Thursday, April 21, 2016

Change of Currency

How do you feel about Harriett Tubman being placed on the $20 bill? Who else do you think could have been on the bill?


  1. I feel good about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill.I feel good because she is the first female and also because she is African Ameriacan.

  2. I have no idea, I am not really care who is placed on. I don't know who should be next, Obama then?

  3. I'm happy that Harriet Tubman will be the first lady placed on the $20 bill. Not only because she is a woman but because she is African American as well. It doesn't matter to me who else will be on any other bills.

  4. I like the idea about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill and its pretty cool because she's going to be the first female placed on any bills.

  5. its really nice to see a woman in history get something she really deserves for doing something great for the country and I've never seen a 20 billion dollar bill.

  6. i dont see anything wrong with it i think its a good idea

  7. I have no idea, I don't know who is going be placed but hopefully the next person is gong be place does a good job.

  8. I think it's going to be a good idea. It's a change to females worldwide.

  9. I don't think its a bad idea. Its good to see them change up the bill to someone else.

  10. It's not a bad thing that she's getting recognition for what she did. However, why change the bill now?

  11. I think that's a good idea but there are other people that i would consider to be a better candidate to have that honor to be on our higest way of trade. I would consider someone like Martin Luther king or Barack Obama

  12. I am very happy about this currency change because now everyone is being included in the history of america. African Americans and Women of all races

  13. it is a good plan because there is more people that any one would be a candidate and have an honor to have a high way of trade. but i can see Barack Obama and martin Luther on a bill.

  14. I think it's going to be a good idea.

  15. i feel proud to know that a African-american is finally on our currency.

  16. i feel like its a good idea i don't know whats it would it change but ion know who should be next..

  17. I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson. If Tubman were to be on her own bill I would support and she needs her own digit. Also on the back of Tubman's bill should be Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Martin Luther King, and Fredrick Douglgas

  18. I don't really care who gets placed on the $20 bill. They changed the "100" graphic on the $100 bill a couple years ago which i thought was pretty cool.

  19. I am glad that a black woman can be on the new twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, Andrew Jackson will still be on the bill, even though he is a racist, bigot.

  20. I think this is a great move for women's rights and African American rights in America. She did so much for African Americans and this shows that women are just as important as men in the US.

  21. i think this would be a good idea to give Harriet Tubman her own bill, this would have been even better if they removed Andrew Jackson pr at the very least put him on another bill, other people to consider could be Martin Luther King Jr, Barack Obama, Malcolm X, even Nat Turner

  22. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. Also, with them doing this I feel that It will put out a sense of recognition for these historical figures being used.

  23. This is a big step for African Americans across America. some one of our culture is going to recognized to all over America and people even little kids will understand what she has done for African American people.

  24. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. Also, with them doing this I feel that It will put out a sense of recognition for these historical figures being used.

  25. That'll be fye and she'll be the first African American on a bill and the first woman to be on a bill. It'll be unique.

  26. nice to see black women getting noticed

  27. 'm happy that Harriet Tubman will be the first lady placed on the $20 bill alexis bush

  28. I feel that its going to be good to see a black person as the face of the money

  29. I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson.

  30. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. Also, with them doing this I feel that It will put out a sense of recognition for these historical figures being used.I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. It`s a step foward in the American currency, as the dollar bill primarily showed only white men. With having a black woman on the dollar bill is showing that the world around us is slowly changing for the better. It`s especially better this way as the previous man who the face of that dollar bill was a deranged racist and a white male supremacist.

  33. I think its good that there is gonna be a women on one of the dollar bills, and not only males. Also its good that there is gonna be a African American on the bills and not only white people.

  34. I like the idea about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill and its pretty cool because she's going to be the first female placed on any bills.

  35. I think it's good ,because it would be the first black woman on a bill so yeah. i think Obama should also be on the bill.

  36. I think its a great idea for them to her on the 20 dollar bill because she plays a big part in out history and it would also be great to have an African American women on it.

  37. im not one for change too much hes been on the bill for many many years

  38. Harriet Tubman is a great person to be on the 20 dollar bill

  39. I believe this is a good tribute to blacks and women in the US. I don't think its another person I would rather support. She made a great effort to the progression of African Americans.

  40. holy cow thats amazing i didn't know about this i think this is wonderful!

  41. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. It`s a step foward in the American currency, as the dollar bill primarily showed only white men. With having a black woman on the dollar bill is showing that the world around us is slowly changing for the better.

  42. I honestly don't see anything wrong with it I think it would be a good change.

  43. I have no idea, I am not really care who is placed on. I don't know who should be next, Obama then?

  44. I have no idea, I am not really care who is placed on. I don't know who should be next, Obama then?

  45. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. Also, with them doing this I feel that It will put out a sense of recognition for these historical figures being used.I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson.

  46. its a great thing honoring a historic women

  47. I feel good about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill.I feel good because she is the first female and also because she is African Ameriacan.

  48. I feel good about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill.I feel good because she is the first female and also because she is African Ameriacan.

  49. I'm happy that Harriet Tubman will be the first lady placed on the $20 bill. Not only because she is a woman but because she is African American as well. It doesn't matter to me who else will be on any other bills.

  50. I believe this is a good tribute to blacks and women in the US. I THINK WOMEN ARE GETTING MORE CREDIT EVERYDAY

  51. It's exciting to see this. It's the first of many exciting moments to come.

  52. I like that they are doing this. im happy women and african americans are coming up. BIP Harriet Tubman.

  53. I think that's a good idea but there are other people that i would consider to be a better candidate to have that honor to be on our higest way of trade. I would consider someone like Martin Luther king or Barack Obama

  54. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance.

  55. I think that it is a great idea that Harriett Tubman is going to be placed on the $20 dollar bill. I think that Obama should also be placed on an bill.

  56. well i think this is a great change for the african american community.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Words cannot explain how far we've come. Tubman was the pioneer for African American "rebellion" against White supremacy.

  60. this is historic for harriet tubman

  61. It's an honor in her name. Also I don't know anybody else at the moment who could be on a bill.

  62. I think that the change of the dollar bill would be a unique change of the dollar bill. It will still be valuable and hold significance. Also, with them doing this I feel that It will put out a sense of recognition for these historical figures being used.I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson.

  63. I like how they are changing the 20 dollar bill to someone else but I don't think Harriet Tubman should be on it maybe Martin Luther King Jr

  64. I feel straight about Harriet Tubman being placed on the $20 bill.I feel good because she is the first female and also because she is African American.

  65. I think its great that she's on there but im waiting on Obama to be on currency

  66. im happy theres a black person on a bill now

  67. I feel that change is good. This would be historical and unique. Regardless of who doesn't like it, it still will be valuable.

  68. I feel that Harriett Tubman should placed on the $20 bill because we've already had a black president now its time for a black face on a bill. I think they should put Obama on a bill first or even Mt.Rushmore.

  69. I don't support Harriet Tubman being on the $20 dollar bill. They have Harriet sharing a bill with slave owner Andrew Jackson. If Tubman were to be on her own bill I would support and she needs her own digit. Also on the back of Tubman's bill should be Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Martin Luther King, and Fredrick Douglgas

  70. I am glad that a black woman can be on the new twenty dollar bill. Unfortunately, Andrew Jackson will still be on the bill, even though he was a racist.

  71. I strongly agree with Harriet Tubman being on the 20 dollar bill. However, I feel as if she should not share the bill with someone else , she should be on the bill by herself. Just as much as the other people on the bills have their spotlight , she should as well.
