Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Sexist sign

Please give your opinion on this article- Minimum one paragraph



  1. I think its just some humor that some people didnt know how to take and people may say what if that was your daughter i know you would be mad i wouldnt because its up to what she does she is out of my house she is grown so if she wants to be a THOT then its her decision

  2. Jokes are all great, but when crossing the line and going towards ill-mannered humor such as sexual assault towards women, that's when it gets serious, as women do tend to get treated worse than men in our society as they're seen to be more weak, on top of the law leaning in the favor of those accused of performing the acts of assault.

  3. I think that is just nonsense. I don't know why people want to be gay or bisexual because it plenty of mean and women out here in the world. Its how they person what to be because its their life and what they choose to do.

  4. It was just a joke. I mean it is a frat house it and wasn't like someone was gonna actually drop they daughter off there.

  5. I thought of it as a funny joke. I don't see why people are so mad about it. to me it was more of a welcoming to the people going to college.

    1. i disagree with this. it was not funny at all.

  6. Mia Reddick.

    Out of respect for yourself and others , the individuals who put up the banners harassing the freshman girl was very inappropriate. No matter what the girl did that is her business and should be taken in her own matter and no else's. Due to this , when it is all said and done someone's else business is not everyone's business. The girl should not be target like that with the disrespect she received.

  7. Its whatever because if people want to be gay or bisexual then that is them not you.

  8. i think that they should not be able to hang sings like that for the studens.

  9. Its people trying to be funny. Its offensive but people don't think it actually effects people . Me personally i don't think its funny . There people kids daughters whos reading that

  10. I think that hanging signs like that are very inappropriate and shows the lack of maturity that those boys really have.

    1. Mia Reddick.

      I totally agree and it shows their disrespect.

  11. I think it's disrespectful to the parents and the females that somebody sees them as a piece of doo doo. And for their mothers to drop them off in an environment that has a sexual statement. Parents do not feel comfortable dropping their daughter off.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think it is wrong of them to do such a thing against the students. I also think that they also left a bad representation of the school. The parents probably felt that there student were not safe at the school. I also think that they should have been expelled instead suspended because they humiliated the school. I also agree with the fraternity by suspending the chapter.

  14. Sexist jokes are not funny but it's nothing new . It was very rude and sickening that she feels the way she does. This has to be dealt with ASAP.

  15. Being sexiest is cruel, we are all equals under the sun. We should treat each other with respect.

  16. i think it is very disrespectful towards females that go to that college. The school should find out who did and make them apologize for what they did.

  17. The incident with the college students its too much. No one should not welcome freshmans like that or actually anybody. Even if someone is playing its not funny to play like that.

  18. I feel that all of them that were involved should be suspended and punished. That was very childish and immature. If I was taking my daughter to a college and I saw that , she wouldn't be attending there afterwards.

  19. There is a time and place for everything this was just a moment where their playfulness caught up with them.They should have known that playing with an issue like this will result is some sort of punishment.This is all a learning process for them students who put up the banner and have to pay for their actions.This issue was serious but not that serious.But they got what they deserved.

  20. jokes are all great, but when crossing the line and going towards ill-mannered humor such as sexual assault towards women, that's when it gets serious, as women do tend to get treated worse than men in our society as they're seen to be more weak, on top of the law leaning in the favor of those accused of performing the acts of assault.

  21. people have a sense of humor, its just a poster. we got people is Saudi Arabia chopping peoples heads off. i know this offends some people surprisingly. i mean these some grown people acting like children who didnt get they apple juice. EL CHAPO did nothing wrong

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. In my opinion that's very childish for them to do especially since they're in college. Sexism is stupid and there really isn't any point in it, just like racism. Kids are going to college to get an education, people are going to work to make money and to support themselves so all this sexism stuff is really overrated and stupid. It doesn't make sense for people to Be so childish, I feel like those students should get in serious trouble for that, Because I wouldn't go there if I saw them signs. The school would lose money, and students for the school Because of the childish guys. Girls have a right to Be in school just like they do, they deserve to Be in work without having to worry about sexism, the same thing goes with guys But you really only see and hear about it happening to guys.

    1. I agree with you a 100% this was very immature and should not be happening especially in a university.

  23. I think that hanging signs are spirts how we feel.

  24. I think it was wrong for them to disrespect freshman girls they should look more into it.

  25. the frat is just playing around people need to learn what is a joke and what is not a joke.

  26. I think that what those students was very immature. I know it made most of the freshman females uncomfortable as well. There should never be a time where someone thinks that this type of behavior is okay. It just shows the motives of some of the guys that attend the college.

  27. I think its pretty childish for them to be making jokes like that when they know someone could get hurt. (Not physically but you know)

  28. I think that it was just a joke and shouldn't have been taken likely but for some people it came across as simply unacceptable and I get that too . I think that they should've toned it down a bit but i understand that it was immature joke college but there is a time and a place for everything.

  29. my opinion on this is just young adults trying to have a sense of humor,but i can also see why it's not taken lightly with the higher official's of the campus

  30. well my oponion on this article is that. it was kinda of inapropiate and they probably should have been suspende for what they did. but i think how the freshman girls of college wont look at them any diffrently. i mean thats how college is, its all about the party life. but thats was kind of unacceptable.

  31. I believe that the students that did this are highly disrespectful . They showed a tremendous amount of immaturity . No telling what could of happen .. They freshmans could of took their own life off that so called joke .

  32. This issue should be address to the authorities immediately. if its not appropriate to society dont put it where everybody can see.

    1. That is true it dues need to go to the authorities about this.

  33. I think that it was disrespectful and that the students were very immature. The students who did this should apologize to the girls for making them feel uncomfortable.

  34. In my opinion this joke was immensely cruel and disrespectful to all females that attend the University and to all females in general. However, this is only a simple joke. What else to people expect from some enthusiastic young males of a fraternity? Yes some people should feel offended and this sign is unacceptable but these are young college students. In my opinion everybody need to catch a grip of reality and realize the fine line between sarcasm and realization.

  35. I don't find this funny in anyway.The student themselves who did this are not ready for college.Am sure that parents would not want their kids to go that college anymore.Some people are just not ready to be mature and respectful to ladies.The person that brought you into this world is a lady and they even need to go on school suspension and also another punishment for doing that and being disrespectful to ladies and younger girls.

  36. I know it made most of the freshman females uncomfortable as well. They shouldn't have done that because it could've stopped a lot of freshmen from going to that certain school.

  37. I think everyone should calm down about everything. It's like anything anyone does now in 2015 everyone has something to say negative about it. No one can do what they want anymore because someone is always saying something offends them. That is so annoying when everyone has something to say all the time.

  38. I honestly do not think it is as big of a dead as the news make it out be. I think as long as the freshman girls are not offended by it, then it should just be a warning to all college students to do it again. I think it was colleges boys just joking around. it was just a joke.

  39. i feel like that is inappropriate and disrespectful. it would have made me feel very uncomfortable. i dont see it as something to joke around with.

  40. This joke was immature and disrespectful to all females that attend that university and all females all together. however, this is only a simple joke. what else to people expect from some enthusiastic young men?

  41. This is all a learning process for them students who put up the banner and have to pay for their actions.This issue was serious but not that serious.But they got what they deserved. And for their mothers to drop them off in an environment that has a sexual statement. Parents do not feel comfortable dropping their daughter off.

  42. This little stunt may have cost this university a good amount of business. This type of immaturity and stupidity seriously red flags this school as being nothing more than a party school. These students responsible for this alcohol induced event should be expelled.

  43. I think that is just nonsense. I don't know why people want to be gay or bisexual because it plenty of mean and women out here in the world. Its how they person what to be because its their life and what they choose to do.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Its all fun and games until somebody gets hurt, jokes can be cruel and harmful to some who cant take a joke. The school is also at fault because they should have told students what that type of behavior will cause, and the consequences of doing so.

  46. My thoughts after looking at this article really have me confused like what kind of person would do this. The person who did this should really be a shamed of their self for making these bad poster signs with sex related words on them.

  47. This joke wasn't funny at all it actually upsetted a lot of people. The people responseable should be punished hard. There is no mercy for ignorant things like that. Those people should have that horrible act on there permanent record forever.

  48. I think its very upsetting to see this, I mean imagine you dropping off your daughter and you see this, its basically saying you need to make a choice drop her off or find another college.

  49. i feel like this was hilarious because the banners buts its ignorant lol

  50. We are straying from smart. They say whoever did this was a joke? Stupid. they are college students but they can't figure out that this was an absolute idiotic decision. We are straying from peace of one another with sexism and racism, etc.

  51. I think the banners were pretty funny, although i understand why people would take offense to it. It was very inappropriate and i think the right actions were taken to deal with this situation.

  52. I think sexism is very stupid but these banners were kinda like funny. I really didn't understand most of the text because I haven't enough time for that.
    Sexism is bad.

  53. This is absolutely disgusting! the fact that these girls said "oh its just kinda funny i expect this from college boys!", is awful. This kind of disrespect should not be frequent enough that it should be expected from these young men and it definitely shouldn't be excused with "oh its just how college boys are!" because that is sickening. This is extremely disappointing. this is sickening. This is not funny at all and sexual harassment is not a joke. parents must have been appalled and i'm glad they were removed because that was extremely unsettling.

  54. This was all fun and games. There is a fine line from fun and inappropriate behavior, and what they did was inappropriate.

  55. I don't think that was right to do that to those freshman girls. they were trying to be funny and they took it to far

  56. Here's my two cents on this. Girls go to college to learn and gain knowledge like everyone else. They go to college to get their work done, be progressive in their studies and to try their best to get an education. Girls are people, and people should be treated with respect and taken seriously. The signs this group of immature boys put up show that they have zero respect for the girls at the college, that they do not take them seriously, and that they believe that the girls are there at the college JUST to humor them or keep them entertained. This IS incredibly sexist, and just really gross in general. Honestly, those guys deserve whatever punishment they got and then some. We need to start teaching boys that girls aren't here to give you attention or to make you feel good or special about yourself. Guys really need to realize that, it's not flattering or funny to make "jokes" like this, as they are VERY offensive, gross, and childish. Personally, I wouldn't be impressed, and of course the majority of the girls at the college are certainly not humored or impressed by this ignorant behavior either. We (girls) just find stuff & people like this REALLY stupid.

  57. My opinion on the blog was very immature and childish. For certain women to find the banners funny means the reaction the fraternity wanted must've not been what they intended. However suspending the fraternity was not needed, but a simple sit downs with all members telling them how bad the situation was couldve been a better solution.

  58. my opinion is that it is childish for somebody to do that

  59. The situation is stupid. Also, how could those 2 girls laugh at that poster? That not funny.

  60. I think that the signs put up outside of that fraternity was a simple joke. No one in particular was harmed due to the posters. I do not believe that freshman girls were being sexually targeted by what was said. I think that there are more serious and important things happening to young girls and we need to focus and put all our energy towards those real crimes.

  61. I think it is childish for someone to do that especially for freshman...

  62. It was a joke , I don't think this should be taken seriously. Nobody will do that formal 😐

  63. I think what happened was that it was meant as a joke, but It "didn't come out the way it sounded in their heads."

  64. I think that it is very childish and people need to learn how to grow up and act their age.

  65. although it was childish , i wouldnt take it as seriously as the people in the interview , it was childish . im glad that the issue was adressed , but seriously the reporters took it too far . alot of colleges do stuff like this , its nothing new .

  66. I think that the signs put up outside of that fraternity was a simple joke. No one in particular was harmed due to the posters. I do not believe that freshman girls were being sexually targeted by what was said. I think that there are more serious and important things happening to young girls and we need to focus and put all our energy towards those real crimes.

  67. I feel like this wasn't as bad as everyone was making it seem. It was meant as a joke and it seemed like in the video nobody was taking it bad.

  68. This sickening and vicious act is both very primeval and lowly. I don`t understand how or even why people thought to do these kind of things, thinking its for fun to fly banners outside of their dormitories that specifically threaten to assault freshmen girls, when in reality its both degrading to both men and women. The people in charge of the fraternity should not only have them suspended, but banned from any other college they attend, as if they are going to pull something so cruel and filthy as this, I don`t see what`ll stop them from doing it again in another institute. This should never happen to any freshman whose about to enter college.

  69. In my opinion I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal or taken that serious because anyone could say what they want but it's up to the daughters to want to exactly get dropped off there. On the other hand, that shouldn't be written all over a college campus because it makes the environment look bad for the freshmen that are arriving.

  70. i thought they was just playing to be honest I didnt see why people are so mad about it. to me it was more of a welcoming to the people going to college

  71. i thought they was just playing to be honest I didnt see why people are so mad about it. to me it was more of a welcoming to the people going to college

  72. That joke wasn't funny at all. That is very offensive to others. I hate seeing childish acts like that.

  73. That joke wasn't funny at all. That is very offensive to others. I hate seeing childish acts like that.

  74. The banners are very disrespectful and degrading. they have to think in the future what would you do if nyour child had to go through that

  75. I do not think that this was funny at all. This is very offensive to all females and it shows how immature college males can really be. The should be punished in some kind of way for what they did.

  76. I do not think that this was funny at all. This is very offensive to all females and it shows how immature college males can really be. The should be punished in some kind of way for what they did.

  77. Jokes are all great, but when crossing the line and going towards ill-mannered humor such as sexual assault towards women, that's when it gets serious, as women do tend to get treated worse than men in our society as they're seen to be more weak, on top of the law leaning in the favor of those accused of performing the acts of assault.

  78. think it is very disrespectful towards females that go to that college. The school should find out who did and make them apologize for what they did.
