Monday, April 18, 2016

Sandra Bland

Do you agree or disagree with the story below, based on the conditions?


  1. I agree with the story below, I am proud that the street name now represents something and has symbolism.

  2. This is a really sad story.I'm also glad that took some measures instead of just allowing it go just how they let most African American case go.

  3. i agree, i dont see anything wrong with it

  4. I agree, the street name for her is a good thing.

  5. i agree that they put the street name because of her death there.

  6. i agree with the putting the street name because of her death and also firing the state trooper.

  7. I agree with it. I don't see a problem with it.

  8. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl.

  9. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl.

  10. this shouldn't happen if the officer wasn't aggressive.

  11. I agree, naming the street after her is a good thing.

  12. I'm glad that some justice is being served as you rarely see police officers pay for what they did. All inmates should be properly taken care of, regardless of being in jail.

  13. I agree with the story this shouldnt be happening

  14. i agree with it , i don't see anything wrong with it

  15. I agree with this story, because she deserved justice for what they did. All inmates should be properly treated. Her getting recognition after a street is great, and shows that they care.

  16. I am glad that they are naming this street after Sandra. She was a social activist who I believed was killed by police.

  17. I totally agree with the street having her name because it was cruel police brutality. so out of respect for her they name the street after her.

  18. I totally agree with the street having her name because it was cruel police brutality. so out of respect for her they name the street after her.

  19. I am Proud and totally agree with the street having her name, she was wrongfully killed and i am glad other people think so as well, police brutality is still a issue in America at least future generations will know the story behind Sandra Bland

  20. I agree with the story below, I am proud that the street name now represents something and has symbolism.

  21. I agree with the story below, I am proud that the street name now represents something and has symbolism.

  22. This situation is very tragic. Naming the road after her was the least they could do.

  23. i agree this needs to be recognized but i wish it was at a higher standard thoe

  24. I think its really good that they made a street in memory of her because she did nothing to be killed. It doesn't change anything that happened but it is good to keep her in our memories.

  25. i think its a good idea to change the street name in her memory. It paying respects to a person who was killed for no reason

  26. This is a really sad story.I'm also glad that took some measures instead of just allowing it go just how they let most African American case go.

  27. Thats great that they did something to honor the family

  28. i agree thather nickname is a good thing

  29. i agree thather nickname is a good thing

  30. I agree because its a show of respects and honor. She was wrongfully killed and i am glad other people think so as well

  31. At least they did something to honor her death. Sandra Bland should have never died in the first place, so its good they created a way for others to be reminded of her death and why.

  32. I'm glad that some justice is being served as you rarely see police officers pay for what they did. All inmates should be properly taken care of, regardless of being in jail.

  33. i think that's great i wish she hadn't died but she did and i hope that all who knew and loved her appreciated this act of kindness.

  34. I totally agree with the street having her name because it was cruel police brutality. so out of respect for her they name the street after her.

  35. I agree, There shouldn't be nothing with the street having her. They should honor. Her death raised a different perception

  36. I am proud that the street name now represents something.

  37. Black Lives Matter should not promote this. She wanted to die, and therefore should`t be considered a martyr. While I`m not for the police and their brutality against minorities, I`m not for making martyrs out of those who chose the path of unrighteousness for no apparent reason.

  38. I'm glad that some justice is being served as you rarely see police officers pay for what they did. All inmates should be properly taken care of, regardless of being in jail.

  39. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl. While I`m not for the police and their brutality against minorities, I`m not for making martyrs out of those who chose the path of unrighteousness for no apparent reason.

  40. i think that it is great that they named the street after her.

  41. I remember this story vividly, glad to see somewhat of a good thing has come out of all of the tragedy. Hope it isn't the last that we see in regards to this incident.

  42. I remember this story vividly, glad to see somewhat of a good thing has come out of all of the tragedy. Hope it isn't the last that we see in regards to this incident.

  43. I agree I honestly don't see a problem with it.

  44. I agree with them doing I remember when this incident first happened, and this tragedy caused others to believe that she killed herself when realistically the police was responsible for her death. Justice should be served.

  45. I agree and there should be cameras placed in cells and around them. It's the polices fault for her death regardless of whether or not she killed herself. She didn't kill herself, it was a cover up for getting strangled.

  46. Nice to them recognizing a sad situation.

  47. I agree, There shouldn't be nothing with the street having her. They should honor. Her death raised a different perception

  48. Nice to them recognizing a sad situation.

  49. i agree with the putting the street name because of her death

  50. honestly I don't see anything wrong it

  51. i believe that this is a real bad tragedy.

  52. i believe that this is a real bad tragedy.

  53. This situation is tragic, but still naming a street seems both bad an good

  54. I agree with the story above. I feel as if an effort was made to show respect for her.

  55. i agree with this because i feel like police think and feel they can do anything they please and not get the same treatment that others do. Also because police did kill her and it wasn't a suicide at the end of the day.

  56. i agree with this because i feel like police think and feel they can do anything they please and not get the same treatment that others do. Also because police did kill her and it wasn't a suicide at the end of the day.

  57. I agree with this story, because she deserved justice for what they did. All inmates should be properly treated. Her getting recognition after a street is great, and shows that they care.

  58. I disagree with the story. You can tell by her mugshot that she was died because of her shoulders.

  59. i disagree with the artical i dont think she sucided her self i think the state trooper banged her up quite a bit before she was taken to the jail and died of mistreatment at the jail.

  60. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl.There shouldn't be nothing with the street having her. They should honor. Her death raised a different perception

  61. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl.There shouldn't be nothing with the street having her. They should honor. Her death raised a different perception

  62. its sad what police brutality can do to you. just yesterday policemen killed a deer for being in its way. it wouldn't move so they just shot the deer. pray for this girl.

  63. I remember this story vividly, glad to see somewhat of a good thing has come out of all of the tragedy. Hope it isn't the last that we see in regards to this incident.

  64. Black Lives Matter should not promote this. She wanted to die, and therefore should`t be considered a martyr. While I`m not for the police and their brutality against minorities, I`m not for making martyrs out of those who chose the path of unrighteousness for no apparent reason.

  65. I agree with it. I don't see a problem with it.

  66. Yea, I agree with this. People who die like this from police brutality need to be respected in their name.

  67. I agree and I'm glad they named the street after her.

  68. I agree with the story below, I am glad that the street name now means something

  69. Yes I do agree with the story below, based on the conditions.

  70. I'm glad that some justice is being served as you rarely see police officers pay for what they did. All inmates should be properly taken care of, regardless of being in jail.

  71. I agree with this story, because she deserved justice for what they did to her . All inmates should be treated fairly they are not animals.

  72. I do agree with this condition because in a situation like that she deserves justice for her death. No one should had lost their life like that due to the color of their skin. Basically,this shows you how this world is coming to .
