Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Girl Dies After Fight

A teen girl in Delaware died after a fight that occurred in a school bathroom with other students standing around. Do you feel like others should have told school officials and police if they witnessed the fight? Do you feel like you should tell whenever you witness an altercation between students?



  1. I think it is better to tell an older person or school administrator if two students are having an argument that could lead into a fight because you never know what is going to happen or if either of them have weapons on them.

  2. Yes , I feel like others should have told school officials and police if they witnessed the fight and whenever i witness an altercation between students.

  3. It's really bad already. I think the others should tell school officials or police because the people's going to lose control if they're angry and we don't know what will happen next.

  4. I believe others were minding their business if they were just using the bathroom. I would do the same.

  5. to me NO because you could be putting yourself in danger but in this case i think they should because its a server case

  6. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries. The fact that this was all over a boy is disturbing as well, people need to get their priorities straight.

  7. I feel this is unbelievable. People need to get it together fast. Every time a situation occurred doesn't require a violent repose.

  8. Yes, I feel like others should have told school officials about the fight to stop it. If I witnessed it i'd probably do nothing because it's none of my business.

  9. Yes, teen females should not lose their life over boys who could care less about them. Social media has ruined this generation's morals and principals. Some might fear snitching because they could then be in danger.

  10. Yes , I feel like others should have told school officials and police if they witnessed the fight why not report it? but honestly if i was a witness an altercation between students i would of reported it to a teacher/administrator.

  11. this make no sense at all,when you should be worried about your education you're instead fighting over a boy.

  12. yeah somebody should stopped the fight after a certain point. i mean i probably wouldnt have stopped the fight at first but once i see that someone is hurting then i would have stopped the fight.

  13. Yes they should've told the officials and police when it got to that point. I wouldn't tell if it was just a fight but if it got to the point where the other person was getting jumped or severely injured i would try to break it up or get help to from other people around.

  14. No one has been charged in connection with the fight and the girl's death. Police said they were conducting interviews. An autopsy was scheduled to determine the cause of death.
    The high school held an abbreviated session Friday to allow students to meet with grief counselors, according to local media reports.
    The fight broke out around 8:15 a.m. Thursday as classes started, in a bathroom on the main floor of the school, Principal Stanley Spoor said at a news conference.

  15. I believe that even though it was not a right thing to do i also feel like it isnt your business because you dont know whats going on.

  16. this is a sad case and they honestly should have told someone because there's a family out there that is reminiscing over there family member who lost they life over something soooo stuid

  17. she should've been talking smack on twitter. those girls should've beat her up that bad . this is the type of stuff that happens when you talk smack about a dead persons friends

  18. I honestly think you should tell whenever you witness an altercation between students because one the students could lose it and go on and kill someone like this girl.

  19. Others should've stopped it from escalating as far as it did. As soon as she hit her head they should've ran and told.

  20. shouldnt be fighting over no boy

  21. I'm pretty sure people new what was going to happen somebody should've said something. If something was said he would be alive today and it wouldn't have ever happened.

  22. What could possibly happen between two high school students that would make one of them want to kill the other. They should have told someone about this before it got this far out of hand.

  23. I think that others should have tried to stop it from getting out of hand. this is sad that somebody had to die from violence and fighting when this could've been handled differently.

  24. I think that others should have tried to stop it from getting out of hand. this is sad that somebody had to die from violence and fighting when this could've been handled differently.

  25. u should tell someone if they got hurt but if its was just a regular fight with no bruises or nothing your good

  26. I'm still shocked that these girls thought it was okay to harm and assault another girl over a boy. The reason why this girl was killed was because of a boy. Just pitiful tbh, I hope the girls that killed her feel horrible, this is soooo out of line and never should have happened.

  27. this entire situation just should never have happened. people fight over the most ridiculous things it didn't even have to end like that for that girl. i think you should definitely tell an administrator if you see someone fighting cause someone could end up seriously hurt and now killed.

  28. No because its none of there business.If she did anything crazy like stabbed her or something then yes they should but if she just got beat or knocked out no.

  29. this is a sad case and they honestly should have told someone because there's a family out there that is reminiscing over there family member who lost they life over something soooo stuid

  30. Others should've stopped it from escalating as far as it did. As soon as she hit her head they should've ran and told.

  31. Its a sad story that could've been prevented. People shouldn't be scared they shouldve stopped it or told someone now someone is dead someone daughters is gone

  32. What could possibly happen between two high school students that would make one of them want to kill the other. They should have told someone about this before it got this far out of hand. Fighting is one thing, killing somebody just takes it way to far

  33. It is not only the right of students to inform those in charge of them of what`s going on when comes to potential situations like this, but it is also a student`s responsibility, as a fight can lead to unpredictable results. Fighting though, when it comes to the things people fight about, it is ridiculous anyway, as fighting in school is just a way for students to try and justify their own wrong decisions by allowing to escalate into a potentially brutal confrontation. Therefore, in order to maintain peace within a school community, people should stand up and take action against these kind of incidents so that the outcome of these altercations don`t recur again.

  34. I think that this is very sad and ridiculous.

  35. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries.

  36. I do feel like people who witnessed the fight should have told school officials. If i was a witness to someone being bullying and or in a fight i would notify someone because i know how it feels to be bullied

  37. it's tragic that she died and the cause is even worse. They shouldn't have been arguing over a boy.

  38. it's tragic that she died and the cause is even worse. They shouldn't have been arguing over a boy.

  39. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries. The fact that this was all over a boy is disturbing as well, people need to get their priorities straight.

  40. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries. The fact that this was all over a boy is disturbing as well, people need to get their priorities straight.

  41. Others should've stopped it from escalating as far as it did.

  42. I think it is better to tell an older person or school administrator if two students are having an argument that could lead into a fight because you never know what is going to happen

  43. you shouldn't b fighting anyway. i someone should have told somebody everybody gets into fights but killing someone is not the right thing to do

  44. you shouldn't b fighting anyway. i someone should have told somebody everybody gets into fights but killing someone is not the right thing to do

  45. Honestly I think this was dumb. She should not have died over something so ludicrous. What those girls did was wrong. She should not have died because of stupid jealousy.

  46. I believe that if they seen that the fight was getting out of hand they could have ran and told someone and that could have possibly saved her life. but instead they wanted to sit there and record it and now she is dead.

  47. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries.

  48. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries. The fact that this was all over a boy is disturbing as well, people need to get their priorities straight

  49. I believe others were minding their business if they were just using the bathroom. I would do the same. It's not my problem at all unless I am told to get somebody

  50. Yes I believe people should tell when an incident happens because you never know what could happen or what the incident may lead to rather you are being a snitch or not.

  51. to me NO because you could be putting yourself in danger but in this case i think they should because its a server case

  52. I wouldn't have just stood there ,I would have broken it up or told a teacher. there are too many boys out there to be fighting over one.

  53. see they were doing crazing stuff in they fights people need to keep it respectful instead of beating someone on the ground they just need to realize they won now that dumb girl killed her has serious problems now

  54. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone get beated to death for no reason

  55. no reason to fight over a boy

  56. I feel like others should have told school officials and police if they witnessed the fight because it could've been them getting beat to death. I feel I wouldn't tell whenever I witness an altercation between students because I wasn't raised to be a snitch.

  57. This incident is extremely disturbing and I'm angry at the kids that watched and recorded the fight instead of intervening. This is a horrible story and the fact that people stood and watched as someone died without thinking to stop the fight is disgusting. I'm not against settling things "old school" but there's boundaries. The fact that this was all over a boy is disturbing as well, people need to get their priorities

  58. Someone should've stopped it when they seen it escalating as far as it did. As soon as she hit her head they should've ran and told. Her death really could have been prevented

  59. In a fight and a person witness what is going on they should speak upon it , because other things can occur that may cause serious problems. This young lady lost her life and everyone just standing around looking and not seeking help from school officials. Things of this nature is sad and shows you how the youth should be taught better and that some things are not meant to be.
