Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28 2015- Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was over 10 years ago, and today is the anniversary. What are your memories if any of this horrific storm? 

If you do not have any memories of it, simply give your opinion based on the article below.


  1. I remember a lot of things on that terrible day . For example , I remember watching the news and seeing water levels higher than peoples homes . Also , I remember seeing kids floating upon the waters as it washed out the cities . Many people died on that horrific day . The people who suffered shall be praised upon .

  2. I have no memories because i wasn't there in the storm but i remember seeing it on tv, on the news, and it was water everywhere. it turned neighborhoods into oceans.

  3. I remember it was crazy and every body was panicking and seeing if any of there family members were okay.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i remember seeing water ever where and the water was over house it was over everything. people where on top of boats trying to stay on top of the water

  6. I think that today shows how much people around the world care about each other. That are willing to help the struggling victims. That was a massive hurricane that was seen all over the world on the news.

  7. in my opinion, this was so sad. people's home,jobs, businesses,cars,families were lost. they were without water,food, and power. and some were without families. they had to sleep in shelters and hold signs up asking for food and for water. its so sad that they had to live this way and go through the things they went through, no one will ever understand how hard it was for them.

  8. i was probably 4 years old, id be scared it that happen to me and my house, cause that tax evasion dont cover insurance

  9. My mother's side of the family is from New Orleans so I remember Hurricane Katrina like it was yesterday. I remember seeing people standing on top of buildings attempting to escape the horror below them so vividly. I remember Kanye West speaking the truth about President Bush to America so vividly. I remember having family from New Orleans come and live with us in Atlanta until it was suitable for them to go home so vividly. Hurricane Katrina was a national tragedy that should be respected and remembered forever.

  10. Hurricane Katrina was a tragic and devastating storm that hit most of Louisiana back in 2005. Many people died and many people lost pieces of there family that day. I have no memories of the storm but I could only imagine being in my home and a storm was slowly approaching and I could do nothing but wait. I feel sorry for the ones who lost people from their family. I could only imagine going to a part of your house thinking you were safe and then feeling mighty winds beat my house down and feel the room rising above the ground. I'm glad I wasn't in that devastating storm.

  11. My opinion over Hurricane Katrina is that, it was a tragic and horrifying time. Many people had to leave their homes, their city, and their lives because of this storm. When the people returned their homes were damaged, it really was a horrifying and tragic time. Windows were blown out, there was a flood, a little Boy's parents were ripped off in the storm and people had to walk through the flood water just to evacuate the premises. It honestly was a very tragic and horrible time.

  12. This is a very terrible incident that happened.Am sure the people who were killed or injured from Hurricane Katrina are not very well up to today.The 12 year old boy who's family house roof was ripped by the Hurricane surely never had no one and did not even know if his family was alive.This is why people need to be thankful for their lives no matter where you are or what you have.

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  14. i was 5 i did not know much about it but seeing the images of what happened was minded opening

  15. I sadly do not have any memories of it since I was only 4 at the time. However, many of my teachers brought it up several years later. The people who died shall be remembered.

    1. Anahi, I concur with you 100%. All of the victims of hurricane Katrina will be remembered in our hearts forever.

  16. Aug. 25, 2005 was a sad day for hurricane Katrina the world did everything they could to help build everything back up

  17. there was a very horrible incident that happened . i think that the people who died or that was injured and lost there families went through alot. people lost businesses and homes. there went without power , food and water. this was a very tragic time.

  18. Hurricane Katrina was a horrible time in to remember many people we're left homeless and jobs/houses/business were destroyed for people to get money for there families to support them some also moved away from friends and family just to get away from these issues..

  19. well i do know that hurricane katrina devastated alot of people. it was a hurricane that occured in new orleans. on the date of august 29 2015. today is also the decade or tenth year anniversary of hurricane katrina. 23,000 people survived the hurricane and since this date there has benn organizations to help people who have struggled after the hurricane.

  20. Hurricane Katrina happened when I was in elementary school and i remember hearing the school principles encouraging students to donate items for the people that were effected by the storm. All the damage caused was broadcast by local news crews and you could see how bad it was.

  21. I remember Kanye West speaking the truth about President Bush to America so vividly .i remember seeing water ever where and the water was over house it was over everything.I remember it was crazy and every body was panicking and seeing if any of there family members were okay.

  22. from what i can remember it was like an apocalypse came and left a few days later leaving death and destruction

  23. I feel lucky to not have experienced this strike. It looks devastating and pretty sad. I wish other people luck for what happened on this day that time ago.

  24. I remember watching the new with my mom and seeing a whole bunch of water and places destroyed and people being trapped or lost in the flood waters. I also remember hearing survivors povs and hearing how they struggled to survive and the lives of others that were lost in the rapid waters.

  25. this was a very scary event and i dont remember it but i know to many people died from it

  26. I don't personally remember Katrina, but from the pictures and the reports it was a tragic event that took the lives of many people.

  27. I think it was very horrible. Floods and storms are always so bad and the people lost their homes, maybe their families and their friends.

  28. My memory of Hurricane Katrina was the fact that the winds was so strong it ended up taking my trampoline from my backyard, to slamming it in my neighbors house. Me and my sister only had the trampoline for such a limited to, so even though i'm now 17 i still try to persuade my parents to get my sister and I another trampoline. My last memory of the Hurricane, was when our power went out my mother forced all of us to play uno like children.

  29. i wasnt in the storm but i remember seeing water ever where and the water was over house it was over everything. people where on top of boats trying to stay on top of the water

  30. i remember a little about this but it was very scary. it struck fear in a lot of peoples heart. The rapper lil Wayne made a famous song remix,George Bush.

  31. Hurricane Katrina was awful. it was clearly an extremely devastating disaster that took homes and lives from many. im sorry for anyone who had to go through this.

  32. we remember that it was a natural disaster and one of the most deadliest hurricanes. millions of sweet people die, who didn't deserve to die from floods and many other things Alexis Bush

  33. Hurricane Katrina was a tragic event that happened back in 2005. It left the city buried in water and unfortunately, shambles. Ten years later the city is going strong and has rebuilt most of their businesses.

  34. hurricane Katrina was a tragic event in u.s and the lives lost during the storm will never be forgotten

  35. Hurricane Katrina was the largest and 3rd strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the US. 705 people are reported as still missing as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Katrina ruined people lifes

  36. hurricane katrina was awful in the u.s and the lives will never be forgotten

  37. Mia Reddick.
    Hurricane Katrina was such a terrible incident and the after effects was terrible. It left the city in a terrible situation such as destroyed houses and left people days without food. However , the city is steal in horrible conditions but not severe as it was before .

  38. It was an tragic time un US history. It made a big impact on people lives.

  39. I was a young kid i was about 5yrs old when Hurricaine Katrina happend , i dont know much but alot of people were moving to atlanta

  40. i remember that my family that lives in this area was calling and telling my mommy about everything that was going on. I remember seeing stuff on the news about the storm and how people were affected by it.

  41. I don`t remember the events of Hurricane Katrina, but I do remember how the storm was leveled as one of the most dangerous in history, and was the cause of many severe catastrophes and loss of life. It was a terrible incident that no one was prepared for.

  42. i know that once it happened many many people fled to atlanta and our economy boomed. it also destroyed new orleans and to this day there still recovering.

  43. i remember some of my family was done there for a visit and the storm happened and knocked down and destroyed there house

  44. i don't really remember much about it because i was only 5 years old at the time but i do remember the repairs that they where doing over the years later. it costed millions of dolor to repair the town affected by this it also had many people lose there home and some even lose there lives.

  45. although iv'e heard a lot of bad things occurred during hurricane Katrina , i really don't remember it . a lot of lives were lost, and repairs from the storm took years. although the city is still in horrible conditions , progress has been made . hurricane Katrina took thousands of lives and will never be forgotten.

  46. Hurricane Katrina, an awful category 5 storm, hit America on August 28th 2005.
    In New Orleans, homes have not only been destroyed, but also have there been tons of water which have been carried around by this terrible storm and have flooded the area of New Orleans.

  47. I have no memories From Hurricane Katrina because i was 5 years old and i do not remember but it was a tragic time for the people who went through it.

  48. hurricane katrina left people dead or home less. it destroyed every thing leaving people traumatized. it was one of the worst hurricanes ever.

  49. my memories of hurricane katrina was horrible. what i remember about that hurricane was all my brothers and sisters where laying down sleeping and all the windows burst and went on my brother and we had to sleep in the living room until then.

  50. I don't have any memories of Hurricane Katrina. But my opinion of the article is that I felt extremely hurt looking a people struggling for survival. Only because I put myself in that kind of situation and to be honest I don't know how I would've made it through that obstacles. I look at Louisiana's residents as the strongest people ever close to slaves because they survived, relocated, then went back to there hometown no matter what happened in 2005.

  51. All I remember from hurricane Katrina is that there were a lot of my family members who were displaced. I also remember meeting a lot of new students who were from New Orleans.

  52. All I remember from hurricane Katrina is that there were a lot of my family members who were displaced. I also remember meeting a lot of new students who were from New Orleans.

  53. My memories on Hurricane Katrina was when the news channel first announced it i remember my mom immediately getting the phone and calling around the family to see if our family members from New Orleans were okay.

  54. My memories on Hurricane Katrina was when the news channel first announced it i remember my mom immediately getting the phone and calling around the family to see if our family members from New Orleans were okay.

  55. Many people bc of the katrina storm had to migrate over different parts of the world. They had to start all of their lives over with nothing to bring with them. The storm killed people and killed their dreams and goals that theyve worked very hard for.

  56. I honestly don't have any memories of Hurricane Katrina but I do know that it was devastating to America. Thousands of people died and the town was ruined. It was a gloomy moment for America.

  57. i remember all the homeless people and the people who lost there jobs and how hard it was for everyone to adjust after it happened buildings and homes were ruined and everyone was devastated.

  58. Wes Craven created many iconic horror movies. He produced the series, "A Nightmare on Elm Street" which will give people nightmares for generations throughout time. Unfortunately, we will not be able to get a further extension of the Freddy Crooger legend as we know it. Craven will have a legacy that will live forever and will not be able to be emulated.

  59. in my opinion, this was so sad. people's home,jobs, businesses,cars,families were lost. they were without water,food, and power. and some were without families. they had to sleep in shelters and hold signs up asking for food and for water. its so sad that they had to live this way and go through the things they went through, no one will ever understand how hard it was for them.

  60. i beleave that the government should of helped those people in need faster.

  61. My opinion on this topic was devastating. People lost their homes, jobs, cars and families. Thousands of people lost their lives on this horrific day.

  62. My opinion on this topic was devastating. People lost their homes, jobs, cars and families. Thousands of people lost their lives on this horrific day.

  63. My opinion on this topic was devastating. People lost their homes, jobs, cars and families. Thousands of people lost their lives on this horrific day.

  64. Hurricane Katrina was very devistating to the U.S. It caused many damage to the world, and economically the area in which it flooded took a while to repare itself. Although I don't have any personal memories, I know that it had a major effect on the world.

  65. My memories from hurricane katrina was , most of my family members lived in the area .Their homes weren't destroyed but they still had damage done to their homes.

  66. I don't really have any memories of this horrific event . I've heard alot about it though . I have heard alot from the people who actually went through . After the storm most of them move to georgia and i had the chance to meet some .

  67. Home ,jobs, businesses,cars,families were lost. they were without water,food, and power. and some were without families. they had to sleep in shelters and hold signs up asking for food and for water

  68. Home ,jobs, businesses,cars,families were lost. they were without water,food, and power. and some were without families. they had to sleep in shelters and hold signs up asking for food and for water

  69. I remember when all of the people that where in new Orleans had to sleep in the super dome because of how much water was in the streets.and how people was just laying in the roads.

  70. Hurricane Katrina was a tragic and devastating storm that hit most of Louisiana back in 2005. Many people died and many people lost pieces of there family that day. I have no memories of the storm but I could only imagine being in my home and a storm was slowly approaching and I could do nothing but wait. I feel sorry for the ones who lost people from their family. I could only imagine going to a part of your house thinking you were safe and then feeling mighty winds beat my house down and feel the room rising above the ground. I'm glad I wasn't in that devastating storm.

  71. This storm was horrible it killed A lot of people and torn apart a city full of history. The city of New Orleans has been rebuilt but some parts of the city has not been touched. The storm may be gone but it left a lot of damages mentally and physically.

  72. This storm was horrible it killed A lot of people and torn apart a city full of history. The city of New Orleans has been rebuilt but some parts of the city has not been touched. The storm may be gone but it left a lot of damages mentally and physically.

  73. The storm killed a lot of people and left thousands stranded and homeless. New Orleans had to rebuild from the ground in some parts of the city.
