Friday, August 21, 2015

Loss of Jobs -August 21, 2015

Read the story below.

What skills do you believe you should have in the future, due to the loss of certain types of jobs?


  1. The most important skill to have in the future is to be familiar with technology and be able to operate certain machines. More and more technological advances are being made and are taking over routine jobs. A good skill to have would be programming and being able to work with computer hardware. To get jobs in the future you will have to know about technology.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. to have knowledge of technology because people are losing jobs because of it but it increases jobs elsewhere.

  4. Due to the job losses, I Believe you should know how to work certain technology, and machines. People are constantly getting replaced By technology, and some people don't even know how to use the technology. In the future people should most definitely Be familiar with technology that comes out in the future. You're going to have to know about the technology, and the machines in order to find a job. Most jobs are advancing to technology, so if someone wants a job or wants to keep theirs, I'd advise to start getting use to technology and learn how to use it.

  5. well the skills that i will need in the future for the jobs that are lost is. first an college education. for certain jobs i may need to be fit. i think that i may need to learn how to negotiate to sell items. and i might need to know about entreprenuer ship.

  6. business skills would be most valuable knowing the supply and demand chain i can make a killing in the world and become rich like el chapo.

  7. In the future due to loss of certain type of jobs,a good skill I would love to have is to become a professional chef have my own kitchen and group of four workers that would help me with my daily work because am sure in the kitchen technology can't be used.

  8. In the future due to loss of certain type of jobs,a good skill I would love to have is to become a professional chef have my own kitchen and group of four workers that would help me with my daily work because am sure in the kitchen technology can't be used.

  9. I believe that i can create a watch just like the apple watch but 10 times better.The smartwatch face is a crazy-undervalued feature. It’s the first screen you see. It’s there to tell the time, sure, but it’s also a huge opportunity to define how you should interact with your device. A more functional face can provide faster access to the things you do most often and help alleviate some of the inherent slowness of a smartwatch.

  10. I believe the most important skill to have in the future is being able to adapt to new things, because the world changes fast. Technology is becoming more and more of everyday life and soon it will be all the people use. In order to keep up with the times adapting would be a big part.

  11. The most important skill to have today is technology skills because I.T. managers have over (+195%) of people going into that field of jobs and work in Care work and home carers and Financial Manager reason why i believe this is because most of the these jobs are most needed in the world

  12. I believe you need typing skills. Also, you should be highly educated. Technology has advanced many jobs in the past. Also, they have destroyed some. You should be familiar with different tasks so you can be involved in the career more.

  13. the skills i need would be reading,or any thing i like to do.

  14. the skills that i think i should have if i lost my job is the natural skills of work experience. Also if you find a simple job with the skills you know.

  15. The most important skill to have in the future is to be familiar to other technology in the world. The loss of certain types of jobs are farm workers, energy plants works and etc.

  16. a skill i believe you should have is knowing the technology,being able to create and work with it

  17. Skills I believe I need in the future as a Veterinarian are : 1. Being able to read and analyze papers 2. Having a college education(obviously) 3. How to use certain technology to my advantage 4. Being able to translate the technology to customers

  18. What I got from the article is that most jobs that require a more systematic routine can be easily substituted by technology now. So in my opinion the skills you need are skills that creators of this technology haven't found a way to replicate yet. even so technology is quickly evolving and soon enough there may not be any jobs because everything would be done by robots...

  19. Im not really sure about the kind of skills I need , but I think I got one . For example , I should know how to do construction work considering that doesn't use too much technology .. It also has a high-paying income .

  20. Most jobs would be out because technology is going to take over most jobs. Technology is becoming more and more of everyday life and soon it will be all the people use. So the most important skills is to be good at technology

  21. Skills like building any object from the ground up, and learning how all technology works.

  22. in the future, i bellieve is should be familar with technology skills , typing , and to have a high education.

  23. The most important skill to possess in today's social economy is undoubtedly the ability to adapt to change. Technology was a change for the world but it won't be the only change the world will ever see. As long as someone is highly educated, immensely intelligent, can adapt to change. and has a dillgent work ethic they will be able to succeed in any and everything.

  24. Due to the job losses,the most important skill to have in the future is to be familiar to other technology in the world and also increase to better my all my other skill i already have.

  25. I think everyone should have really basic skills that they can soon make better. Like reading skills and then having a larger vocabulary to span on or just cooking eggs and then learning how to make an entire meal for a family. People should be able to meet those type of requirements so they can have a wide range of jobs to choose from.

  26. the job skills you need to have in the future is technology. The future is taking over with technology and the world is becoming lazy.

  27. I believe that i can create a watch just like the apple watch but 10 times better.The smartwatch face is a crazy-undervalued feature. It’s the first screen you see. It’s there to tell the time, sure, but it’s also a huge opportunity to define how you should interact with your device. A more functional face can provide faster access to the things you do most often and help alleviate some of the inherent slowness of a smartwatch.

  28. I think you should work on having all skills . Because then you want be limited to just certain jobs .

  29. The skils you need to be skilled in is technology. Being tech savvy will take you a longer way than alot of the older jobs thats been around for centuries.

  30. The skill i think most people need to acquire is being able to fix technology. technology is always going to need some one to fix them, so people are need to fix them.

  31. People should learn skills for jobs that will not be threatened by major advancements in technology. People should learn how to repair this technology. You can make a robot build another robot but a robot will never be able to repair a busted robot. As this technology increases, so do the skills required to keep it running.

  32. well the skills that i will need in the future for the jobs that are lost is. first an college education. for certain jobs i may need to be fit. i think that i may need to learn how to negotiate to sell items. and i might need to know about entreprenuer ship.

  33. I feel that the jobs skills needed in the future is the advantage of being able to use technology successfully. Technology has become very useful in the world, and more focus on it would better.

  34. Skills that I should have in the future is more than technology. I plan on learning more than technology i would try to learn on how to fix cars so that if i ever have a problem with my car i can know what to do already,

  35. We need to know how to adapt WITH or WITHOUT technology, if technology takes most our jobs then learn how to use technology so you can use your skills well in another job, If tech hasn't taken your job yet then learn how to do that job even better so you don't have to worry about changing things if everything is going well.

  36. The skills you need to have is complex skills like knowing how to own your job or get jobs that are very hard to get.

  37. the skills for the future that people will defiantly need:
    sewing skills.
    you will need to learn how to grow your own crops.
    you will need to know how to cook and clean.

  38. In the near future, I believe that knowing a handful of practical skills is important. Someone who is looking for opportunities & a wide variety of fields to chose from should probably know how to do basic office work or how to do basic codes on computers, or anything of the like that can be useful. Dabbling in different fields of expertise just to look for quick information& skills has never hurt anyone, and can make you more valuable in terms of someone looking for a career or job.

  39. skills that i should have in the future is more than technology. I will learn the basics, because you can not depend on technology because it can fail on you and there is nothing you can do because you put everything into technology.

  40. skills that i should have in the future is more than technology. I will learn the basics, because you can not depend on technology because it can fail on you and there is nothing you can do because you put everything into technology.

  41. the job skill should be with techlogy an how to make it an control it

  42. Basic skills that you would need going further in life are basic computer skills, home economics and social skills.

  43. you should be able to work with technology. Because most jobs are going to have something to do with technology. so you must get use to working with technology.

  44. I think that the people should have newer technology that up to date so you can be ahead of the game.

  45. A skill you will need in the future is be familiar with Technology. By being familiar with technology you will be able to work most computers, programs or machines. With that being said technology has advanced so to have a degree in computer science or programming would be a bonus for your future career in technology.

  46. Skills for have in the future is be very familiar with the new technology.

  47. you need to have the skills reqierd for the job you want to do for life.

  48. skills that you would need is communication skills, technology skills.

  49. Adaptability Team Player Leadership Multi-Tasker Open-Mindedness Positivity are skills you need.

  50. Mia Reddick.

    The most important skill you should have in the future is being able to utilize computers and technology. By being able to operate technology and how advance technology is now day, it will make a person become more efficient to the job.

  51. you have to have all the skills that a normal person don't have.

  52. The most important skill to have is a good background with technology. it has advanced so to have a degree in computer science or programming would be a bonus for your future career in technology. To get jobs in the future you will have to know about technology.

  53. To have a job in this day in age, you'll have to be flexible and knowledgeable in the technological field, as most of our job opportunities will be technology-based, as it replaces the need for many processes that require manual labor.

  54. you will need all the skills as a normal person dosent have and the technology skills need to be on point.

  55. The most important skill to have in the future is to be familiar with technology and be able to operate certain machines. More and more technological advances are being made and are taking over routine jobs. A good skill to have would be programming and being able to work with computer hardware. To get jobs in the future you will have to know about technology.

  56. you have to be have high intelligent these days to have a good job oppertunity in the technological field

  57. The most important skill to have in the future is to know how to work with technology. Technology will always be around so if you know how to work with technology you will always have something to do.

  58. I will more computer skills or technology skills in order to get a job in the future. since most jobs in the future will be technology based.

  59. I think the most important skill I'll need in the future is to be able to handle, and understand most of technology, so you can use it in your job. If you cannot handle technology then you probably will have a hard time finding a job that is so good payed as the one that you would have needed to be able to handle the technology.

  60. In the future i believe that I should have better technology and computer skills, because most jobs will require people to have that skills.

  61. In the future i believe that I should have better technology and computer skills, because most jobs will require people to have that skills.

  62. I think if you keep a good education it wouldn't be losses of jobs. Also that the government is taking down or closing businesses and such.

  63. To be honest i think there is no skills to help you find a job i think you should have a idea in this world and with a lot of time and money your idea can be become a success

  64. In the future due to loss of certain type of jobs,a good skill I would love to have is to become a professional chef have my own kitchen and group of four workers that would help me with my daily work because am sure in the kitchen technology can't be used.

  65. I think we should cancel out technology in stores and give humans back their jobs

  66. I am not sure if you can decide if these jobs will exist for many years. You should be good at working with technology. That's important. Many workers were replaced by robots. But technology companies are growing at the moment.

  67. The most important skill to have in the future is to be familiar with technology and be able to operate certain machines
