Monday, September 12, 2016


What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of the new iPhone are. Do you think that apple is pushing technology to a new level or not?


  1. Some IPhone advantages are the upgrades to the camera and the disadvantages of the new IPhone is when they removed the headphone jack. They are pushing technology just only in certain areas and very slow.

  2. Some advantages are the new camera in the new iPhone but a disadvantage is that there is no longer a headphone jack. They are pushing technology but the removal of the headphone jack may be a mistake.

  3. Some advantages are the new camera in the new iPhone but a disadvantage is that there is no longer a headphone jack. They are pushing technology but the removal of the headphone jack may be a mistake.

  4. Some iPhone advantages are the camera upgrade and facetime upgrade. The disadvantage of the new IPhone is they removed the headphone jack. They are pushing technology a lot but overall it's going very slow.

  5. I think the new iphone messed up the headphone thing because if the phone doesnt come with the headphones then the person would have to pay $130 to get some headphones that are for the new 7.

  6. I think the new iphone messed up the headphone thing because if the phone doesnt come with the headphones then the person would have to pay $130 to get some headphones that are for the new 7.

  7. Tbh, I think apple is being ridiculous with the whole headphone jack thing. Why would you replace the one thing that nobody, and I mean nooooobody, has complained about. That's like if I hated my car sooooo much and complained it about it all the time and then when I have the money to get a new car that's way better and safer, I go and buy another house. For absolutely no reason at all. Like we asked for 3-way facetiming and better chargers and all you do is make it so we can't listen to music while charging our phones without a charger UNLESS we buy your overpriced, weird looking headphones.

  8. The advantages of the new iPhone are the wireless ear buds and the camera is probably better. They are pushing technology.

  9. Some advantages are new new processor which is faster,the camera, and its water resistant. A disadvantage would be the removal of the 3.5 mm headphone jack. I don't think they pushing technology.

  10. The advantages of the new iPhone are the wireless ear buds and the camera is probably better. but you would lose the ear buds easy.

  11. A advantage is the great new updates, the disadvantage is the wireless ear buds they are really small and easy to lose. I dont think they pushing technology because, the size,colors and name has not changed

  12. The iPhone 7 is going to be water resistant and they're coming out with a new home button. But the missing headphone jack may turn some people off. They're pushing technology but they're taking a different approach and people don't take change well.

  13. the new iphone comes with a new camera and it is water resistant,but on the other hand they have removed the audio jack so now iphone users have to get wireless headphones. to alot of people this is a disadvantage but to the company i think this would help them and other businesses because people will become more reliant on Bluetooth and soon all the cars are goning to have Bluetooth to fix the issue of listening to your own music while in a car

  14. I do not think that apple is pushing technology because they changed something that wasn't even a problem(the headphone jack).
    There were only two real improvements that the iPhone 7 has made from the iPhone 6s.

  15. This new iphone is kinda trash. The headphones are bad and you cant charge your phone and listen to music. The only thing good is probably the camera on the plus and its water resistant. The headphones are an extra $164 dollars. Congratulations apple you played yourself.

  16. I think Apple is pushing new technology. The new iPhone has a better camera and it is water proof. This disadvantage is the removal on the headphone slot.

  17. The advantages are the upgraded camera and in my opinion the jet black color way. The disadvantage that they removed the headphone jack and the over priced headphones.

  18. The advantages of the Iphone 7 are the double cameras, bigger screen, 3D touch, and new ios 10. The disadvantages to the Iphone 7 are the battery life and the headphones jack

  19. Some new advantages are, new black and jet black finishes, Splash and water resistant, and the new home button. Some disadvantages are that there is no headphone jack and the AirPods are 160$.

  20. Advantages of the iPhone 7 would be its new A10 chip. disadvantages its still not better than android.

  21. Some advantages of the iPhone 7 is the new black colors and the double camera, some disadvantages are the headphones

  22. The headphone jack is a disadvantage but the new iphone camera is an advantage. The iphone is also water resistance which is a good thing. Another advantage could be the wireless headphones but it could also be easy to lose which is a disadvantage. The price for the new iphone is going to be ridiculous.

  23. yes the apple are going to to keep on making iphones ipad and other they are trying to get better then samsung and they are rival to samunsg and apple so that why apple keep on making better technolgy

  24. The headphone jack is a disadvantage but the new iphone camera is an advantage. The iphone is also water resistance which is a good thing. Another advantage could be the wireless headphones but it could also be easy to lose which is a disadvantage. The price for the new iphone is going to be ridiculous.

  25. The Advantages of the iphone 7 is the size of it. It's almost as big as the new Galaxy 7 Note. Another advantage is that there are no more phone cords. There's a charging pad instead. One more thing that could be an advantage and disadvantage is the earbuds. If you don't keep up with those you could loose those easily and i'm pretty sure the cost of another pair are higher than normal.

  26. There are really no advantages of the iPhone 7 in my opinion , like there are a few major changes but besides looks and the earbuds its the same. A disadvantage is there is no headphone jack, but ima buy it anyways lol.

  27. Many occupations from different intell about the device is basically the next generation machinery that all man kind will want with benefits that such product had not had in its thought process. Advantages of such like the camera and etc and disadvantages would be the ear buds which are bluetooth. Show a visual upgrade that life is becoming more and more technology based that each day something is being thought of and or trying to be built to help the present day society today to have a taste of the future. Apple is going and trying to succeed on reaching the next level of technology.

  28. the advantages of the iphone 7 is the camera and the home button a new colors and MORE... disadvantages is no aux cord but wireless headphones it will be ok with me mine otw now !

  29. some of the advantages are the new earhones they are now wireless i do think that is next level i say that because there is not a space for aux or earphone speakers available on the phone

  30. i believe that the more space from removing the headphone jack will improve the function of the phone. i feel like apple could get a lot of sells do to the Samsung battery problem. the bad thing about the headphone jack is that people already have headphones and they may get a phone with a head phone jack. this the way to get headphones into the phone is by using a USB cord to listen to music or by Bluetooth. the advantages to losing the headphone jack is that you could have more storage and could become more water resistance.

  31. I think that apple is not pushing anything but i think the headphone jacc is taking it to far.

  32. I think apple is being ridiculous with the whole headphone jack thing. Some new advantages are, new black and jet black finishes, Splash and water resistant, and the new home button.

  33. With the new iPhone there is many changes I've doing my research on it and fist off there it is more water resistant. Another thing that Apple has added to the new iPhone 7 is the new dual camera, it's only the 7 plus though. With the dual camera it focuses more on the main focus of the photo. So, it could blur out anything that isn't important in the photo. Also there is a new feature called "home" on the iPhone 7 were you can lock your door or turn off your lights in your house. The only thing I dislike about the iPhone is that there isn't any headphone jack. You either have to have Bluetooth headphones or you plug in the new headphones that the give you which goes in the spot where you'd charge the phone. The look of the iPhone 7 however looks like the 6 there's only a few differences. The color of the black now though in my opinion is very nice. Apple is just trying to expand technology and I like it.

  34. Personally, I really do like the new iPhone 7. The design, camera quality, and battery life are amazing. But with so many positives always comes a negative and that's the headphone jack. The wireless earphones that apple are providing us with, the airpods, will definitely get lost quick, making people have to go to the apple store to buy another pair which are $159. They're overpriced and that is the biggest and only negative of the iPhone 7 launch.

  35. Some iPhone advantages are the camera upgrade and facetime upgrade. The disadvantage of the new IPhone is they removed the headphone jack. They are pushing technology a lot but overall it's going very slow.

  36. The new iphone is not much of an upgrade of the appearance and they don't have the headphone jack which is a huge let down and its an inconvenience. But the speed is supposed to be two times faster and the camera quality always gets a little better.

  37. some advantages is the new camer and the model looks more simpler and cleaner.
    A big disadvantage is the removal of the headphone jack.
    I want to be able to have the headphone into a different jack and my charger into its own jacks.

  38. I feel as if the iPhone is terrible. The only advantage is that the camera is better. The disadvantages is that the earbuds are easy to lose, it still looks like the old phone. It's a complete waste of money. I would not invest my money and effort just to get that phone. If you have the newer version of the 6 like a 6s or a 6s Plus, keep your phone do not waste your money.

  39. I think that the new Iphone is very cool for taking pictures and its processing speed but they messed up with the headphones.

  40. I don't feel Apple is pushing technology to the next level. Samsung has already released a phone that's resistant to the elements so I feel they should've added another feature that no one has on the market. They are taking a risk with no headphone jack on the new iPhone, and many people don't agree. They should have kept the headphone jack, added the waterproof and dustproof features, and maybe something else but they haven't added anything to the new iPhone that isn't already out.

  41. Some apple advantages are that apple are always upgrading their technologies,the technologies have more data and it's much faster.

  42. Apple has upgraded the Iphone's camera, made the device waterproof, and changed the design of it by removing the headphone jack. I don't agree with the price they set the wireless headphones for, especially if they don't come with the actual phone. It's an inconvenience for most people, because they could easily loose them.

  43. I think apple is pushing it . to be honest i think the upgrade should have stopped with the iphone 6s Plus. even if the new iphone was good the head phone are just to much! come on now $159 just for some head phones ! they are doing the most. hopefully this in=s the last phone update and they just update the IOS settings

  44. They honestly just changed the headphones.

  45. I feel iphone is doing good and i like the new upgrades but i just dont like how they took away the headphone jack.

  46. i feel like the iphone 7 is too much and its confusing. i think they are taking technology to a new level. i feel as htough you should keep it simple

  47. At higher level Basically it uses push technology through a constantly-open connection to forward notifications from the servers of third party applications to the iPhone or iPod touch such notifications may include badges sounds or custom text alerts

  48. The advantages of the new iPhone is the new dual camera and the new speaker and audio system. The disadvantages are the no headphone jack.

  49. The advantages of the new iphone include : it is thinner than any iphone before, it is water resistant, it has the longest battery life of any iphone, and it has a better camera. The removal of the headphone jack is a disadvantage. I think apple is pushing their technology.

  50. I feel like they are trying to improve in technology, overall i think that the iphone 7 is going to be very cool. It has more space, a new home button, and new bluetooth headphones. So it should be very interesting.

  51. the advantages is that its more secure (security wise) and the batter life longer; however, the disadvantage is there is no aux outlet and its too much just to use headphones with an aux.

  52. the new iphone isnt worth nothing it is pointless you have to buy the head phones which is 160 and they new iphone comes with all this new things and its alot to keep up with so buy they new iphone is dumb and a waste of money

  53. Some advantanges of the Iphone7 is it is supposed to be two times faster. It also has a better camera quality. Some flaws however, is the widely disappointed removed earphone jack. Not only this, but people now are inable to play songs with their aux cord on the new Iphone, and only bluetooth.

  54. An advantage of the new iphone can be the camera in it but a disadvantage is that there is no longer a headphone jack. I prefer the samsung cell phones rather than apple cell phones.

  55. I think that the removal of the headphone jack was a bad move for us, but a good move for them, because now we have to buy new headphones if we buy the new iPhone 7. It is supposed to be faster than the iPhone 6 and also have a better camera then the 6.

  56. I think apple is being ridiculous with the whole headphone jack thing. Why would you replace the one thing that nobody, and I mean nooooobody, has complained about. That's like if I hated my car sooooo much and complained it about it all the time and then when I have the money to get a new car that's way better and safer, I go and buy another house. For absolutely no reason at all. Like we asked for 3-way facetiming and better chargers and all you do is make it so we can't listen to music while charging our phones without a charger UNLESS we buy your overpriced, weird looking headphones. I still like apple products they are efficient.

  57. The advantages are the upgraded camera and in my opinion the jet black color way. The disadvantage that they removed the headphone jack and the over priced headphones.

  58. I think apple is over pushing technology their disadvantage is that they cant get samsung stuff and their advantage is tht they are able to get apple stuff

  59. The advantages of the new iPhone is the dual camera. The new camera and new colors like jet black are probably the only good new things about the phone. Disadvantages are the airpods, which you have to buy on your own that doesn't come with the phone. Another disadvantage is the headphone jack removal, now you can't listen to music while charging your phone and you have to have a connector for the phone if you decide to use your own earphones. iPhone really did the most with the new iPhone.

  60. I think one advantage of the new iphone is its bigger and more features I think a disadvantage is that it doesn't have a place for ear phones that's why a lot of people not buying it and apple is taking technology to a new level

  61. Some advantages are the new camera in the new iPhone but a disadvantage is that there is no longer a headphone jack. They are pushing technology but the removal of the headphone jack may be a mistake.

  62. Iphone is stupid, the headphone jack is stupid and you can't connect your headphones to your phone. Headphones are vital to alot of people. Instead if you lose the wireless hadphones you lose all rights to listen to music in peace.

  63. Some advantages are the new camera in the new iPhone but a disadvantage is that there is no longer a headphone jack. They are pushing technology but the removal of the headphone jack may be a mistake.

  64. In my opionon i think apple is trying to push technology to a new level. I thinks its going take time to perfect it but it will start a whole revolution.

  65. I think the disadvantages of the iphone 7 is that there is no headphone jack, and the headphones are wireless. This means that if you lose one, you have to buy a whole new set. Which apparently $160.

  66. Apple iPhone 6 Plus comes with a 5.5 inch LED-backlit IPS LCD capacitive display, up to1080 x 1920 pixels (~401 ppi pixel density) and 16M colors yet multi touch supporting. Also, armed with shatter proof glass, this Apple flagship iPhone 6 Plus can well protect your iPhone from being inadvertently crushed. Jailbreaking downright let your iPhone accessible to the malware, adware and even virus since jailbreaking completely steer clear of the protection walls Apple built into both iOS and the iTunes App Store. The usually the malware for iOS has affected only jailbroken iPhone iPad iPod.

  67. The advantages would be the camera, there are two on the phone now that take way better pictures. A big disadvantage is that the earphone jack is gone, although there is an adapter for the headphones we can't charge our phones and listen to music.

  68. the new iphone comes with a new camera and it is water resistant,but on the other hand they have removed the audio jack so now iphone users have to get wireless headphones. to alot of people this is a disadvantage but to the company i think this would help them and other businesses because people will become more reliant on Bluetooth and soon all the cars are goning to have Bluetooth to fix the issue of listening to your own music while in a car

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  70. I think the disadvantages of the iphone 7 is that there is no headphone jack, and the headphones are wireless.Not only this, but people now are inable to play songs with their aux cord on the new Iphone, and only bluetooth.

  71. I phone is stupid because they dont even try to make the i phone all that they just try to update things and be better then all the other companies .They really dont try too look at the things they really need too look at so people would want too keep their phone. Iphones always messing up and always have to get another phone because it messes up to quick.

  72. to me the iphone 7 is trash all it has is new headphones , its water proof and a new camera. the head phones are cool but if u loose them then ur done for. to buy a new one is 160 dollars , i always end up loosing my headphone and the cord helps me find them with out the cord they are going to be really hard to find. the charging port is also dumb. u cant have ur headphones in and charge ur phone at the sametime. There are going to be dumb people that buy it just to show off they have the newest phone . android has water proof and dust proof phones before apple. all really that new is a double camera. thats more for photographers though. so honestly i think apple still have alot to improve in before they are pushing to the limits. like they should add group facetime and more abilities to edit your pictures with that lot more of people will be happy.

  73. I think advantages of new Iphone7 are more bigger than last one and get a high quality. But i think disadvantages are earphone didn't have string and just have speaker. It is uncomfortable things. And pushing technology to a new level.

  74. The new Iphone doesn't even have a headphone set and I'm mad at that for real because the cost for they headphones is a lot and I don't have time to be paying too much for both things

  75. there is only one disadvantages that is there is no headphone jack. and an advantage is that it is dust and water resistance and there is a new camera. they are pushing technology though.

  76. the only thing thats is wrong is the headphone jack


  78. the new iphone isnt gonna be that good in my opinion because it will be even thinner as well as more able to bend. the advantages doe would be it would have even more high tech there will be a better camera as well as a new and improved format.

  79. upgrades to the camera and wireless headphones.

  80. I believe that they have designed a system to fail, it doesn't matter how good the camera is, with wireless earbuds that are incredibly small and the cost per pair, they are planning on people losing them so they can sell more.

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  82. i think there are some disadvantages and advantages in the new iPhone. although there isn't a headphone jack apple did work hard to give you an alternative way to use your headphones. i think a disadvantage of that would be you have to do a lot to use the headphones and or you would have to use the Bluetooth headphones that are very easy loose or to be stolen. an advantage of the iPhone 7 is that the new features inside the phone are improved such as a better camera quality. lastly the back camera is now pushed in so that the camera has a less likely chance to get scratched .

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. my name is chris booker.Some advantages are new new processor which is faster,the camera, and its water resistant. A disadvantage would be the removal of the 3.5 mm headphone jack. I don't think they pushing technology.

  86. I feel as if the iPhone is terrible. The only advantage is that the camera is better. The disadvantages is that the earbuds are easy to lose, it still looks like the old phone. It's a complete waste of money. I would not invest my money and effort just to get that phone. If you have the newer version of the 6 like a 6s or a 6s Plus, keep your phone do not waste your money.

  87. advantages are that things may be faster, it has a better look and the camera will look way better, the disadvantage is that theres no head phone jack its a blue tooth.

  88. advantages are that things may be faster, it has a better look and the camera will look way better, the disadvantage is that theres no head phone jack its a blue tooth.

  89. I think the new iphone messed up the headphone thing because if the phone doesnt come with the headphones then the person would have to pay $130 to get some headphones that are for the new 7.

  90. There are many disadvantages for the iPhone 7. I don't think apple is doing well with improving their phones. They removed the headphone jack and it is very inconvenient. You have to use an adapter to listen to music through wired headphones.

  91. The advantages for the new iphone 7 in y opinion are that it is water provethey have added new colors.The disadvantages in my opinion is that they come with blutooth headephones that are very small which in my opinion will most likley be hard to keep up with.

  92. The advantages for the new iphone 7 in y opinion are that it is water provethey have added new colors.The disadvantages in my opinion is that they come with blutooth headephones that are very small which in my opinion will most likley be hard to keep up with.

  93. The Iphone 7 is probably the best phone apple made but at the same time i think it not

  94. The advantages is its a better camera and it has a new color which is all back. also they say the phone is water proof and the battery life is supposely 2x better The disadvantages is the head phone port thing. They have mad a whole adapter which has like 3 pieces to it just to use plug in head phones.You can also never use a aux cord.The head phones thats made for it you have to buy them seperatly and they cost like about 150 and doesnt come out until october.

  95. The iPhone 7 is going to be water resistant and they're coming out with a new home button. But the missing headphone jack may turn some people off.

  96. one advantage is water resistance and the disadvantage is the headphones,charger no group facetime

  97. i think that the headphones are stupid. i like that the plus has two back cameras though. hopefully the battery is better and storage too.

  98. I think the new iphone messed up the headphone thing because if the phone doesnt come with the headphones then the person would have to pay $130 to get some headphones that are for the new 7.

  99. I think the new iphone messed up the headphone thing because if the phone doesnt come with the headphones then the person would have to pay $130 to get some headphones that are for the new 7.

  100. It sucks because they got rid of the aux cord and its the same thing.
