Thursday, August 6, 2015

Issues August 6, 2015

In one paragraph summarize what political or social  issues you believe the future presidential candidates should address and why.


  1. The future president should address the Arab Spring, vividly displayed U.S. consumer exposure to the world oil market. Despite importing only marginal quantities of Libyan crude oil, the United States witnessed a spike in gasoline prices following the Libyan uprising. This exposure to global supply shocks cannot be reduced without a sustained effort to cut domestic oil consumption.

  2. i believe that future presidents should deal with racism better. racism is a problem that has significantly risen in the U.S. in the last couple of years and has lead to riots and violents all over the country. this is something that needs to be fixed or the country will suffer significantly.

  3. I think that future candidates should address racial issues because the way that cops get away with killing black people is crazy. They also need to address the way cops treat black people when arresting them. They need to address these issues because it is not fair that black people get treated differently just because the color of our skin.

  4. i think a few things should be addressed,such as the way america dollars are being spent.when you look around the community you can see plenty of things that can be improved on the governments part. when u see how the pavements are no go or how the roads no longer have paint.sometimes it looks as if they are not using the money wisely. lots feel as if they don't put any money towards the ghettos or lest fortunate areas.

  5. The future presidents should focus on racism, the level of crime and violence due to racism is increasing rapidly. especially since the removal of the confederate flag. Also government should control the types of weapons allowed to be purchased by ciltizens.

  6. I think the next president should address making an attempt to lower our national debt. At this point its so high that i don't even know how to say a number with that many digits in it. Our entire country is that one guy, you know the one. He always owe somebody something. Then again the dept keeps getting higher but there haven't seemed to have been any repercussions so maybe we can ride this out till we're all dead. Paying it all back dose not even seem like a realistic goal at this point so if were jus gonna have to nuke China if they start getting impatient.

  7. In my opinion, I think that the future US political candidates running for president should be concerned with the economy of the country, for which the country has hit a major downfall over the last couple of decades. The US owes China billions of dollars and we continue to go deeper into debt. Also, the candidates should be concerned with the educational qualities of our population, since many high school students continue to be dropouts, not caring about there education in any way.

  8. They would also address environmental issues that are cause from over pollution. Future candidates should be worried and try to do something for the environment because it is becoming a big issue. Even though more and more Americans are becoming more aware, there is still a ton of pollution. They should also address problems with racism and welfare.

  9. I think that the social issues the candidates need to address is the racism within our country. Although it is not as visible as it used to be, it is still here, and it is destroying our country minute by minute. I also think they should address the war on terrorism. They should address the war on terrorism because we don't have a true, effective plan on how to fight it. We also don't have measures to protect from terrorist already inside the United States.

  10. College tuition is a huge topic that we need to discuss. Every year tuition and extra fees for college get higher and higher while many people are not getting enough money to even get by. We need to fix something because too many people are in debt because they cant afford the expensive prices for education and are forced to take out loans. The presidential candidates should understand that this is something that affects almost everyone in america and even though it may not be our biggest problem doesn't mean that it should be ignored.

  11. I think they should address what rights police officers have and to what extent of force that may be used in subduing or capturing any breakers of the law. This should be addressed because of all of the recent attacks on and from police officers. Due to these attacks people do not feel safe around those who were meant to protect them.

  12. It is believed that in approximately 10 years our taxes we pay today to be salvaged for our near future would no longer exist due to America being in debt. Future Candidates should address this issue and either stop the tax payers ahead of ime or keep their word and use the funds in the appropriate manner.

  13. The future presidential candidates should address abortions, homelessness, and racism/prejudice. I, for one, do not agree with abortions. You are purposely taking the life of a child you didn't give to be the best thing to ever happen to you. There are others who would kill for a child. Homelessness is sometimes an option but not always so I think there should be something done with that. Also, racism is all over the news. It has always been going on but it seems to be getting worse. I think that it should definitely be addressed and tried to be stopped.

  14. I believe that the future presidents should address all the problems that are going on in today's society. One big problem being the killing of so many blacks and police brutality. They should talk about ways they will change it to make it easier and safer for citizens to live and be comfortable in their own country

  15. I think that future candidates should address racial issues because the way that cops get away with killing blacks. They should do more than letting the cops get away with these things They also need to address the way cops treat black people when arresting them. They just throw them punch for no reason .

  16. i don't really loo;k at politics, but as long as donald trump or hillary clinton doesn't become president ill be fine.

  17. I believe they should address new building funds. Old buildings should be torn down. This because old buildings have daily problems and issues. With new buildings comes new material which last longer

  18. I believe that future presidents should deal with racism better. racism is a problem that has significantly risen in the U.S. in the last couple of years and has lead to riots and violent all over the country. this is something that needs to be fixed or the country will suffer significantly.

  19. I believe that future presidents should deal with racism better. racism is a problem that has significantly risen in the U.S. in the last couple of years and has lead to riots and violent all over the country. this is something that needs to be fixed or the country will suffer significantly.

  20. I understand that there are plenty of issues to be addressed but I believe a big social issue that everyone in charge is trying to be blind to is racism. Racism has never died and it is starting to show more and more everyday. Every time I watch the news another one of my people have died in the hands of the white man. I believe that police brutality should be addressed as well, there should be restrictions on police officers such as if someone is unarmed you should not shoot him/her regardless of race.

  21. The future president should address police brutality. In my opinion that is a real big problem in today's society. Instead of beating or killing someone who doesn't listen or hasn't done anything wrong they should talk about ways to make it better. There are many ways to solve that problem and I feel like the president should try to make it stop. It's not fair that people are worried if they go out in the world that a cop may stop them and they may never get to go home. In my opinion I feel like everyone should feel safe in their own country, and it's the cops' job to make sure we feel safe.

  22. i think that future presidents should address police brutality against blacks because it's causing the most media rage than ever before,and it's causing people to reconsider if the U.S.A is a free and safe country anymore.

  23. I want the future president ot address law enforcement qualifications and work on senstivity training especially with the society portraying African Americans as a whole as "dangerous" . I want them to also address the discrimination against the minority and majority based on religion and sexual orientation in the work place . I believe because of your religion or sexual orientation you should have the same rights as others it might be a challenge for the simple and closed minded people but what would our world be without challenges.

  24. I think they should fix the issue of the police brutality because its getting worse by the years. also they should i think the economy will be a bigger problem in the future. the u.s is facing a crisis on a scale most states haven't even faced before. it will become a huge deal if no one fixes it or try to fix it .

  25. I believe the future presidents should teach American's how to spend their money for an better cause. For example, rather than paying $200 for an concert ticket you should donate that towards American Cancer or ''Ending Child Hunger.' It's so many ways our own people can benefit our world, but sad to say we don't sometimes. -Kashmere

  26. I believe the future presidential candidates should address all of the problems that are going on in today's society. One major problem that should be address is the increase of white police officers killing unarmed African-Americans. We've all heard of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, Eric Garner, and now Sandra Bland. All of these police men were not charged on the crime that they committed, instead they we just "suspended". If the future president candidates don't speak on this topic then nothing will ever get better, things will only get worse.

  27. In my opinion, the future presidents should address racism. I believe this should be addressed because it's unfair to us human beings who have rights and freedom of speech. Until this day racism is still a big thing here in America and yet it still hasn't got addressed. Our lives matter. We should all be treated equally no matter what our skin color is or our differences.

  28. The issues that should be address are like police brutality and protecting america soil. The last year or so many cases of polices killing innocent people and are getting away with it. It is bringing chaos to major cities. Also, terrorist like ISIS is on the rise and are threatening to attack America. So protection is a major issue.

  29. As many people in the previous comments have stated, racism should be handled with maturity. With all these cops attacking black people, its not a pretty sight. Now people will feel a bit frightened when really the police department is supposed to be helping and taking care of citizens.
    Not only that but I have seen Hispanic people working with construction and not getting paid what they deserve. I'm not necessarily sure if these would count as political or social issues but it is a problem that needs to be taken care of.

  30. I believe that the future presidents should address all the problems that is going on in today's society.The problems we have today's society is so important today because what you today effects what you do in the future . I believe that what you do now might change the future . The future might be good or bad it depends what you do every single day.

  31. as long as donald trump doesn't get elected im fine

  32. I think that future candidates should address racial issues because the way people carry the confederate flag is not okay and also the way that cops are just killing African Americans and are just getting away with it. I believe that police brutality should be addressed as well, because i don't think anybody should get away with murder if it wasn't for self-defense.

  33. one topical social that i believe in the future is racism.It has never went away yet in the past 20 years, and you start to see more and more every day. Once in a while when i watch the news i will see someone killing another from racism or people talking about each one another with racism.I watched the news of a black man died because of a white male police officer. You shouldn't do it regardless of race.

  34. i think that the future presidential candidates should talk about there plan to lower gas prices. Gas prices seem like its been a major issues. for the past couple of years and people have had to change there budget because of it. Also for me i hate seeing homeless people on the street, and i wish i could give them the things they need. I hope the next president puts plans into action to get homeless people off the streets.

  35. I believe that there is a lot of important & beneficial things the future presidential candidates should address . For example , they should address why we are still at war with neighboring countries . Families every where want to be able to see there mother, father or even uncle on Christmas . People don't understand why we are still fighting Iraq after all these years .. When is it going to stop future presidential candidates ? In conclusion , the future presidential candidates needs to address a lot of things for the U.S. will be left clueless ..

  36. Aspiring Presidential Candidates should make addressing police brutality, the national debt/budget, college tuition, and the unemployment rate their main focus in the upcoming Presidential election. Police brutality is the number one social issue we have in this nation, hundreds of unarmed black men, women, and children are gunned down each year without facing any consequences. The United States is trillions of dollars in debt to China, as long as we are in debt other countries have indirect control over our nation and our decisions. Today's college tuition expenses are higher than ever and now millions of American's are carrying around 1.3 trillion dollars in debt. All candidates must vow to make college tuition more affordable and more available to ever American that wants a college education. There are currently 92 million unemployed Americans. Putting more Americans to work will boost the economy, result in more taxes being paid, and increase the proficiency of our nation.

  37. Future presidents should address racism and police brutality against african americans. racism and police brutality is getting worse every year. It causes more african americans to protest and media rage. racism has extremely risen in the U.S. and its making people wonder if the U.S. is even safe anymore.

  38. well the political issue i think that should be addressed by future politicians is. security in public places. i think that he/she should address how security in public places should be put in place. like for example how about in theaters there should be someone in the theater to check people as they go in for any weapons they may have on them. and if they do they should told kindly to take their weapon out of the theater

  39. candidates should focus on issues such as gun control, drug policy and the death penalty. these are the most crucial issues in the united states right now. solutions to these problems will greatly produce a percentage of decrease in crimes.

  40. The future president should address the homelessness, and racism/prejudice of many races in the united states. I, for one don't believe people should be homeless anymore people deserve to have a second chance and people should help the many on the streets and supplying them with opportunity's like job's, or even a place to stay till they can do stuff on there own... and the other one is the Racism/prejudice against other race's most people except things or believe they know something about a race because they are typed as that by people but no most people are different and that is how is it mostly..

  41. The future president should address the fashion trends in the white because jesus chirst they need to fix that fashion statement asap. The floosy pants and the granmda pencil needs to go. they need have casual days and be free, Not only in the white but worldwide. Also teens should be able to sart their own business wiothout the supervision of a nagging adult.

  42. I believe that the resident should address the racial discrimination in the world. It is obvious that our country needs to address this problem because it is becoming more and more apparent in our world today. This problem needs to be address and fixed or the problem will get worse and more and more people will die.

  43. i think the future president should address racism is a problem that has significantly risen in the U.S. in the last couple of years and has lead to riots and violent all over the country. this is something that needs to be fixed or the country will suffer significantly.

  44. i think that the future presidential candidates should talk about there plan to lower gas prices.They should address this because everyday people are getting new cars but there will be days that they need to buy gas but there low on money.This is something they should adjust the price to 1.50

  45. The future president needs to fix the wrongs and if they can't fix it I want to see them try. Let there trying be noticeable. I want the new president to be attentive and I want the to be about the people instead of trying to make the most money out of something. I want the president to do more for the schools. They should come to the schools spend time with and for the kids. The president needs to have a giving heart and spirit. They need to make love not war lose the pride and try to help the USA.

  46. I feel that the presidential candidates should address the racism issue going on currently. The racial discrimination has become overbearing and sad. They should work on bettering the racial cases going on and help to make them better. Cases such as the Sandra Bland case that turned out to be a death. This should be more looked into.

  47. I believe the candidates should discuss racial inequality and race issues in America. Although none of the candidates are minorities, it is something they should be aware of. As a community, blacks, Latinos and other minorities are tired of having to protest the murders of innocent men, women, and unfortunately children. These people are being murdered in police custody and some don't even make it into custody,because they are shot in cold blood. In the past two years alone, we have only seen two convictions from these crimes, because it seems as though cops have it easy and are able to hide behind their gun and badge. Candidates like Trump go on and on about Black on Black crime and illegal immigration, but fail to release that when minority groups commit a crime, they are arrested and convicted, and sometimes given longer sentences. The new candidates should focus on treating minorities as equal, and not as burdens to American society.

  48. The future president should address the school lunches. The students only eat it because they are hungry. Some students come from other states and places . They are really surprised about the things we eat here in Georgia and I am sure other places too. These food choices are becoming not a good thing for us.

  49. I think that the social issues the candidates need to address is the racism within our country. They should also address the police officers who so called protecting and serving yet people dying everyday because of this force.

  50. they should address, Fees, for college, especially for students out of state. This country is setting us up for failure being in debt in thousands of student loans that take years to pay off. The president needs to address this and do something about, school is becoming more expensive, with books, tuition, out of state fees, and dues that come along the way. We need a plan so that students can attend colleges without being in debt for the rest of their lives.

  51. The next president of the U.S. should address this country's spending problem. Our debt to China is in the trillions right now, our economic growth is horrible and in the future it looks like the U.S. will go to war with ISIS. How does this nation expect to fund itself through "future wars" if we don't have any money. War is not cheap.

  52. I think that presidential candidates should discuss the racial thing that's going around in America. I also think they should have a plan and solve the problem. And I believe this should be addressed because it's unfair to us human beings who have rights and freedom of speech. Until this day racism is still a big thing here in America and yet it still hasn't got addressed. Our lives matter. We should all be treated equally no matter what our skin color is or our.

  53. the future president of the united stated should make a lot of changes to the environment that we are surrounded by. Us people of the united states have been waiting for a major change for the economy for the the past years so the future president should make the right decisions and change this place around into a better environment.

  54. I think the future presidential candidates should address the racial tension across the nation. Also reassure the safety of the American people when it comes to police. Now when people see police it nearly strikes fear in us now due to all the incidents that have occurred involving cops.

  55. The future president should address the problem of gas prices. From what i can gather on the matter of pricing it getting expensive now a days. But that is probably from how greedy the economy is today.

  56. The presidential candidates should address the issues of global warming and pollution. Global warming is caused by pollution. Pollution makes the "carbon dioxide shield" really thick which allows sunlight and heat in but it doesn't allow it to leave which heats up earth which is called the greenhouse effect.

  57. I believe any candidate that runs for president should mention any change regarding to police brutality towards African American men and women and justice to everyone of them that were wrongfully beaten and killed. These candidates should also lower prices and raise job pay.

  58. I think the future president should deal with police violence an same sex marriage rights even doe it not right i believe that everyone should have the same rights. the future president also need to deal with police killing an putting up a fight for no reason with blacks

  59. First I think the candidates should address the issue with how authority is treating the people and how they respond. Next they should state how some things on social media are affecting people each day such as certain posts or privacy settings and stuff like that so that everyone is safe. If things like this are addressed then maybe we can live in a more comfortable environment.

  60. The future presidential candidates should speak on how the American dollar is poorly spent. The American dollar should be spent on cleaning up communities or help feed the hungry/poor. The most important issue is how are they going to prevent the police brutality that has been going on the past few years.

  61. I feel the president should not allow people to dump waste because people start dying faster because of pollution. If we don't stop we could cause even more earthquakes. Our water will start being dirtier. That's why i feel littering is a #1 crysis.

  62. A big problem that must be attended to is the poverty and unemployment in the U.S. So many people including some children just stay outside in the heat and cold not even trying to get a job. There should be more donations for them, they shouldn't just stay outside they should have a chance to get a job or go to school and learn. That's what i believe should be addressed very soon in the future.

  63. I think a social issue that future presidential candidates should discuss is trans rights. it is an extremely important topic. they need to discuss bathroom procedures allowing people of any gender use what ever bathroom they feel comfortable with. also they need to address health benefits for jobs. I heard that if you are trans they don't give you heath benefits or coverage which is completely unacceptable. also they need to make any kind of discrimination or violent actions against people of the trans community be considered at hate crime and talk about how it should not and will not be tolerated and should be punishable by law. also they should speak more on more gay rights.

  64. An issue that should not be an issue, is one of the most major problems today. Police brutality. Too many innocent people of color are murdered by the police in the hundreds year round. Although this problem is finally getting more and more attention, there is still little being done to fix our broken law enforcement system. Two other big issues are Abortion and LGBT Rights. Abortion is often seen by many as the murder of an innocent child. However, that "child" isn't even a properly formed human being yet. This operation helps save the lives and moralities of those who can not afford to take care of a child properly (i.e feeding it, paying for medical care, etc.) and those who have been forced to carry a child against their own will. Last but not least, LGBT rights is another big issue that has been ignored for decades. LGBT youth should be able to feel safe and comfortable inside of their own schools and neighborhoods. But, LGBT youth (and adults!) are at high risk for being assaulted, ostracized, bullied, and even killed just because of their own identities. All of these issues are extremely important, and it is high time we do something about them.

  65. One issue that I think that needs to be delt with would have to be the issue of the cyberbullying. The youth today think they have power over other people just because they are behind a computer and so they can remain unknown.

  66. Something the next president of the United States should change is welfare and police brutality. Welfare can't be a thing if others are given jobs. Although welfare is needed, at least fifty percent could be stopped of unemployment. Another issue which is police brutality, should be also be stopped. To many innocent people have been killed and murdered for unprofessional police duty. It is a major problem today in this society and should be put to an end immediately.

  67. I think the should focus more on police brutatilty and racism . This has really took a toll on our society today . Many people have lost their lives because of these things . Presidents focus more on other countries than they do their own . I just feel like we need to control the pointless violence .

  68. An issue that should be fixed is racism .Racism is corrosive for a society because it teaches people to make judgments about others on the basis of the way they look or assumptions.
    Immigration should also be changed if people want to come work for your county let them its benefiting you .Not all us come to do bad in this county

  69. The future president should fix the problem of gas prices. From what I see on the matter of pricing it getting expensive now a days. But that is probably from how greedy the economy is today. This is not right at all!

  70. Yo this election really finna be dead but Imma be able to vote so imma have to listen. But I just trynna avoid war and keep the economy cool.

  71. one issue that i think that they need to foces on is gun rights. becoues of all of the people getting killed by other people that do not need guns.also to give the rights to the people that need guns.

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  73. what i believe is that the future presidents should address all the problems that are going on in today's society. One big problem being the killing of so many blacks and police brutality. They should talk about ways they will change it to make it easier and safer for citizens to live and be comfortable in their own country. Until this day racism is still a big thing here in America and yet it still hasn't got addressed. Our lives matter. We should all be treated equally no matter what our skin color is or our.

  74. The future presidential candidates should discuss police brutality. In today's society there is alot of police brutality between police and African Americans.

  75. they should address the police non justice to African American. all the cops shooting African Americans and killing them is tragic. in the pledge of allegiance it says that for liberty and justice for all but there is no justice for African Americans. I'm done of what i have to say that's true what i just said, i have nothing more to say.

  76. One issue is racism because to many people get judged based on there race and it should not be like that. Everyone is the same but have different features. Another issue is bullying because people should not get picked on for being there self, again everyone is the same.

  77. The future president stop slavery all over the world. even though slavery is suppose to be over with there are still sex slave workers and labor slaves workers. he should all do something about the police killing all of these blacks people for no reason.

  78. I believe the future candidates should focus on Racism, because it getting worse and is a problem that needs to handled soon.

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  80. There are many issues that the future presidents that they should address. Such as trying to stop what Isis is trying to spread across the United States. I also think that cop brutality should be handled and taken care of. This issue is a big one and i think the solution to is cameras. I also think immigration issue that is not being dealt with the right way its being ignored i would be delighted to here one of the candidates talk about this issue.

  81. I believe issues that the future president will have to handle will be dealing with confederate flags.The next issue i believe will be community college.the President will start needing to address welfare issues.The President will have to talk and address issues that the United States are involved in like war with ISIS. ISIS is threatening they are getting ready to start launching air strikes.
    and last but not least black men and women being killed by police.

  82. The issues that future president should address is the ongoing problem police-brutatilty. You can't really change racism because it's a learned behavior. I think the next president should deal with keeping gas prices low. Another issue is poverty .

  83. Mia Reddick .

    The future presidential candidates should fix problems that will continue to make society go downhill. The main two issues that they should address is racism and tuition for college. Racism as far as police brutality is continuing to get out of hand and needs fixtures. For instance, the government need to enforce more clear rules and laws that will stop police officers automatically wanting to beat individuals for the color of their skin. On the other hand, for college it should be free or less expensive , it is already enough we pay our taxes and others fees to help with education.

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  85. One political issue that i think the future president should address is the legalization of marijuana all across the United Sates of America. Cannabis, also known as marijuana and by numerous other names,is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or medicine. The main psychoactive part of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabivarin (THC); it is one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 84 other cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).Cannabis is often consumed for mental and physical effects, such as heightened mood, relaxation,and an increase in appetite.Possible side-effects include a decrease in short-term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, red eyes, and feelings of paranoia or anxiety.

  86. I think that the future presidents and politics should address the unemployment rates and start giving more Hope and Merritt scholarships so we have more successful generations,businessmen's and women, entrepreneurs and just a better world where everyone can be middle class and have a better lifestyles for themselves and their children

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  88. One thing that should be discussed is the human trafficking and prostitution run and inhabited by adolescents, mainly done through Facebook groups. People make themselves known and can possibly have their social standing destroyed, as groups such as those tend to have hundreds of participants that have access to that information.

  89. he future president should fix the problem of gas prices. And change the power the police have because the killing is getting out of hand.

  90. There are many issues that the future presidential candidates should speak on. They could be put into many different categories. One category that should really be spoken on would be police brutality. Lately there has been many incidents where police brutality has occurred.

  91. There are a few things i think the presidential candidates should mention, which is the environmental issues and issues with the economy about to fall and how they are going to help, i think they should mention these things because we need to know how they are going to help are economy because the stock market is going to crash again. Then they need to talk about the environmental issues basically using saying things we can do to help the environment because if we dont help the environment then over time it will be bad.

  92. I feel the Presidential Candidates should talk about the Gay Marriage. The reason i say that because more Gays are dying even since Gay Marriage has became legal. We should protect them and help them not make them a target and not protect.

  93. I think they should actually make the effort to put change into effect rather than just talking about doing it.

  94. i beleive that our president needs to move all focus to america and on the isis crisis we are trying to take care of other poor countries but yet around 3% of america is unemployed and a lot of them are homeless we need to worry about helping our own nation and protecting it from others like isis before we help other countries.

  95. i think people should pay for high school. i think if people have to pay for high school they will respect the teachers more. i also think that students will be more serious. there will be less people who don't want to be here and it will make school a better learning environment.

  96. There are many things future presidents will have to worry about. Things like the police brutality, the weapon laws and the global warming. Other things are wars and mass destruction weapons, like biological and nuclear weapons which could affect the whole world and even future generations.

  97. There are a few things the presidential candidates should mention, which is the environmental issues with the economy about to fall and how they are going to help, I think they should mention these things because we need to know how they are going to help are economy because the stock market is going to crash again. Then they need to talk about the environmental issues basically using saying things we can do to help the environmental because if we dont help the environment then over time it will be bad.

  98. There a few things i think the future president candidates should address. But the main issue is racism. Racism is a huge problem in today's society. Racism plays a big role in today's crime rates. Police officers play a big role in this issue. Police officers has had a lot of crime. Mostly white officers killing blacks. This issue should be addressed.

  99. I think the future presidential candidates should speak about racial issues and how the economy should lower gas prices and not keep changing them every week. Because when the gas prices go up the prices of the food is low too and vise versa. Also they should talk about given more scholarships to more athletes and send out more scouts to schools that barely gets the scouts looks.

  100. as long as they don't pick the wrong president

  101. There are many things that i think that the presidential candidates should mention, one of them is the fact that schools students should be able to not have any concequences when there's a fight because there are some people that needs to be able to handle their business because they're being bullied every single day and the staff in the school is not doing anything to help these students because that same bullied comeback and bullies that same person for snitching on them.

  102. I think they should address what rights police officers have and to what extent of force that may be used in subduing or capturing any breakers of the law. This should be addressed because of all of the recent attacks on and from police officers. Due to these attacks people do not feel safe around those who were meant to protect them.

  103. i feel like the presidential candidates should talk about economics abit more and will it change how the US acts with their gdp. If this idea is talked about this will be an newer economic system.

  104. I think there is many that presidental candidates should addressed about police brutality situation because thats a big problem and alot of crime in this year. So, they need to start watch out whats really going on right now

  105. i believe that future president candidates need to address racial issues . there's a lot going on in the united states with police brutality towards African Americans . such as what happened to Sandra bland , Michael Johnson , john Crawford , and so on . i feel as if the presidential candidates address this issue , change may occur . even though police brutality may still occur , it would be better to bring down the percentages of deaths from it .

  106. i think they should address the killing and law breaking of the society. Also i think they should be more responsible and kinda watch the people in this world . Further more i think they should make the laws more strict to tighten the community.They should also give more jobs out .

  107. I think that they should talk about Guns and how police should hold their gun in a correct problem . I think that because it seems like police officers should

  108. Future presidents should address how to keep world peace. There is a lot of chaos considering religious beliefs. I think most people should just try to understand and accept other people's beliefs. Racism is also another problem we have in the southeastern region of the United States of America. I believe the confederate flag should be removed from the southern states and also be restricted to purchase from retail stores. I believe the flag was used in no purpose to portray racism but over the years became more and more considered as a flag that portrays racism. Hopefully they consider these topics in the next election.

  109. well i think the disruptors are a force of justice and i like them. they should lead more rallyies

  110. in my opinion i think They would address environmental issues that are cause from over pollution. Our Future candidates should be worried and at least try to do something for the environment cause its becoming a big huge issue. Even more and more Americans are becoming more scared,and there is still alot of pollution. They should also address problems with welfare.

  111. in my opinion i think They would address environmental issues that are cause from over pollution. Our Future candidates should be worried and at least try to do something for the environment cause its becoming a big huge issue. Even more and more Americans are becoming more scared,and there is still alot of pollution. They should also address problems with welfare.

  112. A political issue that should be address is the pollution in some countries. This is a concerned issue that are future candidate should address. It could cause some disses or death. If are candidates want to be helpful they should consider this issue.

  113. The issue i think the new president should be the legalization of marijuana are all 50 states gonna be able to use it for rec use and medical use.
