winning in his eyes. The republican party is pulling for him, he coolin with the good check. Nothin to worry bout.

  47. I feel that Donald trump had the strongest points of the debate because he came up with a good way to keep drugs out of the united states by building a wall where the boarders lye.

  48. #BlackWorkMatters is important because young black entrepreneurs make up about 50% of the working industry. Black workers are just as important as any other races that work in the US , and can bring many successes to the economy.

  49. Donald trump just wants to be president so he can take money from people and to be recognized so he shouldnt be in office.

  50. Umi is an activist who is helping voting rights and education in poor areas but he is named a "disruptor" if standing for what you believe in is disruption the idek but i think he is doing a good job he is awesome

  51. Donald Trump has no intentions on being the president. Probably before voting even starts he will drop out of the race.

  52. In 2012, Selah co-founded Dream Defenders, a racial and social justice group based in Miami. The group now has seven full-time staff members, chapters in major Florida cities and an annual operating budget of about $500,000. In 2013, the Dream Defenders held a sit-in at the Florida capitol for 31 days to protest that state’s Stand Your Ground provision.

  53. 2. There is really no discussion it was really just childish bickering in which trump ruined his image.

  54. Watching the Republican Debate shows that all main highlights were either directed at illegal immigration or several comments aimed at Donald Trump. With even going as far as to question Trump on his past sexist comments, with his reply being a sexist one itself. Lastly one more highlight would be how Donald Trump would be able to consider himself a Republican when he is based in the Democratic state New York, with even going on giving support on how he once made a comment identifying himself as a democrat.

  55. 1.) This article is bringing into consideration a lot of things, one being the three creators of the "#BlackLivesMatter" Movement. This article was full of super important information on Black Americans living in America today and all of the violence & prejudice against them. It also talks about some of the current leaders in the activist movement, who are working to get people more aware of the struggles we (black people) go through just by living here in this country.

    I think that the article really opens up people to this issue and many more, since a lot of the general public is still very uneducated on the hundreds of social issues we face today.

  56. black lives matter to everybody but in the past it has many deaths after martin,to me i think we are just slowly moving to the old days

  57. Their protests are reasonable and I believe that many of what they should be noticed by now such as "Police Violence" is not acceptable. If they're supposed to fight for the people, why are they fighting the PEOPLE? Where are our rights? We deserve to have them just as we deserve to have our lives and live peacefully among each other.

  58. I feel the reason why donald trump is running for president is because he wants the money he cares nothing about the U.S. He just wants to be bathing in money.

  59. I think nobody made a good point only person that talked was Donald trump

  60. I think Carly Fioriana brought up the strongest points. she spoke about how Donald Trump and she spoke up about women's health but honestly everyone was acting very immature and more so making fun of each other than really trying to be serious about the issues that need to be assessed. Especially Trump.

  61. My headphones weren't working so it was hard to tell their conversation exactly but it seems that Donald Trump had a counter for everything bad said about him or the country, it seems that he might end up in the lead. I don't know like I said it was hard to tell the whole conversation exactly.

  62. To me I believe that the black lives mean something. all this racism is dumb because how can you judge someone by their color or ethnicity. #BLACKSLIVESMATTER

  63. I personally think that all of them had good points, but more of them brought up more important things such as Woman healthcare.

  64. the 2nd article showed that nun of the candidates were prepared and the deabte was full of bad jokes and full of well know flexers. SMH #obama4lyfe #whatwegonnado

  65. Donald Trump won't budge
    Like the wall he's pledged to build along the U.S.-Mexico border, Donald Trump was immovable.

    Trump proved yet again that he's not going to back down from his bombastic rhetoric. The Republican frontrunner kicked off the debate by refusing -- again -- to rule out a third-party run and pledge his support to the Republican nominee, regardless of who takes the crown.

  66. 2. I don't feel like any points were really made across the whole thing was a battle. Donald Trump was the number one person.

  67. there were no points discussed

  68. I believe Donald Trump will never have a chance ever at winning election as president. After his remarks of Mexicans being the enemy and wanting to build a boarder along Mexico, his vote poll rate has dropped tremendously. He's just being a lousy republican, making a bad image as runner for president, and bad image for himself as well.

  69. 2. I believe Donald Trump made the best points in the last night's debates.
    I think Donald Trump made some outstanding comments.

  70. Everyone but Donald trump made a good point. Trump is pulling a publicity stunt. I Don't like any of the people running. Can Obama be president forever

  71. All of them had the same meaning while most of them really just talked about health care and environment. Umi is doing very good about helping voting rights which is needed.

  72. i really didnt see the point of this video to be honest it was just a bottle an trump was just the number one person.

  73. i really didnt see the point of this video to be honest it was just a bottle an trump was just the number one person.

  74. Everybody was good to me except trump . I don't like him . I thought he was playin around when he said he was running for president but now i see he was joking . But he's still a joke to me .

  75. 1.) My overview of the video is that black lives matter and that this incident the man was shot down for an insignificance reason and the cop that did this should see justice by going to prison for a very long time.

  76. Currently his name is brought up whenever people think of the top ten republican nominees Donald Trump. He his mad the strongest points because he did bring up issues that the US has not really made a solution. But I do believe that Donald Trump is basically just running for president just for the recognition he is not doing anything special.

  77. 2. In my opinion i think Donald trump won the republican debate even if i don't agree with him he makes really strong point that should not be underestimated.

  78. Mia Reddick.
    (Choice 1)

    Disruptors are important people who should organize campaigns and gather people together to help find ways to fix issues in the African American Community. I feel like them doing that will be a great idea and increase the opportunities of bettering the lives of African American People. My overall favorite disruptor is Charlene Carruthers. She is an activist and organizer who is willing to help the black community and as well director of an organization. Her desire and motivation to continue to develop young , black leaders who can help build political power and change laws. Most than importantly , we do need more African Americans in the system to help solve problems as far as racial inequality and making sure African Americans receive the same justice and freedom as the Caucasian people.

  79. I think that the democratic party is going to win because if Hiliary Clinton wins then that would be the first female president in office so that would push her win more votes

  80. I read up about one of the disruptors named Johnetta Elzie, I feel that her opinion the situations with the violence with police was strong. She stated a good point about how our babies of this generation should not experience that. type of trauma. She also listed good facts on types of trauma that had occurred. The campaign she is doing is a good thing as well.

  81. I believe that #BlackLivesMatter’s online presence swelled as violent incidents involving law enforcement rippled across the country. The movement grew on the ground as well; Cullors organized Freedom Rides to Ferguson, Missouri, after the death of Michael Brown, with the help of Darnell Moore of MicNews. About 500 people from 18 cities converged on Ferguson to support the protests, by her count. The outpouring was a signal that the organization needed a sustainable national presence. “After our time in Ferguson, many were transformed by the experience but also knew that Ferguson was everywhere,” Tometi says. “That brutality, poverty and racism was also back in their respective home towns and cities.”

  82. Everyone had a great response but, Donald Trump cannot be taken seriously.

  83. I agree with all of them , they are really pushing forward with what they believe in.

  84. I liked all of them except Donald because he took everything as a joke . The issues that our country has to face are not funny .

  85. Erika Totten is a 32 year old mother that protests and uses radical tactics to battle against white supremacy and racism. She's inspiring because despite having a family, with that fact easily accessed on the internet, she's still risking all that she has by participating in these activities for the chance to make the future better for herself, her family, and all future generations for those that are colored, in addition to helping people release the stress weekly at "safe place" gatherings.

  86. i think that trump made better points because they thought he was being rude but he was really just stating points and facts and the truth. He was being real ...

  87. I believe that all that '' Disruptors" talked about was very significant . For example , they talked about how black social media users are heavily influenced . This is momentous because if these users can spread the word on something that's very big today , maybe the whole word can spread the movement . I really like the " movement , not moment'' quote because it really shows that the African-American culture is very serious about what they're doing .

  88. In my opinion the disruptors especially Erika Totten are completley right. Without her and her many friends the problem of discremenation would continue in our great nation.

  89. I believe We should do more than just March but do something different we`ve been Marching for years and nothing has changed. So I think we should try something new! I wish Black Lives Really Matter but in America they dont.

  90. i think trump keeps digging himself into a deep hole but some how he is still in the lead on the polls. i think this is because he is straight with his options. i also think he is doing good because he is a good business man.

  91. Trump made the best points. Altough he sometimes was rude, he did bring up some real problems, stated facts and most of the time told the truth. For example the Mexican illegal immigrants. This wall idea of him mighgt be a little radical but illegal immigrants are a problem in many countries. He also said he didn't mind if there was a big nice door so people could come in legally, wich I think is good. He still isn't a very kind person, as he often sais things without making them nice, wich most of the times just is rude.

  92. This video was about the events that took place in Ferguson. They talked about the so called "peaceful protest" that turned into riots. In this video the identified the things that happened at this time from the tear gas to the tanks. This video gave very good incite to the events that took place and the devastation in Ferguson.

  93. Charlene Carruthers...Her desire and motivation to continue to develop young, black leaders who can help build political power and change laws.We do need more African Americans in the system to help solve problems as far as racial inequality and making sure African Americans receive the same justice and freedom as the Caucasian people.

  94. i understand what their talking about , but Donald Trump took it like it was nothing to him like he didnt care ...?

  95. i think trump says all these disrespectful things but somehow is still in the lead with votes. But i also think people are still voting for him because he is very good with business.

  96. Choice 2:

    I feel as though no good points were made. It was mostly the candidates trying to make each other look bad.

  97. The Republican presidential debate seem very interesting, but i feel like Donald Trump was taking some subjects as a joke. Rand Paul was on the offensive when Trump didn't answer.

  98. I believe that Donald Truimph is running for president to entertain the people and not actually give the people what they want and what they deserve. I don't believe that Donald show be president because i feel as if he will fail the people.

  99. i honestly dont know much about the #black lives matter , but i know enough . the disruptor i chose was charleane Carruthers . carruthers was concerned with the trayvon martin case , when she found out that he was not charged to be guilty . so she gathered about twenty people and went to a hotel to discuss the issue . later , the group i believe made a video for the Martin family , and also attended the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther king jr speech i suppose .

  100. I agree with protesters that they should work and stay together since Mike Brown were killed by a police. This is very brutality and police cannot do that to black people. We all stronger than this and believe ourselves. Since that happened, it does really affects to everyone who on his side situation. From now on, I think people will start protest till their rights are fully set correctly from racial, economic, and justice are equality

  101. Donald Trump had the strongest points in my opinion

  102. I dont think any of them had anything that intelligent to say. All these people seem like clowns to me. I cant belive these people are the presidential candidates. I hope I wake up and this is all a bad dream. I tough Donald Trump had no chance but the rest of these maroons make him look like a regular Roosevelt. I can only hope the democrats have more to offer.

  103. I think that police are showing bad for them selves. If they don't want people to say that they cause voice they should think before they act.

  104. 1. I think the people speak for them self stop the violence stop killing us we the black people have had a lot of pressure in the world just because of the color of our skin and we are sick a tired of being selected as dangerous weapons.
