Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ben & Jerrry's

Do you beleive that companies should get involved with politics? Write your opinion on the article below.


  1. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, companies interrupt the Democratic election process.

    1. I am happy that the founders are campaigning for Bernie Sanders though. #BernieSanders2016.

  2. I don't think that they should get involved with politics. Because they were arrest and of course it is not a good thing.

  3. I don't think they should get involved because it led to them getting arrested.

  4. I don't think they should get involved because it is led to getting arrested.

  5. yes i think companies should get involved because The company's website said its purpose is to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.

  6. I'm not for companies getting involved with politics. Although they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  7. no i dont think that companies should get involved. it's never that deep

  8. i feel that companies shouldn't get involved in politics due to them running and catering to a large amount of people that have there own opinion on politics people who work/own companies should keep there opinions to them self's. and not mess with there customers idea on politics

  9. I don't think companies should get involved in politics because it led to get them arrested

  10. Its not a good idea to get involved because they were arrested and could've got a lot of people in trouble.

  11. companies should get involved.honestly,if i was in that predicament i wouldn't mind getting arrested because i'm fighting for whats right,i'm not about to chow down to the government in the fear of getting arrested. and i'm exercising my free right of speech,so what do i have to be scared for?

  12. no companies shouldn't get involved with politics because they be getting in all types of trouble.

  13. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them

  14. For the company to get into it just because they got arrested is dumb because they weren't the only people who got arrested. Politics is a very sensitive topic for some people. They shouldn't get involved .

  15. Big business is just big business, nothing more. If companies got involved with politics corruption would increase. The government is meant to be run by the people and for the people and when major corporations run the government their only concern will be money, not the people.

  16. I believe everyone should be able to exercise their views as a citizen. Also, I believe that they both shouldn't have gotten arrested trouble simply being involved in a protest.

  17. i don think they should get involed because it led to them getting arrested

  18. Even if they got arrested, their involvement was for a good reason, and they are trying to speak out for as many issues as they can.

  19. i think people as citizens should express their thoughts

  20. I feel that anyone company can get involved with politics. With certain brands having such an investment campaigning for certain things will help push a vote.

  21. yes because those are regular people too, they have voices and want to be heard.

  22. i feel that companies shouldn't get involved in politics due to them running and catering to a large amount of people that have there own opinion on politics people who work/own companies should keep there opinions to them self's. and not mess with there customers idea on politics

  23. They're citizens just like everyone else so they have the right to voice their opinions. I don't see why they got arrested anyways.

  24. i think that what they are doing and what they are standing for is great. i wish they hadn't gotten arrested tho because it was for a good cause and they weren't hurting anyone and i agree with their stances and beliefs myself so yeah i think they should get involved.

  25. yes i think companies should get involved because The company's website said its purpose is to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.

  26. Not a smart business decision to express your views on things.

  27. I'm not for companies getting involved with politics. Although they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  28. Not a smart business decision to express your views on things come on now

  29. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them. lthough they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  30. I agree, companies should not be involved with with Politics, they should stay away from the government so that everybody has equal rights and nopt that these big companies get better rights than the average person.

  31. I'm not for companies getting involved with politics. but With certain brands having such an investment campaigning for certain things will help push a vote.

  32. they can because they have the freedom of speech.

  33. Most companies are already apart of politics. We live in a world that isn`t what it should be anyway, and one would justly believe that companies, no matter how big, shouldn`t get involved in politics at all, because they are, of course, businesses. What goes on in the political process should be summed up solely to the people, and if the co-founders of Ben and Jerry`s thought it was right to protest, they have that right as they are people. However, they should never have protested in the name of their business.

  34. i feel that companies shouldn't get involved in politics due to them running and catering to a large amount of people that have there own opinion on politics

  35. I believe everyone should be able to exercise their views as a citizen. Also, I believe that they both shouldn't have gotten arrested trouble simply being involved in a protest.

  36. Companies should not get involved into political situations, needless to say they will have to go through with these changes

  37. Yes and no, i say this because companies need what is going to happen with there business. but they should not be a trouble.

  38. Yes i feel should companies should get involved. Everyone has they right to have their voice be heard. This is apart of our rights as citizens.

  39. Companies should not get involved with politics, because it will eventually lead to less customers due to opposing beliefs.

  40. Companies should not get involved with politics, because it will eventually lead to less customers due to opposing beliefs.

  41. The companies that want to get involved should be able to get involved with out repercussions everyone has there voice and wants to use there voice to make change because if you don't involve yourself you might not get the results you want. So arresting him was unnecessary but sometimes that is the price you have to make for change.

  42. The company didn't get involved . The owners did . They have there voice and should be able to voice there opinion with out repercussions everyone has there voice.

  43. yes i think companies should get involved because The company's website said its purpose is to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.

  44. honestly everybody should be involved the more voices we have maybe the more our government will see its citizens are unhappy with how we the people of this country are being treated.

  45. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them

  46. i agree with their stances and beliefs myself so yeah i think they should get involved.They're citizens just like everyone else so they have the right to voice their opinions. I don't see why they got arrested anyways.

  47. I honestly think they can because they have the right to get involved that their choice

  48. i mean thats up to them if they want to ruin they business over politics its up to them.

  49. i mean thats up to them if they want to ruin they business over politics its up to them.

  50. I'm not for companies getting involved with politics. Although they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  51. I'm not for companies getting involved with politics. Although they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  52. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics

  53. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them

  54. i feel that companies shouldn't get involved in politics due to them running and catering to a large amount of people that have there own opinion on politics people who work/own companies should keep there opinions to them self's. and not mess with there customers idea on politics

  55. its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them

  56. I mean not really but it's whatever I guess.

  57. No I don't think companies should get involved in politics, its really not their place unless they are sponsoring them. lthough they have a good reason in "ensuring that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people," this could have a negative affect on the companies' future.

  58. No companies shouldn't get involved with politicians because they are automatically going to be on the Republican side.

  59. I dont think they should get involved, they should just focus on their business.

  60. they should just focus on business and interfere

  61. I feel that companies should not get into politics. There reasoning is good but this could have a negative affect on the companies future.

  62. I believe that companies should get involved with anything they believe in but just be expecting the consequences.

  63. i feel that companies shouldn't get involved in politics due to them running and catering to a large amount of people that have there own opinion on politics people who work/own companies should keep there opinions to them self's. and not mess with there customers idea on politics

  64. I think companies should get involved because the company's website said its primarily comcern is to ensure that every citizen's voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.

  65. Companies should get involved with politics. Therefore , everyone can have a voice and seek the help they need. At the end of the day, it's not just about the government it's the people as well.
