Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bathroom Laws

What is your opinon about the article linked below. Please be respectful with your response!


  1. Honestly whatever body part you are born with you need to follow that gender role for your entire life. Caitlyn Jenner should not be in the same bathroom as a three year old little girl. A transgender female should not be in the same bathroom as a young boy. If you are born a man or woman you will follow those sets until you die.

  2. There should be separate bathrooms. Bringing transgenders into the opposite sex's bathroom is unbelievable.

  3. You should stick with what ever you started off with. If you were born a boy you should use the men restroom and if you were a girl you should use the women restroom.

  4. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them and let them use the bathroom but they should use the bathroom in original gender.

  5. They should have the separate bathrooms anyway. Those laws are so confused.

  6. i do agree, i don't see anything wrong with the bathroom laws. i totally understand where they coming from. if your originally a male then use the male's bathroom and if your originally a female then use the ladies room.

  7. i think they should have separated bathrooms. but at the same time transgenders want the same respect as anybody else would.

  8. i feel like people deserve to use whatever bathroom and not be judged for it its just a place? its like telling someone they can't go to a restrant

  9. I don't like to touch on things like this because this is a sensitive subject that many people have differing opinions about. I believe that people should do whatever they want to do with their bodies. I'm not too fond transgenders going into public restrooms. I would not want to see a little girl walk into a restroom alone and a transgender walk into that same bathroom a few seconds later, regardless of that persons intentions. It's crazy how we have come to a day in age where we are actually having discussion regarding things like this.

  10. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them

  11. Just keep it the way it is if you were born as a men use men's restroom and if you were born as women use women's restroom.

  12. I already don't use public bathrooms as it is and this is just another reason for me not too. At some point this kind of thing goes too far. There are already enough sexual assault crimes linked to public bathrooms.

  13. Nahhh they need a bathroom just for themselves so they can have their own little space

  14. Transgenders are still people and whether we like it or not we have to live to on this earth with them . These laws are messed up and really extra because people are not going to change just because of a law.

  15. I personally think that this can be somewhat uncomfortable for others to comprehend. However, I believe that people should be freely allowed to do whatever they please when it comes to using bathrooms.

  16. I rather not comment on issues like this because people are ignorant and do not understand the transgender community. It would all be so simple if instead of judging things, people would research and try to understand it first. But, Ignorance is bliss i guess.

  17. People should be able to go in what ever bathroom they wwant.

  18. If your a male use the male restroom. If your a female use the female restroom.

  19. This situation is being twisted into something more complicated than it actually is. If you don't know much in general about trans people and you try to speak on this subject based on STEREOTYPES, 1.) You're getting ignored, and 2.) Trans people are people and deserve the same basic rights as any other cis person, which is to be able to use the bathroom in peace. If you're a woman, then the women's bathroom is for you, even if it doesn't match your gender at birth. Why? Because you ARE a woman, that's your identity. End of story. Tbh it's not as complicated as it seems. It's 2016, times are changing, grow up and get with the program.

  20. What tin the world is wrong with people?? first of all they are trans meaning that whatever they identify as they are your birth gender is not a a factor!! also has no one ever been in a family bathroom or something because it will literally either be the same thing or if they go into a bathroom they are comfortable with its the same thing as using the bathroom with your respective gender its up to what they decide they are if they identify as a woman they are a woman and deserve the right to use the female bathroom and vice versa and how dare anyone try to deny them that right. kids are not an issue i'm sure that one one wants to touch your child or anyone else they just want to use the bathroom i don't understand why people think that someone is going to touch their child when that has nothing to do with gender there are plenty of child molesters who are not trans and whether they are trans or not they need to go to jail where they belong. its 2016! stop stereotyping trans people they are just people just let them use the bathroom they are comfortable with its not hard!

  21. Just keep it the way it is if you were born as a men use men's restroom and if you were born as women use women's restroom

  22. I believe that people should do whatever they want to do with their bodies. I'm not too fond transgenders going into public restrooms.

  23. It really isn't that serious. It's just a friggin bathroom. People go in there to take care of their business and get out. Someone's gender whether they be trans or not shouldn't matter. They can't control it. That's how they are and how they will be so people with "that" mindset need to deal with it.

  24. If your a male use the male restroom. If your a female use the female restroom.People go in there to take care of their business and get out.I believe that people should be freely allowed to do whatever

  25. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them and let them use the bathroom but they should use the bathroom in original gender.If your a male use the male restroom. If your a female use the female restroom.People go in there to take care of their business and get out

  26. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them and let them use the bathroom but they should use the bathroom in original gender.If your a male use the male restroom. If your a female use the female restroom.People go in there to take care of their business and get out.I believe that people should do whatever they want to do with their bodies. I'm not too fond transgenders going into public restrooms.

  27. While one could understand the issues and problems when it comes to transgender people, one could realize that going as far as to lock someone such as a transgender in jail for using a bathroom that doesn`t identify with their gender is ridiculous. While one should never be for all-gender restrooms (as that leaves multiple doors open for the wrong), their needs to be a solution to this problem for those who are transgender, as they can`t help being what they are.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. What tin the world is wrong with people?? first of all they are trans meaning that whatever they identify as they are your birth gender is not a a factor!! also has no one ever been in a family bathroom or something because it will literally either be the same thing or if they go into a bathroom they are comfortable with its the same thing as using the bathroom with your respective gender its up to what they decide they are if they identify as a woman they are a woman and deserve the right to use the female bathroom and vice versa and how dare anyone try to deny them that right. kids are not an issue i'm sure that one one wants to touch your child or anyone else they just want to use the bathroom i don't understand why people think that someone is going to touch their child when that has nothing to do with gender there are plenty of child molesters who are not trans and whether they are trans or not they need to go to jail where they belong. its 2016!

  30. I personally think that this can be somewhat uncomfortable for others to comprehend. However, I believe that people should be freely allowed to do whatever they please when it comes to using bathrooms.

  31. To me i dont understand how people are going to make a decision on what gender a person is and this bill really doesnt make sense to me.

  32. i feel that they should have seperate bathrooms for each gender because there is many people out here in this world who do the most degrated things to other people and would not think twice about it and go on about their business so yes i do think it is right for them to have different bathrooms.

  33. i do agree, i don't see anything wrong with the bathroom laws. i totally understand where they coming from.

  34. I don't like to touch on things like this because this is a sensitive subject that many people have differing opinions about. one could realize that going as far as to lock someone such as a transgender in jail for using a bathroom that doesn`t identify with their gender is ridiculous.

  35. If your a male use the male restroom If your a female use the female restroom that all that is to it

  36. honestly I don't like the idea but i understand it clearly honestly they should make a bathroom for transgenders

  37. I honestly think that people should be free to do what hey please in the case of bathrooms, i think people should respect people where they have to go,people gotta pee.

  38. I don't agree, I think they should have a separate bathroom for trans because a man could dress up as a woman just to be able to come in the woman's restroom and the same could go for girls.

  39. i do agree, i don't see anything wrong with the bathroom laws. i totally understand where they coming from.

  40. i do agree, i don't see anything wrong with the bathroom laws. i totally understand where they coming from. if your originally a male then use the male's bathroom and if your originally a female then use the ladies room.

  41. i think they should have separated bathrooms. but at the same time transgenders want the same respect as anybody else would

  42. I think they should be able to use the same bathroom as us. People should show respect and let them use the bathroom that matches with their private area.

  43. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them

  44. If you were born a boy you need to use the boys restroom, if you were born a girl you need to use the girls restroom... its as simple as that.

  45. You should stick with what ever you started off with. If you were born a boy you should use the men restroom and if you were a girl you should use the women restroom.

  46. No matter what surgery you get, if you were born a boy you need to use the boy bathroom. Same goes for girls

  47. My opinion on this article is that it shouldn't even been a law it should have just been common sense to use the right bathroom similar to your gender you were both with.

  48. You should just use the bathroom you've always used. its not that serious.

  49. There are people that is transgender but you have to respect them and let them use the bathroom but they should use the bathroom in original gender.

  50. I see how this can be uncomfortable or confusing for others to comprehend. On the other hand , I believe that people should be freely allowed to do whatever they please when it comes to using bathrooms.

  51. It may be awkward for others to grasp with sharing a bathroom with transgender. However , everyone should be respected in using the bathroom they would like to use.

  52. I feel that transgenders should use the bathroom in which they transitioned too. They have the same body part they just wasn't born with it.
