Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015 Too Much Homework

See the link below. Do you believe that this is true? Give your opinion with details in one paragraph.


  1. Yes, we do get too much homework, school is the place for learning.

  2. I do believe that too much homework is bad for a student of any grade level. Especially for the kids in the Kindergarten and first grade, and the students in their last two years of high school. For the younger children, they are supposed to be out having fun so they can start living a healthy life. If they stay home for an extended period of time, they lose the want to go outside and play. Also, for the upperclassmen, the amount of homework teachers give is ridiculous. Its like they forget the students take multiple class with teachers who give excessive amounts of homework. It puts too much stress on the student for only little benefits.

  3. I agree that kids do have to much homework, especially in later years during high school and middle school. imo i think that today's standards for children are a little to high for what they can actually do and that i shown in what they do in their work and projects.

  4. Yes i believe this is true. This might be the truest thing I've ever read. Homework sucks hard and I don't like doing it. Why just last night I was up till 4a.m. fooling around with the stuff. It's a bunch of preposterous poppycock. I feel like a prisoner in a penitentiary that i can not escape and life is torture. Its been so long since ive experienced true joy that i dont even remember what it feels like. Homework has and continues to be the bane of my very existence.

  5. I believe the little kids have to much homework. As a high school student i get less than my little siblings. I think for little kids to much homework can be overwhelming.

  6. yes i do believe students in lower grades get to much younger brother is in the 3 grade and spends about an hour on homework.teachers are piling homework on young kids who just go there swing of school.At ages 5-10 you should not be stressed.when the teachers are giving these young children homework that is to much for them to handle it causes stress.

  7. I definitely believe that homework given no adays is extremely excessive. Most kids in high school are at least taking some honors/AP classes and all the work piles up even when some do try to organize it all out. Homework is the cause of many detrimental things going on with student lives like their attitude towards school, behavior, sleeping patterns, physical health, etc. The work being assigned to students today is much mopre then it was in the past and kids are meant to deal with it and finsih the work or else consequences will be faced. Students either fail if they dont do their homework or they go through stress and physical/mental illness if they dont.

  8. I do believe teachers give out too much homework. I'll admit it, I don't necessarily do homework, honestly, but part of that is because I see the people around me. People in my class hate coming to school, they show up stressed beyond belief and exhausted, saying they had to stay up until 4 in the morning doing homework, only to get up at 6 or 7 to go back to school. I recall my freshman year, a girl saying that she started dying her hair back to her natural color because they started getting grey hairs. On top of that, kids are encouraged to join extracurricular activities, which while good for their record and for social interaction, end up cutting into the time they use doing homework.

  9. I do not agree with this article. Even though young kids seem to stress over homework the work is easy. Students on the senior level have more rigorous courses. We also have classwork which overflows into homework. So for us to have two more hours of work it will interfere with our extra curricular activities such as work, sports, and other activities.

  10. When looking at the "10-minute" rule it is said that starting at first grade you are supposed to do only 10 minutes worth of homework and each grade level it goes up 10 minutes. Because it takes a child to do their homework in the 25-30 minutes, doesn't mean that the homework could not be done in 10 minutes if you really mastered the content. Some children struggle with their homework because they did not get the lesson. So, just because it takes a child to do their homework in the higher amount of time doesn't mean that the assignment couldn't be done by a child that age in the time recommended. Now, when proven too much homework when it comes down to the different teachers and different subject, yes I would agree that there is too much homework given.

  11. I think that teachers assign to much homework. It is stressful, frustrating, and time consuming. Sometimes I don't have enough time to complete all of my homework. This leaves me with a failing grade in the class and that is not good. So to prevent this, I feel that teacher's should not assign to much homework.

  12. Yes, teachers give extrememly too much homework. They tell us enjoy our day but we cannot if we're in the house all day doing homework. We spend 8 hours in school to spend 2-4 hours on homework. That leaves us time to eat dinner and go to sleep. We shouldnt get homework unless it is requested by the student for more practice.

  13. It is believed that teachers give out too much homework. To come to school 8 hours a day and go home with a load of maybe homework for 1 hour or more is very overwhelming. Students should be able to come to school and enjoy learning and go home from a break off school, but how would that be possible if there is loads of housework waiting on them at the door.

  14. I think that the article is very true. I think it is true because many teachers do give a lot of homework. I don't think its wrong because many students don't study, so homework gives them one mode of studying. I do think its wrong because a student should not be overloaded with homework. A student from elementary to high school should not stay up a long time doing homework. A first grader should not be overloaded because they are just getting used to homework.

  15. I 100% know that most teachers can give out too much homework. What is the point of coming to school if you are going to give us most of our work at home. Most students want to spend their afternoons doing extracurricular activities and relaxing at home, but they cant because homework gets in the way.

  16. Yes, we do get too much homework, school is the place for learning. I agree that kids do have to much homework, especially in later years during high school

  17. This is very true that student do have too much home work . my sister did have this problem in 6th grade where she had almost 3 hours of homework and still didn't finish and their excuse is that they will do this in high school and that is actually not true at all.

  18. this is to much homework, i dont even have the weekend to myself anymore, like it is not that hard to give us the work in class.Parents reported first-graders were spending 28 minutes on homework each night versus the recommended 10 minutes. For second-graders, the homework time was nearly 29 minutes, as opposed to the 20 minutes recommended.

    And kindergartners, their parents said, spent 25 minutes a night on after-school assignments, according to the study carried out by researchers from Brown University, Brandeis University, Rhode Island College, Dean College, the Children's National Medial Center and the New

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I do believe that too much homework is bad for a student of any grade level. Especially for the kids in the Kindergarten and first grade, and the students in their last two years of high school. For the younger children, they are supposed to be out having fun so they can start living a healthy life. If they stay home for an extended period of time, they lose the want to go outside and play. Also, for the upperclassmen, the amount of homework teachers give is ridiculous. Its like they forget the students take multiple class with teachers who give excessive amounts of homework. It puts too much stress on the student for only little benefits.

  21. In my opinion I do believe homework does stress people out, and the beginning of the school year is very stressful, but I don't think homework makes people sick. Some teachers do give out too much homework, but then again it's to help us out with the class work and to learn the subject that was taught. I think one page of homework is enough, some teachers give out 2-3 pages of homework, and that's a little ridiculous. I do believe that homework causes fights between the families, because the kid just wants to get it done without having to explain how they know the answer. I know when my mom used to help me with my math homework, I would already be stressed because I didn't know the answer, then she wants me to work it out instead of telling me how to do it. I do agree with some of the article, but other parts of that article I didn't agree with.

  22. yes,i agree we get to much homework. i understand some home work like a worksheet but major projects and complicated homework is uncalled for and then some teachers get mad when you don't do it. so really what's the point in homework?.

  23. I agree that the teachers are giving too much homework. Kids from ages 5-10 shouldn't have to get this much homework it should be something that takes less than a hour. Having this much homework as a young kid can be stressful and they won't have much time to relax or have fun.

  24. i think that teachers dont really give to much homework. they give us alot of practice and sometimes enough tostudy.

  25. I do agree that kids have to much homework, especially in later years during high school and middle school they will get many projects and homework and be excepted to do it all in one day. i think that today's standards for children are a little to high for what they can actually do and that i shown in what they do in their work and projects

  26. I totally agree with the article because most teachers give long assignments and forgetting to know that it is not the only class assignment you are going to have for the night.I feel that teachers should decide days and when to give homework's that way students will have more time to do other school works and then study their notes for class.If they are giving long assignments they should give it on the weekend.

  27. i do agree because it does stresses us out , and we do have lots of distractions. so everything she said was true.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Yes, I honestly do believe that we have too much homework. I feel like teachers don't know how much homework we have to do over the course of a few hours. And its harder for students who are involved in extra-curricular and after school activities. I think that teachers should only be allowed to assign a certain amount of homework a night when ever they decide to because it can get overwhelming at times. Homework is okay but it easily gets out of hand.

  30. I agree, because in that case teachers should manage their time better so we can complete it during the class period. Because everyone has a life outside of school. We have more than five classes that's a lot of homework, including projects. Our they should just have one certain day they just assign homework. Kashmere

  31. Too much homework is a issue we have to fix because as students we have other priority's for the rest of the day. if we are busy doing homework that cuts our time down for other activities.

  32. The accuracy of this article is astonishing. I concur with the author 100%, students do receive too much homework which often results in immense stress and lack of sleep. However some students expect to simply relax and enjoy their time after school, this is simply inaccurate. Teachers do distribute too much homework but it is the student's job to get the work done.

  33. I have never agreed to anything more in my life. Teachers do tend to give a whole lot of homework and expect it to be turned in the next day. Here my little sister and brother take about half an hour each just to complete homework. They're only in kindergarten and my mom is stressed out. It is true that its more of a battle for parents who haven't graduated from college. My dad has but he's usually working all day. It would be better to add on 10 minutes to the designated grade. But then again, there are those who are in Honors or AP, which is basically signing up for something a little bit more rigorous.

  34. I do believe that students do sometimes get too much homework. Which can increase their stress levels, especially if they participate in any extra curricular activities. Over load of homework can cause kids to slack in class or even make problems at home with their parents.

    1. i agree 100 percent wit ya girl amen on that one <3

  35. i do think this is true. most pe

  36. Yes, I do believe that some classes give too much homework. I think that teachers do not consider the fact that we have 7 other classes. It can get ovr whelming for students and cause stress.

  37. I do believe this is true, students now a days have way too much homework. Students everyday are crammed with homework and have no other time to do any other thing. Teachers wonder why students are falling asleep in their class. They have 7 classes and 5 teachers give out homework and you get out of school at 4, and work and get off at 9,10,11 o'clock eat dinner, and still get ready for bed.
    Teachers claim, they dont do anywork outside of school because they dont get paid forit, so why should we?

  38. yes, i do feel like there is a such thing as too much homework. Students are tired from learning in the day as it is and having a bunch of homework is too much. there should be a limit each week how much work each teacher can give out.

  39. Yes students get too much homework. Most students lose sleep because they have a ridiculous amount of homework. If a teacher gives a student so much homework that they can not even sleep at night then why would the ask that student to stay awake in class.

  40. I think that teachers should just give us more school work so we have no homework.They should do that because we are already at school 8 hours a day so why not give us the work at school so we can enjoy ourselves at home.When we are at home we usually get distracted or forget something if your at school and the teacher gives you the assignment now there is a good chance u wont forget

  41. I can understand how some say that homework is too much stress on younger students. It is already difficult for them to adjust to being in school for almost eight hours, but the stress of completing their homework is another negative factor in a students life. Students have other extracurricular programs they are involved in, and you also have to consider the home life of that student. It then brings stress on the parents, because the information is so vastly different than what they were taught.

  42. I think it depends on your class and schedule.

  43. We only need class work. We can study class work. No need for homework. Especially senior year.

  44. Their is to much homework assigned to students now in days. This homework can have harmful effects physical , mental , and emotion. I'm not saying there should be no homework but there should be a limit on to which the teacher follows. Those guidelines should be well thought out to explain that homework is a good thing but can be harmful when assigned to much.

  45. i feel as if parents and teachers shouldn't pile on homework to keep a person focused i believe if you want a kid to be focused they need to have something to look forward to such as sports. Certain sport teams at the school need high grades to continue to be on the sport teams, so if you find something that the kid doesn't want to give up on he/she will work twice as hard to get it done. i am not here saying homework shouldn't be given because we need homework to better understand what we just learned.

  46. personallly i think that homework is becoming more and more time consuming as the years go by. Homeowrk should be used only as a study tool, to help children who need the help, get that help. I would recommend only giving homework to a child that is falling behind in class, so they can practice more, if a child has a 80 and above, they shouldnt need any homework. Homework should not even be given out, until the 2nd grade in my opininon, because kids, need to be active, not sitting around doing something, that they will forget in two weeks. Homework should be something the students are willing to do, Not forced, if that was the case their would be less stress levels, and a more calm setting at school and home.

  47. Yes students get too much homework students lose sleep because we got to much homework

  48. I believe if homework is to be giving it should be giving on Monday and turned on Friday. Its a lot being in school all day then students also do extra curricular activities. That takes a tole on students there tired all they really want to do is eat, shower, sleep.

  49. I believe that us students have way to much homework given by teachers. This is a good and bad thing for us. Its a good thing because it better prepares us for the next lesson that we will learn the next day also it can help us with the upcoming quiz or test. Its bad because now we have to hurry and get it done for the next day this makes us stress even harder to get the work done and that's a good thing to the human brain

  50. I believe students should have homework but not all the time. Students get tired through out the day and don't really want to do their homework and they get some zeros.

  51. is believed that teachers give out too much homework. To come to school 8 hours a day and go home with a load of maybe homework for 1 hour or more is very overwhelming.

  52. Teachers like to layer homework onto us, say that you have one report that's due on thursday, but then the same teacher gives you a classwork assignment the next day and make you finish it for homework. And then imagine if every last one of your teachers did this. The amount of work we get is ridiculous and it really takes a toll on us, giving us unnecessary stress, anxiety torwards due dates, and it even impacts our health, making us stay up late to rush to finish something. Teachers really don't understand that being young DOESN'T always mean we'll have energy. Being a younger age has nothing to do with how much work we can do and complete. All of this homework, projects, reports, and other assignments we need to do are just too much.

  53. I do argee that kids have have a lot of homework an some of the work not even call for the teachers just give us work to do

  54. i think homework should not be allowed because we already do work at school so why should we do work at home that's where we sleep and eat.

  55. i think we get too much homework . we don't have time to do homework because we have other things to take care of when we get home .

  56. High, middle, and elementary schools students get too much homework. But i understand the need for better letter grade balance .

  57. Homework is always fine, its the EXCESSIVE homework that puts everyone in a bad mood. Homework is actually very essential to learning, even though learning and work is supposed to be only in school, homework can still help. But if you want to give any homework for you to study, and there's so much, its too much to even study, its pointless to give out so much to work on and study when your brain is overloaded with so much you actually don't learn anything.

    In other words... Yes..

  58. Homework to me is really a bunch of bull. We got school for 7 hours and we have 7 classes and all these teachers expect there work to be done every night for the 10 months were in school, and i promise that it ain't gone happen.

  59. I do believe we have too much homework especially for young grade school such as elementary who should spend a limited 30 minutes on homework.

  60. I do believe that kids should have to turn off the t.v. and get to working because if they don't they'll get off track. People do tend to get off track and not realize. the whole having a lot of homework is not good. As i child I would not like to be watch while i'm doing my homework. We will have to study harder with all the homework

  61. We obviously get too much homework. The more homework we get, the less time we'll get to have fun with our family and friend. I can understand that homework bring your grade up, but come on. We don't need that much.

  62. Yes, I believe that students get too much homework. Students spend a lot of hours at night to complete assignments for multiple classes. A lot of times students don't complete work because of lack of sleep. Also, sometimes when breaks are taken distractions occur which leads to spending more time of trying to complete work instead of getting well-needed rest.

  63. For real yes If I didnt as much homework my gpa would of been a 3.5. I lose my work ethic as soon a s I hit my house so its really a drain.

  64. I do believe that there is too much work because, we always get work through seven other classes. Outside of school just like teachers, we have lives as well. Also we do clubs and sports. So yes there is a such thing as too much work.

  65. yes students get to much homework especially after coming to school for 8 hours. some students stay up till 1 and 2 in the morning trying to get homework done and that is why sometimes we are tired.

  66. Yes we have too much homework. Students have lives outside of school. If teachers give less homework it'll take more stress off students and teachers tbh.

  67. I do not think students get a lot of homework because it's preparing us for life and responsibilities that we may have in the future. I actually thank my teachers for giving me extra practice on homework

  68. Yes, I do believe that students get to much homework and teachers need to cut down on that. We as students spend hours on homework and barely get any sleep and teachers be wondering why we be sleep in they class cause yall giving us to much homework.

  69. No i do not believe that elementary school students get to much homework. They get out really early and don't have that much to do.How is 30 minutes of homework going to stress you out. They got all day after they complete their work. Middle school kinda get to much homework.but high school should never really get that much homework to me. But studies show other wise that the average high school students should have somewhere between 90 minutes to 120 minutes a night worth of homework.

  70. students get too much home for 7 classes and they stay up late doing it. some classes don't even need to have homework.

  71. i think students get too much homework and don't nobody feel like doing that after they get home.

  72. I agree because we do have to much homework. Like we don't have enough time to do all the homework plus eat and do other things. We should only learn 8 hours a day because they have basically our who day. School is to much already so when we go home we have more school.

  73. I think they should low it down little bit so the kids can stop having so much problem

  74. yes because we come to school to learn and do work at school not do work at school and take it home and do some more , when we go home we want that to be our free time and relax time , this homework to much. they should chill out with the homework cause we also have lives like play sports and work

  75. Yes I believe this . Teacher now a days are just giving homework just to keep us busy. So I wouldn't doubt that its causing health problems.

  76. Yes we have too much homework . Students perform poor in school due to lack of sleep from homework.

  77. Yes we have too much homework . Students perform poor in school due to lack of sleep from homework.

  78. i believe that we get too much homework in school and it caues a lot of students too much strees.

  79. Mia Reddick.

    Honestly, it depends on how difficult the homework may be for it to cause higher levels of stress. It is never too much of homework, it is all about managing your time .Therefore, i do not think there is nothing wrong with too much homework . The more homework , the more practice and higher achievements on test and quizzes.

  80. In some occasions i do believe it is to much but homework is a necessity for our learning.

  81. I agree with the students getting too much homework. Students shouldn't have to spend that much time on homework. If students have tons of homework then they wouldn't be able to play sports or do extra curricular activities as well.

  82. I agree we have to much homework because it may cause stress. Also homework could interfere with our outside lives

  83. I do believe that it is to much work for something that should be easy and time appropriate rather than hard and a thing we have to spend to much time on. We barely get enough sleep at night considering we have to stay late to finish homework.

  84. Personally, I don't think there's much homework since I go to AAS (only 5 classes per semester if part-time), but in general, I don't think students get much homework aside from their History and English classes. I would like for teachers to put more consideration into the amount of work they assign to students for completion after school and how they affect lives outside of the facility, however.

  85. Yes , i believe they be giving us to much homework . Like sheesh . When they was growing up they didnt have that much homework so why they trying to give us all this homework .

  86. I do agree it is hard to juggle doing sports, clubs, and any other extra circular activities while getting home around 9:00 p.m and still expected to complete all homework.

  87. I believe the little kids have to much homework. As a high school student i get less than my little siblings. I think for little kids to much homework can be overwhelming.

  88. yea too much homework for a kid is terriable i have hardley any homework so i think little kids should have little amounts also but in some ways it can be good cause you learn things better when your younger

  89. I do believe that too much homework is stressful because sometimes we do all have going on to catch up. And especially, get home late from activities,sports, and events. Try to balance yourself from there and not enough sleep because of it.

  90. yea too much homework for a kid is terriable i have hardley any homework so i think little kids should have little amounts also but in some ways it can be good cause you learn things better when your younger

  91. I do believe that to much homework is not good for a student of any grade levels because people have lives and if you have to much homework students may not be able to finish it, which causes them bad grades in class.

  92. Yes , I believe they be giving us to much homework . Like sheesh

  93. i don't believe kids are getting too much homework but if they where it would take away from the learning. i do not think homework actually helps you understand i think teachers use it to put a grade in the grade book.

  94. Yes there is to much Homework for students. Im not saying that because I am a student but because study shows it. Kids in highschool have 7 classes while there is 8 hours in a day and students needs 6 hours of sleep. Nobody can finish 2 hours worth of homework for 7 class in 8 hours and be able to get enough sleep to stop focus in school.

  95. i honestly dont believe students get too much home work . because homework is assigned so that you remember the material you are going over in class . not just a waste of time . if kids learned how to mange their time , or at least if their parents helped them manage their scheduale , then it would be easier on them . like i play volley ball , am running for class president , and also am joing club teams . i still learn how to mange my time and gt what i need to get done , done .

  96. I do agree that too much homework is stressful. Every night we are pilled up with homework from all of our teachers. This can be a very stressful thing. Spending over 2 hours a night doing homework, studying, or cramming for a test can be very very stressful on any student. Less homework would take a lot of the stress off.

  97. I believe that teachers give you s humongous amount of homework for no reason. we should have at least have one sheet of task from each teacher but they always give us like 3 tasks for one subject in all classes.Also that is a great amount of paper that is going to waste.additionally this is causing huge amount of stress on the child child .Some student have extra curriculum's after school and still have chores to do when they get home and have to bath. This is also causing us to have a lack of sleep because we always have to stay up doing all of this.

  98. I don't see much of an issue. How long it takes a child to finish homework doesn't directly suggest the amount of work. Different kids have different paces.

  99. I dont think we get too much homework . Maybe students around the world in general but me personally no, i rarely get any homework at night . Maybe 3 out of 7 of my classes give me homework on the regular but i dont think its too much.

  100. I have to say that American schools give way too much homework. In switzerland we barely get homework that takes over 45 minutes in total. We only have 9 years of school, and yet we did learn 2 additional foreign languages, had most of the stuff we did this far in any class already at home. So I think in most classes, the students and the teachers both don't work enough, so much has to be done at home, wich I think is wrong. It is the teachers responsibility to do enough work during class, so they don't have to do 2 hours or more at home.
    With this article I really don't want to say that the American school system is bad, I just think that both students and teachers need to work better during class, so that the homework would be a smaller amount and everyone would have less work to do.

  101. I do believe that students are getting way too much homework each day. I believe that students should at least have a one page from at least each class that they have on what they learned on that day. I don't believe that students should have more than at least an hour on their homework each night on one
    subject then have other homework to do. I think its very unfair to the student that have to do the homework and have to be up all times of the night and get no sleep at all. Then have a test or quiz the next day or something.

  102. Yes I agree that teachers can assign too much homework, depending on your grade level having too much homework can result in stress and possibly behavioral issues with students who see it as overwhelming.

  103. I absolutely agree! i especially agree with the part about how health issues can come from this. by saying health issues im assuming that included your mental health as well as physical and mental issues that can be caused by this (and just school in general) are anxiety and depression. it also causes some people to lose a lot of sleep or down time. this homework causing a lack of sleep and break causes peoples bodies to work less efficiently which is a big problem!

  104. I believe that different grade levels should obtain different homework

  105. I believe that different grade levels should obtain different homework

  106. Yes i believe we receive too much homework when i get home i am so exhausted
    then i have to do 5 different type of homework.

  107. Yes i believe we receive too much homework when i get home i am so exhausted
    then i have to do 5 different type of homework.

  108. I do believe that we as children get a lot of home work and I think it is because as a child we have multiple classes and each teacher gives you some type of home work and over time it adds up. this why we get a lot of home work.

  109. yes students get to much homework especially after coming to school for 8 hours. some students stay up till 1 and 2 in the morning trying to get homework done and that is why sometimes we are tired.

  110. yes students get to much homework especially after coming to school for 8 hours. some students stay up till 1 and 2 in the morning trying to get homework done and that is why sometimes we are tired.

  111. Nothing quite stresses out students and parents about the beginning of the school year as the return to homework, which for many households means nightly battles centered around completing after-school assignments.

  112. It's very hard for students to do homework after school. In my point of view it's very important for them to meet friends or do sports after school. That's the same in Germany, too. Many students just don't do their homework or they do it before the school starts. They don't have time to concentrate and the homework can't be good. That's why we shouldn't get homework. If someone wants to learn for the lessons he can do it on his own. They shouldn't give everyone work.

  113. i agree students have way too much homework. school is a place for learning and reviewing i shouldn't have to bring school work home with me. its different if i haven't finished it in class and i need to complete it over night, but its when you give an entire packet to do over 2 days and you only get a homework grade. they say homework is for review then why does everyone get it... only people who need to review it should get homework. I go to school to learn and i go home to enjoy my time and relax i shouldn't have to do more work at home.
